Save Money Boston Grill Tl. r-lwpet way to buy tho I), i', News m to subscrl'je by th Large Upstair Dining Unll, me coat la 8.00 and your wivh newly laid dancing i.- delivered to your address floor, for hire. li, .venlne. JlUt figure out the NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. rt to you for this dally PRINCE RUPERT The latent and best for the twelve month I t.rUr,' for lea9t. Phone 457 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper XVUL, AV"!r:.. No. :v r PRINCE prince RUPERT, rupert, B.C.. d.c. THURSDAY Thursday JANUARY January 5, 5, 102s 1928 , , - Price Five Cents llif ji JO jjJib ji ffliMmrnjJm passenger and parrots in rumpus Grain Shipments So Far 2,270,000 Bushels From Prince Rupert to Europe Fijr, Eixhl Steamer Ijoadrd Here so Another Due lit EnJ of Week and Two at Present are Heing Loaded Since October 29 when the season opened some 2,270,000 I,, lit is of wheat has been hipied ti date on eiirV vessels for the l iiiiil Kingdom or Continent from tile Alberta Wheat Pool' Prince liupcrt elevator. Seven vessels took average cargoes of 275,000 v;-iicis and the eighth, the Swedish ship Sydland. had 345,000 mi hrl. The figure are exclusive of the Mteamer Teepool, now idling about 275,000 bushels; the Holmpark, which arrived today '.ii- a similar cargo, and the Levenpool, which due at the end of iht -week. All grain from Prince Rupert haa jjone to the United FARMERS GOING ' VISIT EUROPE Will Study Marketing Condition : in i.e., I IlrllBln and Den- mark iu: iMX Jan S. The nija'. repre-- -.- r urmip ot farmers and otticlsla !.imri.' oraanlzalkoii in Canada or. ,r.-.:;.ed tour win U from hart , &j:xn oi. -tit IIimt t pi and for Ovaat iv, '.im fnr a aaarhew. Tkwf fsrinijasi' emadltkms n urat farmera" marketlna r.iinera and offlciala rente- H( nd other p.ovlncea are I prty I PiiSONER GETS ! HUGE FORTUNE - Hclmpark iJJritlah). arr Jan. S. w::.m;notoj, Del.. Jan. 8 Michael ,UMBa;,: m. 4ue Jan. t. Sria, of New Oaatkt, Del a prisoner In; p ,v i .r rkhouaa bar, baa been informed .... . jf lie and a alatcr are th sole hairs, '" an of 1JRXX000 lire left by!. ' ' r.tlirr. woo fed recently In Italy . i -Vptember SO last Sarra was sen-.J ;.' mi to a ytaWa unpruohmani and ' i d 1300 for a liquor law violation S;n r ihat tlma ha h taasin amnkDved . ' iothln ahop at the wojMkus' -.irr uvea in wuoa U I ... D . . . . . . Dm asw srBa nsui in of bis hu T ill he win be aUglbljvae apply for Mt.i np inanna w oo su H" to iuary ana claim n wr- . . ACTING NELSON CHIEF IS FIRED llrourrltt Ouirae of Drunkennesa Avalnt Subordinate who is Exonerated and Promoted NK1.SON. Jan. 8. - The police com- -ton fter Inquiring into a cburge im Constable Ralph Hair of bHng a.'iixicated while on duty la:d by s" A. Stewari. acting chief of I' lii-p. reinstated the olncar and pro-.ted him to th rank of sergeant. 1 nrrei'tly dismissing Btewarv from ' lor:e. SCHOONER DOROTHY WITH SCIENTISTS IS ON HER WAY NORTH T;..- stf of actentUU and orew of r"hrmeu having (pent the, Chrlstman '-"d hollda asaeon m 8eattu foUowlng " trips during the fall to tha north-"ii rishirg around, the schooner Dorothy, Oapt. Ol Hratnm. under hsrur to the IntermvtleBal Plshartea ( "mmlealon. la on her way north again "d is due In Prince Rupert from Seat-1 this afternoon or evening. Aftar "pending a day or no outfitting hre, '! Dorothy wlU proceed to the banks " nmtinue her wlnter,a research work n hoard the Dorothy la Normiin L. 'x-'iimii. Ux-hI reirt-aenutlv- of the ' " ': n.-ii. Kingdom or Continent j Isr thin m- IK H. Speedy handling him bsen carried out of all the vexse!, the average tun in pert for an already lined ahtp being even day wh.le those that had to be lli.ed apent about ten days her. The British atamr- Alnderby. which was he: twelve daya. had to go on dry dock for propeller repairs The Only ahlpa 11,,ed " tn' JPanes freighters Kan Prar.ciaco Mini and OhloaMaru ana the Swedish boat Sydland Pelleting are the boat which haw 'oaded heie since the opening ot tl.e nsoii rpool , British), arr Oct. 3. ft N- i1"! Jaaa (BrlVak an. Nw. t. Jeft ts '" ",le: Mru iJapi. arr Ho 34. O 8 Warlaby (Brltuhi. arr Dar. S, fM Dec. ' .Ainuerny mriiisni. arr. uec. , sna jo. .7 - ishcafmcunt rSrltlshlarr Dec. IB. left Dec. 33. Ohio Maru (Jap I arr Dec IS. pft Dec 38. Sydland iSwadUh). arr Dec. 30 left Jan I Teespcol .British i arr. Jan. t. loading. rHIMIKH M W IJiAN AHKIVKM AT OTTAWA I OK A f'OMKKEXI'K OTTAWA. Jan S Premier Ma-'eaa Arrived m Ottawa for thf pUaioa of d'acussing with the MddKetjflf King oovern-mei't ! mattersar!ulng out of the conference of premiers held here He will a!so while here discus with Premier Brownie of Alborta th poeal-httrty f Joint action In ebpnee-lion with th building o the Peace River railway. WOULD HAVE NATIONS JOIN INCELEBRATION l.laborate PrapnKal Aiinoi.,irel h Myt Thot iH amotmr In t'ulinrrtluil ' WUh Tap!. rMik m-uUtii-Irnnlul VAHCOl'VM, Jan 5 A nropoaal to iDVlt al. uatloim bordtring on the pgcifle Ocean to meet in Vamoueer dur-tiij the coming summe r to celebrate the neiiiuleentennial of the voyages of d'scovery of Capt. Janx-i Cook in under cocalderaUon. Mayor U D. Taylor announced today. FURTHER DISCUSSION ON PEACE RAILWAY VICTOfv.A. Jan. 8. J. J- Maho-.i of North Vancouver, who with as-ioclatea rocenily Intel th Pnclflc Great Kaatern Railway projaet batore tht oovernroent met the cabinet today and xplalnd bis plant further No statement was Issued al the close of th conference RAILWAY TO APPEAL VANCOUVER. Jan -The I' Pacific Railway .li appl tn ,7-000 damages asesaed against It for the fire mi the Kaalo-Slocan branch In 10J5. PRELIMINARY TRIAL ISON Henry JWVard Charged at Stewarl afld Jlurrfer' of William . Ritchie STBWART. Jan, i. Triet;roner's Inquest held lest Slight un Qie killing of Wliiuun KitcUW brought an open verdict. th bciL-g r.o Wl-itess u the actual shooting. Witness"' examined were Paddy OTJcoaUl akdj DjnaM Method, who c.-b n.einttraj .1 the party with wh,;u Henry JUpuK aciuacd the Ulllin:;, la ni'VioaeeVv'liavc had altercate!-., and CfcnRMiJle tftciUH. and Or. Will ams f :c m-.u-iccHai. ly on the fcoei.e. J Iiujc. ;or Boiler ami S :,4o.-i .. McNeill art here from ffeitjee Rupert, the :crmer corulucti-K Sh case :or ;h crown. Deputy C isjrirr O' Prlcre Rupft pro deal at in? l iquet The prelir.i.i.ry hr!iiK of Heir. aivard la now proreeding :-iid prooaXly i.ot be fintahed,- until late to-ni,",ht. The caae haa net goue fat enoiif.'i to determine the im ire of Mr dpfci ..e. It is be!!-ved that Rlvafd wll withhold his defer ce and wu trial at the iprliuf aaalaaa In Piiiiet Ruper: next May- Ma la represented In this hearing by R. W. Kennedy of Stewart. MINISTER TO'., FRANCE S00N4 v f' Hon. PhKIIpe Hoy, Y, peeled to be Appointed jo Position in PSrfls BVyvifl&K. Jan. 5. Thfvap. PMlWHwtait f fhllllpe Ray 4 fWMbsjsMi mlwIMer to lYaner t rprtesl la Parts nhnrtl.t. acrwrdlNg la a saaDeil art tele tu the Awwelate) I'rraa. Itay rrfwewnted Canaaat rm-MMaMter geneml 4in-e ISII. I ree I evpecteil In oeleet a her i ftrat mlnlolrr In Canasta Iktrwsi ltegw U'AruaaM de HraUea, rs general at Jlinitreul, I he artW-le ata. warTeteran passes here Attack of Asthma ItesulU in Sudden Uenth of Teddy liutciilnjca Sij$d in Spanish-American and (ireat Wars A well known chaiacter around Prlno Rupert was the law Sdwln J. Hutching, better known to his many friends and acquslntancea aa "Teddy," whose daath occurred suddenly In th Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital at It o'clock laat night following a severe attack of asthma from which malady he aufferwd for mint years. Deceased . who waa engaged an a waiter and In other calllna. had lived In Prlno Rupert for nearly taeuty years and for a time waa at Alice Arm with J. P. Haw-klnaon 1st 1617. In Prlno Rupert he was employed, among other plaoea. at Srifa and St Reg's Oafes. the Hotel end more recently at the Central Hotel. Bern In Portsmouth. England, alxty-eight years ago. the late Mr. Hutching served In his younger days In the British Navy and wa also with the UiHted State In tn Spanish-American war af a result of which oenfliet he drew a pension up till his death. He participate in the Rail Rebellion. bring awaraad a medal, and he tw went orartlu with th 103nd Battalion In the Oht War. H was unmarried ant hMfla aiatajr residing in Portsmouth. ' Under th awicea of the local branch of the Oangdlan Legion, th late Mr HutchlMd wilt lie burled on Sun- day afternoon with nllltary honors. Ar-th rsnawnMOta are the bands of U C Undertakers. FLOOD CONDITIONS BRITAIN ON WANE LONDOM. Jan. 8. The wont stage of floods In England la believed to have lniiMd although the lower Thames Is Mill ruins ii little. t UK '.;ov::i'Nt)R-i:; xi.!;Ai. Washington, I-ft to iig!it: lojy, Lr-1 V.'i'li!'.- 1. Lady Kellogg of the United Levenpool Due at Will Be Eleventh Grain Vessel of Season to ' - W illing loit t:nd Secretary Prince Rupert's eleventh grain nhip of the season wi be tho British freiglner Levenjiool, which is coming from Europe via the Panama Canal, and is expected to arrive here about the end of the week. The vessel is coming in ballast and is being lined enmute so will be ready as soon us she arrives to start loading a full cargo for the United Kingdom or Continent. The tenth boat of the season, the British freighter Holmpark, arrived in port this afternoon. She reached Triple Island this morning and picked up her piiot, Capt. Larry Thomson of, the Federal PUata of British Columbia. Th Holm- park is also lined and will start loading aa soon as the Teespool. into which grain is naw being poured at the Alberta AVhrat Pool'.i Princ. Rupert elevator, la liuikhtd in a duy or au. The Teespool ' alio came frcm Kuropo via the Panama Canal In ballast. Since the end of the week, seventy carload of braln have arrived from the - R. prairies for the I cal elevator, none hav-: lng c:om in during the last twenty-four hcurs. B.3 iwny office this mcrn-1 ins reported 350 carloads west of Jasper, bound here. i HICKMAN IMHI TKH ON MIONU .Ml'IMlKK LOB ANC1EUCS. Jan. 8. -W. K. Hickman was indicted for his second murder today when the County Orand Jury ordered him ! to go on trial for slay lux C. Ivy Tltomaa, Roe hill druggltt. during an attempted hold-up a year ago. The youth baa already been Indicted for the murder of .it tie Marian Parkrr under gruesome circumstances. OPIi.MMi CEKEMOMKM. VICltiRIA. Jh.i S. Pemona invited to attend the opening of the Legislature must acoept by January 14 If tney wish to be present. the Canadian Legation in .Mr - . Vincent Masfev, Mrs. Kel- States state department End of Week Arrive for Loading CANADIANS TO MAKE CHOICE It. Dennett Says Must I Economic Union With Hritnln or Stntes VANCOI'VEK. Jan. 5. The greatest lUager fa Canada la an unln-formeil and uneducated puMlr. an unnifnrmnl denHM-raey. I arge you no lie men t equip yoornelvrs to Unid niHin the great eroiwinle lroblrm before u." ilerlared Han. II. II llennrtt. leader of the Tan-ervallve parly. addrewlng the Canadian flab here today. CiHitlnnlug. Mr. llennHt anld: "IVr mint deride within the next frw Hm M we are to roniblne Nilh other wrt of the K.inplrr of iimliltir with ei-1'tunnlr lnlrret e!wliere. M mil'-t be economic union Hllli th lrltlh Kmplr or nllli our ruln to the nilh." JOURNAL BUILDING AT EDMONTON ON FIRE EDMONTON , Jan. 5. The Journal budding waa damaged to the extent of S3&.000 in a fire the cause of which la i.ot known. Price of Daily News Cut to 50 Cents a Month When Delivered in Prince Rupert Commencing with the beginning of 1928 the price of the Daily News Is aa follows: Delivered In Prince Rupert, 50c a month in advance, or $5.00 a year. Out-of-town In Northern or Central U.C., $:UX) a year or four months for $1.00. Other Canadian or U.S. points, $0.00 a year. The only way to keep in touch with the North is to read a northern paper. Captain of Alameda Alleges That Woman Kicked Him in Stomach and Scratched FaceSo He Held Her SEATTLE, January 5. An angrwwoman. two parrots and an altercation aboard the steamship AlanafHa last night landed Captain ;. A. Glasscock, a veteran Seattle skigper, in the hands of the federal deji.irtm. ut of justice agents on ajcharge of assault on the high -t as. Mrs. !.. A Peterson, who wa a ijassenger on the Alameda from Sfwi'iti, Alaska, charges that the mariner maliciously struck her with his fists and injured her on December 22. Captain (Jlasscock denied the charges and declares that the 3u-)!t jr -e over tl-.e Insistence of. Peterson keeping two parrots in : s r,..u sgjiun the li-- and the ifipanyv rules He alleges that when : totd ei '.'ir rul haa . . t t.yed. mplaiva:-.; put lvr foot In his ;om-j-:h and cla-il h:s f-see. To prjiect Him.' I he rabbvd her arms ut i ever 'a her. I Th'.' fcuarlng of the complaint will be . held when the hlp return . Iron: Its j;xl run on January 30. I'.O.K. M Ill-LIM OVLK OPLIIATIM1 EXPKNMiH MONTH Ot NOV . VANCOUVBH. Jan 8 r"or the llrkt time in its hLrory the Pacific Oreat Eastern Railway has shown an operating profit for two successive month. The November means surplus over expense was as.SfB while October it wa MJMi a total oeV PRINCeTuPERT HAS ROUGH SOUTHEASTER dale Yetrilay Arte nonn and 11 taeniae Kerielmi Mailmum Yerarity of Mllea Oeneral Ateac Coast Taaterday afternoon and last evening. Frlnoe Rupert experienced a real old winter southeast gate which rattled. th window and startled some of the more Umld realde'nta, also bringing in Its wake a copious rainfall. Nevertheless, tha storm ueemed to be more generally appreciated than waa tha recent cold wear her wveh Prince Rupert, evidently. i neither likes nor can get accustomed tr. :: D Tee. Dlgby Island. Dominion n'etrorolog.'it. reports a maximum wind vep'ty dtalng the gale of 80 miles per hovr T've storm, which was general along ue coast, caused no damage here SCHOONER SHORE WASHINGTON COAST roMrmtcr Norlh Bend. 1 Turn' AaM rails. Poaitdeel by sea b"t Crew ThoHght Hale ASTORIA. Jan. 8. Th fpAtrmaaWd schooner North Bend, from Brisbane, Australia. Is aahor with thirWen men aboard on the ssnds of Peacock Spit near Ncrthhead today. The e u rough but la not thought that the crew la endangered. TUNNEY TO ilAYE TWO FIGHTS THIS YEARPAPER SAYS NEW YORK. Jan. S.--Oene Tunney. world's baavywolgr.t boxing champion, plain to tight Paulino Uscudln and Jack Demptey. former tttleholder. this year, the Evening World says. VANCOUVER RXCHAMiB Bid. Asked Wheat l.4t B.C. : 1 48 1 30 Ooast Copper 37 50 M 00 Cork Provlnc ... 17 l, 18 Dunwell .30 31 Oaorge Copper aJU Oladston 13, .15 Independence .08 .10 Indian 0 07 L. and L lt US Leadsmlth OS OS Lucky Jim IS', Sllverrreat .08 OS, Silversmith 30 M Stinlwl) . 148 1 50 HENRY RIYARD IS COMMITTED Accused of Murdering William Ritchie is on Way to Okalla ' STEWART. D3. 8. AccuNd of murdering William Ritchie on the morning of January 1, Henry Rlvard waa last ulght commuted fir trial at th spring assise in irlnce Rupert and Ordered confined In Okalla Prison untu that time. Be started south on the steamer Prince Rupert this ra-.rntog. The pralLnlnary hearing before Stipendiary Magistrate Scarlett brought out at. material evidence beyond Chat given t at the eorener'4 inquest. CANADIENSARE"' WELUN LEAD Five and Half Games Ahead of Any Canadian Team, and Seven Ahead of American TORONTO! Jan. 8. Th Canadians now have a five gam lead In Ike International section of th hockey league and seven points more than th iMtrn of the American section. Boston and Detroit. tn th game at Chicago in Which the borne team waa beaten three to one by th Cancdiena' Morenx. Jollat and Leduc did the scoring while Oraham shot past the Canadian goalie for Chicago. PRICES BROKE ON EXCHANGE Copper Dropped Many Point nnd so Did Steel on (iotham .Market Today NEW YORK Jan 8 - Prises bee wide open today, inspired by the trtf ir.etidoua ! Increase in stock sanheasa) ' member loan. Greene Cananna oopper dropped frcm early high 184 19 .tnd Midland Steel cracked 13 points to 38. A partial recovery followed. ROWELL IS TO ARGUE QUESTION OF WOMEN'S ADMISSION TO SENATE TORONTO. Jan 5. Hon. N. W. Rowell at the request of th petitioner? hss been appointed by the Dpnsat of Justice at Ottawa to argue before the supreme court ot Canada the alegi-biltty of women for appointments to Senate ot th Dominion. quart! oe h tunes on whether women la a "person'' within the meaning of th Brltiah North America Act. Judge Bmtly Murphy o SdaooUMi I Mie of the petitioners. endorsatio"n for" market control by kelowna fruit men KELOWNA. Jan 8 -Strong endem-Hon of tha committee administering the Interior marketing control act is contained In a resolution passed at th meeting of the BP. fruit Growers' o Arxoci.t'.ioii ,ti KolOWUJ tUylfleO.