PAOE'TWO i HARRY SMITH, StASSETT, OF Always Reliable GUILTY OF MUKDEK OF HIS Sold by all Grocers FATHER WHOM HE KILLED (continued (coin p one) Hi n-:it in r, tw. -n IV.,;, Hi The Daily News PRIN'CE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA bos Publltfaed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, .by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Ediior. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.H For tester period, paid in advance, (er month 50 By mall Id all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $3.00 Or four months for ' $1.00 By mail to all other part of British Colombia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year ... $6.00 By mail to all otber countries, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.e Local Readers, per insertion, per line 25 Clasaified Advertising, per insertion; per word ? Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 13 Contract Rates on Application Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAIIiY EDITION Wednesday, June 27. 192 THE HINCHILIFFE ADDRESS In a letter to the Daily News yesterday a correspondent shows decided lack of knowledge of parliamentary affairs in connection With the speech of Reverend Canon Hinchcliffe at the Moose Hall rerrtly. ti. . mi- '.'! ' am e who know the Canon at Victoria know that he is very politics. So much has this been in evidence that there wove from member of hi own party to prevent his nation and also it is pretty certain he will not be . 1- He is among the doomed. the tactics of petty member of the opposition j rnment with resolution and questions which - ' ! embaEBssiig'and which thtey can.Hise as poli' vr. mat is what the worthy Canon has been H is one of the snipers of the opposition, w ! : r H - has a settled policy and whenever poaxible H:: r :: type try to' head this off and make it ap- r i.l u .'n the movers in the matter. They rush for-have to be voted down in antler to clear the " .i t- So it is seen that Canon Hinchcliffe quoted olations and told of the manner in which Hon. Mr !'.: , ijes not need our defence. He can defend hira-H:- A twelve years on all questions such as those .:.-.! ... correspondent is plain pd clear. He does not o the electors telling them kow he loves the work-:: ; r.ow he has tried to do thing" when all the time it is ; rty that is doing it. He does hot have to go bade r to quote cases where.the workers have been befriended, nere know what the government of which he is a member Jon. Some people claim the government ha gone too far in protection of the workers, but Mr. Pattallo has always been ready to defend his action and will do it again. PEOPLE FREE AGENTS In regard to the other suggestion made by our correspondent. the people here are free agents. They can vote as they wish They have done so in the past and they will do it again. No effort, Ja ever made to force anyone to do anything. They have the same right to vote as they like as we have to say what we like. At the same time there may be a wise course arfd an unwise course. We suggest that it is wise just now to have the same parjy in power here that is in power at Ottawa so that negotiations may be carried, ness and accused Bvad. at rartova ana half a mile sad two or threw mOas apart. Be had awUead that very neeullar Hla attttta rckhiastitly what ha wottas tana ts-jceOtty. lie oftan dMpiar wassat start with a klad of astahllabad facial SBtnaact. noshea. ate rounteaaose. At ottwi do faetal aaaraaaloai whatever .eraattoD aaaaaad to ft aaaatMa. Maay uaea. wttaajaa went ea. be .cured to sapMln to accuaad the afeca of hla atmwAa aad oca ut to bo avail. Ba had heard ute that lis laetnaad) waa cut ewt to h a (Mat man atfa would eawattsatty each the high altitude of Christ. Be fore sad since the iiaawi accused had related to bat be would grow wises . He ha bettered he would tire to be 1 earn old. Qrsduany. wit; - t could notice accuaad becomtag atovs nd more demented. On aevarat cn. witneaa told the court, he had mcntloBSd to accused's mother htsj opinion that be would have to bej -rentually taken Into custody. It had! reen with rtmctanoe that be had told , the mother thla. Witneaa identified two. letters be bad re-re 'red through thai -all from accused. "When did you mention your opinion to accueed'a mother?" aaked Mr. Job-! 'on In rrov -examination. ' "8ome two or three months befog i the tragedy occurred." rewUad MaUett. "Did it ever occur to yea to Inform the police of hto condltloar "Ho. I tboucbt that waa up to his -areola." j In anawer to a question by the Judge, Wstlett asld that be was engaged Is ur farmtng. IN Ol.II NWdllBOR Carl J. Kermlsa swore .tost be known .accused since tali. They cigbbcrs alnce ISM. Witness had wag oticed that accmed waa doing aad saying peculiar thlags such ss tutting iff the hen's talis, setting the dog on .'Ire and breaking up a doatn eggs to make a cake whan hla mother was ab-: nt. Witness stated that he had bean 'rlendly with the family. There waa no enmity between the father aad the son that he knew of. In 117 witness stated .bat be had had accused in his employ. He worked hard and with a will walls ? i witneaa i wss standing latching mm but. whan he did soft nipervlae hka. be would do '.hlnga. Accuesd'a memory was .erj bad. When he want to M. m errands, he would forget 'what he was sent for. Accuaad also loot wast of the daya. Me had a kind of a psca liar laugh when there was nothing to ugh at. In J'ine 1937 accused ':ither't cheap attack caught fire iceased prralsUd m trytag to pat tha ir out aad- H not sttrmat m tatft M effects ttt wban.Xtus couUL as! on in a .friendly manner wtd ntftjier M-lAr that th 'r If 'hitijsunji, lum to make political capital. If we want to dispose of tne F.GlLT:cu iCta swore, swore, had bad and If we want the railway lands and Peace Riv. r block returned, we are most likely to get our wish by putting a Literal government back in power. That' just plain business senae. PROSPECT FOR SPORT .In. Prince Rujert we suffer from tack of i ontact with our neighbor. That make u glad to nee visitors. In a couple of weeks from now we shall have the Aarnhip Durban hen- and the officers and crew will apend several .day in the city. It will be a great opportunity to pull off onu- ports. Already preparations are being: made with this end in view. We suggest that all enter into this with enthusiasm. While it will be election week it will also be a good time for a little diversion. Thip members of the ship's com nv will be very welcome visitors. Watch the Children Eat it "With strmvbcrrLss and milk or cream Delights the fussy caters The whale wheat thoreoghljr baked TRISCUIT a crisp whole wheat wafer Made ly The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. Witness testitied that Ilia brother could read quite well, hla favorite form Of literature being westero stork-' e jould also writ, though not very reB Wince identified apsclmens oC his brother's handwriting presented- by 1M-ton Qonsalcs. defence counsel. V at. Johnson. K.C.. crown prosecute. 1 i:dtred Provincial Pollca Constable ; McOllnchy f:r cross jxsnuaaltnn. .M: Gonzales aiuwurjced that he did : .a w.h to cr?setnklae him. Mr Gonriiei announce that the de- ; would he brief aad shnase. Ha , a. p:epared to admit, on behalf of ac-j used, that be had klllad hla father i ":. whole detence would be that the Ivjt iu then sad aew Insane. The ' jury had already heard the svldeaee of the brother He proposed to further evidence showing that the hoy was at r.o time balanced and did not raderrtsntl what ha DETENTE EVIIErE The evidence of Arthur D. llrst witneaa for the defence developed ;ato somewhat ol a smiKm. flaUctt .Id he had been acquainted wtth accused since be tHslletti took op resi-deaoc In hluaett la August US. Wit .AKawasTj mttwa. 4Mt told him how Miotic 'tis son waa. Last ltovember accused ather and witness hsd hsd a dlli and. since that time, witness hsd stayed iway WltCMsa want on to tall how I VKBMT. Bm3r-rr-' I'tf 'i' I'mtUtH K cueed and htmself bad later worked on the road about the middle of January I my was doing hla work In s silly nd foolish way and witness hsd to do much of it over for him. Accused did not sppear to know what ha was doing nd hla condition was gradually getting worst. There was a tunc about s yeau previous when, witness said, he could control accuaad but be could not do later He (witness I had always looked upon accuaad as feeble minded On Tiuuary 38 accuaad had passed him vithout speaking. A few minutes later he mother had coma out crying. "How ran I find my husband? What can I do?" aba had asked. Witness suggested a search party which was formed Tha evening be eaw Harry in the home sit Unit in a chair, smoking s cigarette He wan very quiet and there waa ao con ersatloa. Neat nsght aftef that day warch. In Which accused had rWt, rd. he again saw Harry in his bausei Mrs. amUh told wltaaaa that Hairy hwd xrn mlaaln all day. On being asked hy his mother where he had been, be aughed In a silly way. He aski that he bad thrown hla coat, containing tb money. In the water Under crocs-examination, witness ssld hat he had never discussed accused 'a mental condition with his parents. Nor had he told tha police because he be Tiered he was harmless MOTHEn TBHTIHES The wan and heavily stricken tittle mother. pi.,lwbly fifty years of age "in su next on the stand. She could ashtuce' I iiawft . HK HB?k leWB I 1 mm u dosat. I i;3isrM vmi ii iMWiUimwi it mm mm ttsass.1 I sjh,ii(wmzisi xiii' " i risrv rii rrr mrwm mm mm ysi had nssmt-l I . AYyAffff M S W.srrrt ' r 1, B&Bi' '. itl 5ra5,,t' cfuu Mammtion! rrJW nWx llLsmJiSSr! iy oaos ana r h hfaT?rasef J J 41 B said I IP B Sm MT U w" ' 1 IflC Brt 1-H5w i BRIDGES 7He present valuation ffl. "I li Jm mJT('Jk JJ m of 63 miles of Bridges iswaooo n TTPON the arteries of communication depend the V settlement and growth of the nation. First the trails . . . then the rough oxcart ruts . , . the wagon roads . . . the automobile highways. The scattered population of British Columbia has made the construction of roads between centres a matter of vital importance, yet one of almost insurmountable difficulties. Mountain sides have to be blasted away . . . clefts, and chasms tresselled . . . rivers bridged! With the opening of the Cariboo Highway through Fraaer Canyon in 1926, the last link of British Columbia's great arterial highway ... a highway unexcelled the world over as an engineering frat and one of unmatched scenic beauty . . . was forged. Eastern Rritlsh Columbia greeted its western brothers! Markets and railways were brought closer to the farmer, the miner, the industrial 1st. New fields for agricultural and trade development were opened Up. For the ten years just past, an aggressive highway programme has been carried out. Thousands of miles of flood roads and doiens of sturdy bridges have been built. Our roods system now totals 31,900 miles . . . an Increase of over 5,04 miles during the last ten years. Of this mileage, 12,000 miles are arth roads; 4,000 gravel roads; and 1,000 bear up no longer uadwr the weubt of; Mr grief aad. percetvlac aer son with his eroa -examination. low bowed head la the Sock sobbed out , The atster. Ruby pitifully: "That is my boy." She gave bar testimony between jobs She hao two sisters and two brothers, she as .a One of the sisters bad been in asylum three times and bad finally taken carbolic acid and died. Asked ss to ineteteats of her son 'a jeeulmr behavior, aha told of Sunday. January Is. when, ss the church bell was ringing, a Mr. Rutten hsd driven past Is his cart "He la going to dig my grave." Harry had said The next Say when she had given htm a drink. she mother testiflesT. the boy bad ac- of teytat poteon him young girl, was crying whan si Ones, she out shooting X. Baalth. a pretty macadam, bituminous, concrete and cement concrete. The 5,000 miles which were added to our roads systam include: 884 miles of main trunk roads, 602 miles of lateral roads, 281 miles of industrial and mining roads, 1,133 miles of settlement and farm roads, and 2,000 miles of ordinary and mlnkig trails. During the years just before 1917, a large number of bridges had been constructed in the Province, nearly all of which were temporary timber structures. Since 1917, the problem of maintenance and renewal of these structures has been a serious one, involving a large ex penditure, particularly between the years 1920 and 1927. The policy has been to improve design of and workmanship on temporary bridges and to renew all the large bridges on main highways over the principal rivers with concrete and steel. Today, the valuation of our 63 miles of bridges is nine million dollars. This construction activity has distributed wages and salaries over our whole Province and has been a material aid In bringing about the current period of British Columbia's prosperity. Ri tktt nnuactmtnis and understand your pnvintt') T) pfgrfts . . . thp tkem tul and tend them to fnenii. 1J yom dtiirt txira tnf iet of thtit attnounctmtnis m molt fair nemifaptr will hrinf thtm. A ivtrtit your Pnvimet! JnhnMn m.r.l f i it I Mh.tiuit tanM. also hro. en down and ...teeed the stand when Frank had gone d could L aeen from the windows of the house fixing hla gun. Harry, who waa reading, all of a uSden got up and said: "Oh. I think hu Is going to hoot me." Witneaa ssld that's juat Imagination." This had named to calm him. The brother's condition, she "said, aha bad discussed with her parents. It waa obvious that he wss getting worse. Smith told the court Harry's explanation on having come in soaking she sobbed. "1 fust missed'" en the Sunday afternoon. Me had featerSay ass nam you are trying!""1 th1 jMk Martm's soul hsd esltod to poison me ". The only trouble Harry him and he wanted to get to the had ever hsd with hla father. Mrs. isme place where he had been drowned Smith declared, was over the Incident 0,1 steamer to ass If he tild find with the esse of powder. They were al-' him Harry had eome In. the girl said. friendly sad witneaa knew na ball of his foot badly eat. of no reason why the son should wish P"lous witnesses bad aaid that so to sin aia father Harry did not com- icussd nid taken off his shoes and aock aacnes to walk until he waa two years and seven months eld and he ws.. not tslklng until he was over 3W years old. the mother told the court. She had never reported her boy's condition to the poll., believing thit he ass not dangerous. and wr.lked tow miles in his bsvs '(ft n t ;i -iufh shore. I1KIT ON fT.Nli In J a MacKay. New Weetmtntaer. mental apectallat for tl years, now j cor.ict k tre Hollywood Bnnlta'itim (contl'iued on page five) I CURE DRFKCT1VK VISION, DEFECTIVE HEAR- INfi, CATAUUH and other organic trouble t ";i'!ir: methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Phone 131. Wallace Hlock. Open Fvtninr LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE EI5E DOES Our sprlntf atock of High Grade Men's Wear i n w t Humlredn of Briton's finest woollens from which t 11 . "that spring gulf tailored to your measure by Canada . moat Clothes builders "Society Brand." Oliey That Impulse Do it Today THOR JOHNSON