rvdnesday, September 5, 1928 rs " 1 i 1 so uiipaixkmable so east) to hmmh What quality is so attractive as personal charm .... and what social fault so obnoxious as perspiration odour. Every person perspires, of course. It's natural, it's healthful. Physicians say the perspiration of thp average person measures between one and two pints daily. Nature takes this way of ridding the body of impurities through the millions of tiny pores of the skin. But perspiration need not be objectionable. Lifebuoy Soap, used in the bath, banishes the odour. Lifebuoy',? creamy, mild lthr not only cleanses, bu also purifiei the pores anti- septically and keeps niiiiiimi iwtut i iitt F To Keep Well Drink plenty of water, perspire freely and banish S perspiration odour r . , r Wlin L.wcuuuy Soap. them sweet, open and breathing. LIFEBUO Health Soap Purifies andProlccts Lever Brothers Limited Toronto Make sure of avoiding the needless social error of perspiration odour. Use Lifebuoy Soap, for hands, face and bath. Low in price wonderful in results. vim. FKEE VOTING COUPON Good for 15 Votes In the Daily News "Everybody Wit" Grand Prise CapalK I hereby cast 15 FREE VOTES to the credit of Miss, Mr. or Mrs Address This coupon. NEATLY CLIPPED OUT, name and address of the candidate Hied in, and mailed or delivered to the Campaign Department of the Prince Rupert Dally News, will couni m 15 FHEE VOTES. It does not cost anything to cast theae coupons for your favorite cundidate, and you are not restricted in any sense in voting them. Get all you can and send them in they all count. Do not roll or fold; deliver in flat package. NOTE This coupon must be voted on or before the closing hour of the campaign on September M. 1928. EVERY POLICY with The Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Gives you PROTECTION AND INVESTMENT A-uruncc in for 11,500.000.000 A.-,t.s $ 400,000,000 For particulars, call 045 or 180 S. J. JAHOUK, Northern II. C. Kepresentativc THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Miss Irene McAfee arrived from Vancouver on the Prince George this Local and Personal morning. Grocer Your Chas. Balagr.o's classes In music will Recommends re-open for the season at the beginning 4 a Taxi I'liune 4. illj 4 Taxi. t: of next week, It Dentin. Dr. J. K. Ooue Foods 68' A delightful cruise per as Princess Royal Friday, September 7 at Chiropractor. C. O. McKay. Phcne 134 8 pjn.. fare tUS. 20 . . ti J, H. Hockln returned to the elf Rv. 8. B. Warren of Hyder was a on the Prince George this mornln? passenger abard the Ceiala yestcrda; from a brief business trip to Ocean afternoon going through to Seattle. Falls. Account for the two weeks end lug August 30 totalling S3.036 were passed for payment by the city oounci. '.aht evening. W. J. Jancowskl. well known Stewar mining man, was a passertfer abaar: ;he Oatala ysstcrday afternoon bound lor Vanrfluver. City Treasurer D. J. Matneson sail-this afternoon on the Prlnoass Char lotte for Vancouver en route to Trail where he will represent this city at the convention of the Union of B. c Municipalities. A recommendation from the finance committee that $40, representing un used registration fees on property pur chased at tax; sale, be refunded to O. C. Walker was accepted by (he city council last night. An Illustrated lecture on The Yukon y Bishop Stringer wUl be given under the ausplcaa of the Anglican W. A. in the Cathedral Hall, Wednesday September at JO pjn. Stiver collection 307 Mr. and Mr. J. W. Crawford and daughters, Muriel and Helen were pae- aboaad tile Catala yesterday af-bound far" Vancouver. Mis. Grawtord and daughter will take up winter residence la ttat south. A request from Mia A. M. Bar beau for permission to erect a sign over the sidewalk in front of bar premises in the leaner .Block was referred to the Board of works with power to act by the city oouncU last night. Only oae gallon of oil a day i used during the month of August in tear City Hall heating plant according to report of John Walker Xzley. janl tor, presented to the etty oooneil last nsght. The dally cost was thus 6 c W. A. OsweHI. Inspector of the pro vincial Ore marshal department, was a pssssngei aboard the Catala yesterday aatwnouu going through to Vancouver adsr trip to Asryce on otrMal duties of the Wast. m. Rev. Isaac C. Stringer, Bishop of the Taboo and Bt. Bev. Percy T Howe. Bishop of Alaska, arrived la the; city on Use Princess Charlotte this afternoon from the north. Both will perticrpa In the consecration Sunday of Van. Archdeacon O. a. Bis of fialartnriia Alee MeBae Co. Ud. was S17AJA era awarded ttw contract by the city oouaon last night tor the printing of two collector' and two seement rolls, motion to thu effect tolas made by Aid. Dtbb Brown, am. Cowan it Latta tendsred SIM on the work. A iwsommeiidatlon from the finance committee that as offer of SSS from Albert Wbodhoue for the purchase of tax sale tat 14. block 7. section 7. bt accepted was adopted by the city ooun cil last night. Aid. Ooilart mentioned hat the offer exceeded the charge against the lot which Is on Baal Oove Circle. AM. Tinker viggestcd at last najnt't council meeting that steps be wun a view to naving removed a dilapitated bulldtng at the corner oi Third Avenue end Cow Bay road, the place being described as a menace to traffic aa well as being unsanitary Ths city engineer was Instructed so look into the matter. A resolution from the Bsqulmelt municipal council requesting an mendment to the Municipal Act where by the taxing of Improvement of oil tanks, now exempt, will bt permitted was endorsed by the city council last night. Th amendment at present will not affect thla city, improvements not being levied upon here. The matter being brought up by Aid. Rudderham. chairman of th read ing room committee, the city council last night authorised the making of certain minor repair to the reading room premises a well a the ordering cf two ton of coal which It was estimated wduW be all that would be needed until the end of the year. XOTK'B All accounts against the Canadian Steam Laundry up fa and Including August 31. 193S should be presented at one for payment. Also all account due the above firm must be settled on or before September 15, 1BS8 to avoid collection charges. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. IT Per A, MacDonald 4. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS 4eeeeeee t Moose Baaaar, November 8. 0. 33. Anglican Cathedral Baaaar Novrm) Elk Wlntrr Whist Tournament Octobrr 1. FOR a lasting, brilliant polish ---that preserves your shoes and keeps them free from cracks use Shoe Polish There a Sugget thnde for every thoe made t Catholic Bazaar October 24 and 23. Oeorge A. Ftaeer, Stewart druggist arrived In the ctty on the Catala yes-erday afternoon. Have you made your reservations yet tetter do It now at the C.P.R. office, for that evening cruise on Friday. Sept. 7. 208. Mlaa E. M. Pserce of Port Simpson was a passenger aboard the Oatala yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver. 9. W. Olmbie of the looal customs itAff returned to the. city on the Catala yesterday from trip to Stewart on official baste res. A fine new operettas (house and office, with BKXlem' appoctmetit la included in the eaiaostve Improvements hat are now la progress at Digby Is- and wireless station. F J Mrs. (Dr.) J. W. Lang or Anyox er--lved in the city yesteMay afternoon oa the OaUla from the smelter town aad proceeded by this aomlnf train tar a trip to MonareaL sr. mm me. w. fiw ttioic, inn vewn ironing w pees several L 'f ni in vicuna on account or Mrs. Ritchie's health, returned to the -' m the Prtnoe Oeorge this morning. CN R. steamer Prince John. Cept. E. Mabbs. due today from Vancouver via Use south ead of the Queen Charlotte si and, is delayed and 'will not arrive ere until Friday. The vessel will sail 'cm here for Vancouver direct. Srik Bye, Norwegian tenor from Oslo, who haa bean giving recitals here nd in Alaska, arrived from Juneau on 'be Princess Charlotte this afternoon -nd will sail tomorrow afternoon on too Prince Oharlea for Vancouver, ac companied by Mr. Bye. Mr. H. L. Henderson; formerly of tie city and now redding at Sooke. Vanoouver Island, arrived from the wuth on th Prince Oeorge thla mora- tn wilt h .k. mm. AW. -ouver. Powal River sod Ocean Fall and will sail at 4 thla aHernoon for At the siiggeitinn of AM. Prudbooune. Use city council last night deoMed to instruct the etty engineer to desist from Urvu work on the streets in the mains sectton of ths etty during j ratr Week. The view was taken that carried out on more outlying streets during the Pair. Ttfc. KMiMASA . AA v -i C.N. ss. freighter Canadian Observer. Capt. McKay, Is due In port tomorrow oi Friday with a cargo of coal for the dry dock. Fred Orchard, son of Mr. and Mrs Wallace C. Orchard of this city, wa? an arrival from Vancouver on th Prince Oeorge this morning. Miss Lorna Tite, who haa been on r holiday trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prlno" Oeorge this morning. Thomas MeMeekln, who has been making the Triangle Trip to Japser Park and Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Oeorge this morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McPhorson. who have been on a trip to Ontario, re turned to the ctty on the Prince Oeorge this morning, travelling west by wsy of Vsncouver. Miss Agnes McQuillan of the Post Office staff, who has beea spending a holiday in Vancouver aad Victoria, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Oeorge this morning. City Solicitor E. F. Jones, who has been on a month's holiday trip to St. John, few Brunswick, aad other parts of the Maritime Province, returned to the dty on the Prince Oeorge this morning. For common assault upon Tommy Clulf. bartender at the Prince Rupert Hotel, Oeorge Batnes wae fined 410, with the option of seven days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate llcClymont In the dty police court thla morning. Miss M. B. Henderson. MA., of King Edward High School teaching staff, who has been spending the sum mer vacation In the south, returned to the dty from Vancouver on the Prince Oeorge ttato morning. Completing her third trip to the Hecate Straits ground. Canadian Fish and Cold Stone Oo.'s steam trawler O. E. Foster. Capt. Sanderson, arrived In port Mondsy night with a catch of 81.000 pounds of flatfish. The vessel was out five dsy snd strong tides pre vented successful fishing. She will go out again tomorrow morning. PEACHES For Preserving are now at their best, and prices in the south are already advancing. We advise our customers to buy now. Shipments arriving Wednesday and Friday. Golden Bantam Corn, arriving tow weeks of Mies L. M. BUett. 1606 wf rriuay hsham Avenue. dos Kit fit following donations were made "o th Labor Day Celebration la ad- 'itioa to the donations already publish Hothouse Tomatoes arriving Wed nesday and Saturday, per baa kt O. Buahbv. S10.S0: Oee J Prmavll II cm "eal onaRvr oaii, i snaKers -.H' va'ue and M value for Uoasae Bakery, Prince Upert Bakery and Electric C.K.B. steamer Prince Oeorge. Cant. Harry Medden. making the lest Skag- ay sailing of the season for Canadian National Coast Steamships, arrived in crt at 11 JO this morning frecn Van. Shelled Walnut, halves, per lb. trAK.Wi 'Vegetables, in to Port' 'sLnsfth vesterd'aV 1 ft 'M 1 In 1 PAIN in BLADDER,, lie sure to get the Ornulne Look for tiirword "MID V Kit (Lay in a supply at this price) Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate, 3 lb. tin, per tin S1.."0 liest Japan Rice, 3 lbs "."if Nabob Orange Marmalade, 4 lb. tins, per tin (lf Mrs. Haine's Orange Marmalade, 1 lb. glass jars, per jar ... . ".- CANDY SI'KCIAL "Our Own" Mixture, consisting of Caramels, Assorted. Cum Drops and Jelly Beans, rer lb 2."r t would not inconvenience traffic nrooms. each .IS. envueiy u sarvia opersnons were, n,V. nI.V tflU,l n. pkg JtOf- Old English Floor Wax, per tin "" J"" V...U Cl. V.. .41. H-A u with It amnmr NtoIaii nM i un ier wure i.iv manager of th Vancouver Dry Dock & Dollar Sodas, in wooden boxes, Salve Co.. on. hoard, called here yes-', per box (I5f torday being en route to Stewsrt where Spices, all kinds, 2 tins .... '-"( Mr. Burdlek Will ir pay a VUlt of In-. in-, Above Alinvo nrtra prices, excel sTK.nl nn Vrh effect effect Thursday, only the rire fighting there, u being piloted All Fresh Fruits and Vetre- n the trip north by Alex Saint form- tables in season. Highest qua! rrly cf this city. ity; best possible prices. Watts' Grocery hone 55 Phone 56 Pronipily Eaed by Snop Iere and gnvc Money SANTAL JUDY m Specials ! Specials ! Vacuum Battles 50c Hair Clippers 75c 3Iodcss 0c, 3 for $1.10 Face Powder 25c A fresh shipment PAGE & SHAW'S CHOCOLATES Just in Orisies IM. yfic Pioneer Druprisls THIRD AVE. fc-SIXTH ST. ' TELEPHONES 8?6200 DEMAND "Ruoert Brand" CWAQIANJ SllSV tkippers "THE DAINTIEST BitEAKFAST H)()l).' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & CoW Storage C. L. Print-e Rupert. B.C Ran ad ian National Q7ie Largeil Railway SyJlem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from I'RINCT. KITKRT tor VANCODVF.K. VITTOKIA. hKtTTl.t. MONDAYS, TIU'nSDAYS. 4.00 p.m.. .H ATI HI) YS. 8 DO pm. For ANYOX and STEWART, MONDAY. IKIDAYW, 4 00 pjn. For MASSETT IM.iiT. MONDAYS, 4.00 pm. For SOUTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE lL.NDS, Fortnightly. For SKAdWAY. WEDNESDAYS, 4.00 pm. PASSENflER TRAINS LE.1YE PRINCE Kt'l'ERT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at ll.J0a.1l. for ritlNCE (1KOHOE. EDMONTON, WINNITEO, all points Eaxteru Canada, I'nlted States. ailENCT ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. CITY TICKET OFFICE. SIS TIUUD Wt... PKINCE RUfEKT. rhoo to B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To KrUhlkan, Wrsngell, and Skagway Aujusl 3, 6, 10, IS, II, SO, 17, 31. To Yanceuvrr, Victoria and Scuttle August 1, 1, 8, II, 13, IS, Si, Si. PRINCESS ROYAL "ELKS' " MOONLH2HT CKU1SE Friday, Sept. 7, 8 p.m. W. V,. ORCHAKIi, Oeneral A(ent. Ciiiner. uf 1IU SUett and 3rd Aveoue, lrlnee Uiiiert, 11C Phone 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllnxs from Prince Kuert. lor VANCOlYf.lt VICTORIA. Swanon lUjf, liutrdale. Alert Hay, etc. TurMlav, 3 p.m. lor VANtOt tilt. VICTORIA, lluleilal. Alert llav. rlr.. SaturUsy, 1 a.m. lor PORT SIMPSON and NA AS RIVKIC POINTS, I'rliUy. lor ALICE AR.M. ANYOX, STEWART. WALEi ISLAND. PORT t'.lMPSON. Sunday, 8 p.m. US 2nd Avenue. B, M. SMITH. Agent. Prince Rupert. II.C. Tliruugh llrkets sold .o Victoria snd Seattle, and baggage checked thrmirh tn iltlnatlur Advertise in "The Daily News"