PAOETWO SSTi-;i-J-U' aw-rV'' r ;. i ssra ev-i ira E3fii na OSSSSs. mm Bran " ,r- . v, .. i GAIN FOR THE COAST Our experts search through thousands of tea samples to find just the right teas to go In "SALADA" blends. Ordinary teas wiiltnot do-exceptionally fine teas only, are Used. In this way "SALAbA" maintains its unrivalled position. The Daily News PRINCE JIUI'ERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, - Unntgmg EUiior. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Pelivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.(10 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts of Northern anJ Central British Columbia, paid'in advance for yearly period $.''..00 Or four month for By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, p. .id in advance per year . . . By mail to all other countries, per year Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch . Local Readers, per insertion, per line Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word Lcjral Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporter Telephone - .Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION BREEZY L. LI. VVani.T. i-di message to the board and friendship smh a-bright prospects of the long before the count rv ers will be a good city and I perous than they are today. an e! 93 86 $1.00 $6.00 J1 Thursday. April 12, 1928 .MESSAGE FROM !;; of id, Interior i tr.ide Ik re. a me we like to jret. e llulkley. V.'e feel I' eliip.'Ci to Ml FAI L FAIR Tonight it should ie defitiitel go ahead this year or not. We I. would be a pity ; ltl it drop, but some enthusiasm in regard to the foolish to proceed. It would he . oi INTBIUOIt News, brouht a breezy av'e frf cheer and hope lie to know of tbe Iire tliut tt will not be ut that Smith- tot;- lie much more pros- mattcr. otherwine H meetiriK tnhjiit m gay j-es or no to the proponal. SBTDACK TO UAITINT, H1UTISH LION The game of baiting the Britinh Lion carried on by Mayor Thompson and his myrmidon at ChicsKo has been amuninK to us and hurajliatinK to real Americans. However, they have expressed thfttnaelves jo no uncertain manner at the primaries in the state of Illinois faction. where nominations have been refused to members of the! It is the first step toward eradicating this disease. Sir Henry Thornton in his review of operations stated that the railway lost 600,()(M by the reduction of the grain route to Vancouver and Prince Rupert from the prairien. This means that! the coast and the prairie people benefited to that extent. It is probable that as a result the traffic this way will have increased to Mich an extent thai it wisj moke u to the railway for any losses and will make a saving id' over a million dollars a year to the people. 1 "(MowBreadmidJIcitei'Bi'eatl Sail notice the difference at once tt i istruttd as a .sifcrn of weaknetw if ; w t - If II If I If HOLD CELEBRATION (UTIIKIt TO MMItKIt Of tiiiiki; III MIKt l) AT JilVOUTH run mii it iiav kviint ai akkans wteiiE ti I'ltKMlVTKUIVV AXI KAIAATIlXV UtMV 4IMI WITH AMII.H'ANS ryii :ati: KINCOtlTH. April 12. The annual therlng ot the native Christian of Northern Bi and Alaska waa hd this year at Klucollth at the mouth of Hie Nana River. Instead of. aa baa been the custom hitherto, at Fishery Bay. The Church Army of Kltkatla arrived on Wednesday laat led Dy oaptatna Brown and Nelson. On Thursday a large delegation representing the SalvatUp Army came In from Port Simpson and Kftchlkan SUtff Capt Parkinson wa in -harge. On Friday morning a seine boat came In with about forty mem ber, of the Church and Church Army of Massett. Chief Edenshaw and Mr. Attaint led the contln4ci.t. The Pjae- tayterlon Church of New Matlaketye cant a body cf elders with their minister, Rev. Edward Marden The villages of the upper Naas ware. nlso represented by the choir and Church Army of Alyansh. the Salvation Army of Canyon City, and the Church l Aimv and choir of Greenville. In all $7.50 lh8 veti about three hundred visitors I m the village from Oood Friday until $1.40 I Tuesday. Religious services were held $2.80 .25 .2 .. ddly in the Church Army hall by the ccmblned Church Army and SalvaUan Army. The services In the large parish church of Klucollth were crowded at all services. There were eighty communicant at the oelebrstlon of the holy communion at nine o'clock. The choir ?f Atyansh led the singing at the murntng service and also sang severs! inthsni from Haydynn "Creation." Capt. Brown of Kltkatla preached In the native tongue and Capt. Paul Mercer of Alyanah and Bandmaster Calvert , :f Ketchikan read the leasons. At the evening service, when the church was crowded to the doors and many could not get in. Be v. Edward I alarsden of the Presbyterian Church of jl-'ew Metlakatla. preached first In Eng-I lieh and then In his native tongue. Her-jtert Nvuvhlaon of Naw Uetlaketla and ! Alfred Adams of Ifataet read the lessons The choir of Oreenvllle led by Con-; ductor Herbert Boblnson sang the sacred j Cantata. "Ktngs Triumphant." the ; splendid rendering of which greatly ! impressed the huge CQngxeajatlon .., .. During Monday several games of AlbhllMi I football and baaketbaU were played by .' derided 'hether the fair is to ! vlsltlnn teama and alter a farewell re-1 . i r . m. ..... .!... u rival meeting In tfea OfaBcb. Army on . would be I of Tbaedsy moratng The ladles of the vlllafle entertauaad mII th vimAtnrm at rmlrik llnnn tod the fair were to be dropped V.'e -liouid iniHS the annual visits froni: .upper, from Friday to Monday, and the the people of the distric t and think it would be best to go ahead. ! vhitors wiahed to publicly azpreaa their i However, it i.- up to the people of the city and they should be at the I 'f1"0" ' :hJ" '"u WM -l M .7J1C Ul AIIKVIl.ll. Man in the Moon rVIRY healthy man who works bates to get up in the morning. MARB1CD men are creatures who second tbe motion when it Is paopusid. RAILWAY SETTLEMENT It is satisfactory to know there is everv likelihood of the I WHAT wH1 P.G.E. Itailway quesUon being settled permanently so far as this 8Unme" nd Chicago be without Its Big Bill Thompson . as province is concerned. The minister of public works would hardly have made the statement unless there was very great likelihood of! the first step toward jireventtag its being carried out. wrs is to learn to keep your fingers It is to be hoped that the Canadian National will get the line, oat of other peoples business This is The next best thing would be for the C.P.R. to have it and get run-hlllt to Ruasia ning rights to Prince Rupert. In any event ratepayers will be glad' to get rid of at least part of the burden of the railway, the overhead t0 otttn, byt on whirfi it considerable in addition to the annual loss on operating. '001 ' ' MUM" It the C.Nit. gets tbe P.G.B. it will Jje possible for Prinee, . Rupert people to uae'the eail.toatay Jo Vaner a ar ,itf rptliw f it'' has teen vcut to j-t jte. t to tne Doat. a great many people are always sick on a boat ana started this year but now it would be willing to pay a little more for the land route. To go by if she is likely to get away tonight way of Jasper is too long a distance but by the P.G.E. it would be'T ,h brv rve Ua fair. shortened immensely. i " " ITS easy enough to get things on time, except perhaps the repair job. In The Letter Box lllYI.IOIir K.WIMl Editor. Dally News. As the aast of the dominion la agitating sggresslvely for Daylight Saving, and the preas is giving It lull publicity, the preesnt seems a fitting tuna to take this nil ensroaalng subject - up for ourselves. Iu tin Issue of your pape. some we cr so ago, an Item appeared emanating rr m that august body, the council of the Board of Trade, In which tbey refused the request of the Kelson Board to nupport them In their effort to have Daylight Saving universally adopted by the Province. In place of the present waeatlafactory arrangement, whereby Men municipality must dscioe this Issue lor itaaif. thus causing tndlets Bach individual la entitled to AU or her opinion and I br'leve that If thk mat(er were thoroughly thrashed out, 11 wouio or lounu uiai punnc opinw 1 strongly In favor of tela .Daylight Saving plan for the summer months. Daylight Saving originally adopted a war measure has tajten iuch a hold that It Is now known as the auauBer-time Act In England and starts April 8. and tarmlnnteo September SO. Whan we consider vlie Inestimable advantage -rr - v .- I tf'The Telephone is thefe Voice of the NationJ Thursday, a i ' ... pQIQ ill l Hi 111 The? Ifone could but liiten in he would hear the speech o.f the joaet-place, language ,of the kvv'makers, the talk of $hc home. If nature's great boon to rpan ie the gift of speedi which coebodics in it so much of tlje personality behind it, certainly that of science the ability to transmit that voice and the accompanying personality over thousands of miles of space. The four corners of tne earth are Marched for .the materials which contribute to the making of the tele phone on one's desk in the office and on one's table at home. Cotton, copper, gold, silk, antimony, ic d, rubber and other ijbres and minexads are hidden within the modest dreu of this mtatntable Jktle instrument upon which so many of our skilled workmen are continually employed. One of the best us to which eli trie power in Carsufa i put is in the daily operation of the mre than a milhbn telephone gets, with their acCDmpanying wir.s and cable, aw.fchb arda, and all the rest of the paraphernalia which f1 ' ' UP Canada's great telephone systeutf. i aw aawi a, m r i w . ib liai.Bat is i i nx i.' atuawrff u . xjm , l. t r- t r i mm f . kA am vi raaayam to be gained by all lovers of outdoor sports ajid reMaaamns, it Is a wonder It has not been vweeraally adopted ere ' his. It certainly. ik . going to be in the; near future. tfclgk OX It. one more hour -of daylight ui.earMy the wster. play' tennis, fbotbaf,, sir poster arutinu the 1 garden. The 4i effpa taoxkrr naturally will hall tk s)ee with atclama tlon as except iR a' osanaaativeiy non period he iiatst vsry Uttle recreatuMI I after aupper. vice ttwugh our dss are) long tn the auremer monthn. they i thonen very rapKUs; and the chill of i evanlngeeaxeiida upos) us ; Nation wide Day USA Saving is nil force in suanmer mdBHhs in Ore Brl-i Uln. Prance. Balgluatand other Kunpejf an countries, ajao In cU us belp to gaaka fair haw It kurU gnat advaniags to ever? spota In Canuda! It an annual al no-one and is many. Why th oouocll of the BeaM of Trade ahouleW decide tne 0 ttara 01 aoe pecpw qere is hard to understand. Why not put It baton the entire board, not forgetting th City Fatbeta baa a right to be heard, though apparently this was Vancouver. Victoria. Melaon and along the Crow want it and will doubtless get It. Are we to remain In the atlcka for Let every In taf sated body and Individual here get behind it. and who knows, we may be aba to enjoy It thla usuner Thanklng yon for your courtesy tn giving this lever ejksrt. I am, Xouie for a Bmner-aBM Act here. wAlp BUG ri JH nijii;p I0IIAY Following a quiet aervlce In the chapel of the B.C. UneVietakere at which Rev. A. Wilson of first Onlted Church Officiated, interment took place IhU af ternoon In Fiirvlaw Cemetery of Meredith Richard Edar. two month old son Of XU. and Un WUllam Bdgwr Letour- neau Apartments, whoae death occurred yesterday morning in the Prince Unpen Qsoers) Hospital Subscribe for the Dally Niwu. a Northern Electric tftipmm ar tlx TnuuiirtMaw nf itn4 Paaerr w mm mm i mmftdatthtpart it has bitn Mc to tl aWamRgK pUy tn Maiwfaftarix 10 um)W. io ne- Z" Vf SJwmmE9ff-2r ceitary sad so raslwg a iaMwfa tt&QX3ftZD Cftc irsamtMion tf K( hsrmafi Make. "SfigSJglfiSkSi 1: . . 1 j.i-1 . 1 11111 ... 1 . . Jt.' i jmm -i -i si -. -. . . . . . I ami riMsi it Scientifically s7 ,r Efficiently Constructed With often (through parking) only one-third ,of the city streets available for driving on, isn't it vital that you have "tbrcothirds" tires to drive on? In other words, have tires like Dunlop "Tractions" which are scientifically designed and efficiently con structed to assist you in hand ling your car to the best advantage in heavy traffic. tslllaV 1&0 These Are The;; OnlyTircs You Need" Dunlop ?;:PW. 1894 Canada nr Limited - 1928