iduy, April 23, 1028 Fox Trot Waring' renntylvanian Together 'Wlthavoral refrain fill: of heart-throbs) Walt Waring' Pennsylvania! 31)13 Insmi- Paul Wliitemans MS3 menta Concert Orchestra ly Ohio Home tYotTmt Jean Goldkotte and 1 1 In Orchestra 211M .'oca Harrington and Ilericli with "Sleepy" Hall'. Uuno 31u515 "Ramona" Anolhtr Big Dance Hit by Uu- hmn of Jazz" Waltz Paul Wliheman and III Orchestr a 21214 here Must Be a Silver Lining Selection rm Hie "Show -Boat" New York's Leading Mimical PrixJuctkMi 01' Man River Make Believe Paul Whlteman and His Orcliettm Record No. 21218 Why Do I Love You? Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man Nat Shllkrct and The Victor Orchestra Record No. 21219 Also the latest lied Seal records by famous Victor artists i Victor Talking Machine Co. T 11 Fl I wat ni T iBin 1 I w ae I'lii Phone 1.1 1. Wallace Mock. of Canada, Limited CURE DEFECTIVE VISION. DEFECTIVE 1IEAK-INC., CATARRH anil other organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. 04sn Evenings I enms! 1 ennisi li&IADIAfij VltlMlV SEE OUU NEW RAfJKKTB $ to fiu.oo 192H llallH are in Kaien Hardware Co. Telepl'w.i' S Canadian Pacific Railway B, C. Coait Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Ki l. iilkiin. Wrangell. Juneau, and skaguuy March 11. April an,mver, Vlrturla and Neattlr April PKIMIiHN KOVAI. ror lintMiie;nt nrtW"'HafwreiWlff rail. Namu, Alert Bay. I .imt, .... i I.'pl.lfiv lit ... ........ ,,.-, iiii.-ixi . ri ...,- -- ''in-? lor all Memushlu Unea. Kill liilrme"" .r)TJlAnii,.ltfwral Agenl rmr ut l gtree aifcKfrl Wvennar PliMeiKti iipert. B.f UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ' ., . hsIIUiih rrtim I'rinte Hupert. . t P VAN( 01 Vi:il. Vll'TOKIA. Nwanoon Hu. Buletlule. Alert If ''-(',1 t I HI R, r M ni Mili. VK TOIilA. Uute.lule. Alerl Bay. ate, Nil unlay. II C Mnii-soN and NAAM HIVKR I'OIvtn, rriosy. ,.on. jr i: ,RM, ANYOX. HTKWAIIt, WAI.RN ISIAND, PHT MM! r " UMIl I I. N II 111 t? -''HI Avrillli- It VI HMITII An-lll Prlare Rupert. H "' p itiniush ii kri Notft to Victoria and wmile, sari balte tin i. THE DAILY NEWS CAGE THREE Prince Rupert dirk' Drill Team dance. .Friday, April 87- BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME NOW AT LITTLE .EXPENSE Local and Personal 96 Mm. O. C. Wflfetr aalled by the Prince Rupert teet night on a trip to Tommy's Taxi. Phone 671. 113 Vancouver. ' Dentist,. Dr. j. K. Ooue. Phone 888. Mr. Alex Stracltan sailed by the Prince Ilupert last rftght on her return Skating dally, a to 4 and 8 to 10. tf. to Vancouver. ue we. isig-4 -JiaDHi oi a Taxi, pK Whan thinking- trip to the interior on official duties. tf 4 Richard ConneKJy iK Hole-in-the-Waff arrived in the city on yesterday after neon' train. John R. Morgan, well known logging operator, returned aboard the Oatala to Butedale yeaterday following a business trip to Vancouver. Some little difficulties deiaped the operation of the new mill at Seal Cove today. It U probable that cutting may commence tomorrow. W. H. Tobey. CJ.B. dlvUional auper-intendent, returned to the city on yeaterday afternoon train from a trip to the Ulterior on official dutiee. C. R. Blggart returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to Toronto where he was called recently on account of the serious lllneas of hla mother. C. a. R. Anderson of the dry dock staff returned to the city at the end of the week from Bella Bella where he npent several days surveying cannery boats. As a part of the Fire Prevention Otof Hanson left on this morning's train for Smlthers on one of his periodical' business trip. Joseph Clrser aalled by the Prince Rupert Saturday night on a business trip to Stewart and Premier. . H. Ive of the Forest Branch sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Ocean Palls on official duties. Archie Sinclair of the C.NJR. division al superintendent's offices, left on Sat urday far a wcek'a tp to Smlthers. Stanley Noble arrived in the city mi yesterday afternoon. train from Van couver to Join the staff of the CN R. divisional superintend n t 'a offices here. Mr. and Mr. W. O. Fulton. R. E. Moore. E. C. Gibbons and ft. F. Mc-Naughton made the round trip to Stewart on toe Prince Rupert yesterday. Jack Watt, broitber of Mm. Watt, office manager for Pruoscll's market, arrived from TTeroier yesterday and is leaving tomorrow for his parents' home in Washington state. The Anglican W.A. will bold a shower for the Children's Stall at the Ridley The Arctic Studio of this city receiv- Home Baaaar at the home of Mis. Ar- ed an order for 8136 worth of flowers J nott. Fifth Avenue West on Thursday to be sent to the funeral of a prominent lady, resident of Ocean Palls on 3nturday. April ti from I to 8. Provincial Constable O. A. Wyman reached the city from Hazelton on yes- Rev C. O Darby cf the Anglican ; terdey afternoon's train having in his ntsslon boat Western Hope sailed by cut tody an Indian, Charles Patsy, who the Prince John Saturday night on bis, has been sentenced to thirty days' 1m-return to Manactt after having spent prlaonment at Okalla. u couple of days in the city A. R. Holt by. superintendent of the Hon. Dr. W. H. Sutherland, minister of .public works, and Patrick Philip, B and B. department of the Canadian i chief engineer of the department, sailed National Railways, returned to the city oy the Prince Rupert last night on on yesterday afternoons train from a 'their return to Victor is after having During the past forty -eight hours. 66 Week program. R. H Letghton. fire In- carloads of grain have arrived from the specter of the Forest Branch, will ad- prairies for the Alberta Wheat Pool's l! l U I!' drees the Oyro Club at lta regulat Print Rupert elevator. Railway offices monthly open luncheon on Wednesday, this morning reported 60 ears on- the: BooBi territory west of Jasper Bark bound The British mctorshlp King James, here. with a full cargo of grain loaded at the. i Judge P. McB. Young returned to the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert it being his second oSenee on a city on yesterday afternoon's train Elevator m February, reached Avon- charge of drunkenness. O. Waugh was 'from Smlthera where he presided at a' mouth. EugUnd. on April 18 last fined 610. wttn the cation of thtro seaalon of Count Qourt the and of Thursday. days' hvpttsoMattt. he Magistrate He -the week. Aw).- spent a couple of days in the city. Many ladles called to lend the or seven days for causing wilful dam- Smlthers where he acted as crown funeUcn Btfirattironaae and 620 was age. counsel in a burglary case which wa realised. ftMgMngthr.t wa sold was :tried in County Court. donated by the par nil. The big auxiliary schooner Bffle M. iMorrissey. which will carry the atoll- Vancouver papers stete that the lato Mr. and Mia. L.Drayi and daubster iMeCraken scientific expedition from Mrs. Harry KUlsj. who was murdered ailed by the Prince John Saturday rwre for a six months' trip to the here last week, had a daughter married night for Uaelr home tn Prj er.enu. Arctic wastes north oi Behring Baa, is in Xngland before Christmas. Decmaed j am. uyeon ana aauanioT. iyrciuru.;i impecteti to arrive tomorrow or weo- maoe a trip to sngland last year. from a ttip to the Old Country, wersmesday from New York via Seattle. ' met here by Mr,. Dyson. Ileeniberi of the expedition will arrive Joe Wing, prisoner from the penlten- 1 i from the Cast on Thuaaday afternoon ,tlary. who was one of the principal wit- Ocastwise Stietnshlp Barge Oo.'a train. neases last week in the trial at Van- fretehtsr Amur arrived from the south j icouver of Leung Chung. Chinaman. at 7:30 this morning to pick up from; The boys' band Is practising faith-.who was convicted of the murder of the dry dock the eraw Oriff. which has; fully for a vaudeville concert to be Constable Sargent, admitted that be been receiving overhaul there, which she took cn to An vox. Union steamer Catala. Capt. I. A. Dickson, arrived In )Krt at 3:80 yester day afternoon from the south and Bailed at a last evening for Anyox. Stewart and other northern points of call. Passenger aboard the Catala Included Lieut. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. H. Darken. W. J. Weiler and L. A. James-son for Pvlnoe Rupert; Y. Rosenatelii, J. P. Brown. MUs Taylor. Mrs. L. Coon. W Stacey. Mr. end Mrs Hamer. Mr. and Mrs. H P nixm. J C Clegg and J. Labbe for Stewart: Mist Robertson. Mm. Robertson. Miss Robertson and aeorge Pearson for Anyox: C. R. Wilson for Alice Arm. and M. Okana for Arrendale. ANNOUNCEMKNTS fjtJ Here i a price reduction that means TOr55FlFTCULrjawBBg ffl - EiSSIrf something to the thrifty housewife r TSXimKfii& y It means an opportunity tn secure 'W "11!'SvfeTvH iirva fags charminfily patterned, eajy-to- S&SffPrS tjrg clean rugs at the lowest prices ever BfP 'gT llZ fjzS Just think Genuine Congoleum Tfrt EgjjSS Gold Seal Hugs for these low prices. JtdwSSW ffiVSSQta 9x6 fe1 8lze " 7 S Other convenient slct at mgr'tyfa;? '-Jfr 'JtSi Plus... the greatest Improvement P?1!' JS5A In the floor-covering business the A5Etep v4r Jj9 BihUi new"ATufeofesurfacethatbulIds iylP'l770r IsV and throuchout the whole wearing Sw tin u ne Con dol eu m f ;e Gold LyWT t58b Seal on the surface. K2Lr'jL'7W See your dealer ntr and elk him la AJr-XJf jfP&id iQ? ihow you lh motnififent attort- AlZ ly- S A- jSS, Aai- j7JLu Mr iv gJd at irrnmiar Shu Hat ' "Iff Satisfaction Guaranteed Bit art you purchasa floor cotrlns loot for the Geld Stolon the turface It la your only poaltlve urance of tenuine Cenf oltum. The Gold Seal atandt for ur Ouaranloa el SaiU faction and (ho betl value your money can buy. Olysaont in sttr, poVeolcatt this morn-j and sale in Weatviow Sehcol . woieonfess,, a fined U or Mlttan Oonsaues returned to the city on Saturday aturucon waa a great Urty . nayi tcP -IMetlcnUon and 610 Ion yesterday afternoon's train from and i given by it and assisting artists next had been convicted of many offences month. The band la very been on go- lot various kinds from 1908 onward at lng to take part in iwnd contest this Victoria. Prince Rupert. Baselton and j O A. McNIcboll. CNR general freight i summer and the fuada raited at the Vancouver. Wing testified in regard t agent, and Reginald Beaumont, assist-.concert will he devotes) to that purpose to a conversation he had had with sc ant to the Pacific Coast manager of it is said that this entertainment wltljeused relative to the murder vanaoiau naiiouai oieamsnips. sailed be one of tbe outstanOUU eventa of i by tbe Prince Rupert last night on the year, their return to Vancouver after having i spent a few days in tffe city and dat- Besides being trict on official duties, fire Drawn tinn wk and the remainder to be spent locally VIITOHIA LMIV IIIKS. VICTORIA. April as. Mrs. BUaabeth and ampin shopping week this is also '"" ldo of the U Oeorge . self denial week with the Salvation viciona roi oo years. , Oeonre Pearson, formerlv on the staff Arm tn um when thav maju their anQ oaiuroay. agea o, of MeOutcheon'a drug stores here and annual collection tor the purposes of until recently located at Premier, was the organisation. Captain Stobart an- ja passenger aboard the. Catala yester- nouncea that Major Oarrutbeni is corn-day afternoon going through from Van- lng here from Alaska and will aid in couver, where he has spent the paat alx the local work They hope to raise at weeks, to Anyox where be will take a least 61.000 of which 6690 is to be position in the Qranby Oo.'s drug store, used for missionary and social work Royal Society of St oeorge WhUt Drive and Dance. April 33 Prince Rupert Danos April XI. Oyro ltMrui lay 11. UltU' OrlU Team l!.l .. Boy Beaut Kntertiaaniit and Oemn- fire, April 87. Ridley Home Annual Bazaar. Thurs day. May S. In Moose Hall. Moose Hall. Prlday, Women of Mooteheart 1,1, au's Msscjutradt, May 18. nllil- NEW ADMIRAL TAKES PLACE OF COLLARD LONDON. April 33. -Captain Oectl V. Osborne has been appoin;e:i rear ad miral In succession to Reo.r-Adm.ral Oollard. His last appointment was U. U.UJB Malta He lias a dWIngulahed AIRMAN IS BOUND FOR AUSTRALIA IN A LIGHT MACHINE LYMPNB. Kent. April gfl. Commander 8. R. Manning of the Royal Air Poree hopped off for Australlg in a light airplane today. H NDItAI. MlTUU. yft le funeral of Ah ,)ee Mra.,p. B. wugall will take tpsaos faem tp bytartan Church on Wednesday at 3:30 pjn. Service will be conducted by the Rev. J R Prlaell. CAUK Of THANKS Tennis Club Annual Ball. Friday, May Mr. and Mrs. A. Mean on behalf of ' vh Hall. the family of the late Mrs. Bather Kiltaa. desire to convey their sincere thanka for the ungrudging kludnem and service given In conducting the funeral of deceased, particularly to the pall bearers mid to W. Vaughau Duvlea 'l 'i Itov .1. H. IruHll, The Taxi Driver I use Champion Spark Plugs because they help to make my service more dependable. Champion is the betteripark plug because it has an exclusive ilUj- manlte insulator spe claltyitreated to with stahdTnc much higher temperatures of the modern hlgh-cOmpres. ion engine. Also anew patented solid copper t . gaiket-teallhatremalns" absolutely gai-tlght under high compression. Special analysis electrodes whichassure a fixed ipitk-gap under all driving conditions. blend ! nall with Ike Mil trnUt HIM. Jm Champion SparJCPIugs Win Jiof , Onurio A CANAD1AN-MADE I'UODUCT 0NG OLEUM SEAL Rugs .oOLEUM CANADA LIMITED. MONTREAL Movies in Your Own Home To make them with the CINE KODAK, simply siht the finder and press the release. That's all there is to it you're making movies. To show them on the home screen, merely plug in the KODASCOPE in on your liirhtinir circuit and snap the switch. Then sit down and enjoy the picture. CINE KODAK MODEL H with f.o.5 lens. Hand held, spring motor driven, fixed focus. Price SI 1(1.01) KODASCOPE MODEL ('Electrically driven, works on any ordinary house lighting circuit. Price $70.01) KODASCOPE SCHKEN Size 22x30 inches. Price . . 812.00 Complete Outfit, 8108.00 7fic Pianvcr DructLsts THII7D AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?f,200 Canadian National Qfte Largcft Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from I'ltlVCi: HI'I'KKT (or AM'IH VKR VII TOHIA. MRATTI.r.. slid lnterni(IUte points, eiicli IIIIKsliw and Ml NIIAY at 11 pal. For KKTCIIIKIN and ANYOX. fach H KIINKNIIAY, 4 p.m. 'Por HTKtVAKT esch NATI HKAV si 10 p.m. For NOIITII and KOI'TII l KKX ( MARI.OTT1: lLAMM. Portnightty PASttRNOKR TKAINN I.IMVI: I'HIM K Ht ftiKT Raeh MOMlAY. URONKHOAY and SAIIIUIAY at 1130 am for I'ltlMK (IKOIKIll MIMONTO.V. WINNII'ltU. all points Kastern Canada. Halted States. M1ENCY A 1,1. OffAN 'STKAMNIIIP LINBK. lise Canadian National Ripreas fnr Money Oideri., rerelta "riur. flc, bIm for ytiur itest ahlarweitt CITY TICKET Ot'MCE. MS TIIIHII ft.. fHINt F HUCRRT. Pheue t Ladies Silk and Wool Sweaters Aborted atylegvaiRale and (louhla-breutad, fancy Jacquard Knit. Fraser & Payne Univerwil Trailing Co, Advertise in "The Daily News"