R 6 THE DAILY NEWS P.AHF STS . VISCOUNTESS BYNU POENS EXPERIMENTAI COTTAGES Uur Dig . m r rogress "BUY IT HERE" at an extraordinary saving Splendid Values in every Department "CATERPILLAR" Tractors BIGGER THAN THE WEATHER! ', " A Size for Every Use ' A Hundred UsetTfor Every Size 2 TON, TWENTY, THIirrY, SIXTY ' BBTTHK QUICKER CHEAPEB - Literature and Prices on Request Sole Distributors for D. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. LIMITED Northern Purine Frrlght tSulMing 910 Nlatlon Htrrrt VAXOCJl'VEK. U. C. DEMAND Ilrunili omrr: HI)rrKuii lllocW M.I.NON. II.C. Rupert Brand" M - Ripper s THE DAINTIEST UltKAKI AST rtMH Smoked Dally by ian .Fisli & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ADE UP FURS Prince Ituperl. B.C. As the raw fur season is now on this is claiming nil my To nuke room and to leave me j, ; free, I am offering alUiri)kJar)! stock of made up fursHit ,!l0 per cent discount. Every piece guaranteed. Win. Goldbloom The Old Reliable Armed with a lump of coal and a loaf of bread, Viscountess Ilyng declared open the new experimental cottages at Thorpe-on-Soiiun. Essex, which are to be renti d at f.-m ahiiiina.- Pr week (lets than one dollar), llefore entering the cottages she followed the ancient Rseex custom and threw acrdhs .he threshold the bread and ceal, with the wish that those who lived there might never want for food or warmth. NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. STEWART The Stewart Conservative Association has elected officers as follows: president. H. V. M. Bols-ton; vice-president, J. V. Clegg; j secretary-treasurer, G. P. Heine-Ikey; executive, Mrs. J. V. Clegg, Harry Lyon, John Scott, P. E. Gigot, Frank Haugh and Ernest Love. Hon. II. B. Dennett, Hon. . F. Tplmie. J.C Brady M. P. and T. . Fale6ner aire honorary or ficers. Miss Kale ityau, W. R. Tooth, Howard Campbell, G. W. Smith and Archie l'aimp have bean elected local Liberal delegates to attend the Skeeaa riding, rmminnt- jing convention in Priaee Rupert week . : ' jiiext t , M ALICE ARM Carr;-vfee-preident Freddie Wat son secretary, Wilfrid Watson. A. C. MacMillan of Vancouver and D. McD Hunter of Prince Nupert have been recent visitors tore on insurance business. TERRACE Division 2, Miss Munro' class held a vary enjoyable Hallowe'en party in the lower G. V V. A. Hall on Friday night. For some time the hildren have been busy making decorations for the oc casion .and the hall prexanted an attractfve. appearance. Games and coateeta were enjoyed throughout the evenThg, prises being won by Marjoric Kenney, Adela llaug-Jeln Dover, Bruce Smith land Glen France. Refreshments ! .lack, Howson, shot in the thigh 'served during the evening iwoved in the Bowser-Lake country some .one of the most enjoyable features 'two weeks ago When he was mm- ' f the evening's fun. Miss Munro , taken for a bear, was brought Lva assisted in carrying but the safely to town by the remote par- urranimenlf by . Miss .Wright ty last Thursday and is now res- aigl . ting comfortably in the fitewart Hospital. -,. nrif .d Jh'fl.rT la . Dyson were hostt to a number of young Mr. Hsmhly, Vancouver jewel- people at their home here on lor, is a business visiter is Stew-. Saturday evening. Cards were art just now. j played in the early part of the j evening after which dancing was enjoyed. .Refreshments were ner ved at midahsht Ole Evindsen. proprietor of tip' F. Kasb.ll. C. L. 8. left on Mon- Alice Arm Hotel, left last week en i(iBy for HaaalUm on survey work. a trip to Vancouver. . ' George Little and Son Dudley P. E. Peterson, consulting en- Rmj Howard Wlllson spent the gineer for the Tiger mine, paid week-end at the former's camp a visit or inspection to the prour n NoUoiK-Lake while on a nun erty last week. A. Knox ol .An- tj,1K tPi yox has taken charge at the Tiger aoA Mrs. A. W. Itobirion!i lonywiuif me uepuriuic. ui . y. entemlneo a numoer m yuunga Pickett for California where xople .it t their home owvfutu; Will spend the wmter. 4- SMITUERS Htnlthers delegates to the federal nominating convention ut Prince Rupert on November 15 were elected at a meeting of the party here last Thursday night. It is certain that the local delegates will -support the candidature of Olof Hanson. The handsome new business block being erected at the corner of Maht Street and FfratAmie here by Fred Watson will be reuly for occupation by the end of the month." Tlfefhlni' is about over in the JftlftdeyValley. The wheat yield iforf he district is .light at from e s i isV 41- n n 10 souaneiM per-aere. uuts 'id UrtlsryieldJng fiam I Sfiaitoi Dr. H. C. BnmforTiias been reelected president of the Bulk- pry Fall Fair Association J. T K. Sealy. F. M. Dockrill and C. J. Kiler are vice-presidenta and Charles Ueid, secretary The Altar Boys to Rt. Joepli'H Church, SmitberM. have eleeted.of- werex 1 v ..kay evenifds- vhImH - amfl. anUJ ;, Dr. BrujsjWltt, health officer, ;:t this ik started a aystem-i tic exrmfhation of the pupils of the public school. d'R'-WT ARTIST PASSES Sir Kmnpia DlWfW! I'tpsldi-nt nf ficers as follows: president, Patjyears, ' Hovsl Academv since 1921, tnH one of Britain's outstanding I who tiled In n London . il.. .. r nr. inursinir home ni me uue i i a I ' Jill , J eOnCiH Wudu.-.iU;. v , h. mm a in in ii Skrnp, successor to ink, Syv I abolishes pen clogging fe I By s score of scientific tests this new product of ours I establukes iuelf ui probably the greatest improvement - I wR ever msde in writing fluids. Vaslwble Skrip for school v- I 'ffiZfflf mn pecial work demonstnites a smooth and brilliant '' ; I Q? color, yet washes out of clothing easily. Permanent Skrip, T' y I ifr&y for record work, tenaciously holds its legibility. Both flow V. B freely and evenly at all times, without flooding, dry V, (j,' ..) quickly on the paper, but will not dry on the pen point l (i m HnfA or clofc the flow. See that your fountain-pen is fciven a 1 l!--, WW chance to use this fcreat fluid. Skrip makes all pens write r- bettar and the Lifetime pen write best. Try it today. g ft Qtfjjlh, U..UU. Skrip SO J V tnit faU i Uw. pm vWlit. ,U mmU iUJl , feQv At bttttr dtaltn evrry where sBtf 5SWA.SHEAFIPENCO.OFCANAt)A,Limitdx . . SAF.ETY :t' .'.' ' v&rstis HIGH INTEREST Many a man has lost his hard-earned savings because of the fatal lure of hi&n interest. A safe general rule to remember is the higher the interest the greater the risk PUT YOUR SAVINGS INTO A SAVINGS ACCOUNT in the BANK OF MONTREAL Established iSlT There they will earn a reasonable interest and be safe 4. .1-.JMLJ L--