TIE CUTTING IN INTERIOR f'-mludion This Winter v -urrd With Cutters Active is ii the central interior K industry ia rapidly shortage of help was! "" "c,c " i. )ut thia hM been rapine. Contracts are well . i ason ason un und settler-con An interesting wedding took place Saturday evening at 7 o'clock in First Presbyterian Church, when Mias Sophia Ing-doni Aspren, recently arrived from Norway, became the bride i of Richard GiaWe, well known owner and skipper of the local hal- ii.. . . i ran fliMitwr Th e'er- i'T and a big , . way vro-'"UK . j wI1. was a oulet one ana wit-winter i. ieaaserea. .-.. p, For emony ' . n SlB1(. avia. The couple, who have the con-tions and Itest wishes of aeu.eMon- are tak, up re. " forward to an A mm with iroou proiu." ntractors throughout ' Valley were called 1 1 orders not made good r throughout the mid-uui it ia lielleved that nditions.wlll exist again "Ut.K HARDING HIES V A 1 v'.. Ill VISCOUNTESS GREY DIED LAST NIGHT LONDON. Nov. 19. Viscountess Grey, who married Viscount The Pnssllig '"w Violent New York Criticism of Captain and Crew of Vestris is Described as Malicious i W YORK, Nov. 17.- -The volume of matter carried M A THDITV 1 0 r 1 . 11 i 1 f 111 LI II III I I I 1 ' v lorn papers cruizing me captain anu crew oi iiiiu viii i l iti iris Jias been very heavy ana Lamport & noli, i the line, intimated that they may nave a state-t i fi.ly to the criticism later. ' di-niT. .diuloii IN AUSTRALIA . is News Agency cabled the following in part to ' "Even in spectacular history in New York so-;iQM!'PV!tNE' V?!,1; Nov-Yellow Journalism" no story ever evoked such ZXZTJX Z adlines, UnjUSt Condemnation or riUlCUIOUS sur- Government has emergeJ with 4 . . ragie loss oi tne es 9 iii referring to some n' continue: "In no i in the world etcept i states, where news-! are practically non- iild such an absurd. in licious, statement bej and read without com-i : sumably with a con-1 l.vree of belief. r.rk rorroipondenf off mi to London on Satur-j auh which aald: "Ves-bfiauae Bruce, a negro :used to keep up steam, i . . Carey did not send an ) iiec.iuae 'there was no FIRE SWEPT LADY DAWLEYi VANCOUVER. Nov. 19. Swept by flame which broke out aiJh& wan entering Der hcrled Hay, Jervis Inlet, the GO-foot coasting vessel Lady Daw ley was destroyed Saturday evening. WELL KNOWN LOCAL aafe majority of thirteen, the coalition parties electing 44 members against 31 in the combined opposition, chiefly labor. I MISS ROSANG WEDS LOCOMOTIVE FOREMAN Well Known Local People Prin- cipaU in. MarriaKeSatur dnv lphi Miss Annie Walker, assistant lender 'of the senior gjrls, , had charge of the program. Those taking part were Miss Adelia Thurber, recitation ; Miss Muriel Vance, piano solo; and MIbb Lilian Cvoxford, recitation. In a piny entitled "The Fatal Quest," Miss Helen Walker, Mist Jean Ritchie and Misses Phebe and EUle Mckinley took part HUGE PLANES FOR ALASKA Service From, ben I tic Is;' An nounced For Nest Spring by Union Co. SEATTLE, Nov. i 1!). In-iui'urnth:n in April by a subsidiary In the Union Air Line- of a mrvlrc between Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver U nn-nrun.rcd Two Sikorsky two-nvdorcd ampbib&n plenes are to be u-cd by the company In tlKit tervicc and three arc to fly between here' and Alaska. The plane t hvc a capacity of 16 assenfseri, Ku( normally will iterate with eiijrit pas sengers and n pilot, a me- cbanic and a Ilcciued nav igator. CONSERVATIVE SECRETARY AT VANCOUVER 5 RESIGNS VANCOUVER, Nov. 17.- Hayview, 4, 4. II. C. Silver, 15, M. Dig Missouri, G2VS, 0$. Beaver Silver, 12-4, 18tt. Cork Province, 26, 2G. Cotton Helt, 50, 55. Duthie, 86, 90. George Copjier, 4.80. .41)0. Georgia River, 28, 30. Golconda, TO. 80. Grandvlew, 69, CO. Independence), 8"i, 9.,'. Indian, 3', 6. Inter. Coal & Coke, SO, 18. Kootenay Florence, SO. Kootenay King. 82, S3. . L. &. L.. G, Nil. Lakeview, 1 'a, 2. Lucky Jim. 2fi, 2fi. Marmot MeUls, T-Yt, 8, Marmot Riv. Gold. SW. 9. Mohawk, 6V4, 5' a. Morten Woolscy, 6 '4, 7. National Silver. 13. 11. Noble Five. 40. 41. Pend Oreille, 10.00, 10.10. Pioneer, 1.9S, 2.00. Porter Idaho, 68, B5. Premier, 2.22, 2.26. Rufus ArgenU, 19. 20. Ruth Hope, 59, GO. Silver Crest, G'a, 7. Silverado, G5. 80. , Snowflakc, 40 '.-a, 41. Sunlock, 2.00, 2.50. Terminus, 10 Vs. M. Topley Richfield, 15, 46, Toric, Nil. 2.50. Wellington, 14Vi. Nil., Whitewater, 1.28, 150. Woodbine, 8Vi. 9. Eastern Slink n . - Noranda, 53.00, Nil. Oils Fabyon, 18V4. Nil. OTTAWA MAN DIES OTTAWA. Nov 17. E. M AHs Irene Mitchell. nsslsant wern. Dominion Executive A (Vancouver Conservative Assocfa- " . . j j i . . i : . . I The wedding took pltefc a 9, the new executive last evening. o'clock Saturday night of Miae Iwa accepted with regret and j I'pi, Aleern Rosang,-daughter of a .nlUlution expressing apprerl.i-' Mr. and Mm. E. Rosang of this Unn for hi services was adopted, city, and William Stewart Phil-; liDa, locomotive foreman for the rianLRMftn FKHFRMAN MARRIFD makiulu Canadian National Railways Rev. n FtM of Flrat Pre(,byterlan Miw4 Sophia Aspren Became Hride of Captain CUkc Saturday Evening Church officiating. The couple were attended by C. Graff and Mrs. C. A. Thompson, sister of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are taking up residence in Westview. PRESENTATION MRS. FRIZELL linnquet at First Presbyterian Church Hall to Hoy Scouts by C. (J. I. T. Grey of Falloden in 1922. died last M- MurW un night. 57 years of age. iscountess hH,f ()f the C.0.I.T.. presei Grey was tfie second wife or vis- Mrg Fl.lwll who ,g mviuy. " iling. father of the count Grey ami nunc Hl-nt Harding, dld to- writer. She was the widow or i 5 years of age. Lord Glenconner. i1 - -"V.;ii K "How was it that you were travelling at eighty miles nn ' 11 stopped?"' ! N'DANT "I munt have slowed down to turn Ou Saturday evening the Canadian' Girls in Training gave a banquet in First Presbyterian Hall, guests lieing the Hoy Scouts. About fifty young people were present , gueaU of honor; being Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Frisl, Tyn-dall Pritell, J. E. Davey anl Scoutmasters Hen Ferguson and Dyer. Following the dinner, the presi- be- nted the city shortly, with a Iteautiful French hand-jalntei acarf as a token of the interest she has shown In the girls and their work. Mrs. Fritell resHinded it feeling terms, thanking the girls for their ki mines and wishing them success in their work throughout the coming winter. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing games, con tests and an interesting program of songs, recitations and a sketch. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Oourter of 8: D. ohiuon Co.. Ltd.t The following quotations were bid and asked. CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill wmm f ,;ry ae rdi the Ctf'-.-'.f.led Ada. LAROE CADARET Special Dinner Thuradara MM u r j find, locate w V. Dancing every Saturdays Saturday ni(bt i -ever ynu nrer . v,. -w.iw from 9 to 12. Da ace Hall lor Hire PRINCE RUPERT Aooccnmodfttlon for Pri-at f!nT THE CLASSIFY. "&r Partlea Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper rbone 497 No. 271 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MON DAY, NOVEMBER 19. 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS LIVES VIRULENT CRITICISM OF CAPTAIN AN ceived the highest prices of the lay at the Fish Exchange, bids running from 14.1c and 7c down to 12.9c and Gc. Boats will ran tinue to land catches here, fol lowing the commencement of -the close season last Thursday until well on in ute wcex, it is Today's sales were at follewt: American North, 32,000 iuad, Patiffe Fisheries. 12.9c and Gc. Kanaga, 63,000 pounds, AUIn FUheriea, 14c and 7c. Columbia, 37,000 pounds, Caua (Han Fish & Cold Storage Co., ISc and Gc. Lindy, 87,000 pounds, anadlan Fish Si Cold Storage Co., 13.1c and Ge, Venture, 23.000 pounds, Royal Fish Co., 13.1c and Gc. Atlantic, 19.000 iund, Boot Fleheriea, 12.9c and Ge. Spray, 8,000 pound, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage. Co.,14e and 7e. Venue, 4,000 pounds, Rootle Flsherlea. 13.5c antf 7c. Explorer, 11,000 pounds, Boolh Fisheries, 13.1c and 6c . Canadian Ternen. G.000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., M.Ic and, 7c. :' Rlngo, 600 pounds, AtMn Pltli-cries, 13c and Tii ' White Lily. 2,200 pounds, AUIn Fisheries, 14c and 7c. EARL OF CLONMELL DIED LAST NIGHT WILLITON, Somerset, Nov. 10. Earl of Clonmell died last nigh. leader of 'the junior group, and chairman of the Iletnil Trade 51 years of age. II i uncle, Hon. Miss Margaret Williscroft had Bureau of Canada, died Friday. Dudley Si-ott. 75 years of age, is charge of the refreshments. njred 72. his heir. V CREW OF r Li STRIS .j i ('AVADIAN AND CRITLSH CELEBRITIES RETURN TO CANAr A Above is a gnup of mt-tble Rriirh-r? and Canadians leaving the Old Country for Canada. They are, left to right. Mr ..I '-irge P Wrn, sir ..!rgo McLaren Brown, Lord Radstock, Admiral E. F. llreun and H. B. Barter. The last two mentioned are representatives of the British Missions to Si. i lor s, and are visiting the Dominion to iqajswt the conditions of llritish sailors in Canadian jorts. FISH LANDINGS HEAVIER TODAY Twelve Boats Sell Season's Final Halibut Catches, Totalling 225,000 Pounds Twelve haifbut vessel nine American with 217,000 pounds and three Canadian with .8,800 pounds landed their final hali but catches of the season here this morning. Canadian boats re Forty-one Were Killed in Storm Which Swept Over England and Caused, Damage at the Wetk-end LONDON, Nov. 19. With 41 people killed in the storm .which swept England, there was no sign of a recurrence of the gale. The damage done by the storm "is being repaired. The restoration of communication added five to the death toll, when it was learned that many members of the crew of tTie small Liverpool schoQntf Mary Ann were drowned when the vessel was driven by the storm or. to Dula Rock. Nineteen were killed by falling chimneys and trees or fit traffic accidents and 17 drowned when the Rye lifeboat overturned. SWANSEA, Nov. 19. rear that the gale which swept the British Isles had added 11 more ietimt to the toll was held befc when it was learned that the steamer Kltham was wrepkwl. The Tsel was washed ashoie ad broke in two off Cbaple Point yestery. Part of one of the Eltham's lifeboats wu found on shore at Parinji Point. The vessel left Swansea for Itouen, Franco, Thursday; with a a cargo of col. t STOCKHOLM, Nov. IkMany iM"',., lered off the Swedish coast in a violent torn daring the No loss of Rfc is AMSTERDAM, Nov. 19. Three of the crew of 14 on Uw Swedish vessel Malmoe were drowned when the ship went Sgrouud near Am eland Island. FLOODING OF PASTOR COMING THE MISSOURI' LOCAL CHURCH KANSAS CITY, Nov. 19. Weekend floods of the Missouri River at Kansas, Oklahoma, have claimed at least nine lives and done diunage that will run into $1,000,-000. Torrential rainfall in the southwest rendered the plights of the hundreds of refugee and rf-Hef workers pitiable. ,: 'ft . f . ..v ' RECORD OF GRAIN HANDLING IN CITY MONTREAL THIS YEAR MONTREAL. Nov. 19. Montreal harbor topped its own world's record for handling grain, beating 390,000.000 bushel record of last war t li.i.000.000 bushels so far. Rev. John Sutherland of Nova Scotia to Supply for Pres hyterians in December School Inspector H. C. Eraser receivetl a telegram this morning from Rev. Dr. R. G. McBeth, interim mmleator. stating that Rev. John Sutherland of Nw Glascow, NujNi Scotia, a graduate of Edinburgh tfirlvwtlty. would supply lbe First iPresbyteriati Kiurch in Prince Rupert during the month of December. Rev. J. R. Fritell, who has been here for the past tw6 yita, will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday next PRICE OF WHEAT . VANCOUVER. Nov. 19. Wheat was quoted on the exchange today at Sl.L'O'