Local and Personal News In S99 r Tin fflli II IN ili'i'W ill I ! n i 0 n 9 tV II B Ik. specials: a AJffCty-cent package of Klenzo Shaving Cream and and a fifty cent package of Gillette Razor Blades 'oth for 60c With each $1.00 box of LaClaire Fontaine writing paper, a package containing 184 Xmas seals and" lugs given free. yfie Pioneer II IIPP AVE. V SIXTH ST. HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 580 JACKPINK AND CEDAR Single md $3.50 Double kxul $0.50 Large wek 50c COAL PRICES DOWN I Vmbito Peerless Egg $12.00 lvrnbfria Washed Nuts $11.25 Aiberta Spotless Large Egg $12.50 Alberta Rootless Egg $12.00 Hiberta' Lump' $13.00 ! Also all other daw; of coal. Piano and Furniture Moving.' Express and Baggage JIf HrtjkJhrht S-rtW ' 139 Second'Avenue . I - ...Ml .J Ran apian National Hhc Largcii Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE vii'iiik. Irnm I'lllMT KlTDRT for VAMIrVVER, VlfTOIlM, Kl.ATTI.K. .md InleimrUiale immiiIv mIi I Kill VV. :WI am. mi T: AHT and ANVOV earl. HKHMIAV. 1BMMI p.m. I i SIHCTM Al Mil TH ll MA IIAMI.OTTI: ISLAM. I tort nightly. IMtK-KWItsK TKMN ITAU: TKIM K KITI.IIT I .i. li MONIl.tV, WHlMiM l nATIKHAY at a.m. rr I'lllM't: MHMit:. IHtMOMON. HINMI'KI. all hiIhI lantern Crnuita, V AM IMTAN STI:AMHIIP I.INBM ' it. TicLgDffijf. Aa Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2C0. ,a- WKADIAfJ B.C.. Coast Steamship Services Sailings frdm Prince Rupert In Ki-lililkmi. rHiiHI mill sknn:iv Hf mli-r 1. 1.1. H. I ii ,iiii,n,v-r. Vliiwlu mill Mvillle Ni.wiiiImt l. Ifinl.rf n. 10. rKIN('i:HS H(VAI. fur lljtrdnlr, lH lU-lla IK-Hu. lt m. Alrrt Hay. Camiihrll Kltrt and anruM rrrj mday. It) p.in. As-ni-r lor all Nlfaiixhlp l.lnm. Tull Inlormatlon frtim- W OHCIIAHII. Clrnrral Afnl. nfi ir 4lli Nlrrft mid Vil A-nu. Prlnr lluprrt. nr. Wione SI UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hulling from I'rlmT Kuixrt. l-iir VANCOUVllll, VICIOKIA, Swanwin llojr, lutlle. Alert llaj, etc. I nr lAWOIIVKIt.,, VI(!1()nlA. I.iilfil-lr. Alert f ? . c"..Vr!.,r JY i" NAAH KlVKIt, Mind)', 8 Uil. .. I3S 8d Avenue. K. M. SMITH. Ajenl. Wln, "rt' th and heultle. and haMe cle.ked Tlir.n,h llckeln mild ko Vlrtorla ihriiiidh in tlMtlnatlun City Meat Market (SELVIG .Irt! Avenue ESS?. peciass: Druprzsts TELEPHONES 8? 6 200 BROS.) I'hone 705 MEAT- FISH, VEGETABLES ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and immediate delivery Observe I All articles are of oupcrior quality and absolutely frash. SCALE OF CHARGES 4 The following is the scale of charges made for reading, notices: tBirth Notices 50c.- Cards of Thanks, $2t jFlpjral Notices $1. Funeral Flower 10c per name. Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi. If Dentist. Dr. J. K. Gosse. ?bone 686. Butter 43c lb. Milk $5.25 case, all Brands at MUNRO BROS, tf. Have .yo; M .kwr tieket; fcr tine JUm Com. aUkh vtt lUu ited Church November 22 and 28? E. J. Smith nailed la.t'WtU ,by the Catala to make the round jtrip to Anyox tit Stewart on 1 business. Mri. Herbert GlHon and daughter. arW a visit In Ihe city, aailed Saturday night by the Prince Charles n their return to Skidegate. Joe Green, well known 8tewart. ana Jlyder mining man, was aj l.enger awoara the aUala last evening returning north after a trip to Vancouver and Seattle Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacdonaUl and family, who hare been on a trip to Vancouver and othtr iwittts in the south, returned to the city on the Catala last C. li. Gilbert of Terrace was a arriaf In the city from the interior on jterday afternoon s tmin being here ok business. Mrs. Ernest Blue of Hyder, who has been on a trip south, was a pamtnmr lrd the Catala last evening returning north. Ole Evindson, proprietor of the Alice Arm. Hotel, u a passenger abwd'the Catala last evening retmrnftag 'north after" a trip to 'Vancouver.,: fe. Palmer, logfifng superintendent of the J. JL Morgan Logging Co.tarrfved in the city from Botedale on the Catala last eveniftf nd will sr.iid a few days in the' c ity. oil!"-", , llans u i Sjwenson, ,ocal fisher- nn. patient in the General 'Hospital Vancouver suffering froHI injuries . receive' last week wnn " Was caught between , two street cars at the corner of Main and Hastings Streets. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Atkins 'sailed by the I'rince Charles Sat- uraay ntfiit on their return to Skidaie after paying a iaH' in the clr. Mrs. Atkins is the slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. 8tevena. R. . Alkn, district forester. 1 sailed Satunday nirtM on - the Prince, Charles for Port Clements OH nfftoial llllirlaa . U. uiill ... Mr. a tie Mrs. James Hamilton a. Jjln of the Aeme Im- turn .to tit city in a few days.on procsidlng In Qwirity. Court this Jit r!!n a blhth" esiieMa?l . power rrufWer' MUfWn iefwe Judge F. McB. ners trfp sooth, retrtied to the Lillian D. which has been on the Yuag. John V. Cfyne Is acting city from Vancouver n the Cat-, Tklatuia fr th nat uak nr tfc'r the nnnIlnnt suwTU' V. Fih. uia Jast eveaing; aoepanied by his young daughter. : ANNOUNCEMENTS 4. uM 'f I Whist Drive and Dance, first ! Friday of everv month. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, No-' vember 22. Msiose Whist Drive and Dance, Friday, November 28. Rupert East United Church! Baaaar, November 29. St. Andrew's Day Scottish Dance. Moose Hall. November 80. I 3t. Andrew's jSociaty Auiliasy ' UrttM UJiflraJi Bfxaar 0)erem-be,r i 0. ! PWrit lifpert ' VlH0s' v CM? presents "The Saving Grace" at the Capitol Theutre, December 10 and 11. sailed last night en the Prince! J)ouglas Lay, resident mining George for Vancouver en route to'wgineer for the northeastern San Francinoo where they expect to locate. It is hoped that the 'change. will he beneficial to the health of Mr, Hamilton who baa been a member of the Canadian Telegraphs staff here Union steamer Catala, Capt. Jw' Findl-W' arrived in port at f o'clock lex evening from the nwnt of the estate of James sails last night on the I rinee south and sated at B p.m. for Hinchcliffe, who died in 1911 in George for Vancouver where they Any ox and Stewart whence she Leeds, England, information is will take up residence. Mr. Mnre, wltl return tomorrow morning eing sought through local anth- who has been transferred to Vftn-and sail at SJS pan. for Vancou- orities as to the whereabouts of coo ver in his cH.mrHy a tael r niui wbuAin. ia.. coming north on the Catala in- eluded: Mrx.Hanson, Mr. and Mr. A. McDnald and family. A. W.'Smithers in May 1915 iLipain. H. Olsen, F. Tyler, Mr. land Mrs. C. . Moore, J. II. Thompson. Ti. Harris, G. W. Kerr. H. J. Palnwr and O. Lodge, for tfrinde Rirt, Mm. S. 'DoeVv waH and Mrs. T. 'DwftflmarH, for i m - i Pa Rimnkouf'.-Atr &A r W fi. AJtt;hi'Hon,u v. wni, i. UKiOftjf'wayi,is-y.twine;.irur ir L. M . . . ... .. . a. ...u:..t....ll tir 'Ernest Blue and Miss Hug-ling of a feasible route which will gill, for Stewart; C. M. Buscombe,not be too expensive from the and George Vaughan, for Anyox, coast city, of Prince Rupert to a and 0. Evindsen. for Alice Arm. iwint near Terrttce. has given a , , lot of concern to the department CHRISTMAS CARDS PRIVATE AND AUTOGRAPH CARDS, give MOHOES, ETC." 4 Rose, Cowan 3rd Avenue, Opposite Besner James II. Thompson, who is on a trip to Vancouver and, Victoria Is isPeti 'io return to' the city on Wednesday. 'fiwrjte. Kerr, who -has been on a trip to Vancouver, returned W the fiity from the south en (ta '" OUaUW evening.' Hsnr" We've a wonderful assortment of these cards this season, and at very reasonable prices. Those who intend remembering ffjends in the Qi Country should ti questiea of sanding cards their attention now, to ensure their, mall getting rjnene before. abylStmas. u aplendid stk of Tays, Gift Qooda, Children's 01ft Books and Novelties to select from. & Latta Ltd. Block Phone 234 William Gilchrist returned to I train from' a business trip to the interior. The appeals of Ole Skog in County Court against convictions ; on th Queen Charlotte Islands ; for breached of the fishery regulations have been set over until November 30. A. S. "Tyrer and F. II. Harrison, provincial government auditor, who have been here for the past week or so on official duties, sailed last night by the Prince George on their return to Vir toria. A Gypsy boy of juvenile agt appeared before Magistrate M Clymont In city police court thin morning and was charged with Shoplifting from Joe Brown's Ormes Ltd. and Mrs. Frizzell's. The ease was adjourned for eight , i CJC.R. steamer Prinee George. Capt Harry Nedden. which ailed' ifor the south last night, wUl be I Brief wlt",wn fJom 8ervic on th! J- A. Hinton returned to the completion of the voyage and tld iH up at Vapeouver for the winter, 'The 'vessel may be brought backiup the line 'here before spring for dry dock j work, Provincial Constable George A. . XI' IT l 1 t I injiimii ui jiuzeivun nmvoa in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the interior, having in his custody Ah Sing, a Chinaman who is sentenced to three months for selling liquor and Fred Gun- a-Noot who is to do four months (for theft The apeeal of Andrew Wester lund 4 Haielton against a three months sentence to Okalla for 1 ntLiiluiit. llimu. 4a Itwllnna im er for the crown, mineral survey district with head- Uraarters at Hatelton, arrived in the city from the interior on yes- terdav afternoon's train and sail ed last night by the Prince George for headquarters in Victoria on departmental duties. In connection with the settle- a win Jnme Baxter Hinclicliffe. wno was last nearu;! mnra I Rupert ii Sentemer.Mw4 and in ..The Dejiartment of Public Works will make an investigation Into the'jpOfliblliy of a, route for waird')m l , Mnije ftuuert alicl'Terrafti; Wiere -tlie i Iutsdor httfllWOV'Br'Stera, now U- in the past. Hon. N. S. Lougheefl has given an assurance that he wi ill have the matter looked into 'without delay. Victoria Colonist. WINTER SCHEDULE C. N. STEAMSHIPS It JND RAILWAYMakes Change in schedule on coast C Jj steamships is effective week com-,1 UUU nwndngIonday. Nov. 19th. After ip thai , date lb? S. S. Trince Ruievt Detiei u-Ul , arrive tffbm UcT south each .. t- " "t :ra jm.t ..'M' stall fnr-l V(inesnay- .SMfrt and An-lft ftm'' night, returning C a.m. Frld.-v. snd I sail for Vancouver eacn rriany !9 a.m. The tr!-weekly service on nul-way Is also effective same date. trains leaving Prince Itnnert eacn Monday. Wednesday and Saturday for the east, and arriving each Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday t the same hours as at present.' Full particulars from City Ticket Office. Phone 260. 270 i M I JJ Your Grocer Recommends It tonight .t k ..v , -l ,, A , . v ouiun- siiiifd last night by h Vrin... r....... ., t 1 vr.v, ' i train from a brief business trio W. Clarity of the fisheries patrol cruiser Rividis soiled last night on the Prince George for . . - a trip to Vancouver, Frank R Wilson, assistant storekeeper at Inverness Cannery. I sailed this morning on the Prin- cess Alice for a trip to Vancou ver. The old road connecting the C. N. R. general -offices witti the wholesale houses is now being replaced by the railway eempany with U tlPW thornuvhfsr 11'hUll narrower. r. H. T. James, resident ml n- iar engineer for the nrovinelal government, sailed last night by the Prince George for departmen- tal headquarters in Victoria' on ffldal duties. 1 M. T. Lee returned to the city jwaieroay anernoon s train from Haselton where he acted s Chinese interpreter . in liquor eases which were held In provincial police court there. Mrs. Frank Moore and family . inspecTor ior ie i nt- ional Railways, will leue for the south Friday morning. THROUGH SLEEPERS TO THE SHIP'S SIDE The Canadian National Rail ways Wairgjnwde araafff(a-'M operate special trains and throng! sleeping cars from the Faeifit Coast to the ship's side at Mun treal and Halifax in connectio with sailings for the Old Coun try during November and Decern her. Full information from City Ticket Office. 528 Third Avenue. Trince Rupert. Pnone 260. 282 "Hulld lie." II JwwATtt) Hare to the laat prarspfc ( a letter we have guclrt fraas Wfe It Is from Mm. Oorawn: "Mi: k can be uaed la ao many waya tr joi ttas m-rrnlac aareal to the U it meal of the ctajr, mm! It Paelflo Milk la xm the food U awe to be batter tar PACIFIC MILK laetorlea at Abbutuford and Ladoer, B.C. "Hulld ac." " ' 1 ' v 1 - . "if1. ururjfe iai nini on niH return to Vancouver after visiting the city and district on official duties. Dr. Alexander rilUNG ST.t RFSNEB ni-OCK DENTIST EWART LYNE (Ptanlat. Capitol TWtre) Teacher of Pianoforte Candidates prepared for Associated Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music Examinations. 100 per cant during the past thirty jwara. Studio: 2nd floor Federal Blk Phone Bed 701 WHAT IS IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dressed? OUR SERVICE PHONE 649 to have your clothes pressed. Wt call for and deliver to all parts of the city. Suit We iu.i Fall and V.'. ..or L- ui i.,gs uud Over- coatings : . Come in today and let us take your measure. CuUiuk, workmanship, style, all guaranteed. 4Ji jaatariais and reason-' .blc nrices Lin-?, the Tailo Phone 619 Canned Fruits 95c. Specials PEAR5 2'-s. 3tiiu 0." ! PEACHES 2 V. 8 tins . . . .DSf CHERRIES t a tlnn . . . 05f PLUMS 2 1 a". tins OUf PINEAPPLE Singapore. 7 Una f RASPBERRIES 4 tins 03 PINEAPPLE Del Monte. 4 tins 03f Ail New Mock and This Season's Pack. Mussallem's i i m