1 X PAGE TWO PRINCE RUPERT ! GIRLS WINNERS Chriss;e -McLeodr tOUl, 18. lnternwsfatela'me The Intermediate .League exhibition game wlfiVrounded off the evening's program was a spirited encoigiter.'ftigh School winning over Big Four by the narrow margin of 90 to ML At half time. High dong all the way. Scoring was as follows: High School Harold Macdon aid, 4: Danny Morrison, 2; Alan Cross. 9: Hob Stalker. 5; Bob Irvine; total. 20. Big Fonr Ernie Hatchford, 8; Eddie Smith. I;. Doug Stalker, 2; George Hills, 1; 1. Katstryanta; S-Currie. 3; total 16. ' Bill Mitchell referoed both J A. M -1 crowd of fans in attendance. The Anyox gtrts sarled hy the CHRISTMAS GREETINGS 0TTAWA. D.C. 24 Christmas! the department of marine. wVSK I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia CE IS EXCITING Prince of Wales went hunting with the Qaorn hounds the Ok tiute he - has been in the field since his return from Africa- The Post Oifice general deliv err wickets will he open from 4 to 6 p.m. and the lobby from 8 ajn. to 9 p ro- CHRISTMAS BILLIARDS The handicap billiard tourna risen from !" lowly positions r to add merit at the Grand Terminal Club .... r In ttiM V.tifhnitl ttfwWtV Kia waaohAA 1 V samLflnfll etairM girls had anotner easy wjb " - - " " from e . . . . ,. , l.x Tk im hnfh in third itrill nmKsHI , .AixnUlul , away fum onnonents in the second half, other game oa unoay, tms ume recently ten played: however, making ten points whiu to Detroit, and Montreal now ties First Round Anvox was helpless and could them for the internatioaar section Daag Friuejl 149. Art Easson not net a single counter. Players and scoring: An vox Miss U. Dresser, 1; Miss L. Dresser. 2; Miss B- Eve: Miss F. Camerrm. 2; Miss M. Cloke; Mie Winnie Caneron; MisF F. Dodsworth; Miss F. Mac-donald: total 6. Prince Ruirt 'Mi.-is Sue Bod- lead. In the American section De- 300. troit is three points behind the Rangers. The following was the score: Saturday Piftatourga S. Toronto 2. . Ottawa 0. Caoadiens 1. Sunday Detroit 2, N. Y. Americans 0. Gilchrist; Miss EUaSteen; Miss LONDON. Dec. 24: The Second Round George McIImoyle , Tinker 200. P. Pritehard 105. A i aid 200. r- US, A. A. K to 10 this evening. Tomorrow croft 164. beise Christna Day the General E. Yager-J School was ahead t to I)ejvcry wirket will be open from played. 8 in the contest which was ding- 145. G. P.; M. M. McLaehlan 140. M. An drews 260. Message of Christmas BY REV. T. H. WRIGHT, a A. Haaelton. B.C. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good i p s lie i wiH toward? men" the BiWe. Far back in the miets of iUny Uim oie ctau last gtr-fiantlmiUy'hl5tPrians find various nations? that celebrated borne. The riince Kanert girts W..si., 11.1. j j la ' i lu. wun Ie au auommenis 01 """wW evergreen, noiiy wiii go north on the Prinee Rap- ert Wednesday night far a re- and mistletoe, turn series at the smettr sown, i The early Christians adopted some of the customs of j : ' - ' ' r t - J it. . . 1 I k 1- X - ll rrrl. 1 a. I tfljf ewry' ugot suti vtiit, iunung uuicis. me nappies, uine as 'Peace. It ought to be a festival happiness going hand in hand; ! around which our most hallowed tha-e is hunshteuess of mind. memories cluster. It is a tisne for gentleness, loag-sufforfng, the the rivine of and fur him whose feet are weary iirid whose steps are slow. Dif ferences should be forgotten, eel-ih complaints stifled. We deride the best for the children, the best in education, in training and' i . v mnanionship. ) Tw0 hundred snd fifty children It would he a barren Christmas every one of whom received a were there no recognition of the Christmas sack, ware in atten-precious trurh that Christ was the dance at the' Moots Lodge's Incarnate Son of God. The me s-1 Christmas tree yesterday after-saae af Christmas is the message noon. The affair was opened by of giving Centuries have rolled Dictator B. M. Simpson and Joe by. Empires have come and gone, ftatchford did the boaors for but nothing has stilled the song Santa Chtus, distributing gifts i of Rethiebefn. The song that the and sweets to those present anirels SUnsr to the shetlherd was . An ArrhMlra rnn.Utinir nf tl. a message of peace and good will ! Nellie Lawrence.',)! Its Molly Law-to all people. It was a nchjfee4j,; Ml AVadea Muaullem, usdixj message. In aj the 'worlds pM WrarroB; Jack Musaaliem, there was no real peace. Men Bob Held, Walter Howarth. Nor-strove and contended for mastery, man Wilsen and Ranald Bartlett and there waa no good will be- donated its services fer the pc-tween man and man. Christ ma. casien. still has a message. It speaks to I The committee in charge con-some of Joy. to some of peace, to silted of Mr,, and Mrs. B. Lar- others the way of salvation. God has still gifts to bestow upon us. He wants to give us a deeper and more abiding sense of Ilia presence. God wants to bestow upon us blessings which will enable us sen, Mrs. II. SkatteboL Mrs. S. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs, 0. Stexa-tig, Mrs. A. Wick, Mrs. P. J. Hyan, A. Ohnesorg, B. Handera-tblld, N. Mussallem, L. Asteri and Percy Ciimeron. THE iUILY .Nh.w3 Monday, DoeemUr 2l l2g jSPPRT CHAT i! For several years the complaint has been made that the Major . 1 Changes Over Week-End as He-' Grand Terminal Tournament for ! fWe taaeball campaign open Had No DiffhiuJI -In Beating suit of Three Came Phridn... TurUv. I(Mrh . too early in the spring, ine a., Anvoz Again Saturday Night I c,;r,i cT ! ditienal complaint Good Intermediate Exhibition NEW YOBK. burgh and the Dec. 24. Pitts-Canadiens have has Teen beard that the races extend too far into the autumn to expect to have baseball weather. The 1 YTU "T i , '? . '"T, American and National leagues iu iuc Mv.imft uuii9uuaa iui a turn Jllgh oCBOOl ftiimu,' ivf ftcj cigais . dtlHpii to endeavor to frt bad weather in the Anvox High Jcnooi in oasaei- ' " , . , m,.,,... :. v aneninif the season or ball' on Saturday night at the ple in their sections. Frank today. Aid. G P Tinker and Art ZZZjL Apr Exhibition Hall the score oeing r " vv oaiiy mct iii uc vcuu-nwi 18 to 6 in favor of the' local. oal for Pittsburgh against Tor- and the wler of E. agei vs, J. The first half was fairly dose, onto on Saturday. The Canadians Campbell and Marcus Andrews, in Hir,a 8 to fi in Runert's favor, gave Ottawa another defeat the other. ne 16, and by closing it on Oct. 6 That 1 arrangement shoves the World Series back to about the 9th or 10th of October and into The locals simply swamped their The Americans dropped an- Following are games that have footbl(li 8ea5on. At that mind bat get up to Bat every few innings and crash that old apple?" Billy Evans, Cleveland j American lean Ueague ueague CIUO iiuo oiiiciai olliclal. HniTH 1 1 11 m Hitf il'l s a . tOT P' y . . , ... ..,-.. .j i tomo? ow by the radio branch of " " ,W'T, V "X this K r there V!T . 7.. J was fined $10 by Magis- thc hirthdav of the Prince of evar are virtue and Um4 McClymont in city police 'J eourt this morning. At 3:30 Saturday afternoon. 1 gifts and good ho)e image of God. and, at the : the fire department had a call to ! wishes, for strike to be forgotten. Ume, "a peace that passeth residence of E. B. Baker, 224 fro)n ainca. REV T H. WRIGHT. R A. HsNEskv&. -T KTsnwaanH LnSnV :3uananaHsnW: wat, YSenKmaanananan aanarmar LaananaSafsnanai stage of the year it is reasonable Who furnishes the message of to fjpoct postponements because Christmas is minister of the V'ni- o cold wet t her, rain or wet ter Church residing in Haielton. grounds. Seemingly it has never H is a graduate of the Univer- occured to the schedule makers nity of British Columbia, having that few less games might help graduated in 1921. Since grad- in Jtrnrr tK.. rliff irilltv . ft II I- of nstinn ho ha takAtl niirAa In and baseb; 11 is big business. University of Washington. Since Art Easson m J. Downey 150.1 -you c have the rainbow un. comiBp north besides conducting Z1S have the rin " services in Hanplton and New UKroft 200. HiuMm bk. ttmm Avm ntu-M E. Yager 200, W. H. annan 150. .... , ,1,,,-,, t. wihif m THawtrnf k CnA . U t ... .... . ... I'rMMbrt ''rttWeut -Jfhi! !..h.. Ttvt-iilor ileyoier ot f th tlie TSWH " W IWe SK -naoaCOCK KMO- i. lamnoeii vu, lit. F. q. Py!e 7& M. L MfLach- thin ' ,when mt &at 1 vsnaan nmai t base-runner k..,nM, fnr for the nf.k pitcher. tu The sinsing u?," They rootorcyejes for outfielders, easy Campbell, to be ! chf,! P. n "tea inter-,val after four and one-half in nings, etc. Paul KricheH. former Toronto catcher and now New York Americans Scout, says: "If ever they adopt that rule you ean write it down now that Babe Ruth will be playing in the Maj ors he 00. Could do if he had aothiaf ee on his who . gSsatly !ntMsted i" ire " ' - u sv- t it bald Wright F.P.CL, was killed ct the battle of Amiens, Aug. 12. WELL KNOWN LOCAL " : RAILWAY MAN WEDS Harrj" Thrupp at Quiet Cer- of aU the year foil most boys and girls is the Christmas! Chri-tie of the ity r tU' rime, it is a dust UBS. - " u jmsinMi; .f r tu. r.P-ni.v . wr Ml.. . Around The World With Sport Fans in; Tbc Tramp) for kind words and deeds, and for understanding with joy an-TOl A venae West, to extinguish The Canadian Racing Assoc sweet forgiven. ss. It is a time for Peaxabe and fnll of glory." This, a chimney fire. There was no jmtiotl of tm? Ontario Jockey Club those who have wealth to think religion of love has its seat ia the oamage. wi thoroughly investigate char- of the poor and needy, for those inmost ouL hut is ever showing, ge, fnm Cleveland, Ohio, that who have sheltered homes and iuv f fruits and manifest-. His mother in Liverpool, doping of race horses with nor- who are sut rounded by all that in Try Kind ot Den- thmigh the city police, seeks in- nhine is common on Canadian makes life beautiful and glad and efrcescc spreidiag virtue anil fdhnation as to the whereabouts race tracks. W upon whom rich gifts are lav- napninrss an aronnsi. Tat a.st at Edward Benedict Qujnn, who retor) of the ihed. to think de. plv of those who for God is the supreme qnest f left Liverpool in a sailing ship Ciub stated. h .v, been less fortunate. the hour and Christmls may be ai in 1907, and has not bn heard are the result-. tv... .k. anei tnrougn wntcn the sense. 'sweetest, gladdest measaae of all 'T"11' Ua year. TV antvemal heart of rBPir to n- . , rrkrf.t-iL-UU. ; A merry Christmas t all ! Christendom responds -4,1. with quick er pulse-beat than t any other call It has won Hs place of pre eminence because it has a word of lovi f'.r the child, whose merry , fed run easily in the path of joy CHRISTMAS TREE BY MOOSE LODGE Two Hundred and Fifty Youngsters at Affair Yesterday P. rraser, sec- SI ' ('key stigntions . fe&!Ls IXMAS s by. Dr. J. G. Bethune. a Cleveland 1 . veterinary surgeon, who pleaded , Ten. , nrisonars will soend f'lty to illegal nosahsslen of a , Chaistmas In durance vfle in the lrge quantity of morphine tab- city lock-up. Officers ndM. . n , asts which he MJstMUed doubt see that o mate than tw 'wWr known they they tot- todenyoy tttyoy some of the festive spirit. racing stables in Canada and the United States. "If any Canadian Most of the men who are em- "" "re Ployed in the construction of the on the lis, they will mill lonr fk. railw.v tr..k f,. ruled off. Mr. Fraser stated. the city for the Bilhnor Spruce Mills Ltd. arc in town for the Christmas holiday, being registered at the Central Hotel. A. H. Denamler ojf Colorada I Springs, brother of the president URGES THE MATCH ft the National Airplane Lumber Editor, Daily News: Co which is contemplating thej writfng to retard to Mr. establishment of a mill here, is 1 Gurvich in aeospilng Alfred ruur in uie cuy, oeing regis- Harding's challoage Woll, I tered at the Savoy Hotel. and , few fang tare surprised at Mr, Gurvich, DIED AT RBSTHAVEN ,or nox " Itoravng up VICTORIA, Dec. 24: Captain : GOLD PRODUCTION GROWS The Letter Box on nis proposition . u ieoKS to us on the outside that Mr. Gar- Vik . kit mm-lA 4. 1.1 !Lnl2, 1 1 houW think lf Wdo considers aged 71 71 f from pneumonia. 11. lie h, ,f f , M was born ,n Cornwall. England. hfm b" uke im on . He beat fore and Dido claims he i more experienced now, so if he wants to hsve us come and hack him. he Increased milling capacity, ex-1 will have to show more sports-tension of reserves, and the fur- manship than that. Hoping Mr. ther development of new proper-, Gurvich will take a hint and ac-ties give promise of a continued , ceit the challenge, winner take Increase in the output of gold jail. from northern Ontario. I A FIGJ1T FAN SERVICES VI Various Congregations Celebrate Vuletlde With Special Music nnrl PrpM v IWnri tnna There were special Chti Nativity in Bethlehem. Special U.V.MC textured each service, evoi church was beautifully Heeprs tor the ocrcslon and large con- The evening meeting was presided over hv Car V. AaAar. ltotii!Wf .! iting !SrtL IsZTTL'ESZ '" theeature of the pro- His son Lieut. Douglas Archi wnea is you isnagtaa what that bird would "'Trw1; nwwi was me pitying 01 Hark the Herald Angels Sing," 'Joy to the World" and other .elections by the Army's string band consisting of Capt Anderson. Mrs. William Kerr, Miss Dolly Montgomery, Misses Annie nd Dolly Smith, Miss Rosa Smith, Sergeant Major Alexcee. U .-1.. I- J lf II. -1 the story of Jesus" by Mrs. emony Saturday Meninr , - a - ' HI ; ir X " . . . " wjiiWl.Bwusfnis Ser- f&uitaiaiV Alaxeeo. Cant. An- A quiet wedding of considerable erson presided at the piano for . i & i. i a. at .aA o a.. t . . iarei iooh pi ace ai i :ov oainr- notn services, would have to "bring day evening in the Church of the Presbyterian Church back to the fold." Annunciation, Hev. Fatter J. There was a Sunday .School nammona. u.m.i.. omciatmg. -ally at when Miss Mary Lake of Yancon- PreshytodfrnKWUrek aast I Ann ITTMUP tTPltO v" CMB tha'brkfe hi Hsrry was UK hVajWlfaUon of preach! effectively w vtcoa. ' United Chni. At First United Church u'urWK I Be JUBM ch ed with gtiud effec WiralivlP nrsrtwa. aw clerk to the it-iahmjTBasght agent chojr, iwHKjhMtdrship of ! oi me ianaaian national nan- she anthem IswTe Jna a ca i vV' sar r . . . . . FOR THE FAR NORTH - 7" T';' ta' !ktXi' to rt10 noli- cure a wonderfully increased The of Christwaa is thei,e pnd will'Atafcie mestage Mr. and Mrs. Thmpp. who and MaUl iabour and a 'm anw snare or tne years oasmess. message of love. This love is the! " receive the hcs$ wish, and con-1 saW-fb Gfflf liaf 'Ihsgflf n-MHn tn k hj..-. Tne great ining aqrai n an is areai mwciw ' w mm. ie never i L . irratulatioM of many Iriends, ar oth Fraer. - - . ' J , . . T : . ."Ti' , tk M.nin.MU . f th n.rirfm. . . r faiiintr - 1 ; reeaedv , for ' all Ate ai. f . ' r operating a pvaen board. ,.W4 ia j. Tff 41.. 9 cr w. he if w of - . disordered - - world, ,1 for ,Lh aU - the1 I.Boil t. w Barrie of - u the Grotto uroao Cir Ltgar " r VL ;. , caoir sang rwo anthems The Ftrst Christmas Morn" and "O Zio that Brinteth Good Tidings." There was a solo by J. A. Teng. The pastor. Rev. John Sutherland. country, which I i an. in the 1 le sathn,. -When Christ W 1W, ,7 IHliivik. La ... C MOM.'svuke a. Lead Them." ,r,- Wison ,r"l'ria;-lv ( hl!'l Shall ffiniThH. yesterday. UiaistpWU . . vuil(lav referred suitably to tha YaM4e r i , a "'e l'1,t Si6..o in their s.-1-moos and - .3: Jr'btlohs wr, : tak,, l0 tho " th. Stautiful story of the v f'-rtum.Mv . uswa ai me lestiv. M ,s,,t The avening was i ;.r, ls4tjjjmir aM th a- ;, ' IBM. The -nnt:.t.. t T:..l . ., W THgations wen- in attendance. , , , "".thi t) th chofr under the t. 1'aul s Lutheran Church will m lead ,ra':-r-'r "f J JS lll'l 3 ... Hs Christmas - ""0" w,in Mr iave services to- , uorn.w ana there will also be .., special services in St. Andrew's " ',ul:, 'rlican Cathedral and the wer.Mr- Tn K A W,l. ' N't". 1 triii.. PtLi Mi- K hurch of the Annunciation. -c- Ji,1,f' Mll,'r Miss tmily Salvatipri Armr 1 Dn1' J- s- Wilson. Krai,. j,m, At the Salvation Army Citadel Rv- A" W""0 Mis(' r '1' . !icre were large congregations Einr Larsen 'otb morning and evening. The " rooming service was taken by ANOTHER CANADIAN WORLk -innt wmiiu) Rerr whose KWOHI) Mitchell T n nera 4s at inar was National League 'started some- nle nd Dorian, andk w epp- Bora King?" Caj. Anderson as- Canada leads the ,,riu he ten- aucx i ftw nd 'Hark the Glad suggested tw" sang iel i.rveyil4g The pr... i.,,,-.,,,,. 1 men ball te.-.ms. with the Unth 0,M 3R?2sS-ti rynoV 0tber SFtn wer in Hv y1" : "h, Jr:WA A Mb nW IKi' the role of batter an4 w. oyoasiBa Wgeant-iajor , square miles of hithen. . . T:v?r-.'"!! . -.- roesajures. ' . vmi ... .i,ka.. Third Round "lit- leas, is ricniy enooweti um l.'-Ural resources, ha m-.a,,: , wor id-record, and i .-...j.-to eight flights con.;;.;,. ound the world witi, n graph taken of even imi tte way. (iYISUM PUODKT10X At present the gret r the crude gypsum pr-. Nova Scotia and N. I. is exported as such nd market on tha Atlanta of the United Sutes . Cobalt produced in 1 ., 'avreajd firstlfhtained chiefly b u... 1 siiver-cojait-r.h Kr the Cobalt, n..- Gowganda - n Ontario. small -part of the pr . obtained directly frorr v high-cnfealt ores. :.ii; larfl COBALT PRODHTIOX .K'l POODS AMI SEASONS The canned food m.iu-tn ,,' Canada has affected gr-t iUr-gea in the relations of n'ni- seasons, fruits and tg:,ur-of many kinds, with all tin; : 'f of the freshly gathered vrm u " are to he had in or '")' ' scuki all the year around SDK BEia7 BURNETT'S 18 oz- S1.90-26c oz. 3.50 ESTABLISHED 1770 idsnflH This advertisement Is not puhlish4 or displayed by the Liquor Control Beard or Uy the Government of BrJtlah Columbia. w