CLASSIFIED HABIT Everyone reads the Classified Ads. If you lose, advertise ' It. If you flild. locate f . Whatever you need . 't ' '. GKT THE Vh.XHSj 4i0 S. M. Newton Failed to File Nomination Papers and Is Not a Candidate Straight Content for Legislature Here Iietwecn Hon. T. D. Pattulto and James H. Thompson I N spite of his repeated announcements that he would be an Inde pendent Conservative candidate, S. .M. Newton failed to file hie ! NEGOTIATIONS TAKING OVER P.G.E. RAILWAY IClll.WAV -"AID TO Hi; I.VVOU.UH.L ill t tantuxMKXT iiah oiiikii 1'KOI'O.hALK AT MAMK TIME OTTAWA. JUM W .- Negotiations for tlx Canadian National taking over the 1'Xl E art proceeding slowly. The government has several other proposals to ,ke over th Unas In eastern Canada id may not act tor some time. Par-mini have the Iwt word. The Canadian National executive 1 mr;.ii to be favorable to taking . r Bhiimi Columbia's railway. WESTERN MEN FOR OLYMPICS AMI VHTOUIA MEN pk ACTH ai.i.a xi im:i riat i-s t nil vt i i: itiuiNu TORONTO. June 27 Jim Davis of Vancouver snd Toroby Peden Of VIC-turis along with Lew Elder and Andy limit in ol Toronto by victories in last night' Canadian Olympic trials irctlially assured of place on Olympic tCHma. RAIN WRECKED are the TENNIS GAMES WIMBTEDOJ. June 27 Kaln wrecked the second day'a program of the classic Wimbledon tennis championships and caused the postponement of many rnatchtx However Ttlden and hla team mate l.oti managed to win second round victories. Other winners were Cochet, Hie French etar. Baron DeOrpulso of liiily and Rene Lacoste of France. FISIIERMENREPORTED MISSING FOUND SAFE Thu Men from Niiniilwle Drifted Ixmn limit Hie t'lutnitrl liefore Wind ami Tide Provincial police reported that morning that the two fishermen reported yesterdsy to have been missing stnee last Thursday from Bunnyalde Cannery. had now been found. They had drifted before wliuieud tide from, the mouth the Bkeena R'vei down Orenvllle Chan. Bel whence they were towed back 4unnylcle f , y I Stuart. . B. MeDougell. James O. Brady. ed 1 o PRESIDENT OF GENEVA PRESS CONFERENCE IS VISITORJJERE TODAY Robert Bell, a New Zealand news, paperman and president of the Geneva Press Conference. Is a noted passenger aboard the Prince Oeore today. He l Koing north for a visit to the Yukon ilMfk-t. J. A. Klrkpetrlek. W. J. MoOuttbeon. William Ollchrtst. George H. Munro. R. E. Benson. II. A. Breen. a. H. OUrks. J D. Thurber. Mrs. D. E. Stephens. John L. Laurensen. II. Cepstlck. Miss M. A. wy. Mm. Bhw W. Brady. A. C Beatty. v? r. Love. E. A. Mann. Mrs. B. O. ere pubUsbed yesterday. " FISH SALES 111 1 but tales today laotuded tbe wing. AMERICAN Oeriend 104(10 to Booth Fisheries at 10 JO and 7. Cold Storage at BJO and S Tramp Ttjbm to Atlln Fisheries at D and . R.W. B.0O0 to Booth Fisheries at 040 and . The Elks' moonlight excursion planned tor July fl Is creating a good deal of Interest and the request for tickets is atdeapread. In view of the fact thai IN NORTH VANCOUVER NORTH VANCQUVWl. June 37.-A. C. McMillan last night was nominated at an open convention as an independent candidate In this riding for tne provincial election. AMUNDSEN SEEN TROMBOE. June 27. A Norwegian sealer repo'W 'tost It ew Amundsen's ni.,. on sn' 'tit 'flow near Northeast nomination pajiers today for the provincial election, thui leav-! ! Land, rxjiidltforfe 'tfrevented the sealer service, rescuing them Wit Amundsen and his rompsnlons were seen through a telescope repairing the seaplane. won mi" i)i:itV CUHRAGH, June 27. The Irish derby was won by Charles Hyde's Dsytown. Wave Top came second and Bracknell third The nukes were I18.000. Mr and Mr. W B. Oornlah sailed ..,.,,i.v afternoon by the Catala for Vancouver and Victoria on weeks' holiday trip. INDICTMENT MAYOR ASKED McGcer Will Demand1 That L'hargeti be Drought Against Police VANCOUVER. June 27. G. G. .iicGeer revealed on the resumption of the police prone that he will demand the indictment of Mayor Taylor, Chief of Police Long, Inspector Jackson and Detective Sergeant Mc ng ii a mraigni ngni on juiy 18 between Hon. T. D. Pattu oT 9mhlinfr ,?.. n I ,n,,rrl,.riv f.iliprnt ranHirtate I'm ru-alnMinn nl Tama If Tknnn.nH I Native. Mr. Thompson's papers were filed with the returning officer, ; II. Mortimer, this morning. He is proposed by Cyril H. Orme, Km uiid(i by W. E. Fisher. Assentors are as follows: Own Smith. J. c. McLeniun. n. c. laughlin on charges of conspir- houses. with the operator of TOLMIE NOT A ; GOOD DELEGATE! uow;iinh:nt at ottawa woild not i.woit man who timed i Tl TIKX THEM OtT REVELBTOKX. June 27. Hon. W. H. ! Jameroa. Mrs. Barbara Oortlon. Mrs. L. 1 Sutherland, minister of public works, Smith. K. W. Oamtron, Mm. F. N. ! tendered a complimentary Nomina- Blanc. Mrs. A. Stuart. Miss E. M. Baric tlon here last night at a Liberal con- I md C. O. Howe. I veatlon at which the chief speaker was i fti initiations closed at 1 pa. today !''"1" MaoLean. Details of Mr. Ptttullo's nomlneUoa 1 The Premier referred ta the sasalfseto of Dr. Tolmte, Conservative leader as "a pious declaration of goad hrtejttloMl Jrv which lS4lkrleeetiAnjdrwft to cartr ft ntto effsft." :, , TIM Premier said It was all right tor Dr. Totmie to say he would co-operate with the -Dominion government In matters pending between the governments but the queatt6n was. however, would the Dominion government co- Sea Bird 00.090 to Cold Storage at Pr" ltn Toimle. . As the Con- 0M and 0 I "rTa" i u' naa oeen organiaer lor CtWIU IN I"" Pn aroughoirt the country as a Pair of Jeoks 7,000 to AUin Ftthsrlss rult whlch duUe Kalen 0.0M and Eric Roy 400 Is ' " la aouDM 11 ! MOONLIGHT EXCURSION I1i simI MuIc Awurtd for TlHte IVIio Allrnd lUg Ctrnt tne Ottawa government would estena much assistance to Dr. Totmie were be elected to office In BC. ECKOFF WAS WOUNDED ON POLISH LINE IIEKLIN. June 27. A Hrltish citien named Kcknff, said to he toey are umiiea in numoer. Anyone . ,trlnntk ,,,,nrl It V n !.:M'" ,n. ai"w attacked in a fort of July 0 aboard the 88. Princess Royal, would do well to secure their! tickets early and not be disappointed, i It Is understood that the members of j the lodge are disposing of tickets aaj well as the office of the CPU. From what can be gathered from the! committee In charge an evening full of fun and music Is planned, but further than th' they would not say. In any event a delightful and pleasant cruise Is In store for these who mske the trip. McMillan nominated near the Polish frontier, wound ed hy revolver nhoU and Is now in the hospital at Massertz. Some months ago Eckoff was injured in a motor smash near Merlin and arrested on u-picion of being n spy and after wards released. WELL KNOWNMA'rTnE ENGINEER OFF FOR OLD COUNTRY TODAY Jimmy" 'amplirll. Chief of Caiiaillmi Tranxrtrr, to llrlng Out New Nhlp James Campbell, well known engineer of this coast, formerly second engineer of the CP R stesmer Prlnoaw Sophia and more recently chief of the Canadian National Steamships freighter Canadian Transporter, arrived on the Prtnee George this nvrning from the south and lmtttedistel) doubled back on the Prince John to Vancouver whence be will proceed to Montreal enroute to Liverpool to bring out one of the new freighters for the C.N A west ladies 7 1 DURBAN ON VISIT V TO JUNEAU TODAY JUNBAU, June 37. The BrltUh light cruiser Durban put into port late yesterday to remain until Friday. rOllMCIt MIMMTMt I) IKS THREE RIVERS. .Tune 27. Hon L. P. three Normand. minister lu the MeUiheu cabinet in 1931, died aged Bo. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIUNCE KUPERT;fB.C.r WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1928 FIItEMEN KILLED, THREE HURT IN A TRAIN WRECK: Pennsylvania Railroad flier, westbound from New York, was wrecked near Pittsburg. The fireman was killed and two passengers and the engineer were injured when the Lyjtin struck a derailed freight car. Italia Probably Was Burned Result of the Cas Tank Catching Fire After v Gondola Ripped Off by Arctic Ice R OME, June 27. In the opinion of General Nobile the dirigi ble Italia caught fire shortly after it had blown away after one of the gondolas had been torn off. the airship, says sn official statement of the Italian government this morning. General Nobile said after the dirigible in crashing against the ice ripped off the gondola it drifted away and a little later the group of men saw a small column of smoke several miles away. They thought it was due probably to the gasoline or oil tank catching fir. Vinento Polella, the motor attendant, who was in the stern of the gondola, was crushed to death against the ice and hi body buried in the Arctic. Henry Smith, Massett, of Unsound Mind and Not Guilty of Murder of His Father Whom He Killed Young Man Committed hy Judge to Asylum at Colquitz, Vancouver Island, Where lie will be Cared for A GRIEF-vSTKICKEN little mother, tearful and black gtrbtd, sobbed out in defence of her unfortunate child at the trial yesterday afternoon of Harry Smith for the killing of his father at Massett on January 19, 1928. It was Mrs. Ada Marion Smith 'who admitted the nental deficiencies of her son in the successful attempt to thus absolve him of responsibility for the tragedy. Women spectators of the trial were seen to raise their handkerchiefs to their eyes as the fragile woman, sorrowing at the loss of a husband and sad plight of a son, unfolded her tale of grief. It was as dramatic a moment aa has ever been o'clock, Mr. Justice Gregory bad Prank witnessed In s court of law in this city. Smith, brother of the accused, recalled Accused's sister also testified on hla an that he might question him further behalf at the afternoon session of the : as to the accused's mental capacities. trial which was Riven over to the Itearlng of defence evidence. The Jury retired at 4:10 o'clock to consider Its verdict, returning fifteen minutes later with a verdict of not guilty by reason of Insan.ty Thus was completed the first criminal caar on the present session of the court. Mr. Justice Gregory (continued on paoe two) VIC FOLEY WINNER BATTLE AT BUTTE BUTTE. Mont . June 27. Vic Petey of committed Smith to the mental hospital Vancouver decisively outpointed Dlite at OolqulnU. Vancouver Island. Lahood of Butte In a bitterly totsfht When the court reassembled at 3 twelve round bout here last night. Big Tim Murphy, Chicago Labor iLeadeti, fcilledby Machine Gun as He Stepped Trchh His Basement Door c I1ICAGO, June 27. "Dig Tim" Murphy, the Chicago labor leader, was shot and killed at his home in the exclusive Rogers Park district by assailants who attacked him with machine guns. An automobile, twrked on the side of the street a few hundred yards away, threw its glare of lamjui on the labor leader a he stepped from the basement doorway. In response to u call of "whose tiler.," Dig Tim was answered by the rat-tat-tut of a msi-hine gun and he fell into the area way.. Boston Grilli UUOF. CABAKET Special Dinners Thursdays and - . Saturdays Dancing every Saturday nl(ht from 0 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 . ,,.,.,,yu; t- Price Five-iVnt THE STEWART MURDER CASE IS BEING TRIED HERE TOD A Y Trial of Henry Rivard on Charge of Killing at Stewart Opened Here Counsel Outlines Case and Constable Gives Evidence of Finding Uody on New Year's Morning two occasions once when he was sstanding straddled across ON the legs of the body a few minutes alter the killing and once again in the jail the following mornfng Henry Itivord told Provincial Constable L. A. If. Potterton that the death of William' Uitchie at Stewart on New Year's morning last was an accident The police officer was the chief witness in the opening session of kivard's trial for the murder this morning at the Supreme Court Assize before Mr. Justice Gregory. Potterton also declared that a 3(K'.0 Winchester rifle he had found at the back of Rivard'a pre-:.. soon after the killing was the ?:i:e accused ha6 offered to lend him ices than twenty-four hours previous-; when he had asked Rivard. who ran a secondhand store, to lend him a couple A .hells with which to destroy a dog. In opening the case for the crown, v M. Jchnson. K.C. summed up the vldencc he would have to present. It . buld be adduced that on the last :ght of tbe old year at Stewart a crowd of some eight or nine men veer: having a good time and there was s tot of drinking. Tbe party, making th rounds of the town visited the prom Is at A he accused, which wee- aemewhM he , nature of a dub. sad svete ettbe. m or given drinke Jtyie. They wen waj but retu&e4'W?'4u ra ai altercation that followed Rivard. it ni alleged, threatened to shoot la order t clear his place of the crowd. Ritchie': killing ensued, the claim being that Rivard tut htm at the top of tbe stair case as he was beating his retreat. AX ArOIIEXT Constable Pottdrtn testified that. srnen he arrived on the scene in answet to a call, accused was standing strad dled over the legs of deceased. He had had to burst open the door at tbe bot- .orn of the stalra which .was locked. Witness asked accused what had happened and accused replied: I do not now. There was an accident. Z went at to get a pall of water and when I returntH he wss lying here. Witness subsequently found the rifle in tbe snow at the baok of Rivard'a place. There was detailed esamlnatlon of the witness as to the details of Rivard'a outidlng. also as to tbe rifle and snelie which were presented aa evidence. the dfietire stressed In cross-eiamin-tion tiat, although Ktva'rd was a snort min ai d Ritchie a tall one. tbe bullet had taken a downward course in the Utters body. Dr. H. A. WhlUana. who wss called immediately after the killing snd made a post-mortem ecamtnatloa. snd Eruest Love, who drew plans and sketches of the surroundings for tlie crown, were the only other two witnesses today. The case Is continuing this afternoon and may not be concluded until tomorrow. The Jurors selected to try the ease aie: Morris H. Blott foreman. Charles R. Blggart. John I. Saddle. A T. Parkin. George H. Clarke. John Kelson. Andrew Biyden. Leo Benott Victor Basso-Bert. John W. Bi.ker. W. E. Baker. John H. Blrnle. Seventeen prospective Jurors were challenged by the defence while the crown saerclssd about half-a-doaen stand aaldes. BALLSCORES AMEiticw i.iam i; Chicago 5. Detroit 2. Philadelphia 1, Washington. . Cleveland 3. Bt. Louis . X.VTIOV.U. U5.WIVR ' Brooklyn 64. Boston 1-S. New York 7. PM11adelfhla Pittsburg i-s, nrtinagn, bt. . COt'-I.BW$ , Missions i. HoturgMjb,,; ltfi , , acrauenea . jJartuT,,,, . Oakland 7. Seattle. ,t. .w , ,.,.. Los Angeles t. San Fraaestoo 4. I Miss Jessie McLenaghan director of home economics for the department of education and' etsver of Mm. T. McCly-mont of this city returned to Victoria on the Catala last evening after having spent a couple ef days here. St. Andrew's Society Picnic tu Oriuwy Bsy. July 29. vis the High we y Subscribe for the Dally Mews. MRS. MALLORY IS ELIMINATED rKNNIS (lA.UKS TODAY AT WIMBLEDON SHOW ODD HtSLLTS WtttBLEDOi). Eng.. June 27. Un. lallory wee eliminated from the 'oaten 'e singles of the British cbam- loatohlps by Mass BlckcxSon qf England. Honaaatej, Aaaegjcaa .bejt MfeV gland. Andrews'. New Zealand who best Iftftf-er Monday wss defeated by Bouseoe Of ranee. Helen Wills defeated Miss Golciwick. Cecelia Aussem of Oermany beat Miss Thamberlalne. Sng. ALMOST RIOT AT CONVENTION HOUSTON. June 27. References to Jefferson's principles of religious free dom precipitated a demonstration at tha Democratic convention today. The delegates from North Carolina. Alabama. Mississippi and Georgia fought In tne aisles, standards were torn to pieces nd the riot quelled by the police using night sticks. PERMITS NECESSARY BEFORE CAMP FIRES LIT, POLICE REMINDS Between May 1 snd Octobei 1. It Is necosssry under provincial statistics to have permits for all camp fires, the provlnclsl police remind local picnickers These permtu ar obtainable from either the Forest Branch or the provincial police. C'O.M.MITTEO Mlt'lDE SPOKANE, June 27 - Peggy Duck-stesder. aged 18. a Vancouver girl abe4. and killed herself. No reason for the, suicide Is known. Liberal Party ajwsjBwswsBwsBsaaBwawJBafe Committee Rooms Have been opened at the ' corner of ' Second Avenue and Fourth Street. Phone 229 or visit the room and see if you Hio registered on the Voters' List. A- r ii