April 2', 192 rHcrs at Prince Rupert of the Now Chevrolet Light Delivery Chassis $0.11.00 l-l'a Ton Truck Chassis , .$800.00 Roadster $808.00 Roadster Delivery $808,00 Touring $808.00 f'oupe $o:n.oo f'oach $0:11.00 Sedan $10:$0.00 Cabriolet $10:10.00 Imperial Landau $1080.00 Front Bumper and Rear Bumperettes standard equipment on all IJawenger Models. Disc Wheels Standard equipment on Imperial and Cabriolet only. On other models $30.00 extra. Spare Tire and Tube, $10.00 extra. Kaien Garage Phone 52 RICHMOND Louvre FAMOUS FOR VALUE in Ladles' Coats Hats and Dresses 11 S. WALLACE CO, LTD. Corseleftes GOSSARD Mult' in iiii c quality Silk 1 ! Hat into. Elastic In- I barter. Sixes S3 to Special $2.45 H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd. !rcl Avenue and Fulton Phone 9 NOBLE FIVE MINES Miller, Court & Co. spon-1 n il and placed before the such well known pro-i'Tiu' as Cork Province at :" U hilcwater at 25c, Pend "n ille at 25c, and niw they iK r NOBLE FIVE MINES i l l), at 30c a share. Over three quarters of a 'Million dollars has been Jt"'nt on development, power I'l-mt and mill. This is a proven property. Subscrip-' '"'' taken by S.D Johnston Co.Ltd. 017 2nd Avenue ARents for Miller, Court & Co. Ltd. LINDSAY'S Carlage and Storagi Phone 63 Cartage. Warchoulng, and niHtrlbuting. Team or Motor Service, Coal Sund and Gravel. Spwinllft In Pjnnn and I'urnitmt Muting. CONFERENCE AT MEETING WITH DR. SUTHERLAND MINISTER ()l TI.IM;n (IKNKK.U. ItOAIt NM.H-V Mt IMIICATIM WHAT M'll.l. J XB KEEP TO RIVER KOUTE III ... ir niki - .i.i.i.-,,, IPIM MTIJ lt ( OSTI.V HIT NOT IIV AW MKANH IM-I'OHHIIH.IJ The aeneral policy 0f the government "I law has txen to try to connect ud !! part of the province by mean of KMn niRhways and a start In that direction hud been made at Prince Rupert. Id Hon. W. H. Sutherland, minister of public works, in the courie of a confer-enoe held with members of the council of the board of trade and the city council Saturday afternoon. It had been found that the bridle across au.i Rapids would not be as expensive as ws at first expected. It would probably be built partly of Uvl and part wood Spans above a certain length were cheaper of steel. The suggestion of taking a rout-back from the 8keen had been pretty weU abandoned and It was expected the route would have to follow the river Building to Tyee would be comparatively easy but after that the work would he costly and would Use a little time. Me asked what would be the attitude 01 thts city toward the provision fit s terry or a special rate on the railway I for cars while the difficult part of the road was being built. The government would be prepared to subsidize some such scheme. IlKVOM) tVEE The road for about forty miles beyond Tyee looked difficult but it would not be at all impossible It was already found that tourists reaching Haelton did not like returning over the same toad. If they could get through u Prince Rupert they could take their cars south on the steamer Toe minister said the road out of here had cost from ten to twelve per cent more than was estimated, this wa not a large amount. The road was not yet in very good condition as the construction contractors had been hauling fifteen ton truck loads over it. Tbij would be rounded off and left In good condition. Or. Sutherland disabused the people here of th eldea that the government waa giving them anything. All that was being done was to spend here the money eollected In motor licenses and gasoline tax. Thl money went into a special fund and was used for roadwork throughout th province. The money SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vaeant unreserved, surveyed Crown lands may b pa-s-arnptsJ by British subjects over li years f ass, and by aliens on declaring intention - Ut beeotae British subletls. conditional upon residence, occupation, use Improvement for agricultural purposes Tull Infotmatioo ooncernlna: regit-.atloas regarding pre-emptions Is given In Bulletin No. 1, Land Series. "Hew to Pre-empt I-aad," eoploa of sihloh oan be obtained tree of charge y addressing the Department of Lands. Victoria, B.C.. or to any Government Agent , Ilscords will be granted ooverlng nly land suits bit tor agricultural purposes, and which Is not timber land. I.e., carrying er 1.040 beard feet ner sore weal of Ue Coautt Range and t.OM feet per aere east of that Range. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addressed to tha LjiixS com mlasloner of the Land Recording Division. on In which the land applied tor Is situated; and are mads on printed rorTtre, enure, -or wmen eeai ne- oo-isinad from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements mads ,i to value of $10 per acre, Including clearing and cultivating at least five ut aorss, before a Crown Orant oan be received. for more detailed Information ass the Bulletin 'How to Pre-empt Land " PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlniberland, for agricultural purposes; minimum pries for flret-olasa (arabls) land la II per acre, and seoond-claes (grai. Ing) land $2 60 per awe. Further Information regarding purchase or lease . of Crown lands Is given In Bulletin B No. 19, Land Series. Turohase and " Lu of Crown tand . .. Mill, factory, or industrial sites on Umbsr land, not exceeding . may be purchased or Isaeed. the eon-dlUoDs including payment of iiu. etumpege. HOMESITE LEASES Unaurveyed srsas. not exoeeJlng II acreV may be leased as homesUfs. MndUtonal upon a wlltajf b. Bg title being srsotsd In the first year, ra.ldenee and ra-Jrov.ment obtainable after conditions are fulfill and land has been surveyed. LEASES company. QRAZma ... sat the Prv Orsilng Cwmtal J9n ' grating permits r'!f, being given Sumbere ranged. rirlti.!r.oineri Htonk owner. Jo ..Ubllshed owner , Of may Krro , m--- ef msnsgsment. frsa nea or permlU are. MtXawe w u eajacsrs tsa 9? j service i -. 1 Fairbanks-Morse Stock Pumps Tb Fairbanks-Morse Stock Pump is not just another pump. When Fairbanks-Morse V Co. decided kto build a pump for handline uood pulp stock and other fibrous or stringy material, they consulted with Mr. A. D. Woody an outstanding authority and designer of pumps of this nature. Mr. Wood wotkvil with Fairbanks-Morse engineers oiid produced a pump that is nn improvement on anything heretofore designed' er constructed. The new improved stock yurop, with its two bladp ttK"d impeller, will handle, without clogging, fluids j containing solids up to one pipe sixc smaller than the auction opening, and fibrous or stringy material of any consistency that will flow through a pipe line. OAs CANADIAN Faitlianlts -Morse COMPANY-iSntUerf did not come out of general taxation. then- wj still about 400,000 In this :u:-d. The poUcy was to make tbc motjr owners pay for the roads. TOt HlhT lllIMS Dr. Sutherland spoke of the Uwmen rtous development of the tourist busl- Last year 250.000 cars entered, British Columbia and there were morel ?m SAB PAQ25 FTVa HIGH SCHOOL visiters to the province than re-'ldenta. Py'e. H, Flaber, Carl Smith, p. FHbb. Tn British Columbia It was estimated R- Fong, f. PbH, P. Vscchjr. R. QImt H3.OOO.DO0 a year was spent In cars. :noskl. A. Hardy. It ooet from g&Q to ago a month to I J 3. Wilsqn Mfereed an0 O. Stocks own a car Including upkeep, wear and and W. W. C. O'Neill were linesmen, (car and deterioration. The 90.000 cars! Negt Saturday Borden and Booth registered in B.C. last year was a large expense and If by improving the roads 1 the cost of upkeep on the can was cut down, that was a saving to the people f the province. It was an economic piopoaltlon. Dr. Sutherland said enough money had been set aside this year for the bridge at Galloway Rapids and to take a highway them would tend to bring! buaUMas to prinoa Bupert. There would be two planes here this; luauMr inn ic wss nmnnsjin hav r r one of tnem give a final check up on tne route to mane sure nothing bad been ..... mi.itfrf a vow oi louiu w ur Diiinenana was extended. Yesterday the minister was entertained locally and left for the south last night. A committee of the Rotar rsnsistlng cf H 8. Btcheater and H. P. bs.ii --.. o..w "! J - - ww-e"- BEAT BORDEN Ti:M HON JIV FIVE fl.U.tlt fl(MIS ix niwT o.mk or wi:roM llU' The JunWr POdtball league opened the second half df the season on Satur day wHen lUgft Uool won over Borden ; School by flvf car goals. Borden won. tile tons an) fleeted to play uphill. lllgh took up tt)e attack from the start land play was rawly out of the Borden half ol the 014- lhe advantage of height, weight and experience all told in favor of High, School and goals were scored by Johnston, uks and Stiles. Playing down hill in the second half wm of little advantage to Besden and tney were tndftly on the defensive. Kanaya. Nskamoto Pyle, Carl Smith and vvcnr an defended heroically and with weajfaj but High vnt not to n iHnlM W further goals were added by Wick and Bred Cameron. Full time icuna ttign winners by five goals to nil. Borthe kesces Ksnaya la goal saved many good ahot. one stop In the secopd half at the expense of a fruitless corner being specially clever. Pvle showed good Judgment and with Carl Smith stopped many a High raid. Fong. jMakamctfj. V sec her and F:hi all de fended to the last. With a little more ccachmg and prac: , Bjnitn will pu up a much better 'how. For their first appearance they are to be songrs-tulaled on their play and specially for Unetr pluoky fight right up to the last wblatla. Illgb, Scjiopl were ragged all through. Boy Wicks, Thurhtr, Clouston Johnston and Fred Ovftem Plyad the bestfpqt-ball. Scott In goal was not teatef). But Stiles and Fisher had tap masd weight and height to be bothered much by the onpaatnn fqrw.ard though Fong and Vsocher wse qot to pe aylly dis- possessed. Taams High fichool: D, ScpU. A. (8tlle, natter, TJHjrber. C. ifihftitfln, A Tbompson. uati. wicks, w. Johnson. Csm'0n. R. Morrison. Borden School: Kenaya. NakagMito, meet at 3:90 In a regular feature. : " t !i H." l. ? Around The World With Sport Fans (llj The Tramp) be beM tn Hamilton. Ontario. June and July a. s . . -wi .w i viiuvm uin-mi. iii.l cnura mr in Canadian Olympic marathon team has onn tn Mnii.nrf fr ni mnntw ... I .training prior w panicipauon in tne' marsthon at the Olympic games In Amsterdam in August. A flne of tM was imposed on the jSouthall club at a meeting of the The council also passed a vote of cen- .. . ailllBj gj OUUUHUI, amis Viuw revcuwi oa ) nat K nntnn Hi,, nn.hu ,a An " ' " so with Its regular " team. However. It , . . .. . signed on a team from HUB. "Kwe - i Irnt." and sent them against Kingston and went on the tour. It was thought luc KIIV fciir uuuin.ll CUUIU 11UI BU nnyinuig aooui ii, out it was round ..... . .v. u,.i WI, C1UU i.. w.m i i r.u urst eleven in an senior division lea gue matches be liable to be dealt witn as we council mignt determine, . Art Nehf southnaw IJipiivr for the yu Cincinnati Reds until last year when was discarded, seems to have stand comewrk with the Chleogo Cubs It was hardly necesssrv for Leo that none of his pluyem Is for snle Stories huiuk i-iiT- n'uiius ui mr n n l press 10 me eoeci vnat an oner of 50 000 for Morena was being enter tained, and other stars of the team are likely to be disposed of. There la no apparent reason why the roUM" hockey sextet rxiitnt sluniM be ill-, mantled. Miss Mcrcedi s Oleltr the English I typist, who recently announced that she ; had swum the 8tralt of Gibraltar, has accepted a challw.ge to an endurance I test In the open sea. at a time and place to be erraiiged. Mrs. Lottie 8c ho- emmell being the lady who would make the test. While we hear more about the Una- A at tend at Ilsmrxlen Park. Considerable local money changed handa Saturday over the big cup fmel land, minister of public works and dU- had an "w""""'r opportunity to make a remun- cussed n,tmm, ty,m the matter ,, of , . ,., trail the ... a up eratlve tour of the channel Islands. It mountain. The mlniater promM toUould have ol.vad . l match cake the matter un with the engineers before leaving town with a view to pos ilble action. 'PKOVINCIAL BISECTIONS ACT" I'KIXCK 1(1 I'lUT KI.ECTtlK.tl, IHItTIIICT NOTICE la hereby given that I shall, Monday, the atst day or May. 199Q. pel Revision for tne purpose of revlalnc the Hat of vi voters for the said electoral district, i rrri and mnn n, of hearing na.nna an and determlnlni aa,v,m,. any and all objections to the tntloa!Dunall,m ot ci"ifu w any name on the aaid list, or to the registration as a voter of any applicant for registration; and for the other purposes set forth in the "Provincial suecxions Act." Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this stn day oi April, lege. ncuiBTNAft OP VOTaWfi. UB PrlnceBupert SJectoJJlstrict. MINHUAL ACT (Pom r.) Ci:ilTHCATK OI' IMI'ltOYKMKNTM .NOTIti: Princess Pat. Lot 4Ma? Pilar Tai A.P.. Lot m, dbeerver. Lot' Mineral Claims, altuate in the Atlln ng Divuion of Oasaiar District Where located: On Munro Mountain about four miles from the town of Atlln. take notice that we, Jsmes stokes nd 0. 8. Frfceer, Free .Miner's Certificate ouou-vuuoi, iniena. sixty asya rrotf) the dnte hereof, to apply to the xdnlhg nvwi vrmr iw a OertfrlMte ot Imnrove Crown OmnhofPAePt?6ow (Sfahn1" Vh ,ooU," cl,P "rt then about Aud further take notice that 'actlen,ithc Scottish, more fans turn out to the under seotloo M must be commenced Scottish games. The total of 98.000 at f WCh CwWc.te fllembley taXemtnS" is rather dlaappolnUng com-. Dated this Bth day of March. A D. 1038. pared with well over one hundred thou-1 II. MEN. ni.8EU. Afent. NOTICE . tl,s MATTBB of M.anfdleatkm f4r!lt Title for Lot sixteen (Wli. Blocl : afxteen (18). Town of Stewart. Map 81BA. aatisractory proor of the loss of the the Certificate pf Tfle oovtrlne the above isnd nsving been produced to me. It Is Ing iiiv)niui in issue, alter tne expiration of one month from the first nuh-&4iE. PrwJwpnaJ Certifrcate Title to the ahnve inH In IV,a nama w H. vickbrs. The original Oertlfl- HJS T'i1 ' d",ei1 th 39tb October, 1910, and la numbered J78I. T-.nri n ,.. otfi.c frlnce r"wt I was lnterestlns tn note tk iirT.rJ X L. PutmsnaiwUry. The fol TP"Ma on the faces of thoa fl- nanclally interested, when thy heard result. In one ease It was a beam- smile and in the other a puraled axnreealon which seeroeu to eay: "Howi could I have made aueh a mistake?" Hostility to the forthcoming Olympic gam'" has arisen In Dutch religious circle mid a report on the subject by 11 F MrTKOD -vrn n.u -niiii clergymen n;i ijeen RepUtrsx of fuiM.'mads public. The report declsrti that We Recommend OFFICERS AND DIUECTOHS President Wellington Beaton, Mne operator, jiresident Georgia River Gold Mine Tftd. OU'.L.), Vancouver, Il.C Vice-l'rIdept A. C. Bqrdlpk, president and general manager Pacific Salvage Company, Victoria, B.C. . I)irectors-n- Qeorge F. TmU, president G, F. Tull & Ardern Ltd,, Calgary, Alto. Andrew G. Larson, consulting mining engineer, Vancouvor, B.C., and Spokane, Wairi. Henry fl. Thomson, forrner food controller of .Canada, and director o Ladysmith Tidewater Srnelterg, Ltd., Victoria, B.C. B. S. Lennle, barristerwit-law, ne & Clark, Vancouver, B.C. N. T. Bqrdick, Vice-president and general manager Vancouver Dry-Dock & Salvage Co. Ltd., president Of North Shore Drydock Co., Ltd. We are offering the first 830 Hastings St. West. IEMgW0BTH&CP. LTD. 90S Credit Fongier Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. I ame interested in Amalgamated Mines Ltd., and would like further details. NAME ... ADDRESS 3i mMlimimJmWmtmmmimmmmmMmBmmmmmWSt there appears "to us to be ample Justification for decisively opposing tne I fortnoomlng Olympic games. Bery- thing Is oppesed to the principle of l loving Ood above all else The strongest being is here the moat exalted and is raised to tfce place which Ood alone Should occupy." aartngfietd Indiana, for the second 9tZ ship of , Vk. the Canadian-American Jl the rtcan Pro- fssilonsl Hockey league when thry defeated Quebec Beavers recently in a - . . . ... ' ,.., . ... "as Leroy OolcUworthy, n Edmonton boy and a chap who played In junior. senior and finally professional hockey In that city. Twelve years ago Dempaey would have fought anybody for the modest remun- ' . . iiuw wv wuum iwissisuu si uttvm Vt w eiistewwk A csebn am . M.s wte-i. "7 ' tZlZ " fun pay ' guaranteed for . ten rounds or nttJ7 V" h h. .u,., ahouWht lart be sllowed to pick almost any oppon- nt , . he might ,h, prefer. . . . . The possibility of a British Columbia 'c.,, week in Victoria this summer l depend largely upon the support of outside competition. At a special ' mminf ot victoria and District Cricket CtloUt Association sjBocutton held here a sub-committee of local crioketers. with MJor u .nUry, wu i, w ,nqutw lnto t. pt,! I ot prooaoie enuranu ana nnansiai pos I ,,.. I o.,,. u . k, m VlSl5Blia est tmHm-i successful season when they detested Saanlch United la the MacKay Shield final by a 4-3 score The Bakers have set whst Is believed to be a record In local soccer circles. They hsve won the four trophies put up for competition in the Wednesday Football League, and in addition only suffered one de feat this season, and that at the hsnrts of Saanlch United. Kxei SPORT CHAT Providing that there la goad weather Prince Oearge baseball fans will be en- abled to witness their first of the se- son baseball game tomorrow- During the past two weeks there has been s good turn out of players and from the material on hand there will be two good teams chpsen to play the opener. final practice was held last evening Diea Park. The members of the Prince Oeorge tennis tennlSjjcI xclub comDleted their oraanlisa tlon, UK at a ceeeting this itk- e. V. neykin was elected a,K'lain vioe-preeldent. luwlttg mennrhlp fee were approved Family tlokets, 15; murrled couples, 1Q: gentlement. 10: ladles. IS snd junior tickets M Although no definite plan has been set, the bout between dene Tunney and Tom Ileeney for the worlds heavy- weight boxing title probably will take place In the Yankee Stadium on tnurnaiiy nittni. jmy nn-iiu given up all Idea of taking ths bout to n 1 Amalg BECAUSE i is directed by men of Known experience and ability in mine management and finance. BECAUSE it s assured of ample fundi with which to acquirecantrojr of prqertiei and develop them. . BECAUSE it owns control of tho IIYDEH LEAD MINE, one of the most outstanding silverlead properties in the Portland Canal district and is in a position to secure control of other equally valuable properties in other parts of the country. BECAUSE the ultimate success of AMALGAMATED MINES LTD. (N.P.L.) does not depend on the production of one good mine. You are safeguarded by the fact that at least one mine in ten will be successful. BECAUSE you are linking up with the leaders in the mining industry when you purchase this stock. allotment of underwritten stock in LTD. (N.P.L.) nt S0r per share Hemsworth & Company Ltd, Mining & Stock Brokers mmm.mmimmmmmmmMmmmwwmmmmmmamn i ia,siMsi IN PBOBATE It' irilt L I till ll l li ollili.a nw nnwwajia ' ' tOLlNllll" in the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Benedict Bteffan Johnson. Deceased. Intestate TAR ROTICK that Mr order of Hii Honor V. UeB. Young, the 32nd day of i March. 1038, I was appointed administrator of the estate ot Benedict Bteffan Johnson, decease, and all parties hsv-1 tne earn estate are furnish same pro-1 ; perly verified to me i en or Before the tfe? lndehtel esutesre required to pot the amount of their Indebtedness to ms forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C ! - England, because the excessive taxa-. tlon abroad. Rlckard believes the : match will draw II M0. 000 in Hew York. Although the gate receipts prob-. ably would be as large In London, with the mammoth Wembley Stadium avail-1 able, Rlckard classed the project as, "too much of a gamble." Tunney will right but once this year, the promoter saya. and if he retains shin. wlU battle but onos for Rlokard m l9fa 2,,,, cnaUw jlf victorious over Tunney. haa agreed to . . . ... rigm omy once next year, ane tnen under hie auspices. Rlckard said. .. n.K.l. M . . . the National circuit for the' next few years, according to the performance of a number of youngsters last year. It the records of the ItSrr teeaop can be ccvpin as a onsenon wi uie SDHif7v as . . ...... v' , numoer oi recruit pitcners, tnen cne edge will shortly oome back to the ounger organisation. Wlloey Moore of ri or CTeTegaa" 1mt&m Uafn-ee of Washington, with 14; Thomas f Chicago, 19; Irving Hadley, Waah-rgtop. 14: Ptpgraa of New York, 10. nd Carroll, Detroit. 10, all make great bowings. That la real hurling for eteran twtreara, yet when seven unex-ecteely come through. It is apparent 1 e American league has a lot of 'class "PEEPING TOM" IS STILL AT LARGE I Vert in lV!Hlews ami Even (!ea to l-rnglh n( I'ajpf, Ijiililets to Reach second storeys "Peeping Tom" I still at large, much to the consternation of many women ot this city who have Just about come to the stage where they are afraid to venture forth at night unaccompanied. Laat week he wee reported to have visited the part of town around Xlghth Avenue Weat as well as Borden Street. Previously he bed been reported across Hays Creek in Section Seven. Hit specialty sterna to be peering Into wlitdowa and he la alee reported to have Mope as far as to get laddeta and laael Into second storey bedrooms. i While "Peeping Tom" may be a harm-lees individual, it wquld be a profound relief to many women at least were h apprehended, particularly so In view ol resent UApJeata&t events. H P. Olhson, proprietor of the Stew- ait News Co., and Mrs. Oibson were passengers aboard the Oatals yesterday afternoon returning to Stweart nfter s wip iu viiiumm siio uwwr iruiiub in the south. amatei AMALGAMATED MINES Vancouver, B.C. siiisiiMisiiiwiisjssi aan. sssge-eeessrawsrjsewsMwsMM City Meat Market Sevig Bros, Third Ave. Phone 765 KJOT FISK (KON'SAKB A lie sorter norsk ost Norske fiskekontrver Norxke sukkerkavrinxer Norske hveteskonrokker NorsKe rugkonrokker Norske knekkebrod Norske flatbrod Mqtter o.s.v. 1st ky, varer. Itillige priser. Ilurtiu omhrinselse DRY : BIRCH JACKPINB AND CEDAR Single load $W0 Double Load $C50 Lance Sack 50c COAL PKICBS DOWN Pembina Peerless Kgg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Setciul Avenue Radi 10 Radi 10 As well ss specialising on the No. 17 Radiol, we wish to draw vour attention to the Radloia No. 18 It la another of the up-to-date, last six months models, a six tube receiver. Price, lees Radlotrons . . S BS.00 Price, with Radlotrons II MM Price, complete with Rndm- i rons ana iuu.a L,oua- sneaker S11H.7.1 . . t II l-ll .i'in Rxcluilve Wholesale Dealer for Rad tolas Office: SIS HUth St. fta gl.1 rrlnce Iteptrt. n.C. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies, Bulk-ley Valley Hay and Grain. Seeds, Fertiliser and COAL, call up 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co.