lllU UiU k JUL , ' U'.H. Nov. 7. Labor j 'n uceess in Scottish j H ' tioni yesterday. j t gain on one each In t dinhurgh, Aberdeen . (ireenock gave gain at to the moderates ' i' ity In a large num-The Moderates n seats, two each, from 1 immunUts at Loghelly ' of the Fife, Coal ' 'up outstanding feature 'lion was the complete ' ommunlst candidates. Sweeney, well known mining man, who hat 'ding the Shrlno cere- i Victoria, arrived from h on tho Prince Uupert ir and poceeded to tho ' train. PRICES STILL HIGH AITrrrrv! Halibut Brought up to 19c and 7c 1 nn n A KH Kill I I h IS at rih Exchange This Morning nfforinu ware still 1 1 vr It t and prices for halibut still high at the local Fish Exchange this morning. Three American vessels were ...i.i i 7- and 19c and 7c for 600 ounds while two Canadian boats received 17c ami c ior 4,000 pounds. Sales were as followa: American t.n.uk. IW.000 iwuiids, Cana dian Fish and Cold Storage Co.. 18.7c and 7c. -.m,i. iR.fiOO lwunds, and . i nno iounuf- Aum Fisheries. 10c uihi c. Canadian ' 'BM MUNIS "ON DIN L" 1.'T BK(TN' Republicans Swept the United States in Greatest Outpouring of Votes in History of Country nromplctc Returns Indicate that in Electoral College !07riM UJAW Hoover will have ill Votes and Smith Only 87 jDlillilN TVUlui M .W YORK, Nov. 7. Republicans swept the coun-erday in the greatest outpouring of ballots o ,n the history of the United States. Not only was elected president and Charles Curtis vicc-prcsi-'-.ir the Republican control of the next Congress i sured. h " i tie Democrats it was a landslide. They failed expected gains in New England and in the mid-i while their old supremacy south of the Mason-j t( was severely challenged. , i c r was this morning leading in all states, except ; s, the deep south and in Massachusetts and; Rhode The Republicans made gains in both the Senate a . t of Representatives. Smith lost his ownVtate York but Hoover carried his home state of Cal-; i 0 velt for Governor and Cppeland for U. S. Sen- . ahead of Smith in New York state and are lead-Republican opponents for these of ficos. Six . ( seats were won by Republicans in Kentucky, ' mning ahead in the corn belt and border states. : ( retuYnVthisp-morning show Hoover states -as1 v Mna, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Dela-' I "i Ida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, ,. Main, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis-1 ntana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire", New Now Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North i Ohin. Oklahoma. Orecon. Pennsylvania, South Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, on, West Virgina, Wisconsin, Wyoming. 1 SmithAlabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, usotts, Miwissippi, Rhode Island and South j. ' toral college votes are as follows: Smith 87; r 1 1 1. Olbson. 2.000 unds and Kuth, Canadian Fish and 2.000 iwunds. Cold Storage Co., nc I.umlicr Ordered for Con.drudioi Near Jap Inlet rii Pore'icr Island The newly formed Chatham Sound Fishing fk l'ail.in:; Co. Im commencing construction at once of a new cannery at Humpback Bay on the north-cant end of Porcher Inland nair Jnp Inlet.. The plant will he u-te-d for packing clams and possibly other hhcllfish in the winter ns well a galmon in the Hummer. The (Chatham Sound Fitthin; and Packing Co. is a Ktihttidiary of Brand & Co, which is already operating on the wet coat of Vancouver Inland.. Major F. II. Cunntnjj. ham, former chief inspector of, NEW CANNERY fisheries on the IIHthh Colunt- ' hi a ecKwt, i oneofthjjaetfTjiy pirit in the new venture. A wcowload of material "tm well nt a pile driver will he delivered from Vancouver next week to be u-cd in construction work and lumber has been ordered from the Big Bay Lumber Co. at I'rinre Itupert. PRINCESS ROYAL CRUSHES INTO PIER VANCOUVEK. Nov. 7. Crash ing through bumper logs of VheJ iBallantyne Tier steamer I'riwwu Royal lle eighteen feet of her stem, th ship will miss her Vd-nedjr Bailing for Prince Ku-rt. reorSnIzaWof AFRICAN GOVERNMENT PBKTOUIA, Nov. fi.-Covern- mU of Premier J. B. Hertzog re-nhined today. South African ministry Immediately re-organiel I tinder Premier Heitsog with HJ W: Sampson replacing W. B. Mad-1 ley n minister of Posts and Tele graphs. UNCHARTEDROCK ON WEST CO AST VANCOUVER ISLAND VICTORIA, Nov. C The uncharted rock , recently struck by steamship Seaiool. location is two ann one third cables south magnetic from Channel Islands gas buoy about one nnd one half miles North of Cape Beale in tho Hast Channel of Barklct Sound. HiDlTKIMlANKAN SKA CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill gvcrTone red the Clwulfled AU. LA It (IK CAHAICET K you lote. dvertlM Xor it. Special Dlnnm Thursday od Saturdsjm , u find, locaU th owner. IMniliig rvrrj Saturday nl(ht you ned, dvrtl for tt from 9 to It. Wv;t,:;cr Dance Hall for Hire PRINCE RUPERT Aoeonunodattotu for Private CLA8SIHEO IIAII1T. (ii;T TUB Tartle Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Tlione 427 III, No. 2G2. FRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS HOOVER rv- : j NEW PRESIDENT ELECT HKKBCBT CLAitK IIOOVL'lt Republican Nominee, who yesterday was elected to the highest position the United States offers He is an Iowan 54 years of nge i ml was orphaned quite early. He was educated at Stanford Univer sity in California and became a mining engineer. He is particul arly noted for his work at) food administrator during the. period of the great war. Ramsay MacDonald Flays the British Government for Sins of Omission and Commission LONDON, Nov. 7. Right Hon. J. Ramsay opening the debate on the speech from the throne yesterday said when the Government was doing its best to "crib, cabin. and confine" the activities of the League' of Nations they designated it as "co-operating." Roferring to the Anglo-French naval compromise,; Mr. Macdonakl said it was incredible that negotiators were not aware that every point on which Britain met1 France had already been rejected by America, Italy anil Japan. , In discussing the immigration 1 references in the speech, the labor jfjg yjpQ QUT U'HUtrr cx irenwn ikuv uini itnjr , further emigration schemes would; be bettef prepared and show more foresight, more forethought and more anticipation than had been shown In the experiment this JAPANESE EMPEROR ENTHRONEMENT SOON TOKIO, Nov. C- Emperor arrived at Nagoya at 3.40 p. lm. completing two thirds of the Imperial progress to Tokio for hit enthronement as , the 124th Imperial ruler of Japan. The main ceremony will be held on SatiP'dav. AN ENTIRE FAMILY BUIDGF.WATEB, N. S.. Nov C, An entire family of five wasJ wined out in a fire which des- autumn, whose woikinga he haditroywl lheir home at gth Con-seen with his own eyes iirCanada. Luern near here last night The "You did not sav that when you dead are Albert Nash and wife were over there," a Oomscrvativo interjected. Premier Baldwin, who replied to Maodonald, said he knew the Government was going to bo censured regarding the Anglo-French agreement and that was the time when the Government would state 1U case. and two children, Annie 14, Viola 11, and till Nash brot,hr of LABOR PROPOSFuS TWO AMKNDMHNTS TO THU ADDKKSS al limitations. 4 LONDON, Nov. 7. The Parliamentary Ilwr party has decided to put down two official amendments to the address in the reply to the speech from the throne. One of these will deal comprehen- sively with unemployment and the industrial situation and the other with the Ang- lo-French proposals for nav t THE DEFEATED CANDIDATE ALFIUJD K. SMITH Democratic .Nominee, who was defeated overwhelmingly at the poll yesterday, was best known, as the popular governor of New York state. He nus an" opponent of the prohibition law. As a Catholic he was opposed by the-'Ku Kiux Klan aM other anti-Catholic Yactont hut his record showed his religion did not influence his political actions. . GOVERNMENT iSENTFMEOF ROADPOLICY Complete Survey to Be Made to Terrace and Work Carried On. The Provincial government expressed its Kjmpathy with Prince Rupcrl'n road claims ami it is the intention to carry out a complete survey of the route le-twecn here and Terrace, stated ('. II. Or me, one of the committee who look up the matter nt Victoria last week nnd who returned to the city this morning from the couth. 1 The locnl road question will lie given the ful lent consideration and the prospects seems to le that the work will he carried steadily on. Hon. II. S. Long heed, minister of public works, will visit the north shortly to personally go into the situation here as well ns study the requirements of the central interior. RALLY OF STOCKS NEW YORK EXCHANGE NtiW YORK. Nov. 7. A apee tacular rally in the stock ex change prices was Wall Street's response to tho election of Hoover The Curtis Airplane opened at $144.75, $10.00 up and TimkM i Missouri Pacific, General UotoM, I Radio and Standard Oil of New Jersey opened with the gains of $s.uu 10 $i.uu. J. A. MoKinnon of Trail, Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias for British Columbia, arrived from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning and will pay an official visit to the local lodge tonight, returning south tomorrow evening. Silas Simon, who Broke into Officer's l!oue. Dealt with in Police Court Taking siuanWiy trial and found guilty on a charge of unlawfully entering a house by nifht, Silas Sjmon, recently arrived narveater- imrnigrsrtt from Wales, waa sen tenced to, nine months' imprisonment at Qkaja by Magistrate Me-Clymont in the city poliM COurt this morning. Simon brok into the home of Constable GHker of the city police force hast week and was captured by the offidWrtr son after he had caused some alarm in toe house. It is Ukely that steps will be taken to deport the man after he has served his time. RUM VESSEL IS CAPTURED BAN FftANCISCO. Nov. 7. It is alleged that the rum ship La-quills of Britisn registry ia in tow today of two cutters from San Francisco after the shell fir from rutin T.nmario and Cfthokta (lainai'.-il her superfttructurewatn hi' iini'Mvl nrilcrs to atofa. It la iidI iw.-aled whether there SfVtt any casualties. The vessel was formerly a federal ship which figured in a sim ilar name on Marcn iv, ivsu. The capture- was effected about :'.oo ni'les southeast of here. The . Lauillx- log indicated she was from Amsferdam for Shanghai.