Page 4 YHE DAILY NEWB. G. H. Arnold Notary Public We want listing of Ste lay——-Highest prices paid. WANTED wart cated and cheap we can sell them for you. We buy Victory Bonds and U.8. lots. are well lo If they Liberty Bonds. No d: Insurance H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Real Estate Bonds Special for a Few Days wrens Niagara Falls Brand Standard Peas 15c per tin Limit 1 dozen Rupert Table Supply Co. PHONES 211, 212 Prince Rupert Dry Dock & Engineering Co. . Boats of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. te docked light. boats can making fees materiéls is Several section, Foundry Work Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Solicited. : together on small Large stock being laid in. one of repair Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. MI. Stephens NOTARY PUBLIC FOR SALE 6-Roomed modern house and lot English Hill, $2,625, terms. 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4th Ave., East, built in buffet, fireplace, etc., $3,500 terms. 8~Roomed W., house 5th Ave., modern, $3,250 terms. " Double Corner Sixth Avenue : and Tatlow St. $1,750. One nice lot near ‘Drydock __ $200. M. M. Stephens ; LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE SALE House, near $1900.00 Five-room house, fireplace and heating plant, harbor view, 3 blocks from drydock $2500.00 McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Insurance - Real Estate Prince Rupert, B. C. sovalitibaccacs FOR A four-room lots, good view, fe dock SI i two dry- MAP Hee lepers eels canta Stine Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 1843. Still in the same line of business 1919. Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. ON SALE AT Fred Stork’s | Hardware SECOND AVENUE Advertise in the Daily News. a tigre - Re ee \* \* \* | SPECIAL NOTICE . Lynch Bros. & McoMeekin |* are sole agents for L. F. * Soilly’s eggs. No other |* Store in town carries this * brand. e 1. KHHKEHHSE OE ‘sega ee ce ee RH eC Ke Just arrived, a car of Beaver Board. A. W. Edge Co., distribu- tors. tf | . > , a Syrotuck was a passe! ger for the south on the boat las eas , er peyaee sings it, everybody ldens s il, everybody is going t ies 3 it, “Mickey” at the Empress tonight. 63 | Mr. and Mrs.:Wm. Logan Anyox are visitors in the city having arrived on the Prince George last night. * . . The following arrived from Altli Inlet by the Prince John veste day: Chas. D, Anderson, J. Mac Millan, and W. L. Dass . * . The first kiss the Pest ever re ceived made her fall over back wards, but she had spunk enough to come back for another. You can't beat the Pest, at the West hn Ime tonight. Auction Sale Old Country Furniture Including many valuable artistic antique pieces and ; oak dining Victorian dinner Weber piano, of New York; beau- tiful Turkish carpet; fine library, consisting of world’s best authors, Encyclopedia Britannica and oth- er works; Conversation chair, an- hair filled; solid walnut wardrobe with mirrors; bedsteads, mattresses, Davenport Singer sewing machine, Reming- jton typewriter and stand; ese handpainted china; | mandolin; | pictures; mangle levy; stove; 435 Ry room suite; ; se dressers, Japan. cut glas spoons; Indian baskets nglish table China cabinets: | ; dish washer; cut- linen; eLe., carpets; range; etc., flower plants; at Fourth Avenue West. favor of instructions W. E. Burritt, Esq. The jtake place Monday, July 14, :30 ru gs; from sale will Commeneing at sharp. artichlars tained | Purther P may ob from be Children’s middy skirts, Special $1.00 Wallace's. 61 Big reductions on white shoes family Shoe Store. . * . lerrace strawberries at the Central Gash Market, 62 G. D. Beattie of Queen Char- lotte Islands arrived in the city yesterday. Mrs. W. H. Melliar left on a brief visit to Vancouver by the Prince George last evening. . * . Chas. V. Smith of Hazelton was those arriving from the r on last evening's train. . . * Mrs. H. O. Crewe left for attle by the Grand Trunk last night and will be away short time. none nteri Se. boat for a . . . Sydney Gee was admitted to the Hospital to undergo a slight operation last evening. I! a small ailment andeit expected that he will soon be and around again. . * . J. M. MeCormick these arriving from tke south by he Princess Mary yesterday. Mr. McCormick has returned from and has come up to his home in Port Essington * . >. General is only is up was améng overseas iormer In the before police court this morn Magistrate MeMullin the cases against \ngelina Brow: he ind Mrs, Helen Kennedy charge with being drunk were both dis- missed, So also was the case « Leonard Wade charged with su; ilving liquor to the two women >. . Provincial Government Em- jloyment Bureau and Soldiers’ ivil Re-establishment; tempor- ry oflice 621 Second Avenue, ’rince Rupert. Employers having men and women in slerical, factory, domestic or ther work should apply to above Phone 553. tf ee ee ee ee | ° TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * ee ee LUMBER FOR SALE F. W. Hart. DIVIS vacancies for *nuF SKEENA LAND RECORDING ION DISTRICT IF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that Oliver Brown, Victoria, B -.. necuipetion machinist, in lends t ply for permission to prospect w coal and petroleum on the West Coa of Graham Island, im the vicinity of West River, commencing at a post planted one mile south of the southeast corner of C. 1 10312, thence east 80 chains, thence south chains, thence west 80 chains, thence rth 80 chains to point of commence ment OLIVER BROWN Per Austin Brown, Agent Dated May 18, 1919 Wee ME THEATRE TONIGHT F MABEL : NORMAND “The Pest” The great Goldwyn Star in her latest 1919 production Six Reels brimful of comedy. you'll laugh until your sides ache. See Mabel take a bath in the rain barrel. See Mabel as ‘‘Jigs,’’ the farmhouse drudge. Big 3 Reel Christie Comedy No Advance in Prices, Admission - - 30c and l5c Two Shows, 7 and 9.15. 2 — De ee rs eee ee eee { ( Local News Notes Shoe Store e-s- 3 nh. A, Tupper and J. Fletcher of Naas Harbor visitors city. are in . . . of Telkwa is a new city from the H. Weaver arrival the terior. in in * . blood raising horse witnessed, “Mickey” at Theatre 63 The ever most race the Empress Tenders are being invited by the provincial government for the erection of a new court house at Ocean Falls. | . . ’ Che Grand Trunk boat John sails for Stewart at 2 on Saturday following the arrival f the Prince Rupert from the south. Prince p.m. . . . Among those leaving for th south on the boat last night was Roy Lancaster of the Royal Bank of Canada who has left for a short holiday for two weeks. . * . The popular song “Mickey dedicated to Mabel Normand by the author will be sung at each performance by Harry Fletches the Empress Theatre 63 * . . Geo. Alder, son of W. J. Alder was among those leaving for Van ecouver on the Prince George last night, where he will visit with friends for a short time . . * Constable Shiels arrived from boat last evening to trial of J. Olts who is Anyox on the attend the being tried for assault beford¢ Judge Young in the county court today. a . * Returned soldiers, widows and dependents can obtain drawings and specifications for homes at greatly reduced rates from Wil- liam Bruce, Architect, Smith Bik Phone 127. tf , . . A meeting of all union men who are desirous of their union retaining its international affilia- tion with the American Federa- tion of Labor and the Trades Con gress of Canada, will be held in the Carpenters’ Hall on Monday night at 8 o'clock. 62 . . . Lieut. G. T. Williams of the Inland Water Transport was among the arrivals in the city by the train last evening. Capt. Wil- liams was here in the early days of Prince Rupert and built the Talbot Rooms, which are now known as the Inlander Mess. * . . Ladies’ silk gloves, 95c¢ per pair Wallace’s- Chas. B. Chamberlin and H,. F. Chamberlin are visitors in the city from Sewans, Saskatchewan. They have left their farms to come west in order to enjoy our i6t wild weather for a short time as the heat on the prairies at this time is something terrific. ae Special values Children’s shoes. Family Shoe Store. . . . Provincial Government Employ- Bureau and te-Establishment, flee 621 Second Avenue, Prince tupert. Returned soldiers, men nd women requiring employ- nent of any kind should register vith the"Above. No fees charged. Phone 553. P. O. drawer 1674, . . . $1.00 black Special 75¢e per nor Saldiarc’ Vs. ’ nent Soldiers’ Civil temporary of- and tan pair. Ladies’ hose. A recommendation from Mr. Came ' Brady last evening that An interesting feature brought up at the school board meeting last evening was the total attend ance as recorded for the year af the city schools. The total is which is, divided up as King Edward, 304; Borden Street, 214; Seal Cove, 36, and Hays Blk. room, 28, Every indication points jto a still greater attendance for the next term so thal somethin; will have to be done very quickly in order to relieve the Tents. Pack enche. Camp outfits. gp “gent J. F. Maguire, Smith Blook. —~——~-« ee et es ee ee ee the 5&8 | follows : | situation. | Ladies’ middy skirts, $1.75 | Wallace's, 61} . . *. Running shoes on sale, Family rencer your money back, with a good r: ate © for the time in which you Government. ee. may sometime compel you to sur- investment Stamps, but should this happen you get all your in War Savings f interest in addition have lent it to the Sixteen 25-cent Thrift Stamps will buy a $4.00 Wa Stamp worth $5.00 NATIONAL WAR SAVINGS (Britieh Columbia Di r Savings in 1924, COMMITTER vision) Vancouver, B.C, Buy THRIFT STAMPS -GEO. HILL NEW ARRIVALS IN Ladies Colored Shoes Now showing at the FAMILY SHOE STORE FREE ERERLOA LE LLLEDOOL Specia! Values in Children’s Shoes ! OPE POL OO LODO Come and be fitted by Expert Shoemen -_—— + FE. The Practical Shoemen R. TABRUM Phone 357 Prince Rupert Music Store OPPOSITE WILL EDMUNDS, Phono cdwink Repair ' Wo THE GEST KNOWN THALYS Prince MARK In THE WORLT grapl Pee Wastes 6 rome Rupert The Largest Stock of Pianos and ( North of Vancouver The Heintzman & Co. Piano The Weber Piano Thomas Organs | High-grade Guaranteed In W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. ‘Everything LATE? POPULAR SONGS AND DANCES, YICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS 1 instruments repadded Academy of Music With the Store. strument POST OFFICE Proprietor in Music.” 1s, Violins, Ftc. Bows rehaired and adjusted In Connection gans E. L. VAUGHAN iano Tuning and Tepairing, Pleyers a Specialty Prince Rupert Music Store conte = the school board buy a Book o History for the High Sehool. Be- | fore passing upon this Mrs, Kirk- patrick thought that she would like to see what she was buying so the matter was laid aside until the return of the book agent w! will interview Mrs. Kirkpatrick. Men's work shoes on sale. Family Shoe Store. , . * La Casse Bakery Another 200 Ibs. of Genoa and Fruit Cake to be disposed of this week at 30c per Ib. ln r Also all kinds of Pastry Wedding Cakes a Specialty ounding up morning don’t forget your order, Domestic Bread The Bread with the Label 717 Third Avenue Phone 190 meetin “~- eonerert, ; ’ ‘ For the Salt Lakes j Sundays —10 a.m. and ; every 40 minutes. ; Wednesdays 215 p. 3 m.andevery 40min- 3} utes. ; Fare--Return- - SOc } Children - 25¢ } . ; J. Myhill Jones ; Ked 391 i rs a