'i hur:ulay, April hiripSUJ 030 tfM'W H-JKbbb? ffi 'J! IHiftB H7 ffl of This advertisement is not published or displayed by the l.i(iior Control board or by the Government of BritUh Columbia Prices at Prince Rupert of the New Chevrolet Light Delivery Chassis $fl'il.no 1-1 Va Ton Truck Chassis 8N00.00 Roadster 808.00 Roadster Delivery $808.00 Touring $808.00 Coupe $U'ti .00 loach $!MI.OO Sodan $1080.00 Cabriolet $10'10.00 Imperial Landau $1080.00 Front Bumper and Rear Uumperettes standard equipment on all Passenger M. (!-ls. Hitc Wheels Standard iiiipment oj) Imperial ajid ' ilniolet only. On other nodels $:'.0.00 extra. Spare Tirt and Tube, ?19 00 extra. Kaien Garage Phone 52 " s. WAU.ACR CO. LTD. MKIU'UKY FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE tiitfon and Service Weight I Cunmetal. Black, Atmos-l lien-. Nude, Kvenglow. Mer-ida, Flesh, etc. From $1.75 to $2.50 Hi.- Hose for Satirtfnclion H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd. I'hont 9. 3rd Ave. & Fulton. MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for spi.00 7 (junrti for $l.0 Cash price tiekats. Mi liri'ie Street atora now elossU Valentin Dairy Office; and Dairy - lllhSt. TtUplionc J37. Radi As a 1 no Kadio well as sDefllallrat.ii on the 17 Und:ula. we wish to draw ' ' attention to the Bndlola N ''' I' is another of the up-to- iiuii. six mouvns monfia, a tllh Mn. I ua I t"-e. less aiillntmni a um e. with Rsdlutrons .. SIUA.1 1 "' ci-iiplete with Radio-iro, mm loo A Loud-"lei.ker IIM.TH ., , l IV. llAMll.Iilt Kx-iusive Wholesale Dealer for Radtolas Orflee: :t MUtll t. r,t,i litnce llHawf; PC SAVED LIVES BY SWIMMING TALK .or I'Kltll.OI'K H,K ACROSS ICI.VKK OX 1CK FI.OK WITH iiousks PJNQg- ALBERT. .Bask Anni 19 :les Smith, straw .boss of cuid "B" "Tlie Pas Lumber Comitnf .n, f Here, wan the hero of a tale which Is without parallel In these part. While a hundred men and fifty horses were encamped on the north bank of 1 me Saskatchewan river, near Nlpawin. prior to crowing the river Into the village, the Ice began to move. Following brief conference, they decided to chance a crossing. The horses were driven through the last rlalng river water and atter great difficulty - - - henuh and men succeeded in gaining a " "' position on one of the large floe. :watar nearly 160 feet wjde. MINERAL ACT (Form P.) certificate or imi-iiovlwientk .nonce Princes Pat. Lot 43W; Pilot. Lot 4387 K.A.r . Lot 4388: Observer. Lot tlx fin IN PRQHATK is Tin: hi imikmi: cm ut or iikitiku i Ul.l MBIA rat or of the estate of Benedict ateffan Jjhnson. deceased, and sff psrtles hav-ng clulms against the said e.niate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified to roe on or before the th day of April. 1B2S. and all parties Indebted to the estate are require 'o pay the amount of their Indebted-new tj me forthwith. NOtUIAH A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. NOTICE IN THB MATTER of an application for tne issua oi a mvwoaal OertincaU of Title for Lot sixteen 16). Block sixteen 1SI. tows oj BM trt. Map BUS. Bat is factory proof of the toss of Carttflcat of Title covering the a lieaUon nersar, a pi saoaai Oertii the above land ha v tna been D reduced to me. It Is my intention to issue, sfter the explrs- rtion of one montb frags toe first bub pub- ficat of 11 tie to the above land In the name is viuuw rasorwusai oer of Title Vi Sates Mb BA October IBIO 10. BC C 9T snd u numbsMd m Land Reafstrr Ofnce, Prince Rupert. lth Marrh law of Titles. Why Not End Constipation? "Fruit-a-lives" a iure remedy IF your tooth were bctilng would you put pafnUIHer in It all the time and let It fjet worse, or Mould you have It , filled and made strong again? The tameppplica to correcting constipation. The only satisfactory remedy U one which, while relieving congestion, strengthens bowels, llvi r and kidneys to actwithoutdaily medicine. Tluit. is why Frult-a-tives Is the public favorite. Made only of f res 11 fruit Juices and tonics, Its whole effect on the system is natural and strengthening. Try ' It. 25c end 50c a' box. ' ine nee with Its strange freight was. Realizing the predicament of Use carried nearly s mile downiinun hi party. Mr. Bmlth volunteered tn iwim the current and through the movement to shore tn an effort to direct the floe of the Ice. the men and horses were shoreward. A rope was tied around separated from shore by a channel of nls waist and he plunged into the Icy torrent, fully clothed. Reaching tlie shore after several nar- ' Judge Kavaiutugh for Uit row eacaiieK from r.iieenlna ice floes. , h nirtui-M nnnn .... " r " " --y ., . n ...vuii. I 1 , - Smith fixed th cr,d of the rope to aiecutlng attorneys, police and the Su-tree and gradually succeeded in swing- j preme Court. Chief responslWlMf. how -lug the hu?c floe toward la-.d Af noon i tver. he attaches to the public (or in- u i ik- ice grounoeo tne men jumped ! difference. A country, he declares Mineral Claims, situate in the Atlin Mm- ashore and drcve the horses to safety, ng Division of Casslsr District. Where I Uu " than fifteen "ueon mlnu mmues after "rt" V th located: On Munro Mountain about four miles from the town of Atlin IAKB NOTICE that we. James stokes siui r n cwu. im. uinw. f . . . floe had been vacated It broke up. & hv:;'S-S!SENIOR STUDENTS AT ior a ueriuicate 01 Improve-menu, for the purpose of obtslmni a Crown Orant or the above claim. Aud (urther Use notice that action.! uimr avciion ss must be commenced before the Issue of such Certificate 01 Improverncnu. Dated this 6th day of March. A D 1028. H. McN. r-RASER, A:nt. LADIES' MUSIC CLUB Itellglitful Program at Meellng Yitr-tlay .WternHn in llwie of Mr. It. I.. Mrlntli Senior musical students of the city gave a delightful and varied program before the Ladles' Music Club at the home of Mrs. a. L Mcintosh. "Clltf- In the Matter of the Administration yde." sio Fourth Avenue West, yea- net; and 1 . In the Matter of the Sstate of Benedict ! rd"T afternoon. Mrs. Mrlntosh and Bleffan Johnson. Deceased, intestate. Mrs. W T Kergln were In charge. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU The P nrorani was fnlln follows. Honor T. klcB Toung. tne 22nd day of i, . March. 1928. I was appointed admin Is-' J'no olo-"Nocturne" (Op. 9 No. 2 Chopin i. Archie Thompson. Piano solo "Waltz m O Flat"! Op. 70 No. 1 Chopin i. Miss Alelta McKln- 1T Violin solo "Ave Maria" (Bands). Mlaa Nellie Lawrence, aocampanled by Prof. H. Aubrey Pryoe. Piano sole "Oloamlng." Miss Muriel Vance. Vocal solo Mrs. Morris Bkjtt. Piano solo "Walts" (Op M No. 2. Cboplnl. Miss Ruth Ollllea. "Conversattdn on the Composer.' by rive of Miss Way's nynito,i,JiMsslrsaa-ir4 HMIferonen S. Btrnec ' Ofjaeon. Owen Brady and Buth Nelson. Vocal aolo, "Now Bleep the Crimson Petal." Mrs D. D McTsvl-h i Victoria . Piano solo "Spring Song" i Mendel -ssohnj. Miss Mary O'Brien. Vocal solo Mrs WlUlam Crulkshank. Piano aolo -"Sonata in I Flat." (Haydn I, BlUy PuUer. Piano solo "Poionslse" (Op. 40 No. 1. Chopin). Miss Lucy O'Brien. IJUPGEWOULD ! STOP C AT ONE Or HLfiT AlMvM'JJ pAJ juimk K.wAXAnyi .or iua-qo: ;4h 'av:a:k CHIOAOO. Apry iJ.2. , Thirty-three years on the benqh have convinced Judge Marcus ,KvanaUgh oi two things. 1. That there are SoO.oorj persons tn the United ttes wiko live partly ox wholly by qrtme, au committed 12.-000 murder last yesr, and who obtained illegally tn the same period enough money to Day for the building of the Panama el; 2. That Utfsy , "saiple thoda of relief" available. If only the public; would Insist upol the(r adoption. i Judge Kanrspsuah, who sits ,on the Superior Cotn-t Jbench. has bajsed -his opinions not only upon hie long . patience but upon three years of lrenalife study of the crime situation. J,J con-cluslons are presented in "the criminal and his alUs," a bpok now ojj the presses. Many agencies of law are blamed by conditions earns the crime it suffers. "Public apathy." "quibbling court! of review." "antiquated legal processes." and "new processes designed to protect the criminal rather ihan the public." are some of bis criticisms. He defends the death penalty and encourages the viae of the lash In these words: "No underworld lord can retain the respect of his follower-! after he has winced under the pain of s whlppl'i; The rat-o'-nln talis Is feared more by the moron and racketeer than a Jail sentence." Judge Ksvanaugh offers a remedy for delays occasioned by trial technicalities. A statute of 18 words, he believes, would aid greatly. "All laws and rules of courts," he writes, 'concernin,; tornvi. practkr and prrosdure. nhsll c- directory only, and not manda'o.y ' Employment of alienists in modern criminal nr coedue. Juaae Kavanaut'h itJld'j. Is "another instance of pain-1 perlng the laivbresker." The juror '' ugRe'ixt that If Sycratas had bee-given a trial be ve an English soesklng Jury and been defended by a modern lr.wyer. ualnc an insanity defense, "he ; r.eed never ajre dnuM the hemlock " Ruth Snyder's slaying of her husband Is cited by Judge Kavanaugh In i defense of his statesnent that the female ' -i Imlnal Is more to be eared than the male. He says: . "No asan on be M good as a good woman. No inascsnKe as bad ss a bad wornatt. tsnfsi' MttwayT mor hurt by her rail than Is s man by his fall, for the reason that a man only drops from the first storey, window, while a woman tumbles from the roof.' The Sscco.Vsnsett! case Is mentioned as an example of how Judge Kavsnaufh believes the present court system delays Justice which, he hoists . should be prompt to be most erfactlxe ss s BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME WoiO AT .LITTLE EXPENSE CtzjStf itff ; li PMIcr in dtlkbljm ISrlMiar "Antointttt" ?ttrn So. UA - A most M. tut tint dd htmth (hteri.wt toltitt it shown mnt. So inexpensive Why'put off" the pleasure of charming rug patterns on the floors of your home? . . . Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs are so inexlyaxsivc . . . and the patterns arc tjte most beautiful obtainable in any type of floor-covering. kSee them at your dealer's or send the coupon ' ''foi-thc latest pattern book in full colours . . . " v yoi ivill be astonished to learn how .very little tney cost. CoagoUilm Csas4t Uasiwd.' BtU 70 St. Patrick St..-Mimlf.l. Selid rrte. without 'eSSt 0 oh- Ml VI KWT 111 Ititstlon. a S . SSSr. t-oi'y W lit Jhvf, tlw 'IIS St 1 Kk1 lr" m.sw.sn jajssn m m m tt aa sw ljw 1 3& '.VL I ia . a v- -C im i isi ii rniiMmiiii Mrs sun ssi na . smiii m swi am Babys Colds 'Nipped in thebud" without "dosing" by rubbing over throat and chest VICK W Vapor UB lf7i7M(l 1 .1 .1 fil I as : J 7-1 ill VJ WEIRD AND NOVEL IS week-end PICTURE The Uofltla" said to Combine Jat IVonl In Chill a.1 lMt Ijugli In Merriment Combining the Isst word in chlUs with the lsst Isugh in merriment, the plcturlsstlon of Ralph Spence's famous mystery -oomedy. "The Oorilla." will be. ahown here tomorrow and Saturday. This Is the show that rocked Broadway for s year. In Its film form it has been changed somewhat, it la reported by First National Pictures, in order to offer a new mystery tangle to those whr may have seen the stage presentation. That a great many have seen it is due to the tact that during the last two years eight stage companies toured thl.s country and Orest Britain, scoring a sensational success everywhere. Weird and novel settings and ex-cenaaiial lighting execta aie said to make the screen version of "The Gorilla" even trior spooky than it was on the stage. Charjle Murray and Fred Kelsey. ,4m tne two celebtated sleuths. Mulligan ana usnr bo msc su.- s .aj, ajut, know nothing, provide the comedy. The supporting cast Is all-star, beaded by Alice Day, petite leading lady. An Interesting note in connection with the screening of "The Oorilla" was that the Utmost secrecy waa observed by all concerned In the production. Members of the cast were kept unenlightened ss to what the ending of the picture would be like until the last part of the lsst reel. Mr. Small, the producer, kept the lsst three pages of the script In his poraonnl safe snd permit ted no one but himself. Director San-tell snd Jsmss T. O'Donshoe. who prepared the script, to see it. Following th- completion of the screening, Mr. Snv.U directed that no one was to make public the solution of the mystery. CHANGE JN MINING LAWS OF THE YUKON OTTAWA, April 12 --An smendment to the Yukon Quartz Act providing for a payment of annual royalty oh the profit of the mines in the Yukon territory exceeding the sum of ten thousand dollars annually In place of the present royalty Imposed on the ssle of product uf 'he mine, mn given its first' I meeting In ' ' Uouse of Commons yes terday. The children here on a prise tour .under auspice qf tl?e Vsncouver Bun who were entertained yesterday by the. Parent Teachers' organisation under Mrs. Boddle will be back In town today ifrom 7 to 11 and It Is understood tftay will be entertained at the home ot Mrs. S. E. Parker. CIGAHETTES SMilcL mid dvagyaruL, P.ANAD1AN NATIONAL Qfie Largefl Kailway Syftem in America STEAMSHIP A?JD TRAIN SERVICE ssiiings from ntiNCE urrLitx for vancoi'VEK. victo-HIA. sbattlf,. and intermediate points, each Jill Itslt.W and KIMUV at 11 pa. For KKTCJIIKAN and VO. esch Vi:iMl)V. p.m For STEIVAIST esch .Tl ItllAV st 10 p.m. Por VORTH sml SOUTH Qt'KBN CHARLOTTE Ii.L,lNDS. Fortnightly. PASXENOKR JRAI.NH IJ-.1VE PIIINCjt IIUJT,J Bach MIIMUV. WEIINEnll.A V lud S.UUHIAY tt I1JD im for J'KINCE OEOKUE. WJlKJ.MON. lVIXMI'KO. all points Eastern Canada. United States SOF.M'T All OCEAN tll A.M.OIIIP USTM. Use Canadian National Express far Mmtey Older, iwrelgn C'hrqses. etc.. also for ysur licit shipment. TITV TICKET Ot'FICE. S18 TIIIHH P.KINCE RCEKT. PhSfle .ZftD Vacific Canadian Pacific Rail vay B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince P upert Tn Ketihlkan. Wransell. Juneau, and Miagway larrh Si, April II, 11. To Vanrmiier. Victoria anil Seattle VprU . J-V XI. I'ltlNTEaM ItOYAI. lur llutetlale, Eat Hells Helta, Oreun Falls. Kama. Alert Hay. Ageurj for all Nteaauhlu Lines. rail Informatleo from t. ('. ORTllAHll. General Agr,nt. Csraer f 4th fitrett and Snt ArSnne. Prrnre Rupert. H.C. Plume SI 9 - f -' V ' " --- " ON I O fNrSrPEA MSHI PS LIM IT EC T ssiiings from Prince Htipert. Far VANCOt VER, VICTORIA. SwauMin Hay. Ihiledsle. Alert Itev. etr. Tuesday. A tun. lr VAKOfll'Vlitl. VIl'TOHIA. IluleiUle. Alert Hay. etr.. Saturday. a.s. For POUT NIMPSON and NAAS Kit KK POINTS. Friday, lor ALICE ARM. ANYOV STEWART, WALE ' ISLAND, PORT SIMPSON, wnnday. R p.m. F!S nd Avenue. It, M. 8HITII. Areat. Prince Rupert, II.C. Through tickets sold to Met oris sad Hesttle. and baggage rheeked through to ilestlsillor 1 ennis! Tennis! SRR OUK fEV 1UCKITB $7.50 to $IU.0 1928 IlaU arc in Kaien Hardware Cq. Telephone 3 i l- i... i.l.! j. . u S.H.JSUU uu r LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES KVKRYONE BLSH DOKS v Our apririK atock of High Grade Men's Wear Is now here. Hundreds of Briton's finest woollens from which to choo.se "that spring suit." tailored to your measure by Canada's fore-moat Clothes builders "Society Brand." Obey Thnt Impulse I'ojU Today THOR JOHNSON