Save Money The cheapest way to buy the Dally New la to subscribe by the vcar. The cost Is ts.oo inl your npv l" dellvred to your address em h evening. Just figure out the ni.iM cost to you for this dally icrwcc for twelve months! Kill li I .i il I'd II- Will.. No. 85. IMOND. Arll It. - Blclinioiid """I decided to abaudon the ' room Hi the Mitchell Ochool 'i bland tatktwliiff tlx death of '"I victim of apinal meningitis. Miom war mambtra of the re-laa whloh uee-i Uie room mlionary mawuraa are being irxpiui the atatmntnte of medical tie that the dlataee la not coo- Tlx. vlctlau ww two girl and bet Keen aU and ilght yean. B.C. ELECTRIC SHARES JUMPED 'onuon April tl-'-Britiah ttotuntbla 1 ordinary ahafta horw tlaatl aeariy 1 iMinu to 37ft pound ahare and h 'erred ahare OS polnU to Mo pounds :i ' i"' 'took exchange aa a result of re-'""- that Lord Itotbermor and hi 'niauian aaaoelavaa have mada an of-'" of purthaat at a reported prlo of iHjund a ahara tor ordinary aud !4 pounua for preferred tt'.tKt: AT t;r.liii "SWAHU, April 11 twarp earth- 'U4kOh accompanied by heavy rumb-felt tbu morning. j April H MONTMEAL. April 11 -Tbe Oanette j The tlrea were sold locally. It 'is aaid thu mnrnlng aya: The Patrick brothera. i generally throujl t ut the city and many Frank of Vancouver and Ltater. mana- ; prominent cltteenn. attracted by the lo ger of the New York Bangeim. may oper- price, ware amdag tfee purchkaen. The ate a team tn the National Hockey tlielU are aa.d to have continued over gue MM aeaaon. Tbe propoattlon ha a pcricd of nine montha and have been bean UAdar awnaldawtleri by tbje Pat-j Investigated tor three m- Uha rkika which had to with Mat at pa it j ArtaaU of a number of people whe of the PmacMarg fnmebaae aad teatn have attcmptel to hkt the tire In- Bad Ma preble uaaMr lb 'rjterelana tad or iiiaaiii nheoi to the pMu kwJt aaBaOB. re enpectad to be made It Ik eatunatea i that the value of the (toten tire is Advertlae In the Dally New. It paya! nomethlng like 3.000. Republicans of Illinois State Purge Themselves of Big Bill Thompson and His Faction in Yesterday's Primaries April 11. KUing in mighty revolt against the CHICAGO, political Inctien headed by (iovernor Small and Mayor William Thompson, whue slogan was "America FirMt," Republican of Illinois yesterday buried (hem under an avalanche of hostile votes. Snail was defeated for the (iowrnor candidature and Secretary of State IxiuIh Kmerson. States) Attorney Kolxert Crowe was defeated for the candidature of lite attorney's office. The sinlea senator nomination and many leaser offtcaa were also Iot by the faction. Mayer Thtimpnon himself was defeated for watd committeeman. LONDON, April 11. The Chicago primary elections was the big news in London today. Afternoon papon play It strong with headline such as "Rule of I tig 11111 Theaipwn at Hnd." nnd 'Schoolbook Foe of King (Jeorge Falls in iHection Struggle." Operating Loss Sustained by Government Merchant Marine is Greater Than for Previous Year TTAWA, I 1 Marine April 11. The Canadian Govarnment Merchant had an operating loss in 1987 of S70,(MM) against a loss of SUO.OOO in 1926 and a million or over in the pre ceding years. The gross revenue was $750,000 leas than in 1926, a report tallied in the House of Commons today said: I'li.. Iiw I in urn hie showiuir was largely attributed to t-ondi- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1928 PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper M!XIN'; UP Till. .".M.ODY STT:T: Si,- na rry Lauder, noted Scottinl sin.'iiig conH.iliai', anil .Mario Thanilee, Metropolitan (lici.i tenor, sinj: a iluc anil .seem to he njoying it. NEGRO SHOT AT ELECTION IN CHICAGO AS lll'rNT or AU.V ll MAVOU TIHUIPNO.N IN MTII tVAHII CHIC ). April II. Orluvlmi tiriiauluditi. h m-crii lawyer and llrumi camllilalc lur Hie tMli ward rtMiimlller, a oleln In hfr vwu ward i-lrrbt Irn minute after tne poll rhMd at (lie u'rturk. lie ai an oppMent l the aaallttrnll pimrrliil .tlorrlo Klri. Imm of the van! aanl a puHlkwl all) of VUjor Thumiwan, Uraadaildv wa hi aa aut wbrn aewther ear with l aen In It drew alangaMe al final four hot. Aile frowi the (iramtakiy ahMt-Ing. elreMiiM iNMtMe liere w al-wl negligible. SKK1KHTEII IIKI.KiATBS lltOM IVTKHIOIl VISIT I'UIM I Ul l'KltTMM tnthecoursr of addrca last night to the Board of Trade L B Warner nUKgrstrd the Doal-blllty of a delmation of Board of Trade membcra from the interior tjwn ).iinn an ofUctal rail to Prince Kupert In onkr that they nuilr io aho.wn the wwrklnga of tl.r x rt and ace for thetnrlve !o .iltalra wrs hand aad and nier: the people who were domx :liing. GOVERNOR IS 4 4 ii..ns under which certain services had to be operated, there lieing teixs or umomtii of Mmsiniim a shortage oi cargo tonnage and also additional competition which It !' 1 1 i., rrinet il Irculit rate. however gratltylnR to be attic to report that proapecu for the lulure re brlght-r owing U decrealil competition and aUblllrallon of tfw ireiKMt rati I "Tlie tltuatlon u. m..i riw from anxiety Hisiriiltv. oartlcul.iily an our Moam- of then !' 'llJ er.. on account j .oiilnmant are placed at a greater dl- Udvanfcge In competition with modew kihI under coiuitruc-Uon tonnage operated r .ervloc by other, Jjnw.betyieMi Canada. Unltxl Kliwdom and the Continent." INCREASE WORK ON ' TERMINUS MINES V10TOKIA. April H Diix-ctora of the to lucreaae the decldl Termlnu. mine working on the pro- number of men i... H,.hiii.u the crew now pvrby ami wj will "'i.n imme-Idlately wortliiK in tli tunnel to open up all the face f LIQUOR BILL INTRODUCED W1U. I'KIMIIIIIT IMIMIIITATIO.V nv amyom: kxckit (uivkux- IIENT OI' ILL OTTAWA, Altll II. .V 1)111 n-lilbltlng the Htwrtalh)ti of Ibiuor Us aigr (irlvate Imllflilmil Into any H-fe Mlirta inurnment 1 li uur ewitml I" to effect wan Riven It flrat reading In tlte llnuae f fVini-iiiimii yaatanUy after immi ly IIihi. Kriieat UMliile, nilnWrr of 111(1 LKACIUi; IIASKIIA1.I, Boton 1. Waahlngtor. ENTHUSIAST B IN t'AN.MI t l AIMlBWt T VA- t(U VRI1 KOAHII 01' TIUHK VANCOUVER. April 11- The flral governor general to utldrea the Bw of Trade la Vlacount WUllngdon. who was the guaat of lumor laat night of that body. HI Bxcellency anoaktiig on hi lm-preaalona o, anadu aald that much had happened durinn tha paat year. "Prom a general point vtew from whafvi teat you wian tev apply, banking, tMaaportatton. ludwttrla! or what not. aa Increaae in indlvtdjuai waalth I shown. On thing la peratotly certain that Oaaad l moving tor ward on a sound, attady baai to peaaperlty." The Oovernor ab aald If It la true that Canada baa a xreatar idea of her national rsapenslbllltlea. It la also true that she reallae her iiteNaeed partur-shlp In the Brltlah Kniplre." HIIKAT MAIlKtrr VANCOUVgR. April 11. -The price of wheat yeaterdny was 1J3',4. 01TBR SAID TO BE M DE FOR THE B.C. ; ELECTRIC RULWAY M Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the learn Phone 457 Price r'i - i f-'-' - The Letter Box Till: FALL FA1K 1 1 1 nf, Daily News: li M'ciiis to tne thai, the citizens ( I'niiiT nupert are mutting a yi' .t' mistake in not taking more interest in the Annual Fall Fair. '! i ini it now would be a fatal : i it . i ci i iii ii hit uifiinuai. 11 hub urcu uu, standing event ever' year 1 1 th city has attained any d- . : a m li j: . in prominence ana to iail to - t .i (..iv mi uiiv numu uc iu nume .., J .... Ik.. I . . f 1L I A i ll. uuu'flllM .lie nuift Ul lliunt' VI!" MilVC KIVVII IIICII illllt; tfllU .1. A i : i hi i ill me oast. I .t city and town in the I H I'.iiiri has it annual fair and 1 i nil c Rupert can hardly afford t im the one exception. To dis- 1.1 I I I 1 1 i i I 1 1 li ii nuuiu UC BIKIJ Ul UK- i i.i m e The fair has been a 1 1 ml advertisement for thin town m il it- success this year will be ureil if everybody will do their t ... i meeting" have been In Iii which have been poorly at- Irmiei: and little enthusiasm nun" .tning and I sincerely .ill who can will make it iiuiiii'Ms to be present to Mipport to this ti.uiion. S. P UcMORDIK. Mayor. in i ii ? in; if i . FLOODS LAND I'Mtl i WONTNKAI. lllxTRIf T ftTIU. I Mll.ll M.tTRM tthsll.T IIAM-MINU HJVKH i:!KAL April II - Aswutaucr fruui kiki nimrnnunt in the form o: nii to SesaMfi the huge bloca - n holding hack the water o' lAwrwnae with the coiisequeni : .: o: w vara I municipalities m thj . eagerly awaited by the fiuud- it:na. lolnt UI1 hM four feet of ''venng the streets with pr - lie me eotutlUoua Ui other af-;aru tiDiu throughout other part oi ' iiict aM pmetically iiorna: THIRD VICTIM OF MENINGITIS t'W MI NT HIIOVI l IA 1.1 1XI.AM I l TIONAItV jib.i iu: Tires to Value of Two Thousand Dollars Stolen in Vancouver Recently Bight Men Arrested nnd Others Expected Including a City Inwyei Who (iave Nome of William Jamua April 11. With eight persons. Including a Van VANCOUVER, cou.r barrister already under arrest, startling developments are expected in the police department investigation im wholesale thctts of tires from the premium of the (icodyear Ti.e and Rubber Company of Canada Ltd., Homer Street. Three men, Ernest 0. Peters, a taxi driver, AHx.'rt Wilson, a logger, and a city lawyer who gave the name oi Willia.n Jame' were uken into custody Monday charged with retaining stolen goods and PATRICKS MAY ENTER HOCKEY were released on $1,(100 bail each Hve mens were mack previumly Edward Httumn. a nhipper for tlx-!acod)ear Co.njj.iny. Pete Lrettj. Th.mii Tamburri and liuaua Howard, tax; driven, and Thcc:a Taylor, a truiufc; man Ail Hht appeared In the polle.' court today and wen- remanded unn Outlook for Interior Better Than Ever Says President L. B. Warner ( OU will be glad to know that conditions in the interior never Y i, n.eii .so onght as at present," said L. B. Warner, presi- dent of the Associated Boards of Trade of Cemral British Columbia in addressing the Prince Rupert board at its regular quarterly dinner in the Commodore Cafe last evening, Milton Con- .aie.M presiding. In mining this season would see more practi -al development t'lan had been the case since mining was started. The operating companies were well financed. All had money in the bank with . ., proceed with the work. Shan-- . h.lders had the satisfaction of know-1 : i .ik that their moiK.., went Into the irr jund. Ii. the development of mining Prince iftuprt woild be vl'ally iA;eiuted aa ' this city waa the m. In supply potat for tbe interior. In regard to fanning there had been more land clearing during the paat few years than ever before and this was now all being town wnn wneat wun ine t tecii! that the condition on the farm ,was never better than today. Tuts wai largely, the remit of tbe building of the elevator here. The timber business was developing. VANCOUVER. April 11. A fc-iion Bvery secov.d day an average of ett cable to tbe Province nays "A rvluor 'car loads of pole was being I current in financial circles that an through am I then. Of -lees aoikr.' a great Matsrn ox tn Qerei aaaipT and a etoud of Canadian aasoci- '--ai the uatual good-wUl that exalted atas for the pureham of tbe Brltlah j be: -veen tlte interim- and Prince Ru OolumbU Etectrlc Railway Campany " (continued on page three) Hockey Game Packed with Action Last Night When Montreal Took Third Game of National Series from N. Y. Rangers ONTIiEAL, April 11. The New York Rangers, unable to solve the Montreal Maroons stubborn defense, ably back ed by Joe Miller, formerly of the New York Americans, who took the place of the injured Lome Chabot, let Nelson through in the second period and Babe Siebert in the third to score a goal each and took the game two to nothing and thus. the Rangers by two games to one in the Stanley Cup aeries match. Penalties incurred hy Joe Lamb and Paul Thompson, Maroon and Ranger subs resectively, in the third period, forced the teams to play five man hockey for the remainder of the game. The ienalty also calls tor automatic suspension for the fourth game of the series Thursday nigh The two players engaged in a fist fight and with Referee Rodden, who tried to separate them sprawled on the ice. The game was packed with action throughout and was by-far the best of the series. There was scarcely a dull moment in the minutes of play, which saw the winners display superior hockey throughout. The goals that beat Miller were well earned. Conservatives Nominate Arthur Shelf or d, a Wistaria Farmer, to Contest Omineca Against Manson URNS LAKE, April 11. At a meeting of the convention of Conservatives of the Omineca riding here yesterday Arthur Shel-ford was nominated Conservative standard bearer in the contest against Hon. A. M. Manson, attorney general, at the forth coming provincial general election. OVERHAUL OF SHIPS HERE IS ASKED L0CALLY M.VTTEU C'OMaW I I ItgtOltE IIOAI1I) or tbadk rnu.i ketail jiku- ITIANTH' AMIOCIATI( At the board of trade meeting last night th pan cootmltvei was asked u paa an a petition cent tbe Canadian national ate ma hips by tbe local retail merchant asking that the Teaacti of the fleet be overhauled at tbetr own dock here. Accompanying It was a reply from R. Beaumont, superlntecdent, stating that there was very little overhaul work ione this year and that was doi.e mostly by then own crewi under the supervising engineer, wboae head quarters are at Vancouver The Charlei is being overhauled here but no decision bad been arrived at a to what would be don with the Prtnee John. PjGI TO BE SETTLED SOON AllrUMtMHBNT IHSlMi NKOOTIATKO AMI IlKSl LT TO UK AHSOl Xt'KO IX AUOIT TIlHtl: UESKS VANCOUVER. April 11 Promise of a definite announcement within the Meat two or three week will permanently remove the Pacific Orcat ass tern from !".s position as tne "Oovernmen'.' only worry was made by Hon. W. H. Sutherland here. Or. Sutherland told the executive Pleating of the Vancouver City Liberal Association that negotiations were being carried on which would result in a profitable arrangement. TWO MONTH OLD DIES IN HOSPITAL RESULT OF PNEUMONIA COLD The death occurred this morning in tbe Prince Rupert General Hospital of ' Meredith Richard Edgar, two month old son and third child of Mr. and Urn. William Bdgar. Ltoumau Apartments A cevere cold developing into pneumonia ws Uie cause of death Funeral arri ' icemen la are In the haiuK A.. I .... 1 1 ..I 1.. Ik.. ..anx.iillnn u.uu ,. i roriy-one uuieK"cs actually bcii.-u m im- iKii.cmmii if the B.C Undertakers and interment index of the enthusiasm prevailing throughout the constituency. wtll Uke place tomorrow. Some of the delegates had walked twenty to thirty miles through - ; snow, slush ana muu, wnicn preventea any meenamcui moans ui trauaportatkm. In order to reach the j railway which eventually brought them . tord be unanimous. to Burns Lake at two a.m. The asaembly was called to order at U.ree p.m with K M Johnson of Van-dcruoof In the chair and A B Mitchell s secretary Three names were placed In nomination. Major Robert Lowe ot Bums Lake. Arthur Shrltord of Wlatarla and E. A. Mitchell of Vanderhoof Owing Shetford Is a farmer of Wistaria and ha been in the dlatrlct many yean. . He waa the Conservative eaaeidate at the last election. j TIIA1N ttltBC'Keil. PARIS. Ap il 11 -Crushed or trapped in Kiiralnv mi fourteen laannla am to tbe length of tin, taken In balloting when injured today a the three cornered contest the conven- tr, crashed into an empty tlon waa adjourned for an hour at alx triln 1Mar care du Mord. pin. i During We evening asaslon Major1 WEATHER URIDHT Bobert Lowe retried on tbe seventh, "ince nup.-nm cioua;. w, vote Arthur SheUord then got the temperature . J. necessary alxty per v-ent and A B Mlt-1 oVKI.IT IIIKs chell and Major Low, moved and second- m.n,N Wales April 11 Stanley ed that the n-jinlnatum of Arthur Shel- jorm weyman the novelist. Is dead. PublicMeeting will lie- held in the COUNCIL CllAMHKIt. City Hall, on Thursday, April 12, at 8 p.m. Subject: 1928 BXIIIIUT10N It is important that everybody interested attend this meeting. S. P. McMORDIE. 86 Mayor.