,,j.;t .jay, May 2, 1928 RtU IWHHtll!! iasilisWlSSal I in r i. li i " 'I'Miiullor Mailing 1 " "I M K. VUTURI Ck "MY of ft M . tames! fcl K0T6X 2 packages here for 109 and Hats Our Sale continue till Saturday Night, May 6. LADIES' DUEHSES, 10.03 , w shipment of Ladies' Silk Venice Dresses, regular $15.00 :,, $23.00. Sale price $10.1)5 LADIES' HATS. SttUWi and 91 .His ll.it in this store, values up to $5.95. Sale $JJJ)5 lin; in this store, value up to $8.50. ,Sale $(J8R LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS i, r .-'ilk Stripe Crepe Nightgowns, regular $3.?5. Sale $1.1)5 Iiiriity Nightgowns, regular $J.'?5. Sal e $1.00 ' Mpuii Silk Uloomcro, good quality spun, assorted color. m-u':t $2.CC. Sule $2.15 :v. luc-t in of 20 per cent in given on all our atocL of Coats. Jaboiir Bros., Ltd. Ihiiu1 l"i. Corner 3rd and 7th St. Hies IM, The Pianver Drutisls ThlMAVE l SIXTH ST TfLEPilONLS H-t200 Canadian National Tnc Largcfl nilway SySlcm in America STEAMSHIP AM) TRAIN SERVICE ' m PMINt HI I I HI lor vaMTMVRR. WrTORH. tiATll.li. '. rv-dkaU !) . - rrfiU ! IM KKK tt and i WAV at II pjn. u H IIIKN and WUIV rrh W I lVF,hlAV, 4 pJtt. -IIMKI mi-Ii hTIRIt ut 10 pm M.ltlll slid MM III (t IIN llIIMrr IfthAKU. PortalgRdtf. PANMKMUKK THUVN I KAVf PRIM SN PERT mkmi.w. HI.IM;Mtt and KA1 1 WAV si 11 JO sjb for POM Mr. R(.l.. MiHOMiiv M'iNMPEU. all polnU Eaetarn Oanada. Halted " KltM-V M (K'lAK jiTtaMOMH" Ul sneelaa Nalfnal r.Mw Older. Vt Ctue. .t also fur nnr s.kt sailiisaeni 11 r th kit ortiii. ais tmimi 1'canadianI PACIFICj ttf, PRIMt'i: Kl!pMt. Ws Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert '"Umii. HmiiFrll. Jnneuu. and Kkagwa M )i. It. U. r. Mrturla and M-allle ! I'KIMOh HOVAI, I ' 'I .Ml;ile rt HeHs H!lH. (Xfiili tall i.ii.il Khcr mid VaiK'Miwr ei'r 'i nil Sti Jiiixhln Uiun. V. r. URI'HAItli Naiiiu. tlrrl Hay. 1 nil information frst iixnrrul srnl. mi Hrel and Srd Avenue. Prlnci; lliir. ' rvww at UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED nx I nun Prln"' Rupert. . if, KwaMMin IW), llatedale, Alert na, v,m;K. VK TOHI t. Rule Ui.-, tlerl Uu) , etc.. Suluraaj . MMl'MW and NAAM RIV K I'OIMS. rTiwi). ' It .1 , .VII. MTKM'AK i. V.ll H,.w ;' p.m. iVii liTketa -old jvm:,:u-r.:im. PIIRT hlMPSON. Hriuiw Kunert, ll-C, lennfel '""'"'"Tennis: SEK OUK NEW RACKETS $7.50 t $1U.H) 1H28 Ualla are in Kaien Hardware Co. TsloDllOtM S H. B. Rochester re turrit J to the city on yesterday afternoon 'a rain from a brief trip to Port Esslngton where tin. Rochester Is remaining to visit with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Brown. The Canadian Forestry Association's dmonstration car will be here from tomorrow until Bunday starting a tout I. ".'in Prince Rupert to Jasper Park. The pubhc is Invited hili- it in here. to visit the car I Walu-r R. Overend sailed on the Prln c Alice this snarolng for Wrangell on route to Btlklae where he wlU rasui jri duties as customs officer for tbe ; summer. Mrs. Overend and family go north later. jWUl j CPU. steamer Princess Alice. Capt Thomas OltB. arrived In port at o' clock this morning from Vancouver and j Victoria, sailing about an hour la tar for mussa pons wnenoe sac wiu return i ere souinumud on Sunday afternoon next. The remains of John Charles. Masaett native, wbote death occurred In the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital at the md of last week, will be forwarded Sat urday evening aboard the Prinoe John to Maeastt where Interment will tafce Psoas ugrrs saOUkf nm bre for Van- T. on the CMeia last evening In cluded Mr! and Bba. Fred Cooper. Dr W. T. Kergln. KBas M.'ntat Kergin Mr. and Mas. . McAuky D R. Rey- W. at. Wasdarf, A. B Johnstone Mr. and Mrs W. M. MrDouald. for- of tkia city and Bow located at arrived from the Interior on j yesterday afternoon's train, Mr. McDou- jaM being here to entsr the Prlaee Ru-lpJkyneral HosaatsJ te undergo a eerkilsVmeraUoB,' , mus DonMt, inrwatr. Altro iia aia inc man. who arilyed in tbe city at tbe firm oi the week tram Vancouver after oprndi g tbe winter 4fta fthe south, win Ipn.'rved thla Oet -g. to ptnd tbe aftara Alice Ann km da tbe Prinoe wbete jhe wai CJIJL steamer Prinoe Oecrge, Harry Madden, arrived on tiast at 100 tbis aaorutng from Vancouver. Powell River and Ooaaa Palls and will sail this afternoon at 4 o'clock tor btehlks and Aayoa. returning hare tvenlag to aall south at 11 pm ssnhaitlna here for north this aatalng included. Wars. Jiauny Want, Helen Wart, Ware. Mm. O. Ware. at. A. Morgansteln and Chartas Wbeattvy for Wrangell-. w . Smith Mr Juneau. Mela tatmranlch Oarcross. and Mike Bauoeioff fot Law Cabin. There were lit aaaarruisri going north aboard the rinur Princess Alio thtis ornlaf. the list including many employees of the White Pass and Yu kon Railway at Navigation Oo. ah their way te Shsgtny and Whhiahorii to r auaae their suaiaier duttea. The follow lag piinngsri tUseaibaitied- haw from the vessel- Mr. and Mrs. forter, Mr. Mc Carthy and B L. KOKES. Owing to the I new seed oast of labor and tbe advanced price f flour, tbe price of bread will ha raised to ti loaves tor Sao da and altar May 1, UnBBR BAJDgJVr. Ronatr aVJCCnttc ANNfMJNCCIIENTS RltUty laomr Annual day. May S. in Moose Hall ios Tours- Tenuis Club Annual Ball. Friday, May 4, Moose Hall. Play entitled: "The Young Country Bchoolma'am" -et United CLurch. May W. Oyro ay 11. Hoedown, Moose Hall, Friday. Women of Moeseheart LfSsoa Child-en's Masquerade. May ia. "Are You a Mason?" by Players' Club, Mny 31 and 33 In Weal holme. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly llaml by SANTA L MIl)Y He sure to get tiir Oenalwe Look lor the word A11DV THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Local and Personal mSBSSgA tfM'Vsa Tommy's Taxi. Phone 871. 113 KjVA x 11 V 1 O 1 Dentist. Dt J. a. q,. pbone 686 ?T35t-&ft Bkatiug dally. J Oct tbe Big 4 hubin of a Taxi, ptoase 4 Boxing I RxhlblUou Hall, uw. May s. nci Byrne v Bard. Mis Loyjga Wicks school girl, left on this mornlng'a train lor Huxley. Alberta. Boxing Exhibition Hall, Thursday, May 3. Jimmy McDonald va All Harding. 830 prompt. ' s m .sgieorge L: Alwavi have the made W WRIGLEY package in U your pocket. 18 H Soothes nerves, allays Vt chair. thirst, aids digestion. v-tiii sTM! Even Meal - WW united Watt's Urooery. Pbooes 56 and Se. For a Taxi Photic SS0. Btand. Central Hotel. 1(M Oscar Hausou tl Boxing. Exhibition Hull Thursday night. May S. Stod Byrnes vs. George Bard. CUR. steamer Prinoe John, .from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte te la due in port tomorrow. J. p. Praser of Praser 4c Payne, returned to tbe city on 'he Prince Oeorgc from a brief business trip to Vanoou Or. Arrew. Interior dentl.it. wbo ha been on a trip south, arrived from Van oouver on the Prince decree this mom tag and proceeded East by train. W. Large. . arrived In the city on the Prinoe Qeorge this mornmg from Vancouver to Join the graduate nursing cuff of the Prince Rupert Gen era! Hospital. Charles WheatMnr. Telegraph Creek prospector, left on tbe Princess Alkx his morning on his return to tbe Uard country, after having spent the wlnte a this district. Joseph Were and mem hers of hi' family, wbo have been spending tb winter In the city and district, sailed .his mormng by the Pi louses Alloc their return to their boast in tbe tikinc River country eaheer at Wrangell. who boa been eat a trip south for the benefit of his health was a passenger aboard the Princess Alia this morning returning north accompanied by Mrs Rronaon. Bhona Saunders, who has been la Los Angeles for tbe post year or so arrived lrom the uuth on tbe Prttxx aort this morning and will pay an taianilsd visit with her parents. Capt and Mrs. F. T. Saunders. Dlgby Island. The regular monthly m wring of tbe wnetl of St. Paul's Lutheran Church a as bald last evening at the borne ol Thar Johnson. First Avenue. Buslnew Was of a routine nature and Rev John taasn. the pastor, eoeupisd Um sir. and Mrs. J. H Wlahart and daughter, enroute froaa Aus trails tc gland, are passengers beard the flilMlsj Alio making the round trip tO.SkAgway this week. Mr. Wlahart is a merchant of wenthaggt. victoru Australia. Marguerite Martin and Bdua nurses of the Prince Hospital, left on thu train to spend holidays at ia tbe interior. Tbe former goes to Terrace and the latter to Cop per City. Donald Mitchell of tbe Dlgby Island wirsJsat station staff and Mrs. Mitchell child Will sail tomorrow night on the Prince Oeorae for the south to opend their annual vacation at La-q ileal Island, north of Vancouver, where relatives reside, Andrew Boetad, manager ot the En gtneer mine in the Atliu district, waa i passenger aboard tbe Prlnoats Alice tbl morning enroute to the earns after having spent aomt time in the south mining engineer Mr. Heiaehnuut, was accompanying him lorth. The Lief ErickM-n Society decided last night to celebrate May it, the anniversary of the DrrlrHtton of Norwegian Independence, with a banquet and dance in the Boston Hall. It was also decided that meeting during tbe sum mer will be but once a month on tbe third Tuesdays F. R. Summer recently of the general freight agent's ofnc at Vancouver.' arrived from tbe south on tbe" PTIace Oeorge this morning to Join the stair of the cur divtakm frtigbt agent's office here. Nucceeding as sten ographer Miss Dorothy TlMaaybe wbo has left for Victoria At a meeting last night of the executive of the Prince Rupert Football As- acoiatlou three entries for tbe Senior League thla season wore formally ac cepted- the This; let. Regiment and Grand Terminal teams. Another asset -lug will be held next Tuesday to decide w licu the svuaou will be opened. Boxing! Exhibition Hall. TattrasUf night. May 8. Jimmy McDonald vs. All. Harding. 840 prompt. Char lea Edgar, on a charge of drunk enness, pleaded not guilty In city police court thla morning and ni r mantled until thla afternoon. Play by Young People' Association V Flmt United Church "The Toung Country Scboolma'am" at the Church on Thursday, May 10, at 8 pm. Howard Whit returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from 6eattle where he spent the past couple weeks with Mrs. White and family who are remaining there for a time. IRST BOAT WILL LEAYE UP STIKINE RIVER TOMORROW Navigation oil the Btlklne River wUl be opened by the Barrtngton Navigation Co. this week, the first boat of tbe 'teeaon being planned to leave Wrangell for Telegraph Creek tomorrow on the arrival from the south of tbe steamer Princess Alice which Is bringing a num ber of passengers to go in, Tbe river ofwoed up teat Saturday. AI.M)i;ii(IV Lt AVISO Having .completed tbe loading of a full cargo of grain at the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prinoe Rupert elevator arty thai afternoon, tbe British freight Amderby. Capt. David Simpson. Prinoe Rupert's twenty eeventh grain ship of tbe season, will sail thla even- bag for tbe United Kingdom or Ml 1111 AU; TOIIAY There was no sale of halibut at tbe Flab arTft'r this morning. A total of S3 M0 pounds was In 85,000 pounds on tbe American schooner Panama and 7,000 pounds en tbe Canadian boats Volunteer. Ingred H. and M.A.B. THE FAVORITE Mll'lUNO The favorite soprano, after apologising for her cold, tang: "111 bang my harp on a weeping wU- low ttee-c-ce, ahem! On a weeping wil low tree t ee. Ob!" Her votoe cracaeb on tbe high note w tried again. Then came a voles from tbe back of the hall: "Try hanging it on a lower branch. Iss!"- Daily stews. When MacTavlsh sold a five-cent cigar tbe customer an old .friend -observed that be pocketed tbe money "Why dont you ring it up?" he asked. "loull forget "Oh. l'U nee forget it." replied the 9oot. -Te hen I keep track In man head until I get a dollar, and then I tng tt up. It eaves tbe wear-r and taar-r en tbe laarhtao." Bnmsmsn. MITICE. To whom It may concern: Please be advised that Wm Beynon la not acting secretary of Northern British Columbia Fishermen's Association after May 1. All communications to the Association should be addressed to Post Ontoe Box 84 until further notice. NORTHERN B.C. SALMON FISHERMEN S ASSOCIATION 104 Per J. Huberts. SHERIFF'S SALE Gladys jonet and Ray Reed. Plaintiffs; And Dumont sud Einmeraan. Defendants. TAKE NOTICE that In accordance with an order of His Honor Judge F. McB Young, dated the 17th day of April. 1088. I will sell 16 sections of Spruce and Hemlock Legs now being afloat near Dlgby blond Wlreleit Station. Tbe same being logs cut by the above named' Defendant, and on which tbe Plaintiffs claim a lien. Sale to take olace at Shrrlff's Office. Court Howe, on tbe 8th day of May. 1888. at 2S0 o'clock in the afternoon. S. A. NICKERSON " Sheriff ) The Taxi Driver I use Champion Spark Plugs because they help to make my service more dependable. Champion ts the bcttcripark r-lug because it hai an exclusive ailll manite Insulator specially treated to with stand the much higher temperatures of the modern high-compres sion engine. Also a new patented solid copper gasket-scaJthatremainsi absolutely gas-tight under high compres sion. Special analysis electrodes whichaisure a fixed spark-gap under all driving conditions. Champion SparJPlugs Wlodtor, Ontsrio A CANAD1AN-MADE PRODUCT MY KITCHEN NOTEBOOK by ThAtUj. 7ZiaJtL Domestic Science Counselor When Hungry Youngsters Come in from Play You cannot wonder that they need fuel for their engine, when you see the amazing amount of energy they barn up in tireless play. But you look at tbe clock it's near supper time. One mustn't spoil their appetites for the evening meal. Something simple and nourishing but not too heavy is what you want Why not suggest a chocolate or maple custard? Youll be rewarded not only by wide grins but by the comforting Knowledge that they are getting their all important quota of miDc in a disguise so pleasing that it is looked upon as a special treat Your Oven Temperature Decides the Success of Custards Custards are so simple to make that one is apt to grow careless or hurried in the baking of them. Tbe result is a watery custard, none too appetizing to look upon and even less appetizing to eat Baked in a slow oven 225 until an inserted knife comes out clean, the resulting custard will be smooth, firm and creamy. For variety try choconttr, caramel, brown sugar and maple custards or combine them with fruits or with lady fingers. But the most Luportant thing of all to remember in matin custards of any variety is to use Carnation Milk. The Creamiest,Smoothest Custards If you want richer, creamier custards, custards with a finer texture and a greater smooth mens youH never use anything but Carnation. There's very good reason for its exceptional success. Tbe evaporation of Carnation. ta double richneasKtves a richer, creamier custard. Tbe "htanrjgxmation'' of the milk a breaking-up of the cream globules into minute particles distributed uniformly throughout every drop of milk creates a smoother, finer texture. And what is true of custards is tree of all other foods in which Carnation is used. Carnation gives in puddings, ice creams, cakes, soups, sauces and candies results which even the best of bottled milk cannot equal There are new food delights awaiting you in the use of Carnatxxi Milk new cooking economy and convenience. The Carnation Cook Book "My Hundred Favorite Recipes" is full of fascinating recipes. It's free. Won't you send for it? Address Carratko Milk Products Co.. UmSsanitTobott Street, Vancouver B.C. Carnation Caramel Custard 2 cups Carnation Milk diluted with 2 cups hot water, J-j cup sugar. i tap. salt, 5 eggs, 1 tsp. vanilla. Caramelise sugar by melting over a flame, add to scalded diluted milk in double boiler; when sugar dissolves add to slightly beaten eggs; add salt and vanilla; pour into buttered cups; bake in 22SF. oven, in deep pan ofhot water. Use It In Custards Predtctd la Cassda IT it easy to make the richest and creamiest of costards. Just use Carnation Milk the creamy-smooth milk which insures better results !n all cooking because it is pure, whole milk, evaporated to double richness. It keeps. It saves money. (See recipe above) Carnation Milk 'From Contented Cows ' THE STOMACH .sBRPwia. The Stomach is that portion 'of the alimentary canal through which the human organism yets its nourishment. Therefore it ix of the utmost importance to gooi health and long life that this organ should be in perfect working order. The beginning of stomach trouble is no insidious that you are unaware of any disorder till an acute stage develops. If the stomach is giving any distress whatever, the rest of your organism is going to suffer in consequence, since a diseased stomach ia incapable of rightfully fulfilling its important function in the chemical process neoeasary tor pure nutritious assimilation. My system of curing stomach disorders is ultra-modern and is achieved by natural methods.. ' Consultation Free Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Wallace Block f ' Phone 131 Open Hvenlnga SPECIAL (JIKLS' JERSEY KNIT I'liKE WOOL HECE DKIiiSSLS iii i i i Assorted color. -Sizes 6tol4iimaT8. - -si i I'm i fi , S3.50 8u;L S3:75!: Fraser & Payne, Universal Trading Co.