Save Money The cheapest way to buy the Daily News Is to aubacrlbe by the hear The coat la 5.00 and your feopy 1 delivered to your address each evening. Just figure out the small coat to you for thla dally I rvice for twelve man thai XVITI., No. 95. lONSERVATiVES WILL ORGANIZE : 'UNION ( OMMITTIi: TO UK AP INIl:i ItV HON. It. II. IlKNNLTT is annoi(t:o AW A. April 99,-A central Oon- oruiilwr and orKanlslnx com- which will co-nperate with pro-ormilBstlona, will be appointed iMlictiun of a Dominion oriianlsar l': rHl executive la left In the p i the Hon. R. B. Bennett. It was. on ,n cl Ht the conclusion of tbs sw M, A V A I imm FRASER BRIDGE Ernv stock, im-yi:au-olo hiii; ntani.dv ntock, illlilvli) to i;ndi;i) i.ii i: jjgW WESTMINBTBB. April 23 HtiMk,' aWflslnhtsen year old "fctvuatl leWvi whom she 'o. i;V YORK, April 23. The Times in a copyrighted article today carries a despatch from Captain George Wilkins describing a polar flight. He nays the flight ended under conditions of Kiiatestt peril. The take off from Point Harrow, despite the j oi u large band of volunteer snow-shovellers from among the hin'.s. thrice failed before the heavily loaded Diane rose into the the metal skis with which it was equipped, breaking each time, illy I he start was made on Sunday. W--ather was good for 500 miles and then it changed to cloud- banks of even grayneas. No signs of AJOR BRANDT DIED SATURDAY M iohmlk ritiMi: itiTHitr man Ml MAIUIILIl sMTLK OK OIL Ki.fioi.V ' N' ui VBR. April as.--Major Johen : - k Hrundt. who raised and coni-i : n Prince Rupert company vt the U H .uiion. died hrre Saturday aged 4 a, -!! known in military and irclra here. . v mrt S.idre. Valders. Norway. 'd' migrated early and waa WC: I cimnd Porka, Njrth Dakota. "I m the Spanish-American war ..lie: ion and about 1906 moved 'c If inert where he waa associated development of the city aa a 1.(1 xrootry "'ore owner during , - iiiiirurtion. and alter the war Vancouver Hi -.urti la survived by a widow Mr J. Charles Halaey. atotr ( W 1 and L W Kergln of Prinze i i w.m.a un ttm Hmri hum i :! time an Island were seen where Peary. Stef-aueson and McMillan thought there might be land but It waa too dangerous to land and take soundings. When BOO mllaa frjm Spitsbergen atonny wlnda ware encountered but tbay vera In tha flyer's favor. A single mountain peak la Orrnland waa sight- Thtf ran into haaVry atouda over At this time they passed an island containing an area of amsoth aurfaoe Tney were running ah' n of gaaoline ao the only, recourse waa to turn back and descend, which tbay did and made a from Onsen Harbor. Tbey were held there for five daya during the worst Arctic weather Wllklna vwr asperlanced. Then the gale blew Itaelf out. Wllklna flew to Oreen Harbor where tbay landau within an hour and were hospitably hiw oiiii.ui:i) ion Sri It TO MAV MILL further cooflrmlng reporu of the big mill project of John R Morgan and W. K. Wllliama for Kalen Island hav brwn received . The Haaaon Lumbar A Timber Co. la reported to bare been 4 given an order for tlea to be used In tha putting In of a spur. The sits la on the rail- r way track beyond Kaien station, f STOCK QUOTATIONS 01 tne uonaervative cdhbbu car Province t' n Ilrureaentatlvea from all the n...n Jin .-. aiteiuled IIMPF.n FROM Nwii Cllg Prlrrs Twlay 011 Vsiichii-vrr KxrlMiu (Oourtesy B. D. Johnston Co.. Ltd.) B.C. Silver . ayvlew Big Missouri aeorf Copper Olader Oladstons Ooloonds ilndapandsnca ... I Indian t .ootenay nstsncs L. X. iLaksvlew ItAariunlth Lucky Jim Marmot Metals .. National Sliver . . rcndtrellle Premier Porter Idaho Kicbmond .. xrparated alnce .the and ol Rufus Argent ram, i, bellsvsd .to hava andad hU.Mb Hods . p jumping off theJUew Wsstmlnstsr 1 sslklrka t Ihni night. A handbag and otbsr'ailver Crest ixMuiming to her were found on Silverado . tIMV IStllvsrsmlth loud splaah and a woman's screams 'gunjock ' ard oencath the bridge last night. iNlTTOS NOT CANIllllATi: JOUVER. April 33 Oeneral Sut- King Tsmlnus . . . ItstIc Whltswatsr I Woodbine 1K a rundldate for nnv nartv at drandvlew fUit, iniiig election. lOtttnls BM Asked I US 1T0 I J 09 V I JtH M ! M M aa JU I tA. 4.00 I .06 1 ' m -08 1 a 1 MM ."W 1 Is i m .06 JS 89 M " 19J0 . W.60 BM 8 SI M .11 , .V4 .61 v .08 M 13 ,M .18. lVfc 9:66 .UH 1.00 M6 14S At . .90 1 1.9S 1" jpBjj1sJBaB MINISTER CONSULTS perilous Flight Was That of Capt. i George Wilkins to Spitzhergen About Which He Tells in Article u no land in Arctic Ocean and hut one sfne HALIBUT B muumuui peuu in ureemana; rocnea by violent gale over turbulent ocean Plah Cold Storage Co.. Be and 6c. Oksrls, 9 ADO pounda. Pacific Fisheries, iiiiaaiTnii mum raieii a h thit mUI mm isnn n u -- - "" Fish Ql MkUk ii ,1 Wa atl.-u . mull iwvawu piwiv lu degree. ; Me and as. lellanoe. HMO pbunda. AUlu Planer Sc and Sc. Mart. 14,000 pounda, Canadian k Cold StoiAge Co.. 8 0c ud 5r IIbm 1st (W1 w.rla aiitnHtairt WILKINS MAY FLY IN SOUTH ritorosu, to kncompash AKC'Tie KMllONH IN PLANK I NI III Hi ll NEW WB8TS5lN8TSR. April 33 -Fran- olsi K7tIIawS DateU rsss u ARE STILL LOW! TOTAL OI' I!M,.VH nil NIH xol.O lltllK Till MUIIN1M1 I (IK LOCAL II1XIVEKY A total of 196.600 pounda of halibut u aold at the Plah Exhca.ngc this morning, prlcea atill remain. i; at i comparatively low level. Ten Amen-1 can vetaela are unloading 170.500 pounda here today for iron: Be and 9c to 91c end Sc. and four dnaduiaaol:, 30.000 pounda for 7c and 4c In each as. Arrivals today were as followa : AMKIIH AN Kectra. 98.000 pounda. Atlln Fisher - tea, 8.9c and Sc. Albetrcu. 2S.0O0 pounda. Booth Plab- arias. 9.4c and 6c. Seymour, 97.000 pounda. Canadian Plah PUli ed at Alert Bay by Corp. B. P. Ponder formerly stationed here, who prt-oeede-to Vancouver with her. Corp. Pondei eearcnea ins snip tnorougiuy an'i caused to be held up one oi the steer age passengers who. peculiarly enough bore cuts on his bands and who wa evidently recovering frwffi the sflscts 01 a drinking bout in which he had arr engaged oeiore taking psssags from here. Two polios offlcera. one of tbsm Corp. Fred Marklsnd, also formerly o-this city, met tbs Ostsls when she docked st Vancouver and took the man. who bad evinced much nervouanaaa, Ir charge. He was landed In tbs lock-up In tbs southern city and. after twin; closely questioned, was finally released on Friday, the day after landing. Hr I told tbs police that he had been drinking by himself in a aback on Ninth Avenue and knew nothing of the crime ANT- AdTtM" rro,n frinc Bupert aaUsllert 13 I tne police that his story was correct land that he had nothing to do with (the . affair. Corp. Ponder returned to LOS AtfOELBB. April 93. -The Bk-jA1" on th cl' amlnar In a copyrighted article today! M ta ,ao ld tnl two poaalble sua- aava that the next sreat flutht of Cant ,P", Irom n" on ln cat Oeorgs WUklna will be a trip the unchartered waters of the arctic regions. over Ant- Tbs article aaya that J. K. Norlhrope, an aeronautical engineer, and a few of bis associates disclosed that Wllklna told them of his plana and needa for the oontsmplsted flight over the southern polar regions In esse he waa auc-osssful in ths hop ovsr tbs other and of the Olobe. Northrop designed tne plane for Wll klna. WOMAN CYCLIST KILLED TODAY the faolflc highway. HENRY J. CAMBIE OF YANCOUVERDIED TODAY VANCOTJVBR, April 39. Henry J. Cambls, pioneer raUway builder and es-plorsr, died st his home here thla morning Aged 91 after a brief lllnaaa from pneumonia. ala and disembarked at Butsdals from which, point there has been no further trace of them. WILKINS PLANE WAS INJURED 5E9 PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Jtf?PW BC- M ON D A Y, APRIL gJgS LOCAL PEOPLE REGARD si Cold Storage Oo . 8 9c and 6c "T" ' , , 1 Addlngton. 20.000 pounds. Canadian, ' v Viking. 19.600 pound &otb Plaber- a. 8.8c and Sc. I Brothers. 16.000 pounda. Pacific Plah-leriee. 9.7c a'ld 9c. Irene, 16.000 pounda. Atlln rtabeMes 7Jc and Sc. for Ketchikan delivery. CANAM X P. Durrern. 10.000 pounds. AUln Fish eries. 7Je and tc. Hclgs H . 9.000 pounds: MargsMos. 1.- 600 pounda. and Yule. 1400 pounds. Canadian Plah Sc Cold Storage Co.. 7jc and 4c. D8.T.. 8.000 pounda. holding over. A STUKliY WELSH FAMILY FOit CANADIAN WEST: C .F. Bewen, his wife and nine children, who are abuui to arrive ai Halifax from Wales, to continue their journey on ihc Canadian National ltailways to Calgary. MAN TAKEN OFF VESSEL CATALk IN VKH1 Hi TIOV AT VAM 01 VKB K VIULEO THAT MllWT IIAII NOTII1NU TO U.O HTII MtlttiUl TM Btassli tsrUi.nsiaaiu or Un Bather Klllaa hare lea surely e:ioug. but without avail last weak to U. steamer Catala which left Prluce Ru pert for the south on Tuesday th night following the crime. vciilnj Km out safe landln, Tb. laUnd proved to be - - watch . out for . any atttuhciou, looking iMPvmaniaii iwbbii. nare 11111 ov mu ... - M . . lndlvtduale and the steamer waa beard Plan to Haul Autos on Flat Cars While Difficult Part of Skeena Highway Being Built Beyond Tyee to About Kwinitsa the conference of the Board of Trade and City Council AT with the minister of public works Saturday, the sinister naked what would be the attitude here tovrard, "arrjrtng the mn by ferry ,oj ffU.YshtAJha difficult part of the Skeana. Ilijjrhway was beirrif boflt. "The" government woufd be prepared to subsidise such a scheme if it met with approval here. He suggested that with a gas-electric engine and flat cars a service several times a day between Tyee and Kwinitsa might be maintained. It took a very short time to load cars and unload them. If this scheme met with approval he nan prepared to go further into the matter. Those present at the meeting agreed that it would be a good thing, so the minister said he would investigate and probably make some such arrangement with the railway. WORLD RECORD AUTO SPEEDING HAT IIKACII MA 1)1. OYLH 7 MILLS AN HOIK WITH Hid WIIITL CAK 4, DAYTON BBACH. Fla.. April 39. Rs) j. Beech, driving a monster speed car built by J. M. White of Philadelphia. ast s new world record for automobile ' when he averaged 907 ASM miles an T hour in two runs over th- official beach courae. The apeed for less than s mile was better than that ot the former title holder, Captain Campbell, a British driver, who In February set s mark of 908M6 miles an hour. EARTHQUAKE IN GREECE TODAY f'ORIvril ALMOST DKHTKOVIII AND ' OIIIKIt I'LACKS A HE IIADLY OAtlAliKO ATHENS Oreeec, April 23 At least 80 psraans were killed' and heavy debug OSLO. April 33. -Wilkins la Icebound caused by a series of earthquakea In at Oreen Harbor. Spitsbergen today. Ad- central dreece during the past 94 vices said the only way he could leave h urs. Corinth waa almost destroyed a was by airplane mid hie plane waa v.ere neighboring watering places at allgbtly damaged Lutakl. Kalsmakl snd Parsed an la. S.S. Ainderby Due Thursday for Second Grain Cargo of Season sssasayws iWVliT, d VKI ui mjgv, UI I f TIT XT 1 XT SM MorriutA flarf More Vessels Yet Fxpected nreii niDvor cycle oeing aliened gfter colliding with the rear of a truck on? ...... ... . .. t Itupert'g twenty-seventh "grain cargo of the season will PHINCE be loaded out for the United Kingdom or Continent aboard the Urltinh steamer Ainderby, Capt. Simpson, which is due on Thursday of this week from the Old Country. This will be the second cargo to be taken from here this year by the Ainderby which was here last in November. The vessel is now coming from the Old Country. Loading of the British steamer Indian City with a full cargo for the United Kingdom or Continent is now proceeding at the elevator and it i expected to get the vessel away on Wednesday. At least two more ships besides the Ainderby are expected to load at Prince Rupert before the present shipping seasoa. is ended. IlAl'IVn AT TKItltACL' iLATt itr. or lAiii is DEtTMTLLY DttlUllI TERRACE, April 39. The Fall Fair Board at Its meeting Friday decided to make horse or pony racing one of ths features of the local fair this year, it is recognised that this Is s feature that will attract many visitors (rem outside, particularly from Prince Bupert. PRINCE GIVES BLESSING EMPIRE .SHOPPING WEEK W'lfthe It Ltrfy NiMem In Mra(r lo C'snsdtan MluMrr OTTAWA. April 39. Hon. J. Malcolm minister of trade snd com me roc, received the following from ths Prince of Wales, the patron Bmplre Shopping Week: "I heartily congratulate Canada on the Inauguration of Empire Shopping Week through the iJomlnlon. Th) increase of Inter-empire trade, which la the purpose of the movement, has my wholehearted support and I wish Empire Shopping Week immediate snd lasting auccesa. BALMORAL J PANESE PASSES IN HOSPITAL UralH.OerHrmt VeMrntay AflrriMMiii of j Ma liyrliars. Aged Itt Years The death occurred yesterday afternoon in the Prince Rupert Osneral Hospital of Ms Uychara. aged 40, a Japan ese employee of Balmoral cannery, Who had been a patient in the Institution for s month or so. Funeral arrangements are In the hands of the B.C. Under takers. OFFICIAL RECEIPTS FROM CUP TIE MATCH LOriDON, April 93.-Official receipt from the English cup final game played hi Wcmblry Saturday amounted to L23M7. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Pri.e ive ('n- " j, HIGHWA Y POLICE HEAD i STARTS WORK XSPECTOIt OltllKtSfl ANK STAIITS CAMPAMN IlKXHlNF.l) TO ITND KILLLIC OF LKTIILIt KILLA.1 Following a conference with local police ofBoers, Inspector Fortes Crulk-ahank, bead of the criminal investigation department of the British Columbia Police, visited the scene cf ths crime on Saturday afternoon and gave the bouse and vicinity close and searching scrutiny. An Intensive police campaign was in full progress with a view to apprehending the fiend who In the early hours of last Tuesday mornl:ig took the life of Mrs Ithel Killa at 837 Comoz Avenue. I Friends of the unfortunate woman at the week-end were making a search of the surroundings In the attempt to I lnd a weapon or aome other leadln; clue. I The covering of the trail of the criminal waa apparently aa tnoroush Sa the crime waa deliberate and There are reports that a reward may be posted for Information leading to the capture of the murderer. Police offlcera. with evidently little evidence to go on. were reticrirt wbta Inquiries were made today ss to new developments in the case. Ltepeetor BpUter stated that no arrest bad yet been msde though it Is underetool that a number ol fresh stoea ware rua down but to- 'no avwtL The case Is developing Into one ot ins most sensational and bamittt mysteries In the anr.als of crime la tha province. THREE OFFERS B.C. ELECTRIC KOTIIKILMtlti: 111 I) LOW EM T STATLS PltEMDKNT K1D1I HUT NTOCK-IIOI.DEKS TO DLT'IDK VANCOUVXR. April 39. Three oKera have been received, according to London cables, for the preferred ordinary itvck of tne B.C. Electric Company. Th first is from the Bothennere interests, tne second from Neabltt Thompson and tb Power Corporation of Canada and the third and highest from Holt As Ouaoy and associated Interests. Oeorge Ktdd, president, said it wouM depend upon the stockholders what ac tion would be taken. The director bad recommended the acosptsnoe ot the N"e- tiltt Thompson offer before the Holt it Oundy offer waa received. PARTS ARRIVE GREENLY ISD. HtXIKI I'LANK AKIilVLS AMI CHAM- HLltLAIN LEAVEH I OK SAML roixT MONTREAL. April 23. The Detroit re lief plane piloted by Bert Balchen and Major Fltsmsurloe landed at Orcenly Islsnd this morning after a 600 mile (light from Seven Islands with spare parts for the danaged plane Bremen. Floyd Bennett, who flew In the plane from Detroit to St. Agnee la seriously HI at Quebec with pneumonia. Clarence Chamberlain took off from Hartford. Connecticut!, thla morning for Oreenly Island to welcome the Bremen ' crew. GRADS BEAT LAKESIDES TttaV fLOsf. IVKKTItLl. fOXTKSt ' SAtl liUAV'AVITil SCOUK OK 9 TO 97 EDMONTON. April 33. Bbc Edmonton Orads defeated the Toronto Lakeeldes. ths eastern champion, on the close margin of 39 to 37 In the first or a two-gsme merles Saturday night for the Oanadlan ladles' basketball championship. A buret of apeed by the easterners cut into the 34 to IS margin the Orads bed at the cad of the third period.