flv4updiiy. November 7, 1928. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE SEVEIt iiillTlsH LIBEUAL DISSOL-TION PREDICTED I CLASS1FIE D ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT. LOST & F OUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. NOTICE MM 'aiVLE FOR RENT SALVAGE AND TOWJNG CHIBOPKACTIC Form No. 46 (Section 06) i. V lion. Philip Snowden, wrv , I. i i. t , : h:iii(rt'llor of the Exchequer U,r Mat-Donald Labor Govern- shaking at Sali-bury. pre- il th:it the British Libera! a t it it 1 t!i WOUItl gradually dlfWMIve Ml there wouia ue a "Clear ui- 3;- ot parties and policiei patent rtghU: to advance money to any h. i,.. liritiuh UritlHn Parliamant tarllament. corporation, company or perarna for pro- ,yiding building or operating any tale- yatam; to do anything aa contractor of other which !t might do for PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 1 4 ! I Wednesday, November 7 a li;"h 10.23 a.m. UtJC ft 22.3k ta o Bo a t' 7m IM It. Thurnday, Nov. 8 II - r i 11. M a.m. JtO.O ft. 29Jfi& p.m. 18.7 ft. 4.39 a.m. 6.9 ft 17.S0 p.m. 6.5 ft. j I THROUGH SLEEPERS lor TA TO Tftr THE SHIP'S PMinP SIDE Pinr : ti: Canadian National Rail- P have made arraiixemetlts to , . i -Mei iiecial lai trains trains and ana through inrougn i K cars from the Pacific . . .1.- .u. i (. ine sipps sine at jioii- Hid Halifax in connection ... , , ailingH for the Old Cou- rini? November and Decern- . .. . I . 1 i un informauoD irom uity.uaoer the tne . reti TT ton m.i l 4. .... ' "" "u'.swnaf-ment: td timtf time -o thne-sw Rupert, l'honezeo. QflO I SHORT NOTICE 1 Auction SALE ' I liy the owner Mr.E. A. 1 ' i who is leaving town, I 1 liy Auction on , I THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 2.30 P. M. i i-eai(tene ia IW Wmek m i jiiiff opposite G. D. Tite'si l- ' ..use, 2nd Avenue House-1 irmture consisting tif: bedroom suite with Os-j mntress. oak dinitNC room .minora cabinet Grsmephone, f h :t wiekr iiiiiliiaSaii i tfl I reed cMr; haMera. iv range, Mietii, oak i :ttle. Pictures, single lied, ' lumps, wrJineer, kttchwo ' iouIh, etc. iiuV past Sea View Grocery Store GEO. J. DAWES Aui-Uoneer Black 120 Coal! 'anaimo-WeIllngton Screened Lump. umjmo-Welllngton Screened Nut. n;,imo Welllngtbn Mlne- Uun. Unacon Hard Sootltw Lump. L' :" on Hard Sootleii Egg. T" wu Lump. Of the above there Is ONE 'W in particularly suited 1 void- heating euipment. '' shall be glad to advise aa Albert & McCaffery Limited Phont'H 11C and 117 1 in the Luglalstuwi. mucE 18 HEREBY nrvnw .h.. . ppiicatiou wui im ma at ;&o next :0,J ?.th ture of ft Pro?- I umnn ujiui.t. lot an Aot t.r incorporate a company under the name i r. jwncuii teiepncne Company with , a.. snthorS.il capital of five million 0j1- ' lan. with iu m office in the city of Vancouver and with the . foi)cwifl rw-,: ' operate telephene, wireless teh-pnoi:e, radio-tel(.boae and similar service including service for the trans- miulon of sound, plcturea. writtne or ,1J1U aupoM oi tanas wMTiiiwiMi una miu nereaii nereaiiamenta of any doawipuon; to provide and maintain twJilW' pim. apparatua. ttSSLgX 'g 0" ?' ' buneaa to provide and """Hip muu vvmr vflwwu to Aoquire awl um may prlvilMe mnt- With ltt urnllL flltlH. .nt 1. !-7"PAtfndPte along, acrcu JJtr or under the aam unaar or over. MUrcouraea ;iaaaa auoject to tae a sspsi-jpaii ui UJUU1C1JM wit prepoaad works are to be ittyMsHNS city or municipal It. IMJi Other "wmt of Lands: to conatnaet workstanf ra own prcperty: uiMaet to oMatning "rotectlon Act of Um DtaStaa of 0M- 1 !!!!;, 10 cfrt ta' 22" ,um- marine telephone oabV or aablea id any lake, river or water to wbleh that Aet Kumb',M and the mainland: 13 cut a namaa Sar 1 fft "here auch Uaea pan throvfh I ubhict ta ii i 1 1 Im tha mm. I rn thereof to.- 1 na -oi Sl-iflSlFIVE """ on or raMauac or MaMsys in oroar 10 prTvent mnaimeaMM amn aoaa telephone aervtee to puiufcim the whale at any part of the uraiarlaalng at any other eooapany having okaetaTn whole In part almllar to those of the eatn-: pany. or c amalgamate with auch other comp,n na 10 tranewr to tne com- rr 'franohlaaa or aututory.powvra aa maw e '"O V uch otnor company: to lutvi mkv bihi vmwry uui liwm with any company whoa undertaking la P"haed as aforeaald In the nature off umm- th- of or iuuuIm. Ing the payment of prfnclipal and In- lerast n. or aitnar, on ovnoa, oaqaiuuiw, noek oebenturas. or aaaumi nine or Itssrauve - tnt tM carrying out " sw 1 uaationa or any pan tneiwoi; w mto agremnu tor connecting its "nea wiw tnose ot pawne operatora operatora to to aajs opt late aaasar powers te.th Lad Haawsis Act to make ragiilataaaa far Ha InsfTnsi aastrl rt AhsAwabsasi aaa M.. ' tc borrow money, to leewe preference shares debentuivw r Oebenttm tmk..J either redeeanable or UiwSiinable: to Issue ibsrn with or without nominal , 'or par value: to change tta name purau- Incidental powers DATED the let day of IllWSailiiil. tS PHILLIPS. DIWOSM at SeriOLUPB. 596 Vancouver B. C. Solicitors for the AfspUoants. Tuen. C.N.R. TRAINS for the baity tatept Sunday st I1J0 ant. llrimi I he list aalty issipt Wedneadsy st 140 pm BRINGING UP Porro No. 16 (BeetlJn 8i LAND ACT. NflTILK OP INTPJfTIO.V TO APPLY FOIt LP,SP. Op f lUtDfellOItt that Skeeaa LsAd Beetrdlaa Die StftlaitwJ ,ta. tfoStlag Jin part of g3 6. Ohaat Dhttnaf. Tele- Cri, SW. irTC Ntrrici I that the British Col-' timkl- m.l,U,a Mt -Si iHm f uf ! v.n nfi w.,ln.ti wi.hi."...i i ! Packing, intents. laTapl? tor s laaae .of the toUowtsf dala,iOaahar: Commenclng-Ct a post punted about 1 iwenn easins aonnwaoienT nam im ;.3onm coahar ol aaid Lot ; thsnM ', t. ten chains: thenoe northwesterly, parallel to the general run cf the ahors I line, fifteen chains . thence eas. to mean 1'rihce Rupert Salvage & Towing " to. un, BARGAINS IN GAS IJOATS Agents ior tanfiope Knglnes, uoonuge rropejiers an Telfifff!DII j Boats of all description fur t Charter Salt Lakes Ferry Service Week Dayn on the hour 1 p.m. tfll K a.m. till 8 n.m. Phone .r64 CHIMNEY -SWEEP H. J. Zumkehr General Handy Man. Irurnace" pu an an, Htovu- f'tA Clad ,a and j Repaired Phone 8 Prince Unseat. B. C. : lrT,,01 . mlS'V ' "v.rr, an llAlS: trlct. TL and WORKS I fEstablished 1S0!)H LAND ACT. MITU'I; OP INTENTION TO API'LV FOR u:hi: or pokkkiioiu: In the Sluena Land recording District ultiiate and fronting on Lot 11, Rhdkc A. Coa.it Dln'.rlct. OxU.ll River. TAKE NOTICE that the flrltHh Col-umb.a Flihln? ic PacklnR C. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B C. ocaunatlon Flahlng and .-Kckin:;. intend" t apply for a lrasa jf the fnllovlng Aenerltaiid forMhore: C..tr.r.!"iic!:ig at a poat planted at the n-jrthoat corner of aeld Ut 11; thence ZJtt 'SSLSSZ Mla annlk larfM M fM WWUwII IMUUIHUI UI UUV a A prcduued west: tuence eaat following itU prjdtirtlsn of the aouth boundary of LrA 11. alx c, alnc. more or leea, to m hlKh wat?r mark: thence northerly, If jHowlna the mean high water mark to n- i.r.t or commencement, and containing thirty acres, nure ut lea. BklTISH COLUMBIA PISHING & PACKIMO CO.. LTD. By Jamex Henry Buahnell, Agent. Dnted Aitniat 35 :B38 209 . s)arm Ko. )8 (Section 86) LAND ACT. t "f imSVSSJ.?? n : frhl nrna vnu haavei twwn P!". totands to apply tor a lease in the Skeena Land Recording DU-' 1 nL ,ur'lao O" oeen :OI ths followu.g Oeacrlbad foreshore: - t.-ict. situate slid fronting on Lot 3, looking for has just arrivad. 1 cmroriiatng m post planum at u iuite t coaat Dutrict. Lowe miet. COME IN AND LOOK-ITj OVER Phone 310. Box 4C7. 227 Second Ave. THE SHAMHOCK ROOMS 8th Street and Second Avenue Under new management. Cleaa single and double heuselceeping rooms Mrs. John Dal berg 1 i TUITION i Candidates prepared for? all Ini - . . .. . . 1 iversity and Professional entrance pxamlnstlnns in T?nallah 7 MnthA- , , ' macs, LAtin. v.... ureeK, History, !:.. """' 'Geography. Individual ituition. , 11 11 1 u .1 . . il 1 ? . 1 1 articular attention to inom: - ning aoKiisn. lerms o inter - Vtew. P. McR'enna. B. A TiC D. Care of Box 153, Daily iKews Office t GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT notice op application Hilt ISPF.K LICENCE . NOTICE 18 HERBBY tSTVKlt: that Ob , the 6th day of November. IBarJ the undersigned Intends to apply to tfe Liquor Control Board for a licence in respect known aa Queen's Hotel, lit sar tt. Onuiam ' i1 "n1"?- notlc 1.hrT S,T,1 Uland. situate at Uatsett. Orsham h- ' ,L ,h ytlon, onf,.lno.nlh land, upon the lands described aa Lot J""" ," te of Baflisr pubUcs.ton No 5. Block No 14. Subdivision of Lotl3'- saus a proviatona! Certmcate of 7. Queen Charlotte Islands. Plan No. B8. ; TnJn, He 1i!?Lc,2, Massett Townalte. Prince Rupert Land I " ? ,the meantime valid objection ReftstraMon District. In the Province of I be made to me In writing g ( MY BOT THE f DOM'T BE F 1 1 ( I'M SO CLAD ME li ' I KKP2"" 1111 "'SaESSS UOHTtlMTHI SltW AN 1 ?lArfo.BJHa TAKIKiQANi INTEREST f VOU BlO TOOL 'Ciffl HOUSEAftEDULL- j WASTE 1 U TRCXJ 8U) IM TME. HOUSE.- li WHAT HAVE TOU DOME' I MOST SEND FOR MONlHV- I'LU iffiKMIKfla WTHEKE-I'.UU vr . . r9 tsiOW WE HAVEN 'T ANf KwTCaMl ps .a .'' ROOMS aai bath, toroer lot, new house, 18,800.00. Terms Arranged Saelion One SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, Compaq atlvely new rtne Mew.: , I3.000.00. McCnffery" ttfblmn ,LimHli K. MR Not, Ripe 1 wo Mttie cnajflreri MMidren were ni.w piar- i4iag is the yarf, arhen one ne sudden- called out: "Look. hersTs green snake! "Leave it vc. ' the other one J admonished. JTi s probab' no , better than the ipe ones. ' ' TRAPPERS Get ev-rv cent vour FURS are worth. Ship them or bring them to . IIOYI) YOUNG Port SimpHon, B. C. FATHER A JOKE BUT LOT THAT ICONS TOO FAR - I Pn . don't CONNAIQE THE iiMr 'J TAKE. TOUR . . f FOR KENT Furnished house-1 keeping rooms by the day, week, 1 or month. Phone lied C07. tf roil KKNl inirty three room hotel, partly lurnisheu. Apply i - J. C. McLennan. , " J WANTED WANTED Work by the day bytp.m. Sundays and Holidays, 11 RcotcWwflman. Aunly eare of 1 Dally New Office. 271 ' WANTED A few more roomers. The best room and board, $10.00 1 a month. Ten mjnutes from Dry ury Dock. mock. Close v,ioe to to mill mm and anu Cold Storage. Seal Cove Hotel. Phone Bed 461. 264! .WANTED Youni man or young latly with knowledge of window drvssiruf. Apply Box 1 GO Dally 1 News Office. DKIVIII&HLP TAXI ;' For Hire to Reliable Drivers Phone Blue .189 WALKER MOTOR CO. LTD. IN PRORATES IV TIIF. M THUMP. t OI KT OP llltlTISH COLI'MIUA. in the Matter of the Administration AOt; lb tb Matter of the Satate of Balph Tyson, Deeeaavel. TAKE NOTICE that b order ol His Honor. onor. P. T. ucb. MSB. YOung. Young, the loth day of - An tasa I was aanaaskted Admins "latrator of thr tate Trii all parties navthc elslaw aaslnst thaaui srtat, are hereto, requttwFtofurrdwIi same, propcri properly 7j veri vrri- - to on hatore the ir Iteveeaber AD. IBM. and all narttaa la- antra 10 vae eiast are 1 iw,ii u vw jmj the amount ot thatr Utdehtannesa to me forthwith. TilBO. COIXAET. ' ' AdarmMtrator, Prlnee Bupert. B.C. Dated the 17h May of Oetober. AD. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C8 Cartage. Warehousing, and Distributing. Team. or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. ' arttisa Columbia, ror tne sate r over by the glee or by the open bottle for consumption on the premises DATED this 1st day of October 138. 368 TORT IR SINGER. HIM HE MOOT I J THE REAL . - --iaawsBBisaawaBvswaa I " ""waaaawsa.wawsawsa mm 11 1 1 T 1 T I tMOW UITN- JlCCfe-fOU TOLO ME THAT I M TO BE TRAVEUM jHOULON-r 8AVJL, ME OUT UK FOB fclUK--Ilttin4ttt8, for men! ana -wmwn, : gt assortment . df the finest imwrt.J English make at a Montrenl lomretu 'mHirtirH, Imixirtera It Tt i FOR SALE-Jiy fflSNDER - AM? ft. cabin crtiJiwr l'.M.L. 2. Apply Officer CommandinK B. C. J'oli:-e, Prince Uupurt. 2G2. FOR SALE Two practically new armchairs. Worth Horth $100. $IU0. What What 0,ferB? Box ,W New Office. 2W poll SAIF Rubbers and Rub ber Boots for men and boys. Montreal Importers. tf REAL HSTATE TW Av- in&f7WJIW BtreetllW T-jtfctW term. liox 1SI Uallr News Office. j lioiaujfc .mu sale -JfMlon blx SUf ROOMS and bath. Fifth Avenue. M 2.MHJ.OO. nuwm nMS and bath, hard- wnrwl f I nor a in main mwa o ,.-. NONM-VOO CAMT THEM KNOW I'M A, PAKlR-"TOO know LAW HERE' OuNT don'xtalk TALK A AVJAV WAV WilTU WITH I I TE.U- TE.L.U VOU VOO PT-I I'M M TO Ml- I'M COMMA CALL, THE COMD AN BXPObC BE RAVIN' - 7 AMBASADOH1 BASADOR.' n 1 rTrr ' YAifi O kjf lull FmIvjM SawvtH Im Grass figNw iawi1 DR. W. C. ASPINALL, Chiropractor ."and Electro Thern- PttHiat. (vJixchanscj Block All niieMea SaeceMfully Treated Phone Green 211 or Black 283. CHIROPRACTOR DR. l E. EYOLFSON C23 Third Avenue Te rifht adjustment at the ..a .a a. i nirnt time proauces tne Deat re-, suits. Our new ANALYTE indi I I cat the rljrht adjustment. Phone Blue H5 j Residence Phone, Red 5H9 f S:c tlon 80) ; 4 V?rT LAND ACT, I 1 mitice op iktkktiiin to apply pok 9keMa. Land ruaorllna D ! situate, frontlns on Lot 137. Hinge 5, Coast District, Inverness Paa- "Takc NOTKX thai the Brtta umbia Flahlng A Packing C Ltd.. of Vuncouvwr, B.C.. occupation Pishing ana of said Lot 127; theno an aWervttlbn tlon with with the the west west noun ooun : dary of Lot 117 produoad north; thenss following aaid production or the west boundary of Lot 137 south to mean high water mark: thenec easterly. toUowlns ine mean map water mars to pomt cs co injaen cement and containing ten aorta, more or BRITISH OOLLMBIA 7I8HIMO St PACKINO CO.. LTD. ' i.r,w. wr rwr.,w,.r. TAKE NOTICE that tne British Col- Pseklna C. Ltd.. ot Vancouver. Vancouver. B.C.. B.C.. ocnunatlon Vlahlna and Packing, intends to apply for s lease si th following deaerlbed foreshore: commencing at a post planted at the aoutheast corner of said Lot 3; thence nth two chain: thenae west forty chains, moat sr leas, to an Intersection with the vt boundsrv jf Lot 3 By James Henry BuannL. Agent 1 corner Lot 2: thence easterly, tot ted August 28. IBM. 26 1; g ;he mean high water mark J the " point of commencement, and contain produced aouth; thence north seven .holn. nr mm In tlut iMlthwlt ing elghttti! acres, more or leaa. BRITiaH COLOMBIA FlBHINa & PACKING OO.. LTD. Bv Jcmss Henry buahnell Agent. Dated August 38. 1028. 206 Form No. IS (Beet Ion 80) LAND ACT. xotipf. or istrntion to apply port l.t-Ssl. op POUBXIIOUK In the Bkeena Land Reeerdtna Dis 1 -.t trict, situate and fronting an Lot ot ' tti he Brltlah Columbia Plahine? As Pack- 'Reduction of the .easterly bounda-y of th BC PUh!a " Oo neny. six hundred feet: thence westerly. rlgh; angles to the aaid easterly boundary .lour hundred and fifty feet. more or less, to an Intersection with 1 .... .,.-i h n r- m..- tVs laSSaias iapl sj tsrwtut northerly: thence southerly, following aaid westerly ooundary produced atx hundred feet, more or leas, to mean high w, m unc easterly, following the mean high water mark to point ot ; comnienceroent .and containing atx acres. mre nr leaa BaUTMH OOLOMBIA FISHINO Ac PACKING CO.. LTD. By James Henry Buahnell. Agent. Dated Ausuat 27. 193a 209 high ater..Bark. tea- chains, raort or , :ng Co's Canner Site. Townslte of Port leea: thence southeasterly, following E-wington. Skeeua River, mean high water mark to point of com-' TAKE NOTICE w.at the Brltub Ool-mensement, containing fifteen acrea. ; u.-nbla Plahliu & Packing C. Ltd., ot aiore or less Vancouver, B C . occupation nahlng and BRITISH COLUMBIA PISHING & '. Packing. Intends to apply for a lease PACKINO CO.. LTD. f -he following described foreshore: By James Henry Buahnell. Agent. Commencing at a pjst planted at the Dated August 34. IS38 366 northeast corner of the aaid Cannery - i site; thence northerly. foOowlnjr the George McManus n r,,.-.. rf -T..L. iaaa.T t Si SoS JSL' a A1tf5-..rf a ISisllalanaf Lot aw. nssac a. uiwsm uSL , lnMM , rJXfJSJSfL-! Certificate of Title issued In the name " ' ' pluoe-RuRfr; .C.. this kid day ol October. AD. ins. II. P. MACLEOD. 368 Reflet! ar By ;yoo cot me in P THINK I'M CRATV f3UT IF I PROVE not- i m to aa SHOT FOR Dl T-ORBlN' THE, PEACE r'c-v-c. n 1 i :J a frt,CRV FOR VOO I'M BUT I THlNW n I KIN PROVE. CRAXT