PAGE SIX Our Big BARGAIN Still in Progress "BUY IT HERE" at an extraordinary saving Splendid Values in every Department "CATERPILLAR" Tractors BIGGER THAN THE WEATHER! A Size for Every Use A Hundred Uses for Ever Size 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY IIBTTRIt , QUICKER CHEAPER Literature and Prices on Request Sole Distributors for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO, LIMITED Northern Purlflc fTHttit Hulldlng l MtatkiiH Ktrret VANCOUVER. H. C. saffitBSSjsj DEMAND Branch Olfk: IHpiwrMjn 111 ix W m:i.son, ii c "Rupert Brand" Kippers -- TUB DAINTIKST OUKAKI AST KlHMi Snoked Hall; by Canadian Fish & Ccld Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Itupert. BX. MADE UP FURS A the row fur season If now on tiiia it aiming all. my attention. ' " ' To make rad 'tyeve m: fw la offJl 1 11 my hrt 't k of made up furn at SO ir cent tlihctMiut. I a - ry iac ni.'.r.tnteeil, Wm. Goldbloom The Old Reliable twelve reet a day has been the average program of tunnelling. The Cronfn (Rabine Bonanza ) MINING Stocks Noon mid afternoon closing prices on Vanc7uver Stock Exihnngc on our itoefc-llst board daily. We .can give instant ser vice Hi buying and sellhg .jnltfoglixk on Vanm We Mo Have rarilitles r uCi'i-mliTg Vfcnt urilew on WhinlKtf Swk :xt t'Hne. KrprrMfnlinir Miller. fVurt K Co I Id. Vnnriiiiver. S. D. JohnstonCo.Ltd. fill 2nrl Avenue Prince Ruirt. II. a THE DAILY NEWS News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Immense New Ore Rody Opened up at Duthie Mine Consolidated Pleased with Emerald Properly in Sibola Cronln 3lincJn.,eyj)eA. ..... With the uncovering of one of the dichest bodies of ore ever encountered at the Duthie mine, it has 'been established that ore was far from cut off by the Thompson fault as some seemed to fear. J. R. Turner, superintendent, however, did not maintain this view and continued work in the Mcpherson tunnel beyond the perplexing intrusion with the- result that a, very strong -ore body was openecj up from wjiich shipments are now being made. The tunnel, advanced 230 feet, is still in ore without a break, backs amounting to G50 feet. This ore is being stoped out and there are indications that here may be opened up the largest ore. body on the Duthie mne acquired recently by Grant property. Work has been pro-Ujahood for the Alexandria Gold ceeding at a good rate in the. Mines Ltd., of Toronto, has been further extension of the mill tun' nel which now has a total length of approximately 1C00 feet. In in turn taken over by a wealthy English corporation for devel opment acconilnr to announce- .this tunnel tha same important, ment made a few days ago by Mr. ore body as was encountered In Jtahood. The name of the new the Mcpherson tunnel has alsocompanv j8 the Anglo-London been broken into. An examina-i Mining Corporation. Develop-tion of some of the new ore'ment j,nd full operation of the from the lower tunnel shows solid ,,,rapwty will tie proceeded wif rub syilver and the ore through-; ; on a8 conditions permit of ,out is very high grade.. As a re-!neaVy -machinery being taken suit -of these recent finds, there l(m.r the road to the mine. Mr. j should be a tremendous new ton- Mahood stated that he had trans-jnage of mill feed worth hundreds ferrei his entire interest in the I of thousands of dollars and fully opt0n to the new corporation. No I justifying expenditures planned enanjre in present plans for devel- to double the capacity of the opment or officials is anticipated. mill. Duthie is noWv operating with a net profit of $20,000 per , Cazaro Vavaniio whose staking month. With the new ore and the 0f a big copier showing n the increasing of the capacity of the Ktimaat district was recently re-mill, the mine should soon be ported, has just made a further earning two or three times that examination of the big ledge amount. It is suggested that a which he now says is 90 feet wide wealthy private syndicate at pres- instead of 45. the galena ledge ent operating some of the richeat ))enr 16 fwt jn wdth. Vavan- mines in Northern Ontario, may zj0j wn0 saV9 the copper was itake over the Duthie mine. Its known to him years ago, is con-! representative are reported to fyent ihtit the discoveries are so have been on the ground recently, favorably located that they will attract the attention of a big con- During the past summer eight tn lt is hardly a small oper-;men have been employed by the -tor's proposition. Consolidated Mining and Smelting , i Co.. under the superintendency of II. C. Hughe, in development of GRAND OLD MAN the Emerald of mineral j group linMADCh tin 1M1 TT 'claims on Sweeney Mountain in, , JA" lNLtl HUNUKtlJ the Sibola district. The work has! '.. " . ' p i a t censisieo oi exienaing xunneis run ,rlh(Uv ,.arlv Held , rercher under an option neia rormeriy oy hufa tSatement to Mark A. the late James Cronln. One tun- g2nd R AN.n. Annversar). nel was carried forward for close to 200 feet and another tunnel , started was run about sixty feet ,.n APA SL' Nov: f-A very when the work closed. The ore P,e"4n P"1' wa ,hef,d her,e,,rc-has ;;ent,y l h " of Jamee Van; been vWy pleasing. Work on the property, it is expected, may to hBOtr ty-second Mrhda- A. E former be continued for a few weeks yet f Allen, resident of Jap Inlet but now liv Consolidated alsq continuing the at Kamloops where he works ;opeeratlons on Harvey group In the Rabin wherp irood nroi?rs '"rv 'v "n1 ' enjoying ex- is being made in driving a tunnel ce,lent ha'th- The party was well to tap ore On which the owners ttended, even guests from Prince have worked for some time, Rl"rt Mn Present. A splendid banquet was served. Several important striken of J(hn Murray gave the time-honor- ore have featured recent operat- h"'lh coupling It with ,Ions at the Topley-ltlchfield mine. Allen's name. James Wan-i Outstanding in the new discover- ' "ne responded. For the benefit ,ies was a strong shoot of ore of orae gutt!r who were new-picked up in driving the tunnel comers, a brief outline was given from the west vein to the east of Mr. Allen's activities since he vein. s This ore returned $70 in came to Poreher Island. Former-gold in addition to over $10 in '' United States lawyer, having silver. In the south drift some been dlitrkt attorney for the very fln,e ore hjl been disclosed of (Wyoming, and at one tlrar and the- mine reified Ubr be an emp'oaf je. panadlan Fish improving' with every hlft. piai 4 Cld Storgf r. at Prinjfc nf-!mond drills are noW Iwintf mAved tiert. MR Allih. wns the first ' U9J&inwihd'Whif man to' attract attantlon 'to thj the property where they will be mining poMibinuM oi rorcne- employed until spring. There is ''snd and was the discoverer of much activity now in transport- vi-il Important leads, some of ing winter supplies to the mine. wMrh nrc now in process of de- velopment. For several years he tooV nHi t' tK. Prince Runer Exhibition fr hf mnerel exhibit especially lime rock. Mr. Wan-hope concluded hl remnrks b" wishing Mr. A'len many happy returns of the day. OFFICIAL VISIT 0F,; GRAND CHANCELLOR Local Itnlgl'ls of Pythias Rctciv. ed J. A. MrKlnnon of Tinll Iiiit Evening .!. A. McKtnnon of Trail Gran Chancellor of the Knights of PytMLfor RritUMi Columbia, 1iM MStflcM visit to Skej jn -mttmih lAat nifftit. a lanrc I'umlH!' of im tUe order !)c!n? In "rttendance for the o "h i i-lre meeting was followed j i,.. r ..v'oybU' Biirinl ftwliieh Mr. M KIr"'1" wv the rrinclnal - j i i nms. Ttv imf nun meinneu , will so'o! by Mrs. P. (... JHIIer, ..uid Mr Forrest, ac-companled byj 'Mrs. .1 R Rlsck. and recitations' ,b William Uurken Refreshments j were served and dancing was engaged in with music by K. A.I Rood; Mrs. J. S Ulack and Al. Smaii The committee in charge consisted of Fred Wesch, W. Rur-ken and II. M. Daggett. 'ORANGE SENTINEL T IVlKNIPEG, v..I-Thi-Si ecu,tive officers of the Grand : Orange Lodge of British North: Amerjca yesterday completed ar-j rangements for taking over the! Orange Sentinel January 1. For the present H. E. Hocken M. P. 1 will continue as editor. I avalanche of the cheaper grades has mads e i,; S a slight reduction In that class of tPa PossI&k A Tea of Finer Quality When Illness Threatens The experienced wife or mother relics on Bovril when she has an invalid on her hands. Bovril is a concentrate of the vital elements of beef in a supremely digestible and invigorating form. It builds up strength; it fights off relapse; it shortens convalescence. Bovril has unique nutritive powers. It gets results. That is the secret of its widespread recognition. Few doctors and nurses to-day would care to be without Bovril in the sickroom. Itmust be SAFETY ; ' '-.. Versus MmiGH v INTEREST Ma 1 1 . I Lanv a man has lost ins hard-earned savings because of the fatal lure of high interest. A safe general rule to remember is the higher the interest) the greater the r)sk j PUT YOUR SAVINGS INTO A SAVINGS ACCOUNT in the BANK OF MONTREAL Cttabliikcd J8T ' nPfV There thc will earn a reasonable interest and be safe