FACE SIX 11 1 it Ztf 001 Me$t.m cttor'v .0 s"1 20A25? Vlwicest Virginia City Meat Market Selvig Bros. Third Ave. Phone 7C5 KJOT F15K GRONSAKIt Alle sorter nork ost Nor&ke fiskekonserver Norske sukkerkavrlnger Norske hveteskonrokker Norske rugskonrokker Norske knekkebrod Norske flatbrod Mutter O.8.T. 1st ky. varer. Billige priser. Hurtlg ombrlngelse Dr. Alexander PHONE 573 1U.SNEII lll.OCK DENTIST C0AF Your choice EDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Rulklcy liny and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. Advertise to thi 'Dally New. in irii 1 ilB 41 Westholme Theatre Permission has been given to use the main floor of the theatre the balcony to be kept closed. The Theatre will, therefore, be open again tonight and THREE SHOWS will be given, starting at 6.00 p.m., 7.45 p.m,. & 9.30 p.m. with the following program: Painted Ponies nd.Tjvd'Cornedics "GEORGE'S SCHOOL DAZE" "IIARUM SCARUM" Admission 10c and 35c Telephone the office if your paper does not arrive NEW YORKy Sept. 3 Jack Soott rley that Cy Williams ii Foinon In his own buck yard and the tt.ave a lull garr.e off St. Louis' lead. share ufull gome off St. Louis' lead They took the ttrix of a doubleheader from PhUadeiphla and were leading seven to six when Scott entered the box to pitch the ninth Inning. He got rid of Thompson but Kllen singled and Leach popped out. It appeared that the game was over. Then enter r Williams. Jack sen one own Cy's alley and the old timer It ( ever ttr.e right field wall scoring lehlnd Klein and wui"i"g the game. TO RE-OPEK Permission having been granted by ttie provlnels fire marshal depart ment to use tbe downstair portion of Mhe house but not the balcony and gal lery. Col. 8. P. McMordle, manager of the Westholme Theatre, announces that the theatre wtU be reopened tonight under these conditions. Th pit of the house has accommodation for 37S per sons and. In Oj-der to take care of patronage. It has been decided to run three shows nightly commencing at 8 pro instead of two as has been the custom. Meantime, It Is expected that the management of the theatre will proceed In the near future with work that It has been ruled must be done before the whole house ean be used. This work will Include extensive alterations to tbe floor of the gallery as well as the putting In of two fire exits on either ride to the front of the bulldlng.Oar- rylng out of this work. It Is expected wUl not Interfere with tbe use of the pit of the theatre. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy of 3. D. ohnon do- Ltd.! Tbe following quotations were bid nd asked: Argenta Ruftts 36; 27. Bayvlew, 6: 7. B. C. Silver, 1.40; 1.60. Big Missouri. 47; 47ft . Cork Province. 29; X. DuBwetl. 16.' Oeorge Copper, 552; 6.0. Georgia River, 33'! Qoleonda, 01; 94, Oraodvicw, 39: MM independence 19; 11. Indian 6fc; 7. Keotnay Ftorenoe, Sltf; 214. L. St L. 10; 11. Lakenew. 1: 3 LeademlUi, 3. Lucky Jim 2644.:-26$. Marmot Metals. It: 19. Marmot River GeM, B: 0. Mobawk. 3: . National Silver 13 ft; 14. Noranda, 58.80. Pend Oreflle 14.10; 14.49. Porter Idaho. 70. Premier. 2.44; 3.48. Ruth hope. 56: 61. SUver Crtft 104. Silverado, 66; 7. ' Silversmith 7; 8. Sunlock. 22t; 2M. Snowflake, 41; 43. Terminus, It. Top)? Rkfld. 09 COM, Torle, 3.60: 3jOO. White Water, 201: 2.10. Woodbine, 10: 30. Devenlsh, 56. rabyon. 13; 14. Heme. 3.60. OILS Prank Vlckers was named by the city council last night to tske over the duties of city treasurer during the absence of D. J. Matheson who Is leaving today to attend the convention of tbe Union of B. C. Municipalities In Trail. PRESERVING PEACHES AND PEAKS are at the best now. Buy Them Early We believe this is the best time to get your requirements. Elbcrta Peaches, crate $1.10 Bartlett Pears, crate JJili.HO Italian Prunes crate We carry a full line of Scribblers,' 'pcnh'olclers, Pencils, Rulers, Set Squares, Paints, Exercise Books, Note Books. Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. LIMITED Real Money Savers ' 417-123 Fifth Avenue East Phones 18 and 81 PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES Per packet UOYAL CU0WN SOAP Per carton KARO SYRUP Per tin ... ORANGE MARMALADE ' . 4's, each ...... ' PEARS i-. Vt, per tin I i . . RAISINS, SEEDLESS Bulk, per lb. . FIELD TOMATOES 2 lbs. for CABBAGE Per lb. . , LIGHT FOWL Per lb Phone 45 THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, SeptemW iini in. i n simiii n i I TW DRAMATIC END Phone 547 Phone 45 TO BALL GAME rmi.,t!i:l.riii. CHANTS IX . SKTOMI Vov ix ninth !' IXH'IH-E from B.C. Butchers & Growers, Xtd. Preserving Peaches, Peart, Plum, at most attractive prices Everything in Green Vegetable fresh off each boat WATCH OUR WINDOWS IT PAYS B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOiME OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT LOCAL NEWS NOTES This afternoon's train, due from the Kst at 3.30. was reports this morning to be on time. Mr. and Mrs. Foster WUIan to tbe dtf on tbe Prince Oeorge tMs aiming from the south. Mike Bvssanleh returned on tb Prince Osorgs Una morning front Van couver where be has been tsking a hnrber's training course. Oeorte RJngstsd. manager of Port Mwrd Cannery, sails this afternoon the Princess Charlotte for his win- tor home In BeHlngham. Thomas W of Oasnmon St Watt tomorrow on the Pmlee Ohnrles Vancouver en route to OaUlngwood. Ontario, on a holiday visit. - Refular monthly session of Oounty Court for seating of eases, whieti was to have been beM yesterdsy. bss been pestposead until next Monday. Passengers sailing last evening on the Cntsia for Vancouver Included Joe Sunn. H. Jtcefes. B. Oaodet. C. Power. C. Porter'. S. I Mm and Mrs. Wray and two sons. Walter P. Laurie of Vancouver la in the city In onneotlon with the organ-kaation of an Eagles Lodge here. He Is Maornpanled on his trip north by Mrs. tnnrte. Mies E. J. Lynn of Vancouver, who has been rierUng at Anyox. arrived In the eitr from the smelter town on the Catala yesterday afternoon and entrained this morning for Jasper Park en route to Vancouver. Completing her last sailing of tbe teeson on the Skagway run, O.P.R. atearmer Princess Charlotte, Capt. C. O. Saintey. is due In port at 340 this afternoon from Skagway and will at 8 pxn. for Vancouver and Victoria. HALIBUT PRICES IN PRINCE RUPERT MUCH BETTER THAN SEATTLE Halibut arrivals and sales here this morning were as follows: American Brunvol. 33,000 pounds, Canadian Pish it Cold Storage Co., 14.5c and 7o. HI Olll. 10,000 pounds. Royal Fish Co., 14.6c and 8c. Lenore, 15000 pounds Pacific Fisheries 143c and 8c. Rambler 7,000 pounds, Booth Fisheries, 14.6c and 8c. Eastern Point, 8.000 pounds ..JCjCjUlp, Fisheries, 14.7c and 8o. Canadian M. M. Christopher, 11 lln Fisheries, U.Oc and Cape Spencer, 0,000 pounds, Canadian Fslh St Cold Storage Co., 12.4c and 7c. Prosperity A., 30,000 pounds, Atlln Fisheries, 12.4c and 7c, Joe Baker, 5.500 pounds, Royal Fish Co., 12.8c and 7e. White Lily, 3,000 pounds, Csnadlan Fish St Cold Storage Co., 12.7c and 7c. I1IUTIIS A daughter was born to Dr. and Mrs L W. KerjLn at the Print Rupert General Hospital this morning. 6pptm-ber , 1028. 24c 25c 45c 59c 25c 14c 15c 5c 38c D. lion Phone 574 S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East. Phone g Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Rate Repairs USED CARS We have several excellent" bargains In used C ars, Easy Terms If desired. PRINCE RUPERT SCHOOL OF MUSIC Director Profeiwor II. Aubrey Pryce ... Will resume teaching for Fall and Winter on TUESDAY, SEITEMBER 4 Lessons given In Violin. Piano, Mandolin, Banjo Classes for Orchestra Practices. Beginners, Tuesday A vanced, Fridays. All pupils successful at exarninaV'r -, For Terms, etr. Phone 674 NOW IS THE TIME TO PRE-SERVE YOUR i PEACHES i Peaches, 18 lb. box $1 )0 Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. . . 7.1f 20 It, for $1.43 80 lb. for &UM 100 lb, for .57.(10 Nabob Jam-Strawberry, 4 lb. tin .... 7." Raspberry, 4 lb. tin 70,f Cherry, 4 lb. tin 70? Peach, 4 lb. tin .Vr Apricots, 4 lb. tin 55c Red Plum, 4 lb. tin ...... 0? Evaporated Prunes, 30-40, lb. 15c Shelled Walnuts, halves, 2 lbs. 75f Aylmer Crushed' Pineapple, 2V4's, tin not N. & P. Scotch Malt Extract, 3 lb. tin 75 Clark's Boneless Pigs Fect We, tin S!0f Clark's Lunch Tongue, Vi's, tin Clark's Roast Mutton, l's, tin 10c Da.vieL Cambridge-Sausager-1 tin :ioc Goteborg Sausage, lb O0 Picnic Ham, lb IZif Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street Phone 208 DRY BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load flM Double Load $IM Urge Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Teerless Egg I12.W Pembina Washed Nuts JIU5 Alberta Sootless Largo Egg $1150 Alberta Sootless Egg f 12-00 Alberta Lump JU-00 Also all other classes of coal Hyde Transfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Are. "The Nobby" The Talr Board announcd ra stilt a f t w location.. it. inn fair mailable. Mi' are takes,