North ?rn Pacif c Terminus of the Gaaadian National Railways I'rincu Jdipcrl has three of the greatest things in the world The Largest Fish Cold Storage Plant The Largest Fresh Halibut Market The Largest Undeveloped Hinterland The City of Prince Rupert has a payroll of considerable imparlance, derived from: RAILWAY SHOPS RAILWAY OFFICES DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARDS GRAIN ELEVATOR PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OFFICES COLD STORAGE FISH PACKING HOUSES FISH MARKET OILHRY AND FISH REDUCTION PLANT SAlitdx AND IIALIRUT FISHERMEN SiUlON CANNERIES LUMBER MILLS MINING TRAPPING AND FURS The Brain export husiness of Prince Rupert is steadily iopinjr. Last year about cij?ht million bushels of grain wai hipped through the terminal elevator and this year promises to really exceed that mark. The Cjty os ils I'owcr, Light, Water Supply and Telephones. ' ' , The scliouls are excellent. Road are paved and concrete sidewalks are being laid. PRINCE RUPERT IS ONE OK THE COMING COMMERCIAL CENTRES OF THE PACIFIC COAST, THE PRO-liAHLIC OUTLET OF THE GREAT PEACE RIVER (OUNTRY, AND SURROUNDED RY A RAPIDLY ' DEVELOPING TERRITORY Prince Rupert is the logical site of a customs smelter which w.,uW serve the mines of Portland Canal, the Rulklcy and Skecna Valleys and coast points. " THE DAILY NEWS is Prince Rupert's recognized Daily Newspaper 3 TOE DAILY NEWS IJ. C. TELEPHONE PLANS CON- DIM C SOflFTY AT fcECT NORTHERN B. C. BY.DIDJfUif" ?J, RADIO TELEPHONES. (continued from page 1) linen after telegraph hours, and. we have further plans for improv ine this service but atill U will not take Carfe "agree mumlRt ' points which cannot bed-each 'etter position to develop a com-nur.icatSdn service for the outly- Iti j point, than tile men who are at present supplying most of .the Ftf-lri-hbtsTTervice in British Co-! lumbiu. Our project will be car-i rii-d forward with the co-operation ot both the provincial and federal authorities TRilLRWERSOF TERRACE CHOOSE THEIR OFFICERS TKIillACE. Nov. 7 -A well at-ended meeting of the Terrace ?r:i Rai irerR was held in Knox Church Friday eveninf. Ad- 'IrcFSfs were given by Rv. Wra. Alii n, and A. Holmwood, nsaking surjy of tho work covarod during the nast year, and layhag em-i.hasiii upon those activitfu to be eiirried on throughout the coming winter season. The folUrwinff officers wert elected-: Mentor; A. Hvm)yood, Honorary president; Bamer Mc-Connell. . yrhJef ratujer; WaUef. nell. i Sub chief raaff r,i ,Chap T'roa- ' 1 Tally; Harry Atree. 1 Cache; Billy Allan. After adjournment of business meeting, a plentiful supply of re- I f ri'r.hment was enjoyed by tm- members of the group. 'A GREAT TQNIG" 0 After Taking i-ydia E. Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound a I Fenwu-k, O-.t 1 1 E. PinkhsniV . "I am taking Lytll. Vegetable CoropourKl duiitiK 'be Change of l.itr for narvour fillings. Iom of ap-l.tti'p and to gain xtroh. It w a L-rcut tunic and I huvetukm ad(m b.lllU':. u(H. It tu rvcoiii :neaded m iro liv frhmd sua i,c. 1 reoommend it to all wmw for ji'h trwAles ai ;oniv 0 thne." - . - No, 6, TERRACE ORGANIZED G.E. KEITH, PRESIDENT The annual meeting of the Ter race Branch of the Canadian, British and Foreign Bible Society was held in the Anglican Church Aen Monday evening with a good &ZL-Ji.n erowd in attendance. iauvc. llobinton presided me isiana ea m v . UohinM nreftJdent. and land coas .where we nnd l wen few introducU)ry remarki point! a. Ocean , FalU, Prince Ru- j SWwart ete in- pert Anyor urgt correiipondence and a capable of being cM,b'e; rtatement of the year', financial phone wire. f. activities. Following this Mis. o the obstacles which wodld make LJ d the cost Prohibitive. Other ex- intere8tlng anj frnprelve ample, are the Queen Charlotte ' carrk(d Islands and the Peace River J P Mr CDU"tryT ,Thw ex"utive8 V Robinson also gave a very en-B. have C. Telephone Coapany thuftia,Uc ta,k on the work ,and FM!enwawnmciwHHri.neu-iinade fl gtrong appeaj for fundf opmeiu oi lauio uemyuvn) uu nc beh.lf Deneve mat u is a urncn oi the communication art that lie. the solution for oir problems of rvinK Huch communities &g I have mentioned. riii- nln at f a AMrntii rftriirt telephone service in conjunction: with our present wirt service so that a nartv in on point of the1 Officer, for the ensuing year were elected a. follow.: President, George E. Keith. Secretary, Capt. J. B. Colthnrst Treasurer, Mrs William Allan FISH ARRIVALS jtrovince may be able to pick up Halibut Bids Today a Little High- bis telephone recefterask for a er Than Those OHered party in another part of ' . Yesterday vince and talk to Mai by a com-: bi nation wired telephone and Halibut bid. on the local Fish radio telephone circuit a. i. now Exchange this morning were stiH einir done across the atlantic a little higher than those jU tean. This would mean that men yesterday. Two American n isolated loira-in camps for in- els received 19.4c and 7c and Blanco, would be able to ring up lRc and 7c for 80,006 pounds Vancouver buftfness men in their and three Canadians were paid nicer and hold conversations 17.8c and 7c and 17.4c and 7c with them just as if the calling Sale, were a. follow.: Ti::riicH were risrht ia the same American ity It is not difficult to imag- Nordic, 60.000 pounds, ine what a boon soea a service Fisheries, 18.4c and 7c. ouhl be. Zenith. 80,000 pound, "i,., - - Fish Co., 19.5c and 7c. 'fce giving of the sanw service to of -ting vessels pbjriar in B. C. "Those are our plaM. There s& osaoaoi r lWlo lai 4am sha! vsbj! Canadian Booth Royal Cape Spencer, 2.M6 ponada, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage 17.9c and 7c P. Dorreen, 4,000 pounds, and vfw. hut w Nautllu.. 500 pounds, AtUn Fish ri!- 17 4c and 7c- feel thtl there are no people in a STOCK QUOTATIONS CxmrtT o 8 L. el4Mon 0. LM. The following Muotatfon wen ' I and anked. Bayview, 4, 44. BlgMiasouri, 66. 61'. Cork Province, SS, 28. Georse Copper, 3.74, 1j00, Golconda. 8Vi. 87' t-Grandview, 67 V4, 67' j. Independence, 10, 11. Indian, 41, i. Kootehay Florence. 21' j, 38. Kokenay King, 82, 44. L. & L, 7. 7V3. Lakeview, 2, NIL T -ckv .lim. a. Nil. Marmot Metals, Nil, 7V. irni3t ikiv. Oold, 8' j, 9. Mohawk. 6' x. 6. Morten Weolsey, 6, 8. National Silver, 13 . 11. Noble Five, 40. 41. Pend Oreille, 10.76, 10 JO. Porter Idaho. 60, 61. Premier, 2.25. Nil. Rufu. Argenta, 30 Vt, 32. Ruth Hope, 694. 0. Silver (freet, Wli 7V ' ' Silverado, A, 6C ' Sloean King, 6Vk. Nil. Snowflake, 26's, 27. Sunlock, 2.00, 4.50. Terminus, 12, 14. Topley Richfield. 46. 47. Toric. Nil, 8.00. Whitewater, 1.48, 1.60. Woodbine, 10'-. 11. Eastern Stocks Noranda, MAO, Nil. Oils I Fabyon, 18!a. 16s,. LIMPED INTO PORT VICTORIA, Nov 7. With one propeller blade lost the British freighter Kirnwood limped into port yesterday from Westport. New Zealand. She will load grain and lumber for Genoa, Italy. THROUGH SLEEPERS TO THE SHIP'S SIDE ! The Canadian National Rail-j ways have made arrangements to i operate special trains and through from tha Pacific i Coast to the ship's side at Mon trtal and Halifax In connection with sailing, for the Old Coun- i try during November and December. Full information from City Ticket Office, 628 Third Avenue. i Prince Rupert. Phone 2fi0. 28S? PAGE FITS BEAUTY TREATMENT mat keefis your stove young Keep your stove looking as well as it cooks! Learn this new and easier way to keep stoves glossily black through years of service. Apply a little ZEBRA, in its new liquid polish form. Let it dry . . . Polish . . . that's all ! Clean and quick and a lasting shine. STOVE POLIS IN BOTTLES For thore who prefer it, Zebra Patte it still obtainable. In both Patte and Liquid the Zebra it the iin of a food ttore polith. W Lternai uesTion:- ttWhat will it be to-day;" happily solved if you own a St. Charle. Recipe Book and a supply of St. Charles Milk I Dozens of tested recipes for delicious creamed soups and sauces, breads, fish, dishes, salads, cakes, pastries and tempting desserts to choose from. Whatever recipe you select will delight the entire family, being made with St. Charles Milk, pure, doubly-rich, nourishing. THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER Fmm wnrf m, lit, St. Chuh$ Book with IS ttmd rac&. NAME.... 35 ADDRESS. i KV$w S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East. Phone 83 Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Hate Repairs USED CARS We have several excellent bargains in used Cara. Easy Term? if desired. Advertise in "The Daily News"