I Iff. if A Family iWashu k or A Family Picnic? NO question about which you'd choose a day in the woods or a day with the washing. And it's so easy for you to let us do the washing while you do the picnicking. In our Thrif-T-Service you have all your clothes washed and year flatwork ironed. Just the wearing apparel left for you to care for and this is returned damp, ready to he starched, ironed or bung oat to dry. Sares money cares energy. 5 casta a pound plus Ic per piece. Minimum charge SIM. THE LADNDItY DOES IT BEST CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Thone 8 Free Free With every dozen packet of Jiff you will receive this set: 1 Teapot. 1 Suar Bowl. 1 Milk Jug only. Value $1.00. This will be the last Jiff 1 doaen Jiff $3.00 Value of premiums $1.00 $4.00 AH far $8.00 WASH DAY SPECIALS Pels Naptha Soap, 10 bar box KOf P. 4 G. Kaptha Soap. 18 ban for $1,00 White Wonder Soap, 18 bars for $1.00 White Swan Soap, 22 ban for 81.00 Washing Soda, 2 lb. pkg.. 2 for 4. -SRt Snap. reg. 25, S for . . OTf Old Dutch Cleanser, 9 for Si.oo Lux, 16c ier pkg.. 9 for 81.00 Lai Soap, 11 for 81.00 2-ir-l Sfaoe Polish, 3 for iV,f Clothes Pegs, 6 dox for I Of Ammonia, quart bottle, 2 for ... , .Tf Liquid Blue. 2 for 4 Of Pkg. Blue, 4 for 23 Jehasoa Floor Poliaher at yew service Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. Phone 18 Phone 81 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone S7S DENTIST MIDMILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone G57. Man in the Moon The day are abort when goes well. "Jack, there's s motorcycle tbe Jake mm a wanders hy tbe mem bers of tot Peajem ClBb bad to be fetched aos, hf tax Sal race rrlmiiss aucaot w pw. soawrUme. Is sometimes' cowardice. So first. then fUllng stations. than clothes. Tbe man with tbe not money ma; tbe fastest boat but usually be Prosperity la a damn which the aaAcnmc of premature death. moot Rupert sssy eeeUy become s daath trap kacatsa tbe auto are hare which prevent walking and goti ni to emeootaSe it. ehaalng . U It a traaV oarer?" -Wo. worn, Irs the gur who iecta the inaUdSsenta on this car.' eol- thejr arc keeping thtir engage t a acem. aren't ttoey?" "Well, thatl what they an telling Hon. a. P. Totnti aaya be wiU to Invaattsate" and Jake be thinka s period la oppcaltlon to allow hhw tans would be good thing. That' Jake all over. He' always say ing what he Mend Toiaalt would In Malign He'd make a array aooo Perhaps he'd come up hare with me And look oat f"om the asoaa. Meanwhile MecLeaa ie eetmg quick: tie haa stain la band. HeU bring a ail proapeiity To brighten up the land. So why should we transfer the work Of carrying on affairs To oat who has to aumy first? Let act while be praparea. We know Just what MecLean can do. He's Just the man for ns. 8o hist turn out and rote for him And not make any fuw Borne unjTenlty graduate come out July 1st and 2nd TIVO HOLIDAYS Where will we got You suggest. What will we have for Lunches? We suggest a few lines Lettuce, 3 for ZTtt Toraatoes. per Ib HOr Cucumbers, choice green 'J-"r Cauliflower, large solids . 2?t and iWf Bananas, 2 lbs. for :i5f Oraages fram :i0f to KOf Park & Baana, Heinx, 6 for ."c Kb Kraft Chsaif. it spreads. P 'SSit Peaches, l's, halves or sliced, 2 for :t5f WHAT WOULD HE MORE TASTY than a Ckirken in yoor pie nic hamper? Arriving Wednesday Boiling Birds, per Ib... U7l Light and heavy Fowl, per lb JWf Everything fresh for Potato and Fruit Salads. Home's Colored Cake Icings, 4 pkgs- for U.'? Aylmer Soaps, 3 tins for '2e Weston's Sodas, tins, per tin I Of Corn, choice quality, per tin Utf Baby Beets, 2 tins for 47? Heinz Kidney Beans, per tin !? Rowntree's Cocoa, Vj's, 2 for "ile Pastry Flour, 10's, per sack ."Or Prunes, per Ib 1 . . Neper box 1.85 8oap, Royal Crown, 6 bars for 'S? Fruit arriving Blue Plums, Red Plums, Cantaloupe, Cherries, Strawberries, Peaches, Apricots, Watermelons, Bananas, Oranges, Crape Fruit Vegetables arriving Lettuce, Celery, Cauliflower. Green Onions, Bunch Beets. Carrots, Turnips, Radishes, Spinach, Parsley, Green Peas, Tomatoes. Cucumbers, Rhubarb, et, eta. Watch Our Windows It Pays The Home of Good Things to Eat, B.C. Butchers & Grocers Ph Limited Cowlchea-Newcastle . . . Cran brook Creaton Derta Dewdney Baqulmslt Psrnie Port George Otaad Porka-Oreenwoad The lalsnds Ksmloopa Kasl--Stocji LUIooet Mackenzie Nanaamo Mew WaatiinetTT Horth Vancouver Berth Okanagan PrUaea Rupert Acvewtohe with nothing but Dated -Point Otsy -TU 'Ana oata Okanagan . South Vancouver Victoria 4 Tale ether university be superior air. Uauied. of Vancouver. C Puts sad Paper htanuXaeturera. It Wm. AtMnee E. J. Beorn . You Save Money BUYING AT THESE PRICES Dr. Oao. Karr MNagtitaD c. r. Daew N. A. WaUwser Col. P. Uater J. W. Berry Ness 8. Lowgnd K. rt- twoaaj ............... Capt. M. UeLesa ......... Fred P. Burden Or. C. M. Kingston Ool C. W. Peck. V.C.. DMJO. John S. Mlcbell ,. Capt. Jaa Pltsalmmoaa . . . E. C. Canon Michael Manaon V B. IfaiTleon Dr. L. E. Borden . . Dr. A. M. aaaford Jack OauM W. p. Ktatwdy Alfred ahsUord . . . i. H Adam Ban B. U i. H. Hoa a P. R. W. Bmhn w. a. UtKeaate Freak DaekrUl J. W. Joses J. w. ooraett W. C Sbetly R. 1 UarUand Oso. A Watt. em .... Cot Sefcoa Spencer The. H. Kirk vranaa D4ck J. VI. Beatty R. Hayward II a i. others with i and dees pine and InriudlM (top ftghung 11 I give you a quarter? Young Pugilist Make at fifty 'or the winner, lady Anavera. LAND ACT NOTICE Or IN'TCXTION TO APPLY TO l.tE L.IND la Prtnee Rupert Land Receding Dav triet and aituate Bay. bkreswr Island Quaes Charlotte Island aameent to Auuora TAKX lfcmcc that Pacific Inlet. MIUS to apply for a tease of-tbe fnlln ansa dr-aerlbad leads: Commencing at a port planted oa the oJrh water mark of an Island, thene toilowlng the high water mark around tbe island to point of eomiaeacomeat. and oontalnlnc one acre, more or asm, PACIPIC KILLS. LIMfTBD. Applleaat. Donald Wilbur Hodaooc. Agent for Pacific MUU. Limited Mat Sugar, 10 lbs for 7of Milk, all brands, dos $1.10 Milk, per case $..To1 Nabob Plum Jam, 4 lb. tin ."Of Nabob Strawberry Jam, 4 Ib. tin 7tf Tomatoes, large site. 2 tins ."ITJf Evaporated Apricots, lb. 20? Fine Canadian Cheese, Ib. . . :W( Chateau Cheese, in 2Vz lb. wooden boxes, per box $1.00 Malkin's Sliced Peaches. 2't, tin :wt Quaker Pork A Beans, 2s, 2 tins 'Sit Picnic Hans. 6 lb. site, each Jj5lr Butter, Fraser Valley or E.C.D., 2 lbs ur,f Golden Churn Butter. S lb. brick .$1.10 Eggs, Fresh Extras, 8 doc .$1.25 Eggs. Fresh Firsts, 3 dot. $1.13 Fels Naptha Soap, pkg KOf Royal Crown Soap, pkg Lux, 3 pkgs :toc Rinso, 3 pkgs 25f Oranges, 8 dot. for . . . t $li00 Bananas, per lb. ... i" . jr.' '."ISc5 Also Fresh Fruits and Green Vegetables at the lowest prices. Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 DO. It at etui passible that Booth may slay ad for ptooshtp honors and the tmna so arrance for the 8jC. Preab sullets BjC. rreeh firsts 8C. PMsh estraa Pork, ory MH Ajasulre baeon VraL sbeuMer TeaL VeaL Pork, should er rsrk. baa ... ftiUf ' Itismrtslli la no EDCls Local new laid null Smoked klpfre. to. Kbtiered aaJmon. ttx aatoaed btaek ood. to .. PlasMO baddlsa rb. ... MBATS Powl. NO. 1. lb Roasting onlcken. Hi. .. BroUers Ham. alleed. first grade Ham. whole, first grade . Ham. wienie, lb CwtUee rolls, lb Baosa. baek. alleed .... lb. 8 t AGE SLX TWK DAILY NEWS Wedaesdav, NOMINATIONS TODAY THROUGHOUT PROVINCE Throughout the province of British Columbia nominations closed at 1 o'clock this afternoon for the general election which will be held on July 18 In all the forty constituencies and forty-eight seats contests nre indicated and there will not be a aingle acclamation. For number of candidates, M-naimo riding head all the rest with five aspirants in the field for the seat which was formerly held by the late Hob. William Sloan. In thirteen other constituencies there are three cornered contests, it .-ill W. a irrttt fiott in ihf romainlntr twentv-five. As far as can be leariieU'Hodto. ,ittft to final cheeMing ;np tomorrow after results of nom inations are qefirlely kBowftUh? jcaTthwughout the ynrnef a ipyows AlbCfSi Bum by . Cariboo .. Chllliwsek Columbia Liberal L A Hanna Percy Reahtoa . . . T. W. Feteoawr H. P. Kergln .. WSt. R. RuMfdge Dr. J. A. Mclver Rod. McKeaste , a N. Oampbell Hon. X. D. Barrow .. : J. A Buekham , J. W. UcJCeOSK Jr. F U. McPheraon P. Putnam A. D. Pktnaoo . . . Darid Whiteside . Mrs. M. B Smith H O. Perry D. McPheraon M B. Jackson. KX. J. B. CoT C 8 Leary A X. atumi W. J. Heath ...... A. W. Ore Hon Ian Meekemsle Dr . P D Hon. A. M. ...... Hon. T. D. PattuUo i Hon. Dr. W. H. i Robert H. Carson ; Don. UacDonald . ! N. W. Whlttaker . IC H. ' Dr. H. C. Wrlnch c. w. i Hon. D. Donafhy . i Aid. U. X. t wmd j Nlchoi Thaw, soo 1 Mra. Paul Balth . ' J. Ptteatra Hogg . . ' Pred W. atorUng . . ! Dr. J. D. MoeUaa Mark Orahaa .... I W. T. etraith ; R. A. Dewar Dr. J. J. OUUa ... SPORT CHAT In connection with the Dominion Day i cetebraUon oa , Mneidsy next aruch 1 Interest will be taken in the Junior High and itlve to their players were avBabls. The plsyeri of both .earn as awvtnwa to play off , 30o tsr 40c 4sc OC lac tec 30c ate Sc and 40c 4$C tee V H See .46c to tee 'High Low Priday Hsalaa of Uus week. "V nrment was am that Use High Behool team was sot penal ted Law to play last Balurway evening whoa to decide the waaaafs for the season1 and ibe tiotbaU public are more thaaLow rtfr desire us of at ring the teams la ! opposition again. The aUspaty of foot-1 ball la thatr last meeting Is still talk of the folio ears of the sport. Market Prices High Low High 'Low T. A. Barnard (Ub.) P. A. Browne U D. A. aUoddart (I W. taw (Lab.) 8. Osarle(B.. a.Orsy(I-C) P. R- Chrlow (tad.) T. Uphill. Lab. n- tna. V. a. Pntshasd (See.) 9. K. OoUay A. T, Howe (tad.) .- D. M. Butlirtaad. lam. Lib. R- H. kweaaads (Ua.) Ho. S gatd. la. Praeer Valley. Ib. .. Alberta Pootball game at 11 ajn. Two all-eiar ' Ontario Hi- teams wui ptajr and spectators are ae- Rtoe teaavT. aaattb: R Hcawn. W. , Uarray; Cawaaei, R. OolUacn. R. Oukar. j d A Waltsea H nuaawa T MiMMnlrsi I J. 'McKay. O. Cnias Bed team O. Scott: A. Steam (caoti. a H. Pjrle; . HjuSber. T. Oameraa. V. ; I Vm-L B unfa Wm V Wk-. MW C. Jnhrirtso. R. Morrison P. (Lab) Ub. (tarn. O.I I. Lla.) prints ClltLC aVaawBafcsavSsrt CaaWimw, 9 fjsfs. gMt ee : Kraft Lmibaraer. PK1.NCE itupiiirr Tium itoo ft solnutes HEOkBSmV, JlE It Charlotts tat ' S:M sja. IhM pm. TiiiHsiiAY. Jtwr. at leatajB. HH pa. 4.-44) BJB. IS:I7 aav iuihay. Jtrnt: at n J X:A Wl ii m SATl'HIIAY. JVSZ B ltd agfM am l:Uia. 17 M pm. lHVV. JILT I liJ pat. S et is lt pav M(MII.Y, Jrtv t oat sm. It M pat. 4 sat. It:l4 pm. LuND ACT 11.40 4sc Or M Mr im r 1.4 UB ft. U.1 -J -as - wi n. 4 - NOIIti; Of IXTLNIIft.V TO APPLY TO LtUsK Lt.NIJ in Prince Rtipert Lead Recording District and sMitaie oa MsMsbv latand ad- nw ki usuore sm Vuaen it Bkllliaalr ladat TAKE WriCE that Paclfsr Loaned of Vanooovar. B C . oocuaatios pulp and paper manufacturers. inVaodc to apply It :rlbsd or a lease of the foUowiaf it a post slanted at the Of BTL SMTP thsnee 71 at amlnuea West Astronomic) thence Horth north U It West ( degrees M Astronomic i fSOD ft ; Imrisi SO mtnuvsa Bast (Asttoaoatlc) too ft.: thenee North tneuee north at so rate i ste ft. aecuoi lAaroasmici aegriii Bast more or lass, to atOO ft.: ( Astrono-an Inter- in with the ham water surk of NUiuora say: taenee foltowing the aaM high water mark Southerly to the point of eommenoiawat. save sad except one island con tain lag one sere more or leas ana another Island containing 0 26 acres, tsc i more or lee -the whole sontalnlng lis 9c 36c 40c tftc e 40e tie lie to Mc .!.'.'... Irne t ist tOe to eae Beef, rsast, prune rib ttc Lamb, eaope toe Lamb. ahouMer (6c Mutton, leg 40c Lamb, leg 4 Mat tea, chops 400 Mutton shoulder 0o IIHTTEn Brook field Sbaarock and Woodland. 60c CD.. Ib. joc Capitol, and grade, lb etc PACIFIC MILLS. LUUTKD. Br Parser Samuel Bonae? Dated Aprfl U. lttt lit No. It. Sestton tt) LAND ACT. ot;.cc or lyTBKTioN to 10 niiciiAsi: uu AI'IXV In Prtnee Rupert Land Record ins Dt. tnct and aituate about t miles from the mouth of Khuta River. TAKX WOTI C that the Detroit wetern Mining Oompany of Vaneouver. BC, occupation VOilag Oompan;. in- f spijy for penUasion to pur-chase the nuowing dieorlbsd lajids!-- CuotMoeinf at a post planted one foot distant from the Witness poet on snw wi in 1 1, incnoe weeter- 17 vu cnaina; toenoe soutberiy at chains; tnerijr 10 chains. t.d ootitalntng ncre mmw r Imi r T PARDOB WILSON, ent far Detror' Weetere ftlc wswa istd Ajru. IBM, lot IB CO. Jun oi . Anniversary Summer IS - -diL-- s!LkM '-1 LAST WEEK! ' Sale terminates Saturday, Jane '.",): h We have only 7 Coats left of our summer m, t all good quality and are marked down to clear. 4 only. Best Quality Charmeen Coat in NV. v ivi , : Black. Value to 02JW. Sale Price . 1 Navy Charmeen Qoat, to clear at " .(' . 1 only, Tweed Coat; reg. 817.50, to clear at . 1 only, Black Soedene. trinuned with Sntin .md :i reg. ttfO. to clear at ( Girls' Tweed Coats, aufntner weight, ulu. t, x.. All goods previously advertised an. I rnany o:l. liaes have been added. OfcMr 2$c 80c d tic Bargain Table, are being ,.,,. n, reylefiiaeiiid. H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd Phone 9. 3rd Ave. and Fnlt v For Pic-nics For Pic-nis Electric Bread keeps soft longest TIIK HBST THKRI5 IS! The Klcctric Hakcry specialises in cutting bread for Sandwiches M " (! J !: WESTHOLME THEATRE , WEDNESDAY and THURhDAl. 7 and 9 r tt ta - - 11 Second to None A romance of th- British Uo! Navy. Man ing the mirht of the Britinh Navy. Scenes on bo.n : Tiger," "C hampion," "Tara." 'TariKWi" and man nificent night battle spectacle. Portsmouth l ' racks and Bhotley Training FUbliahment All nt;.i COMEDY THUST TIIK TVPE" PAT1IB ItEVIKW Admission - 35c and 1 Sailing of S.S. Princess Royal 10 p.m. Priday 29th June HAS IJEEN t ANCKLLKD &S. Prlnrcwa Kathleen will aftH frem Prime Ru.u ' " " p.m. Saturday, June 30th to Ocean Pall Vancouver - and Seattle. l or reEfrlvnWr i tffimhtftfF&tft&Wl UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED MIMOM fram frlore KoterjL . , , , '-' ,, n. fior VAKCOUVEK. V1CTORU, bwanswa ht. Wotele. Air'i TueiKlsjr, pjn. , , ; n rr VAKCOIIVL'lC. VICTlOKtA. Mult dale. Alert M, etc.. Mt"" IW lOKT NIMITMIN sm! NAAM IllVtU fOINTS. nHsj. ,H"-"V lor ALICE A KM, AN'VOX, 8TEIVAICT, VVAI.BS ILAN'f). l"OKi Rondajr, B pjn. . ,t n1 IN Ins Attnur. It M. BMITII. Areat. Prin.T i."i k,. T1rottb tickets sold lo Vktarla aad Seattle, and butt" threush to desUaatler "