PAGE FSUL REDS Tran Ling the Tailor Phone 619 i j ! Ctothes Cleaning Price List like this is worth in mind! Ladies' or Gentlemen's Suits steam pressed 7." Overcoats 75 f Trousers 3" Skirts Boys' Suits 50c1 SUITS, Dry Cleaned and steam pressed .... $2.00 Overcoats $2.00 Trousers Toe Skirts 7of Boys' Suits $1.00 Also Ladies' Fancy work at reasonable rates- We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. Our Special Low Price on j New Suits Made-to-measure still Continues LADIES' DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnitum Moving. IVaWJ sssw rBiiattr CATARRH el the BLADDER SlftSscOMhl be .i- Mini t&2s ftrnire''XHinUrfrtU LADIES' VORK AT THE FAIR Nl'MllER OF SPECUL PHIZES OF- rr.Rti ijy msixEss tikmh in Till' SECTION A number of apart! priaai have bean offered tor ladles' wort at the fair aa follows: To tba winner of the greatest num ber of nm prlaea In thla section The Fuller Brvuta Oo. offers a Fuller Dry Mop. For the beat piece of work In thla section Beatty Bros. Ltd. Edmonton. Alberta, off eta t Square rlaaa Tuba. For Omterptaoa. 37 Inches or over. (Uk embroidery, colored. Mrs. J. Field. Prince Rupert, offers S3 00 in trade Fair, of Ptltowetfps in white em broid ery TheDaUer Stare (Mlaa E. M Earl) Prince Rupert. B. C. offers a Stamps Eedapread. McRee Bros. Prince Rupert, offer a Caah Prise of MOO for First prise audi 13.00 for second prise for the Beat! Dennlaon Paper Bope Weaving Specimen, must have been made In PrHaee Rupert. McRae Bros Prince Rupert, offer Cash PrlM of W.00 for first prise and 12.00 tar aeoond prise for the Beat Crystalline Lamp Shade, which most hare been made In' Prince Rupert. K. S. Wallace Oo. Ltd.. Prince Ru pert, offer a Palntex Olft Set for the beet collection of article esecuted la Palntex or liquid Painted Embroidery. Goode to be purchased from H. S. Wat- lace Oo. Ltd.. and bills attached to exhibits. The above prlaaa. i togethtr wKh othera offered in the prtae book for 1938, ahould be an inducement for exhibitors to enter. SAVAGE BULL "GORED HINDU LAOKER. Sept. 4 Wazlda. a Hindu. employed by Smith Wright, a Delta fanner, was crushed to death by a bull while grossing a field. The body was found almost naked, mangled and crushed while the ground for an aeva waa torn up and shreds of mothlng and pocket contents were icettcred about. The man's head was crushed a every rib. bcth collar -tones and both shoulders were broken. AMUSEMENTS UP RECORD PRICES NEW YORK. Bept 4 -Feverish buy ing of amusement shares shot Claaa A stock of Warner Bros picture us te) 120 50 a thAfe yesterday , aAd common stock un, ,80 xo pesk prices of 1118 land 1116.50 Respectively Paramount, Hani ous. Laaky and Fox film . were late lifted to new heights SECRETARY OF STATE SENTENCED TO JAIL ALBANY. N. Y . Sept. 4. Mrs. Flor ence Knapp. former secretary of state of New York, convicted of grand larceny In connection with her administration of the state census funds, was sentenced to serre 30 days In Albany county penitentiary. WEATHER FOR AUGUST GOOD AIHMl.lXT M'XMIINE AMI I.MS HUN THAN IftAL IlECOKDEII lirillXO PAST MONTH j With abundant sunshine and leas tain than usual. August weather In j Prince Rupert was very pleasant There were 122.S hours of bright sunshine1 during the month aa compared wtth 171.7 hours in August 1917 while pre- clpttsUaa wstaUad 3JT UMhaa as agalnat 4.09 lncbee In the same month last year. Following are deteile of the August weather report aa Issued by H. D. Tee. Dig by Island. Dominion meteorologist: Hlffceet barometer reading. MJS on August 39. Lowest barometer reading M on Augnet . Mailimim temperature, 7 en Aug-uat SI. Minimum temperature. t on August H. Man tsmpeiature. 54uS. Total praeipltatlen. Sil inches. Ores lest prselpttatsM la one day. IM inches on August 9. Total sunshine. t2i hours. Total wind allaaae. 1JM. Mean wind reieerty tor month. 1 Oiealtet wind rilocltg. M aaUas per hour from southeast on August S. LORD LOYAT VISITING PEACE RIVER COUNTRY KDMO.VTON. Sept. 4 Lord Loral. British Parllsmentsry Under Secretary of state for the Dominions and chair-.uat) of the British oeeraeae sett lea ant committee, left last night for the country. PULN'CE HUPEItT TIDES tf I 4 MEIlNEllVV, SFPf. 3 High 4J4 am. 1SJ ft. n pja. 20 4 - Low 1M4 an S.I " nU pm. 4.7 " Tin nmiAH Sept. High jn auat. HM ft. XtM PML . tt.4 - Law 11.44 ajn. fa " awa-aa, sept. 7 High 1J4 ajn. IS S ft. lt.ll pjn. It - Low OJt ajh. SJ " It pas. it " m.ti:kiiy, seit. s High 8 aj. IS 8 ft MM pja. U.7 - Low 2 M ajn. , SJ " pm. 100 " ii ., IN THE MATTER of a appMeatase for the issue ox a uupiicate certuieste of Title fa Let nlaetees hundred sad eighty-three (I9S9). Rant live Id). Coast Dtstrtet. Satlsfsetory proof of the loss of tbs Certifies te of Title covering the above landa bavins been produced to me, R is my Intention to lane, after the ec-ptratton of one monta from the first publication hereof, a Duplicate Oertlfl-oate of Title to the above land la the name of Joel Plllabury. The original Certificate of Title Is dated the 7th September. 1910. and la numbered SMB. Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B C. 33rd July. 1928. H. F. MacLEOD, UgiatahwslBlaat l V anted For Sale For Rent "NAVIGABLE WATERS TKCTION ACT." IL S. C. In Range 4. Coast District eurdiac rAstrlst of prtnoe Rupert. Porter Main alining company Limited hereby gives notice that It has. under Section 7 of the said Act. deposited with the Minister of Public Works t Ottwa, and in the office of the District i RsglMrar sf the Land Registration District at Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert. ' B C . a description of the site and the ' plans oi toe wharf and dolphins, pro- I poaea to Be sunt on the foreshore near the mouth of the Uarmot R1tt, Portland Canal. in front of Lot Number Pour Hundred 8uty-seen (47, Oasslsr restrict. British Columbia; AND TAKE NOTICE that after the e-piration of one (I) month from the date of the-luet publlaaMon of this Notice. Porter Idaho Mining Company Limited wtu. under Section 7 of the : aid At. aapry tobe Minister of Public Wars, at lis oMMe In the City j Ottawa., for approval of the said site and plana and and for leave to construct ' the said wharf and dolphins. I situate about S mites tram the mouth Of the KhutSR River. I TAKE NOTKC THAT Frsdwrtck Pardoe Wilson Civil Bdralaslon of Twccuar. B.C. Mbcrlbed l of the Khutaa I putwhsiir .. occupa' to apply the Tallov NOTICE OP INTENTION' TO TO I'L-hfllfE LAND tlon for allowing lof at nost Man ted tM northeast oorner of Lot 847; abenoe wast 10 chains; thense north SO chains: thence eat sa ehauts: Utenoe south SO chains, and ettPta intng its acres, mors or less PttEDSRIICK PARDOE WILSON. Applicant. Dated August So, lt8. SS6 laAXD ACT APPLY In Range 4. Ooast District. Land Recording District of Prlne Rupert, and attuate about 4 miles from the mouth TAKE NOTICC THAT Alexander Stuart Maeeullreh of TsSoouvsr, B.C.. occupation Br er, Intiwdi t anpti far per-mlaslon to miscbaM the fallow Uu de- , scrioed !Tida: I Osanar- 'eias at a post planted near the sou' west, earnet f Lot 304; tbenee west 30 chslnt; the nee south 4 ohalns; Kbsnoe efit to ohalns; tHanc4 north 44 I chains 1 taming weat so chauwi and seres, more Or lie. ALEXANDER STUART MAOCOUiOCH. Applloant. Dated Augtnt 34. 1M8. M niinopRACTir nu. h. r.. r.voiraos CMroprartnf Bgs Thi'il Artnue. J Tetephune fc. aptjotntment now to Blue H Real aencs phone Black 351. Acute and Chronic Disorders success fully Ueated Established IPJt. . : I i i . , . I BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManT" HI ::Trrl I HIT M 1H I ? II rm UA r-W FUKN1TUHE AND PIANO , MO VlJjd We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Oar price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 204. Night Phone: Red 317. ssVJB aW I SI SB BsWAW mmW ' . ... I I I I -ATI' ' A -J Vawai I II I saw I 1 SWS IB II 7 f U I 1 mrntm S I 111 I I I I I A( A tAMpiiil. --t V w e im a, iMi r.. .,. i ' Cmi biiM iiku mkowJ i PM OP-BILL- u QAlGHTEP K ' Oot &aVeM Pnft J ssr'ffV T vvcnu r rv-o g uut's COT X - IS v J . y,uc., J Xi7?tV5 ( ifiwHVA plaoyin ought to land him im B much mosey n,;r j! j ' fr ' ' DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. f 2c per word in advance. No Advertuement taken fo lea than 50c THEATRE tor sals. WANTED WANTIDMAN TO DRIVE wagon. Valentin Dairy. Dated at Vancouver. British Columbia j MAMtKD COUPLE tcus jwtn aay at wtuy, mm. POftTER IDAHO MtNUH) COMPANY LUtTTZD LAND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LE.E LANK In Smltben Land Asocrdusg awl attuate adjoining Lot SIM Dtatrktt atae of Sheens River. TAKE NOTICE that Christina OorVef. of Pacific. B O . married woman. Intend to apply lor a tease of the following de-earthed land; Oommei.c'ig at a post planted at the outneast cornei c Lot 51S0. sUnge s. Coast District: tnenc north 8 enalna. thenc east lb chains; thence south M chains: thence west 20 chains, and eon-tatnint 14W acres more or less. CHRISTINA COfiLBY. ApsUeant. Dated May M 1M INI) ACT NOTICE or INTENTION TO AtTL TO ITKCII.E L-tNO YOU SALE CHAIRS AND Brother Moody YOU RENT PIXTORM aio FOR SALS AXMUssTTER RUO. 4H: child's crib- Bed couch. 7 y! Red SSI. no FOR BAUt- Buffet, three wicker ohatra. McClary range, chlnawars, kitchen utenaiu. Phono Oreen 44S. Mi FOR BALX QRAMAPHORB. radio, lour tubs lager Sawing Machine. WROORPS. Ctresn S10 FOR SA1 B OAOAT VIOLA 1) 8Sk7; In Ford marine Apply F. tf OLD NEWSPAPRRS MAY BE OS4 IN-stead of building paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Oft speeisl prise on large quantities. Daily News. X FOR SALE LAUNCH OWEN, 1-OUR Horsepower Rssthope engine. all complete and In good running eon-altlon. Apply Pullen. Dally News, tf FOR SALE 4UTVRN ROOMED MODERN houae with fireplaces Only ten mln- utes walk from Post Office. M.flOO. ! awsy terms Fhone Black 3S1 or call anytime after one o'clock at 244 Fifth Avenue West, corner Emerson 211 OR SENT, CLAPPER TON HOUSE, Ninth Avenue Bast Rent reasonable. Apply city Treaster. City Hall. tf OR RBtrT--PIANOS. PLAYCR-PU Phonographs and Sewing Maehli Walter s Music Store. ' FOR RENT PURNISHBD roomed apartment with bath, paid. Phone 847. FOUR Water tf rOR RENT. - TOUR ROOM APART- ment hot water heated. Apply Smith & XUllett, Ltd. tf FOR RENT- New seven -room heated modem house. Full basement Close If Phone Red T90 t( FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms by the day.week. or month Phone Red 807. u Was 4 Article Lost and ound.&c SALVACG AND TOUTNG milk ; Prince Ilupert Salvage & Towing i Co. Ltd. " , IKS IIIHOIIVS IV (Its nit I To niwiiu-Hluui UISU0 TO BWIAH AfSllU for "t'"urai aeoooa Avenue, mm East hope Engl oas. Ooolldse PropeOeta. wuj Tuaiube Oil MAID WANTED POB OENERAL llaU at all sXerlpllan far Charter Houaework. Phone lWd 247 U tf Salt Lakee Parry aervlee wee4 days om AITTO TUtsWi RS7AMXD QUICKLY , the BOUIS 1 pJB till pel and cheaply. Mew Drocesa. Sw J. and Holidays. II ajn till 8 sjb . narwn. ai WILL THE PERSON WHO TOOK THE man's hat by mistake frost) the Moose Hall Monday night, please re turn It to the Orotto Cigar PERSONAL ORaVriNO CARDS Agents wanted to take orders for the finest line ever shown in Oansda Regal Art Company. Manufactures. S10 Spadlna. Toronto. REQUIRE posi tion. Hotel or boarding houae: ton years experience. Capable of taking full charge. First class references P. W. D. Oeneral delivery. Stewart. B. C. tig te. Furniture Ptone 778. AUCTIONBSItS. 1 .?yjITI!KE ANDJt AX0ES i OOOD ASSORTMENT Of UJeOLsOll and Unotem rugs, mlard Irnoteitai and Barry-mora Carpesta. atao Sim- j man's Bads and Bedding incrudlas uw usiermoor Mattress. A PRINCE Rt'PKRT AfftTlOV MART redrral IVbwb Furniture of alt kinds .bought, sstd or escheated. Orsttng and paektag done. Ooodt sold m CeajuntaaaM . G. J. DAWES. Atleneer. Hlsek It TUITION A. r. IViU.l.lM rUMnht M Hrlhlme Theatre r.tLL riaM tor violin ti itiov studio, IIS Fourth Avanu Fwplls now being eaMDed DANCING Blue 49 MIM MVI'.tNlVV UMPlir.lL Taarher ef Ctfaa Danrlng Operatic. Toe Dancing. Oreclan, Rue- slsn. Egyptian, etc. Aim Physical Culture r. O. Ib 4g. phane lUstk 813 STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS l'r Vanronter Monday as. prince George .... 4 pm. Tuesday si Calais 5 pm Thursday sa. Prince Charles . . 4 p m. Friday aa Prtncess Royal ,...1Q pm. Saturday sa Cerdena 7 sa. Saturday- -s. Prince Rupert . . 6 pm. ewpt. i-ea rrinceee Louise pjn. Bept a aa Princess Charlotte .. pjn. Sept. IS aa Princess Louise ....pjn. Sept. 38 as Princess Louise ..pjn. Sept. 8 as Prince John am. I rom Vanroiitrr Sunday es. Oetala 4 pjn Monday as. Prince Charles It SO ajn. Wednesday sa. Pr. Oeoffe 1040 am Fnsar .as. Cards na ajn. Friday sa. Prince Rupert 10.30 ajn. Friday im.' Prlheesa Royal . . 4 ptn. :-r Nerth (uren Charlottes- Mandaye as Prince c it:.ej ij, "rom North (Jueen lhli.!tes- Thurauay -aa Priij '.-h.r :-tt Kar Sewlh queen t'hjrittr Depteesber i i'- j -Item Swth (Jaeen I h.irliii- Seytslber y s P- r- ; - u l'r AlsW Wednesday' Pr'r n-ABf . tl- -Princeu rii Sept 8 aa Pt.ik-SM. 1 as Pr.i.rn.- :. , Sept S as Pr.:. lan VUks MoBday aa. Print f Sept. 1 aa Pr.nce : Sept. S aa Prinre. wssjt. IS as Pruvce' Sept. BS sa Prinfe-r MAIL SCHEDULE f ar the Had Monday. Wednesd) closes !lrm the Est Wednedsv WettSesdayt rrSMfs Hturdays r. B Aus SI Sri- H Efwtr lO-MxPrtnew-Jehirt w iw lif M i ijrsaiLei at di.uMl sept. o sa Prlnreea Louise ajn for I'nrt Xlmrwon and Naaa Hirer Sunday-sa. Catala 8 pm Friday as Cardena ij I'ruin Port Slinpmin anil N'aas Hirer Tuesday aa. Csttls 11.30 ajn. Saturday aa Cardena 6 jn. Iir Anyox anil Ktewart Sunday aa. Oatsja 8 pm Msndsy a. Prince Charles .. 4 pjn. Friday aa. Prince ltupert .... 4 pjn. from Any ot and Stewart Tue.rlav m Caul II :30 a m Thursday at. Prince Charles 10.30 ajn. Saturday a. Prince Rupert .. S p.m. Ts Vaaeuuter- undsfi Mondays Tweetay Thursdays Baturwsys Serrrdaya C P R T-ePl 1 treen Vsneeuvtr Stswjaasf it it ir in sal I f- us )ll tmmwwmi' nr Houth Ijiieen Charlotte- Sept. 10. , Irmu Honth (Jueen Charlitte- LETTER BOX VOU-tXlW Orapam & AUln Arc let Ave. St 8th St oth Ave. it Fulton fl-8th Ave At Thompson St llth Ave A SherbrooK Uth Ave. Si Conrsd 8th -Are. Sc Maya cove Ave eth-Ave. i Hayi Cc f .rna 8th Ave. Si Cotton St OTP. Wharf O.T.P. Station M 2nd Ave. & 2nd St . . Srd Ave. Fulton St rl A Jtt Uth St 8undaya-OM ooHaetion ii a 4 :t as iul 4M :o;- a IIMU a tn JO H lr AhjtaM and Ktesart SMSjsatl asall doss) ' M Mooaaya FrUlays rtom Anyot and Stewart- in SX .010-Thnrssys atstaya r Na niter rhii Friday Krert Vwss Blrer Petal mail a Saturdays r Alsa Point Aug Pi, Sept. 8. is -"9 Iritw Mska Point Sept. i 6. It and 21 To Nerth queen Chariot rrem Nerth Qseen Chrl" , io in '1 M 1 - s I X H ,10 ' ,15 1 , ' ; loo ' fi u la I ,55 j 10 00 "j IU V . . io io "fl I ,0.1 .a l pm eolleettrn. C.N.R. TRAINS lor the Eat . , ,, w Dally etcept Sunday ' I'roin tils Essl l' .top ' Tuesday at Dally eicept a" I