November 8, !f!29 r",ro' " ''" w- fAUtS Tftiti ICAHADtAf PACIFII Local and Personal News In Brief SPECIAL OFFER! FOR A LIMITED TIME WK WILL GIVE FREE A1i$ Tube of Woodbury1' Cold or Vanishing Cream V with each cake of WOODHUUY'S FACIAL SOAP AJfi&A'iaf of Ren Hur Perfume with each bottle JEUGEN'S LOTION . Lfc 7iic Pioneer Druycistti 1 1 HDD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TCLEPhONES 8?, 200 HYDE TRANSFER ? AND COAL CO. Phone 580 JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single foad . $3.50 Double toad $6.50 Large sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN PenAiiw. PenrlesB Egg $12.00 Nuts $11.25 Alba&i9dt!6tt Large Egg $12.50 Alberta SootTem Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other claaeee of coal. Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Baggage DHi4-XiitM device 139 Second Avenue Canadian National TTtc Largcfl Railway Syfltm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE v.lltng ffwrn HtlMi: MI'PKRT ff VANfOUVKK. VHTORU nU HKAni.l TIIIRKKAVH and SIM.VVH. II p.m. lur SHiWWIIT. WKIMMIVH. I .m. .Mti. ihI KKinilkAKi. S.Ul HltAVS. 4 m. .w MMIfll slid MM'TII Ml KKS CIIAUI.OTTK IsLANIM, lorlnUhtly. AHNKNdr.R TRAINS I.WK PHINtr KHIKKT IIAII.V r.XCHII Stl'NIlAV l 1I.SSSJII. tl rRINTE UtOUUb. EI1MONTON. UINNII'IXI. Ill H KlrfB Md, Unllrd HUtf SUrNt'V A irv ticket orni. I. lfeAN STlMMHIIir LINE. B.C. Coast Steamship Services I x' Sailings from Prince Rupert IS, 29. Iirr I. 1.1, TO. , , .. I ii Minitmtw. VMiirte stMl iUlf-v. l'""' I'KINrhKH KOVAI. tor iM.rd.le. IWlf Hells. . ,"' lll HH .nil ysnum TW"-,J5 Amotion fr.n.- Asfiiey (ut all menilil l.lne. f 111, MteM'U iv sVd nKt'lllKH. "ene. Irlnre Ilenrral Riiiert. Agent. lit. Hione SI UNIOft STEAMSHIPS LIMITED JrS'KUl A.e,t etc. i VANCl.VKH, n lor AI.ICK AIIM. ASVOV aTl.M Altl WAU isii . "A AS ItlVKIC, Sunday, S ?- ..., Itlno- Rufl. lit. Va Ind II. SI. SMI; lT1 .Wenue. snd eultle. ina mi Imetuie "Sfc'-i rheeked Through timet. ll Vlrtorls iiiruMfli I" de.tiiuuur. City Meat Market I ...... ...A IIUMU I 1 ... ,u l,"w"" Phone 705 Mil AT- FISH. VK(;KTAHl.hS l'HOUCir A I.I. KINDS OF -NOKWBdIAN at low prices, and Immediate delivery Observel-All articles are of superior quality and absolutely frosh. f; 1 SCAM? , OP CHARGES - 1 1 ,,g,fai:5Sj " """''""""" ' a T The following is the scale of charge made for reading noticed: Hlrth, Notices Rftft. , i " t .Cards of Thanks, $2. JPunerat Notices St. iiF-unepantf lowers" 10c per name. Marriage and Encurempnt announcements $2. 1 a Taxi Phone 4. Hig.4 Taxi, tf ! Dentist. Dr. J. It. Gosse. hone ' C8C. naving started a holiday ytertiny. Social in Catholic Hall N'whh-r 16. Anglican CaUtedral Saeaar, Rupert Kast UniUxl Church Baaaar. November 20. St. Andrew's Iay Scottish Dance, Moose Hall, November 30. St. Andrew's Auxiliary Sale of , Work, Deiemlwr 4. ! 0. United hurch Kasuar December EWART LYNE IPIMIHJ. Osaltol Thettti) wwher of Khnuiforte. CirtHdate8, prepared for Associated Httard of the JUtyol A oa tony RraW t:lleK' of Music Examinations. 100 fr cent succ Mi during tre pwt thirty ymmn. Studio: 2nd floor Federal Hlk Phone Ketl 701 Taxldermie-Phonc Green; fl Moose Hall tonight everybody welcome. St. Andrew's Society. 'meting, tomorrow night. ' ' Thin afternoon's train, due from the Kant ut ZZt), was reported this murning to be on time. Milady Beauty Shoppe wishes to fntredtiee a new method Steam Oil permanent waving, also finger wavtes, stick curls, etc. Phone C65. 2C4 W. II. Tolin, proprietor of th King Edward Hotel at Stewart, and Mrs. Tolin and family will Hutler 45c lb., Milk $5.25 case, be passengers aboard the Prince 1 all Hrnnd at MUNItO BROS, tf. I KuttgMe evening going to Van-' Oscar Smith of the Customs I sower, i House staff, is away from di&gA ' tymf nlsi Rtoms tjLC'-aj three e ' waste' w WWW funny sketehwgJvef . ANNOUNCRMBKTS : . Women of Moosetieart JJeJfon I Whist Drive and Dance, frrst Friday of every month., t r Presbyterian Hasaar, 'NbTember Mcose Dasaar, KoemWr 8 ?. W. M. S. EnterUhwrt, UAltad Church. November 9. Armistice Iay Banquet, Nw- DapMajt Annivrsary November 16. Supper, Under toe auspices of the W. M. . SW waasy. lUUItll kUIUV I W TV E. A. Allen, who ha been resid- evenings Also a splendid musical ing here for several years, having program.' formerly leen a member of the staff of Williams, Manson & A preliminary organization Gonzales and latterly with Friz-I meeting of the Salvation Army sell's butcher shop, is leaving in a day or so for Vancouver where he intends to locate. Mrs. Allen and family will go south later. Horne League was held last night. Officers "wi I le elected at an other meeting on Thursday even ing of this week. F. H. Maior and G. Heaps, who have been staying at the Inlander Boarding House for the past week i since arriving from Vancouver, : sailed last night on the Prin'e ttipert tf Stewart.; ' I I . ! Tom, Jtofjc h of Alice Arm, who has been apending the past week here -visjtkr with his uncle, Nick Gurvich, will leave on tomorrow morning's train for Montreal, and will embark on November 16' on the Ctitmrd liner Auraniu Cherbourg" enfoute to Agr:n-Zagreb, Jugo-Slavia, for a virit. C. N. U. freighter Hurr'"n. Cant Dan McKinnon, arrived in port from the south at 8 o'clock this morning and will be here for the neat owiple of days discharging 200 tons of coal for Philnott & Evitt and 400 tons for the dry dock. The veasel will proceed from here to Ocean Falls to loud paper. Could Not Sleep Heart Would Start Pumping and Pounding Mrs. Fred T. Averill, 136-12th Are , Cklgan-, Alts., writes: - "I wm bothered u muili with my heart 1 could not (Wp 1 u ulJ wakeo up in the night crvummii. and my heart would itrt puiupuig am) pounding. A ueighl-ur ladv told me to try io 1 Rlart'1'! taking them and I rsn truthfully mi; i hiu a UifTerent wonutn. Altogether I only took two boxes." Price R0' a box at all druggists sad leaders, or msibd direct on receipt of price bv The T. MHburo Co., Ltd Toronto, Out. Phone 45. Phone 574. B. C. Butchers & Grocers This LIMITED Week s specials I .DETAILS BY MAIL If you are not on our Mailing List, Phone, us B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT Phone 574. Phone 45. McINTOSH RED APPLES, Wrapped Stock, Per box l '. 2.20 PUMPKIN, Royal City, 2 l-2s, per tin . . ASPARAGUS TIPS, Del Monte White, Is, per tin NEW COMB HONEY, each aSWBT POTATOES, nerTk . BKAZJL NUTS, per lb; . . BIG MASONIC PARTY ! TO PAY VISIT HERE i ON ALASKA CRUISE1 One of the large tourist groups to come to Prince Rupert next summer will be that of the Mas- unit Club of Akron, Ohio, sisting of some two hundred mem-jbers of the craft and their wives. The (Uarteawill be here aboard a ; CanaiflarM'icnf ie, steamer on July '15 enroaie-tQ Skagway and will call again' on Bty utnbon4. -LiteWture art'aijih the -twr hits been ,reeeit. t . the Daily News Oifice. ST. ANDREWS LADIES HOLD WHIST PARTY Enjoyable Social Function Followed Regular Monthly Business Meeting; Last Night After regular monthly business meeting last night, an enjoyable whist drive waa. given by the Ladies' Auxiliary af the? ,$& Andrew's Society, Mrsi Jehn Murray being convener for the affair with Mrs. William Thompson and Mrs. M. McHobbie assisting. J. S. Irvine was nunrter of ceremonies. DeJleieus refreshments were scrvectiduriitg the evening, . , ..ti .rv.k Tnere were -ten mui tm and' priee-winnera uwte us fol-loWet :i: ,v Ladies' first. Mra. R. Dowther; ladies' second, Mrs. Walter Shaw; Bpecial prize. Mra. W. B. McCal-luru. Men's first. W. Wi McCallum; men's second. Ben (Jalgurno. - - r S. Wtlson of the Royal Bank staff sails tonight' on the Prince Knpert for Victoria on holidays. . ..... ...... ..iv. ... We have just received a shipment of "Chedlet" Cneeie, an English Chedder packed Swiss Style, '', ( 0 portions to the package, per p;kg. . . . 35C LINGER SNAPS, Fresh and Brittle, per lb. ' " SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR nVNG ASSUMES DUTIES LONDON, Nov. 8. Lord Uyng yesterday entered upon his Jiew duties as chief commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. FOR SWOLLEN JOINTS Uect remedies (all but Join-Xao ucoedt. j Itl for )otnt troublea only. whstW tn Mtte, aace, ka. Hw. aboulder, fiager or spUe-weUMr. rkeumttte or. no-1,.: Two ser.aid-!- 'Mh).iig v.! wwy tt lam thTHigh 3k n 'id tlh right down to the bs snd lluon.U thl"s Why tt aueoeeds. Ak any relUble dnigxwt. New Kayser, Hose Slipper heel, half heel, twin heel and lance hVel, full fashioned. 15c 35c 32c 10c 32c ; 25c 10 lbs. for '. 67c PUR LARD Gainer's, 3 lb. pails, each 1 , 10 lb. pafle, each .V. 2.00 PRUNES, New Pack, per lb 9( NAPTHA CHIPS High Grade Soap Flakes, per pkg . . . . j5c . PURITAN SALAD OIL, Quart Bottles, per bottle 59C .( PEEK-FREAN Cheese Assorted Biscuits, per tin .' ggg . PEEK-FREAN Afternoon Tea Biscuits, per tin 7g( FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR THANKSGIVING Cranberries, Pumpkin, An jou Pears, Pomegranates, Grapes, : Uahanas, Arizona and Florida Grapefruit, Oranges, all sizes; Apples, all varieties. , .Hothouse Tomatoes, Fancy Celery, Hrussel Sprouts, Cauliflower, California Lettuce, Hothouse Cukes, Sweet Potatoes, Glpbe Artichokes, Green Onions, Leeks, Hubbard Squash. M QUALITY RIGHT PRICES RIGHT ORDER YOUR REQUIREMENTS EARLY Phone 55 WATT'S GROCERY Phone 56 rs6oo mum n in mi m LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 PArtaire. Warehousing, and L' JDi&trfbtiiflng. Team or aiotor service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. In all the latest shades 88x slipper heel, silk to hem, same service weight, per pair $I.1 Wx Chiffon Slipper heel. Silk to the top. Fer pair ... . $1.05 Lance heel and twin heel, per pair $3.00 FRASER & PAYNE Universal Trading Company