HEALTH FOLLOWS rsnWRCGNSfMAl !a INMKWBOr TstnuewnseKAic: JTS9 A .MUD 1 a-TlmOAT JCjEfc. lr;usm JJ sobj m IS N. Bl.SDDf 8.M SUtitumn UHti Is your child ready for the ' next School season, equipped with health, to take beat advantage of the instruction? Your Nerve Control Your Health W. C. ASPINALL CHIROPRACTOR C Exchange Block Green 211 Navy Suits Enslble Suits Demers Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST MILK ri7 "PRICE Reduced to 12 pints 'or $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St Telephone C57. That Tired Feeling TIRED BRAIN TIRED NERVES TIRED BODY MONDAY HEALTH TALK by R. E. EYOLFSON, D.O, Ph.C. Ia it any wonder that diges tive organs fail and the heart's action weakens under such strain? The modern business of life is carried on at tremendous expense to the nervous systems of both men and women. So great are the worries of life today, that the end of the day finds the brain, the nerves, the body, tired and limp. The laat ounce of nervous en ergy seems to have been expended. Is it any wonder that internal organs atop functioning properly when the nerve force which controls thefr action is so completely exhausted? But with the nerves on edge you are restless and irritable. You cannot sit still and relax. You must be ever on the go. You must have excitement and stimu lation until finally worn out, and the inevitable result a nervous breakdown. There is a way out of this vicious circle of nerve exhaustion. By taking a course of Chiropractic adjustments you will soon find yourself sleeping and resting better, digestion will improve and you will forget the tired feelings in your enthusiasm for new health and happiness. As the supply of nerve force in the body is increased your vital organs will resume their natural functions. You will feel the confidence that goes with good health. Your efficiency will im prove and you will be able to get the most out of life. Our years of local experience and a careful preliminary training assures you of the best that the Chiropractic profession has to of fer.1 Yours for health R.E. EYOLFSON I CHIROPRACTOR I (523 Third Avenue West Phones Office: Blue 85. Residence: Black 252. rwwimv "Despite ail the wide streets and brand new concrete of our modern London, bar eitlaens still take their way among workers and chaffers, just as they did when the sweep shouted hit trade from the bouse topt, and 'Cherry-ripe' was cried In the streets.' VETERAN DIES. VANCOUVER. AprU 23 Wlllard Steves, veteran ot the Bell rebellion and a pioneer resident, died yesterday. TIMBER SALE X9817 Sealed renders wilt be received by the atinisief ot Lands at Victoria, B.C.. not 'eter than a&on on the loth day o- stay. 1931, for the on rente 01 usance XSSI 7. to cut 1 .BS 7.000 TMM. flaruce Heraiook, Balsam and Cedar on an area covennc part of and adjolntaj Lot MS. stoat shore Wark Channel, Ran(e S. Coast District. Two (SI rears will be allowed for re- moral of Umber. Further particulars of the Chief For ester, Victoria. BC. or District Fores ter, Prince Rupert., B.c. 101 TIMBER SALE X9G93. There will be offered for sale at Fub- lie Auction, at noon on the SOtb day 01 April, laaa, in the offlo of the District Forester. Prince Rupert, the Licence X9SOT. to out S .001. 000 F.BH ot pruoa Hemlock. Balaam and Oedar on an area situated at head of Kynoeh Bay. Krnooa inlet, netng a portion 01 uai soo, nans coast inaxrici. Three (Si years wlU be allowed for removal of timber. "FroTldad an one unable to attend the suction In person may submit tender to be opened at the bour of auction nd treated aa one bid. Further particulars or the cntel For ester. VUjtrrla. B.C . or District Fores- ter. Prinpo Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X97S6 Sealed Ten den will be received by the MlnUter of Lands at Victoria. B.C. not later than noon on the SSrd day of April, int. for the purchase of Ucenee XhTM. to cut 3 120 000 F.B.M of Bal aam. Hemlock. Spruce and Cedar on an area situated on Roscoe Inlet, mouth of Noota River. Range S. Coast District. Three (S year will be allowed for removal of timber Further partlcularx of the Chief For ester. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. iiuiid ac." Facts Worth Thinking About III la iO Pacific Milk enjoys a some what unique distinction. It is the only evaporated milk on BISHOP'S BATH ONLY PRIVACY 1111 LOIEDsllIe or ST. ALHAN'S r'EAIi TELEVISION WILL HUU IIIM OF JIIAT LONDON. April . The terrors at television were dwealt upon the other day by the Bishop of St. Albans (Or M. B. Purse), the most unconventional prelate of the English bench. "At present there Is on place, and one paaee only," aald Or. Purse, "where I oaa secure absolute privacy, and that Is In my bath. But 1 read that this privacy Is to be vbucbafed to me only 'or a little time longer. "I make no secret of the fact that I lew with great trepidation the coming 1 etf tbto dvj whiea by Sslevtaton my .-lornlng ablutions at St. Albans will jt reflected on a screen in Mew York .'or the entertainment of the American cinema public" Dr. Furea Is more often than not referred to as "alike" Purse. He be- oaiM Bishop of St. Albans In 1S90 after even teen years as Bishop of Pretoria. Concerning his appointment by Lloyd Oeorge. be told the St. Albans dlooese-"1 couldn't help It. I eras almply thrown at you by a Baptist Prime Minister, and. as far as I am concerned. I have got to alt on your chests for the rest of my natural life. It may be iwpWtaasn for all concerned." Considering Dr. Puraa Is ats last tear and proportionately heavy, tbi is obviously true. In one of his journeys through hi present diocese he spoke about receiv ing letters. "If you have to write tHeu." ha, aald, 'Vcc Beavn sake put stamps on them Nowadays one has to pay fourpence. and It lent worth It. There Is only one thing worse than being 'respectable,' and that la being 'superior ' Figure-heads may have been aU right for the old ahlpa. but tbey are not a bit of .good for a church." BASEBALL SCORES STUUAY O.VML Cwwt iMgwe Oakland 11. San Fraaclaco S. Hollywood S, Seattle S. Sacramento 5, Los AngOies S. almi league Cincinnati 0, Chicago . New York I. Boston S. Aiwrleatt Lte Philadelphia 10. New oYrk ft. Detroit 3. St. Louis 4. Others rain. M'XMY OAMCS I'mt league Oakland 1-8, Ban Franc leoo 4-4. Hollywood ll-l.eattie 6-3. Missions 7-1, Portlasd 0-0. Sacramento 13-2, Los Angola 9-3. Amrrltwii JSfite Boston S, Washington . Cleveland a. St. Louis 1. the marked that is 1Q0H!, lfrit-j Chicago s. Detroit s sh Columbian a Mil rrrlfish Columbia is the onlylrrrrf ifteJ in Canada that has calmed milk produced exclusively from government tested herds. Aside from these features this good milk is exceptionally rich and fine flavored. PACIFIC MILK r-lrlf at Aliltutsford and Ijidiirr. ll.C. Hulld IUV Philadelphia - New York, NstWiuil Jjimu Plttab 3. Chicago 3. Others' rain. rain. SIR HENRY DRAYTON RESIGNS FROM HOUSE OTTAWA, April 21. The resignation of Sir Henry Drayton a a membw for RiTlSHCQLU OBJECTIONS TO ADAM AND EVE Hi Ti m: i kom akt ;ak-i LF.KV AT SOI TIII'OKT. LN(iLAM) 1 LONDON April 28. A nude painting ot Adair and Kre in the Garden of Eden has been banned by the South- port Corporation Act Committee, as the results tf protests by the public. The painting, by WUUam Roberta, is one of s collection by the London Artists' Association which waa exhibited st the Leicester Galleries In Woeesuber This is the first time It has been exhibited outside London. The exhibition was opened just over a week ago. and no objection appears to have been raised to the picture until 1 mayor gathering took place. On that occasion the art gallery, which is an annexe to the municipal buildings, waa used as a refreshment buffet. A gcod deal of comment waa made by the 1.000 guests abcut the picture, and complaints were made to the act committee. The picture waa then removed to a private room, where it rewtalwa Member of the wwamrstii supported the ban. Councillor J. Waterbouas aald that the picture was sound a ugh In one way. but not likely to be an advertise ment for the town. "My own views about sweh things pretty torn." k aald. "but con sidered treat the point of view of the good of the tows it was wisely removed." Dr. Lewis, viee-ehattman ot tfea osm , mlttee. aald bo would not Mate the picture In his own home, aa It was. In his opinion, neither artistic nor Mr. Roberts, who was a etueVnt at the Blade School, some yean agu bJd a notable exhibition ot his work at tie Choral Gallery. In an m traduction to ihe catalogue, ktuirbead Bona, the extinguished teacher, aald: "Ma preenuta his memories of life la a sharp man ner, odd. vivid and quite his own, whose foundation Is a really sterling draughtsmanship." PRINCE OF WALES TO OPEN NEW DOCK Eastern Arm i;lrWn at 1lrMl (Wl about Hjmjm lias LONDON. April 33 The Prince ol Wales will visit Bristol on May 33 to open the eastern arm extension ol the j Royal Bdward Dock. He will have a civic welcome when he reaches the eltjr at II o'clock, and will go to Avon-mouth by road. At the Junction Cut, which oonoeots Avonmouth and the Royal Bdward Dock, he will Join a ateamer fer the dock extension, and the vessel will cut the ribbon stretched1 across the entrance, doing on to the far end of the new arm the Prince wui land St the wharf where an address of welcome will be presented. The new dock, which has taken near ly two years to construct, has oust about Ss.000-000. The corporation re- eel red help for the scheme In Government grants for work for the unemployed. With a water area of 21 acres the new dock spaee la 1.700 feet long and 400 feet wide. There are six extra deep water berths. It Is equipped with tne most modern appliances for the rapid handling of cargoes. An addl- nal granary has 20,000 tons capt city. The'Uacher was. reading an account of the Battle of' ranhecktmrn. "Aftd hen ttu Xcjfhh saw the new : Smithere 11111 I Trr.,--..- , . " 'V. IVU 1 Monday, April 2:; 1''2 t AGF. STX THE DAILX NEWS Laundry Washed Are Not RuboeJ YOU know how you douse your dainty lingerie up' and down in a bowl of sudsy water . . that's the way your clothes are washed in a modern laundry. They are not rubbed or scrubbed but are gently swished back and forth in warm filtered rainsoft water until the pure soap actually foams. Every particle of dirt is loosened without unduly lessening the tensile strength of the fabric. Then came many rinses of rainsoft water so that your laundry washed clothes not only look and feel clean but are scientifically clean. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 VENDORS AND ENTERTAINERS LONDON STREET LITTLE OF ALMOST EVEKYTII1NO I'EDIILEIt AT CI KIISTONE M-IK- in KKT IX ML'TKOFOLIS ENLIVENS THE CITY UALLAl) -SlNOEKS AMI STREET I'OETM AltM'M) AXI AKTISTS OF A KIM) OI'EKATE LONDON. April ". In London now "there are nearly aa many folk carylnp their ware in the gutter and plying their tradea In the atreet, aa there were in the days of good Queen Bees: you can hardly walk abroad without seeing aueb quaint, gay, colorful sight and busy craftsmanship as might belong to the oldtlme when half the town's business was done In the streets," says a writer in the Dally News and Westminster Gazette. "Here Is a man with magic flowers unfolding In a glass of water, here a vendor of Joss-sticks with a sample Jemoulderlng on his tray: there Is a j nimble fellow with toys that run and jump as nimbly as himself, and there Is a man with a pair of tame jackdaws Which will perch on your hand for a penny. There 1 an old man who peddles roc It -salt in a child's pram, j and a young one who sella oountry flowers In suburban side streets from an old Pord. If your fancy Is for a live lobster, a tortoise or a puppy dog. bitter oranges or branches of eucalypt us sliver topped walking i licks or sham dolls that squeak, you will find them all at the curbstone market. I For entertainment you have as much as any cltlnen of Elizabethan London: the ballad singers, the clowns and the .tumblers, still contrive to please the I crowd as their forefathers did though now It Is ranged two by two outside I the theatre. The street poet still iweet Dreams JQW DREAMS are V2fi! h f I a ifll'dla r u ,ur to eome T0U W W I IrS U P al ing confeccin'' Mv BelJe P5l t JJS tl bl nightie and pyjamas are mads 'li I'l ' JII 1 100 from our lovely IcckttHch ' rayon, luxuriously soft and fine and in all the beloved pastel shades plain or hand painted. Many delightful styles are obtainable and all are inexpensive and give long, fXfflP satisfactory wear. Look inside etf rayon lingerie for the May Belle label when shopping tot yourself or little girl Ontario Silknit, Limited Toronto Canada t r-j XT IKJ IMl lit IXI flLlVf 11 girl, who alts on a camp stool, painting i paving atone, of the Embankment, and plcturet tnd , WDO crOB1. "ru" uuv -""-' legged on the pavement working bl wares In Klngsway. making hi. strip of fMt w wUn DrlgM pavement look Ilk, the corner of an ml knlfe.gTtaori Ud Indian bacaar; there Is a oneennect mother besides Jbnq&wt ALWAYS IN LINE WITH THE MODE M BIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of December. 192C. Hug produced Minerals -Silver. $80,787,003; Lead, $106.1 Ooti. $284590 138; Structural lis mineral production to the end o follows- r acer uoia, $io,uio,u-o, -v. .'u J76.442 ; Copper, , , "T ,7 , 7 1 . ' " Materials and Miscellaneous Xryyfl ' of 1D26 show an , ' 1 - AGGREGATE VALl E OP $988,108.-170. I'KODUCTION FOR" YEAH ENDING DECHMHKR. 19M, $07,188,812 lower than thus, , liberal snH Mh, The Mini,, Laws of this Province are more any other Province in the Dominion, or any cu'o&y in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to (Unco erers for nominal iws. develojing such property ths security of which n Abaolute Titles are obtained by Crown grants. . . guaranteed by , 1 Full information, together with Mining Keports and Maps, mF 1 obrMrwd gratis by addressing- 0NORAUI.E THE MINISTER OF MINKS. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. j N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon whWt lwlnii, work has bwsn done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of Uj MmicU-r Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. Tley arf av , able without charge on application to the Department of Mines. Victoria. B.C. Report the Geological Survey of Canada. Winch Buil.ilng. Vancouver, are recommended as a,u..!, sources of information. .... Report? i-overinir of the Six Mineial Survey Districts are puolished separately, ami ,1. avaihible on application. 133 WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. "The Whip Woman" Thrills! I.ovt-: Humour! HSTKLLE TAYLOR, ANTONIO MORENO. LOWELL Sill II .MAN, HBDDA HOITKR, JULANNK JOHNSTON. LORBTTA Y()UN;, ant? Mhr COMEDY "AT KA88." Admission - PARAMOUNT NEN - 35c and 10c "CATERPILLAR" Tractors for (he FARMER, LOGGER, ROAD RUILDER, MINK! FREIGHTER, AND MUNICIPALITY Whercvc rugged power and performance are demanded. .... literature and Prices on Request SOLE DISTHIHUTOKS I'Oll RC.: MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., Limited 1325 STANDARD BANK IlUlLDINfi VANCOUVRlt, ILC. holt mmtmcmmmmm bes t Insist on B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality special Week-end FARE TO SMITHERS OitadlSH NeHimsl I tail way Mrrtk Itr-ijuest r Interior IWwrU of Trade for ItrdiMtd lUIra As a result of efforts of the Smithers Board of Trade, arrangements have beer made by the Canadian National Railway to give special week-end reduced farcK between Prlnoe Rupert and Smlther this summer in addition to thoee that have bean given between here and Ter-rao during the past several seasons. rnese special wen-ond tickets sut will go on sale on Mar n army qn the hill behind." he read, "their i and will continue until September as. plrlt became damped." i They will be good going on Friday and "Now, what is meant by damping ! Saturday and returning on or before their aplriut" he asked one bright lad. Monday. The round trip fare will be "Pltten watar in their whuaky," came! SMS aa compared with the regular the prompt reply. Ayrshire Post. Sld.0. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY N( UM IUKCtlVKKY ' T" '" " , ." NEW NBW YORK. YORK. AprU 38. A radiogram sftaSHMii It. , uunte riftnl II Laf1 Vstf s,.. VVteSAAaVmaVA1 awsxemi T '" -a-j - ' ' - w-r lnvij -salts-d esMi umui... of the Out-vrlo Lluuor Control IHOOSE VOtL RfiNT. rotm Ttocuvum , ' icheUrttitn icj-oco the pole. YOU GKT Montreal Prices and Value for Your Money at Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II. Miller, Proprietor