r- h Jay, September 5, 1923 PAGE FIVE For a cool refreshing meal CONSECRATION OFBISHOPRIX With sliced peaches or other fresh fruit, whole milk or cream and sugar -Try it for luncheon! TRtSCUXT'A whole -wheat wafer lor tea or lunch, VISITORS WELCOME TO ALL FACTORIES Arcadian Hose A New Shipment Just Arrived of this Popular Hose l !c expressly for ourselves, every pair guaranteed. Mail- from the finest pure thread silk, reinforced art silk, k fashioned double soles, toes and heels. Seamless, size 8V4 in. in shade of Blush, Oak Buff, Sand, Grain, French Nude, . r, Pearl Champagne, Black, Woodland Rose. QCT ) ..ir Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co, Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating li.T.P, 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Knplnevra, Machinists. Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. I'll ONES 43 and 385 "CATERPILLAR" Tractors ISIGGER TlLVN THE WEATHER! A SI for Every Use A Hundred Uses for Every Size 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY BUTTER QUICKER CHEAPER Literature and Prices on Request Sole Distributors for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LIMITED Nttflliern rarlfle Irrlgbt Itulldlng 9HI Hllllon Street V.iM'OlVKlt. U. I". .SS 111 -umt tetv , ITOMACN kxCMrru vaowcti VI NSioun Iff. "V " llmiM-h Olllre: IHperMtii llliM-k EI.MON, II.C. City Meat Market (SELVIG BROS.) 3rd Avenue Ihon 763 MEAT. FISH, VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and Immediate delivery Obsen! All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. HEALTH FOttOWS WlWMOICC0M(t$ MtJlUsl OS SPIMl "vow outAHiof thi rotiowmooiiawi 4A Hill GIVE THE LAD A CHANCE Does your boy's work at school compare favorably with his classmates? Can he learn 7 Many backward children owe their success to Chiropractic. Call or write for pamphlet. W. C. ASPINALL Chiropractor Green 211 Phones Black 283 6 and 7 Exchange Block. Open Evenings f'EHEMONV TO TAKK PLACE ON Sl'N- ii.w m:xt in mt. axiiuewh CATIIKDK.tL, Next Sunday will be great event In the history of the Anglican Church here. Bishops will be here from all the ccuntry around to take part In the conatcratlon or Blahop Rlx of the dlo-ceie of Caledonia. The ceremonial commences In the morning with Holy Communion at 8. the celebrant being Blahop Schofleld of Columbia assisted by Blhop Huston of Olymnla. At 10 morning prayer by Canon Ruth brook and Rev. T. D. Proctor will i be followed by the communion service at 11 the celebrant being the Archbishop of New Westminster assisted by the Bishop of Alaska, and former Blahop Walla of Bpckane. The sermon on this occasion will be preached by Blahop Stringer of the Yukon. The mw blahop H to be presented by the Bishop of Columbia and Yukon. C. V. Evttt reading the records of election and other document and taking the oath of obedience to the metropolitan. Utany will then be said by the Bishop of Otympla and offertory sentence by Rev. J. 8. Bray-flaw. In the afternoon Rev. J. B. Olbeon conducts a children's service at which one of the blshopa will apeak and In the evening the service win be taken by Rev. Oswald Hodgson and Rev. J. H. Kerr with the Blahop of Alaaka aa preacher. SAILORS FROM WARSHIP HIT ONE I) I Ell HtOM IN'Jl HIEH AMI OTIIKK BADLY IIIItT AT rowiniAN VICTORIA. Sept. 4. A sailor named BtchawU M thla morning. Another man of the aame name was seriously Injured a a reeuH of being struck by a motor ataee on Buena Vlata hill netr Cowtchan Bay Monday. Both were from H.M S. Despatch. The stage got out of control as it waa pasaing a crowd of sailors who were boarding busses and knocked the twomen against other vehicles. FIRE INSURANCE RATES WILL BE REDUCED HERE .Manager of Inderwrlters Hoard Pro-nihrv Early Cut In Premiums, Aid. Collart Informs Tounrll The report of the fire chief for the month of July, presented to the city council last night, ahowed that there had been six alarm during that month. toe only datrssga being 1141 when the halibut boat lues H. caught fire on the water front, this being covered by In nate. Expense of the fire depart'' mean far the month totalled ll.23e.Se. lMtadtng tlJlS.10 la salaries. The usual Irtf i f taon has been made and equipment waa reported to be In good AM. Prbdhentme remarked that the otty eouM onee more congratulate Itself on the small lees from fire bere. In view of this, oe Inquired If any prog ress had been made by the committee which had been delegated to make efforts with a view to bringing about reduction In ftre insurance rates AM. Collart replied that the man agar of the British Columbia Board of Underwriters had been here recently and had stated that a reduction In rales would soon be forthcoming In lYlnee Rupert. Meantime, engineers nasi besa making the necessary In spections and adjustments, all of which took time. Aid. Prudhomme expressed his satisfaction that action was being obtained. PREMIER VENEZELOS SUFFERING PLAGUE ATHENS. Sept 4 Premier Vene-iteloa la today suffering from Dengue Plague which haa killed 413 persons in Athena during the past month. The Premiers condition la not considered serious. Man in the Moon Success Is often achieved at great expense. Friendships often have to be discarded along the route. Wealth doubtless haa advantages but those riding In flivvers usually seem to have the most fun. A Winnipeg paper suggest that the the British Columbia premier haa In his cabinet a logger, a lawyer, a surveyor, a financier, a baker, a parson and. a contractor. And the Premier himself Is a 'farmer, a veterinary surgeon, a judge of livestock, a horse race starter, an organUer and a pretty good all round man. If the Liberals can beat that they're going some. At Simpson yesterday, lie said with a frown, Ilousea were burning up And burning down. WIN THE PRIZE OF YOUR CHOICE BY FRIDAY NIGHT lO.CO 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 V T Promptly at 9 o'clock Friday night, September 7, the last biff vote period ends forever. Then just one week remains until the big campaign will come to a final end. What you do by Friday night can mean one of the very biggest prizes to you. As you will notice by the smaller list of candidates many are falling by the wayside, and are dropping out of the race. Will you be one to drop out after having gone this far, or will you show your friends and the general public that you have the ability to stick to it and win? Your results by Friday night will determine the answer. DISTRICT NO. l District No. 1 includes only those participant residing within the city limits of Prince Rupert. One of the prize 'cars and as many cash awards as there are active participants will be awarded to candidates living In this district. The names sf those entered In District No. 1 up to the present time, together with all votes cast for publication up until yesterday noon, ate ac fellows: A. Dominate 3.791.136 Mrs. Wm. BUJMg 3,785,600 Was Alice Ms0r 3,77728 Miss Laura ndHfetU 3,709300 Mrs CI. CMlarU 3.783,775 MMrs. F. Wermt 3.7W.WS Mies Jean XI. Bailey 3.744.678 MUs Ermy ZareUl 3,644,950 Mrs. A. Masdenald 3.627325 Mis OoAnle Msrgan 3331.450 Miss Edna. Outer J.807.M8 Mrs. J. M. OoilMec . 5,434,776 Mrs. Hugh M. Smith 3.26733ft John R. 8tevR 78T.360 DISTRICT NO. 2 District No. 3 includes only tbcee participant residing outside the city limit of the Otty of Prince Rupert. One of the prise eats and as many esvih awards as there are active participants will be swarded to candid tea living In this district. The names of those entered In District No. 3, up to the present time, together x with all votes oast for publication up until yesterday aeon, are aa follows: Mrs Oeo. Dover, Terras 411360 Miss Cberrle OampfeeU, Stewart 430a,SM J E. Hildlteh. Haeelton 4JOT.47S A. E. "Pete" B irate. Smtthers. . 4.190.200 O. Clccoc. Port Clements 4J77.43S B. E. Eyolfson. Oslaad .... 1.819360 CAMPAIGN NOTES Any candidate can well afford to take a" vacation from all other work these last few days and devote every minute to bis or ber campaign. Here Is a proposition worthy of the joint effort of the entire family. It affords such an on usual opportunity that anyone Mewed with organising abUlty should not hesitate to orgs nn his or her friends for the last grand raUy the super-effort of all and thus put over a spectacular winning iinlah. A finish which will leave one standing out in front, the proud champion of champions as well as the winner of a new motor car and a substantial sum in cash. A most Interesting situation It revealed as a result of s castfil checking over of results. There are several candidates, in each district, who are closely bunched as far as winning both the biggest prteee and the district prizes are concerned. If the campaign bad ended last Friday night, there would have bees some candidates who would have lort a big prize by about half down subscriptions. The difference between the biggest prize and at second or third prtae is from 1700 to 11100 this difference, alone, represents a sum well worth every effort you cafn possibly make during the last few days of the campaign. Your efforts this week wUl bring many more votes than It will for vubscrtptloo turned In after next Friday night. A word to the wise kt sufficient. You can win by your effort this week. Over-confidence Is the- greatest handicap under which any candidate can labor Some candidates are letting down on their work the past few days, whereas if they get back in the harness again, they can win one of the biggest prizes. Otherwise they can hope for nothing more than a commission. The race is so clone that, an hours extra work, or a little better luck 'than usual, might give a candidate just the votes they need to make the difference for them between a ear and a cash prize or between a cash prite and a commission. A Uttle figuring will do more to show you the big advantage at securing subscriptions this period than whole column of type possibly could. For Instance a new 6-yesr subvalption by Friday night will count you 310,000 votes after Friday night you will astly receive 171,000 votes for the aame subscription. A S-year estensfcm on a first period new 1-year subscription will sount yen 496300 votes up until Friday night where after Friday night, the same subsertpttoB wwtM count only 100,000 votes. All other subscriptions decrease In about the ssrae proportion. Use your head. Use your pencil. Then get busy and win this week. THE COMPLETE PRIZE LIST Pontiac Six Sedan, value $1,200.00 Ford Tudor Sedan, value $8G0.00 One Cash Prize of $600.00, value $600.00 Two Cash Prises of $100.00 each, value $200.00 In addition to the above prizes a special .t fund of $1,500 Has been appropriated to b distributed to all active y-prire dinners on the basig of ten pir- cent of all money they turn in for subscriptions, value $1,500.00 Total Gift List, value $4,200.00 Phone 534 THE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS Campaign Department Open Daily 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Phone 534' With the all-important third period ending forever promptly at 9 O'clock next Friday night, It is Only natural to expect every candidate, who expects to win either one of the big prizes originally announced, or one of the two 1100 cash prizes in the new $200 competition, to do their very best during the short tune that remains. To make It easier on the campaign department to baatU the volume of subscription which are expected to come from the "live" candidates before this period ends, every candidate Is urged to make frequent reports to campaign headquarters. By doing this we will be able to give you more time than we wal If aB the candidates wait until the closing noun of this period to make their reports Out-pf-town candidates are urged to mail their subscriptions on each mail coming to Prince Rupert and not hold them until the end of the week. Na candidate wUl be permitted to enter The Dally Kw office after 9 O'clock Friday night, September 7, for the purpose of taratng in subscriptions to spply on the bag votes and point of the third period. All candidates la the office by that time, however, will be watted on and their subscription will eount on the present Wg vote and point schedules. ANY subscriptions mailed In ANY postoftlce ANYWHERE which am post-: marked not later than 13 pm. (midnight) Friday. September 7. wUl also eount on the big votes in effect until Friday night only, providing they reach this office, not later than Saturday evening. September 8. Campaign WdQVert' tsjsflj) on the second floor of The News BatMtng. 34g; Third Avenue, are open each day frotnj 9 us. uatn 8 pa. (next Friday night until 9 pm.) HOW SUBSCRIPTIONS COUNT IN POINTS From Saturday, Sept 1, up to and Including Friday, Sept 7, the following number of points will be issued on subscriptions: 1 year .... C points 2 years . . .' 12 points 3 years ... 18 points 4 years ...24 points 5 years ... SO points G years ... S6 points The above schedule shows "HOW SUBSCRIPTIONS COUNT IN. POINTS" in tho new campaign for the $200 COMPETITION New, arrearage, renewal or second payment subscriptions each eount the tame niunbsr of points in the new campaign known as the $200 -rmm.oN. candidate in the $4,008 Friee Cam paign now has the opportunity of entering the $200 COMPETITION, and any subscriptions they secure and turn in now will count votes in the $4,000 prize campaign and points in the $200 Competition. VOTE COMPARISONS FIRST PERIOD Up to and including September 7, the following of votes will bo issued on subscriptions: Vote for Vote for No. Years. . . n ,2' 3 tttti 4 5 G By . By Renewal New Mail. Subscripts Subscripts. $. 3.00 ' 6.000 1G.O00 G.00 20,000 40.000 ' 9.00 45,000 75,000 12.00 100.000 140.000 15.00 1G0.000 210,000 18.00 250.000 310,000 FOURTH PERIOD New, renewal or second payment tubscrlptiorfis wHI all count the same number of votes during the last period. The last period terminating September 14, the following number of votes will be issued ofl subscriptions: No. Years. 1 4 .... 5 G By Carrier. . $ 5.00 . , lO.oo ; , 15.00 . . 20.00 . . 25.00 . . 30.00 . By Miff. ' 6,00 9.00 . . . '1 IfcOPO 30,000 12.00 00,000 15.00 100,000 18.00 175,000 HELP YOUR FAVORITE NOWj