,r . oembey 7,' 1928, k in wmmnTMiii Prince Ruperk r-i-fc-1--"' i mm gfmnsasjsjsasj m mm mimmmammmnmMmmmBmmmmmmmm Northern Pacific Terminus of the Canadian National Railways lriace Kupcrl lias llircc of the greatest things in the world The Largest Fish Cold Storage Plant The largest Fresh Halibut Market The Largest Undeveloped Hinterland The City of Prince Kupcrl has a payroll of considerable derived from: RAILWAY SHOPS RAILWAY OFFICES DKYDOCK AND SHIPYARDS -t- lLION canneries LUMBER MILLS MINING TRAPPING AND FURS v., PROVINCIAL C0VERNMEN1V;0KFJ(jES COLD STORAGE FISH PACKING HOUSES FISH MARKET M ' r OILERY AND FISH REDUCTION PLANT SAI10N AND IIALIRUT FISHERMISN The rain export business of Prince Rupert is steadily developing. Last year about cijiht million bushels of grain was flipped through the terminal elevator and this year promises to greatly exceed that mark. Thq City owns its Power, Light, Water Supply and Telephones. - Thcschools are excellent. , r Roads are paved and concrete sidewalks are being laidl PRINCE RUPERT IS ONE OF THE COMING COMMERCIAL CENTRES OF THE PACIFIC COAST, TIIE PRO-11 MILE OUTLET OF THE GREAT PEACE RIVER COUNTRY, AND SURROUNDED HY A RAPIDLY DEVELOPING TERRITORY Prince Rupert is the logical site of a customs smelter which nild serve the mines of Portland Canal, the Rulkley and Skeena V alleys and coast points. THE DAILY NEWS is Prince Rupert's recognized Daily Newspaper TIIE DAILT NEW3 PAGE FTfl soraHicMAixnTT act iq Dnnirc Krcnnrn 44God Morning ' and "Good Health" STORM CENTRE1 FOR CHILDREN Government Denies it , is Heing Librarian Reports Need of Vol Influenced Unduly in Con nection With .Mine ilSl Iw ftpoirr r or Aline ss uniy lit- !mirs to OM Homl nefhjr Made lit District VICTORIA, Nov. 6rt"The sug-!',hanlt treBtion that the Government is being. influni jby, private, in- ore hove been proveo. he saysi "and it in obvious thit all con. : 'rienition of mfll construction, t crer development, etc. should V' kit :n abeyance. oJJtil substan-.m! ore bodies are found." The (oi.pany engineer says "I con-ider the development gives en- cm;! umes fcr the Juvenile Section of Public Library A meeting, of the librarj board was held Jast night in the library with James Black in the chair. Others present were Mrs. J. A. Kirkpatrick, V. Basso-Eert, G. V. Wilkinson and Miss A. D. Cruik- The librarian reported books loaned: Fiction 2626, Duplicate y, 186, Non Fiction, 432; Juven- or .u.y 6tW cohtMs ahMu'MtiV 842 making a total for the false." xaid Premier. Tolmie when!month of 4086- Th library WM his attention was called to a story on the front ptge M the Victoria Times headed "Saowflake crash may involve E. C. Cabinet Ministers," and alleging -that investment activities of the members of the Government were likely to come up before the legislature. A bulletin issued by the Mines ! Department today contains re- port of the Government Mineral OgiM, J. D. Galloway and F. W. I Guernsey engineer of the Com-jpany on Snowflake. Galioway cer.i:ritea tne property -as still a I open 23 days and a daily average of 177.7 books were loaned. Thirty-nine new borrowers were registered and 28 cancelled which leaves a total of 2723. Eleven books were receive by gift, 05 by purchase and 23 were discarded, which leaves a total of 6126. A copy of the "British Colonist" published at Victoria on December 11, 1858 was received from C. Johnson to be placed in the files of the Library. This makes the second British Columbian publication of which the 1 II L-l.l. 11 M: . ,r.....,.t 1 w. J 1 buiub copy in uw mm '7:: :: 7.jzz:zr,2 '. u pert by John Houston. I Miss Cruikshank reported that the bound volumes of the Scouts ' Annual had nearly reached the 'end of their usefulness and ea-I pressed the hope that some of the Citirens might have copies of ; various Annuals such as Chums, .raging as.ur.nce for the fut- ,g ey would to I donate to the Library. This clas vi.egatirns conwaN in me re- of hntA, A. no-Ar1v nirh .ft.r I oris from Victoria that the Pro- bv th children and n mrnr ss I m.i. ii uo ernmeni was Dunning twsntv volumes rnuld h nut Into r. roa! inti Snowftcke Mine are , na entiwJl er-ov.cous, declared Hon,' Kvirtitf Lo-Theed today. "It is true" li'at on recommendation of (be dpxirtm vt of mines as to the itnetfeU-ond tion of the trail and briars jiver tie IllieiUiwaet River '-;u2rrju int the Snosrflake and -W!rr'.'oVfey mine SUCh Work PnihlWll.m f Hrrimr Hfuotlnn rr 'ls'rik.ess-.ry to ensure publlo, t Asked by Government i'nWy.'fi being done. It might, ' U- 8twftth:..i this is in ltae with; Th annual two-dy convention filer piiWi- --rK wMch are be- 0f the Northern British Columbia inir undaken in various narU Salmon Fishermen's Assoociatior. K'ef Mie province including severs Co?i luded in Prince Rupert yes- jnining; sMvajio.nrin Keeping afternoon. A committee I' VSVS?'" polKy to consisting of Mike Anderson, who ICT.'JHtMS tist resources." WM nnw.fl Mcrvtarv-tmasiiHir. A 'HS' Rsmussen, J. Johansen and Jack TANCOLW:R,1oi7. Snow o Robtrts. was appointed to carry flnleew yejfctAy at 60 on the work of the AMOciaton eVvdftfcJflFmm recovered rt.. fin aPthebloflk s net loss t 125,000 shares. STEWART MINES MAKE Good Ore EncDnntfTed, Bath o Marmot Gold an4 Nwttwrn light. Says Eagiie-r G. K. Bancroft U. JS., who 'it in charge of devclopnunt operaU iona being .carried on at we Nor thern Ight and Mh rrpert'os st Stewart. it is though. was a pas) senjrer abdaf i the C: tala yester ...Ill V. JHi-A in..r tMtth emier but It will be ifcftrlte ard dLftpcaasary Ut. in Deo I iWMMl aar- FISHERMEN r four cer.t on a turnover of .( .u. ..! -.v. -. I - oi tt croup. vein, is in jo ieei. heavy mineralisation xinc her. It may to shut down warV I s urging the government to prohibit the use of herring for reduction purposes in District No. 2 and another asking that the laws relative to the use of Canadian ports by American fishing vessels be strictly enforced. The claim was made that American boats were using Canadian ports as fishing bases instead of merely for shel ter as it provided. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, Nov. 7. The price of wheat was down today to $1.18i. I The Lutheran Church council xy going throughto Vancoaver. ;met,a!,t ni",ht Lthe Pnage Sneaking cf progress at the Nor-1 ae,,nK wmyw.in n.uun pu.-thern t was decided to celebrate Banoft Light. Mr. states that everything is now in rendl- the Amundsen memorial on Dec-cess ember 14- the dfte on wh,ch h( for winter work, adequate ramps having been constructed. reed the south tole. Work has been resumed on the vain tunnrd which is now In 7? feet and, by cross . ut and drift, ri r.rc aor has bec i opened up limilar to that of the Premier. 11. C. Silver and R?t-.kwa. Undet trawwl p llr.jrh Kfaen values in irod in4 sHver . a Vtnging S3 and a aarfnee oUr pping. over 110 fee Iong,gae average returns of evrr $io. U Ja the in-lention to 'allow this cone to ward Abe Sebakwe. A pack triin of IS horses i taking supplies up t the Marmot Gold. No. 1 tunnel, now in 370 eet. is In f-re giving a return of 14.60 in Ft Id. The vein, which is c !oe at hand, ways. Husband Was Afraid She Was Getting Pneumonia Mrs. Chsrlwi KlwrU, K R. No 2, Wheal ley, lnt., nte: -"Ijwt winter I was IxJthered with n verv ld rold. and my husbaud w. f raid f wan getting pneumonia. "One day one of my neighbors came in and nhe'suggrttt-ii that 1 try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup I took a few dose and I wm steady relieved. I will um-ar be without a bottle f Dr. Wood's' in the bouae, sad I cannot rtooouneod it,tw highly." 1'riee SS. a bottle; kuas famfly eke Oft), at ail drusgJata sad oarJers. Makes breakfasts a treat and keeps you well all day. Nourishing, very digestible, tasty. With scup, entree or salad TR5SCUIT Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Co., Ltd. Local and Personal R. E. Allen, district fbrester, returned to the city on the Prince Ilupert this morning from a brief trip to Vancouver and Victoria. William Wrnthall jr. returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a three weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Rev. J. a Prizell, who has resigned as pastor of First Presbyterian Church, and Mrs. Frisell are. expecting to leave for Vancouver in about two weeks' tine. Tom Watts of Gammon t Watts who has been engaged in fishing n the south for some time, returned to tr.e city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this Tiorning. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Patmore nd young child returned to the '-Itjr on the Prince Rupert this morning from- Vancouver Mr. Patmore recovered from a recent indisposition. Mrs. M. P. McCaffery returned i to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a two weeks'; viv- to Vancouver. Mr. McCaf- "ry is remaining ia the south "or a while longer. C. 7ndaJl Frlxell. Vancouver -ruvgist and son of -Rev. and Mrs. f. R. Frirell of this city, arrived from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning and will be here for a few days on business. JUEEN MARY CHAPTER HOLDS BRIDGE PARTY Successful Affair Vast Night at Mean- of Mrs. II. V. C. LePine Seventeen Tables A successful bridge party was held last evening by Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order Daugh ters of the Empire, at the home of Mrs. R. V. G. LePine, 345 Fifth Avenue East There were seven teen tables and prise winners were as follows: first Mrs. S. Pringle, second Mrs. Ernest An-lerson; third, Mrs. F. D. Rice. Mrs J. G. Steen was general convener and ladies assisting included Mrs William. Millar. Mrs. C. J. Norrington. Miss Mairie Mac Donald, Mir. David Thomson. Mrs. G. A. Woodland, Mrs. Thom-.s Andrew. Mr. I. t Stuart und Miss Gertrude McKeiizie. Canadian Service ClnistmasSailiiigs l-'KOM MdVTHIML To ilti-,iw. B.-lfHt ami LIrrMtol L-.:tm . Nov. IB Andanla .. No M Tn invwuutli, Uirrbonrr,, Ixmden Auranl . .'Mov. Iff Asoaaia . Not. M FROM MXLII'.W To rijnmath. Havre. Lvndun Alaunla .. Dec. S Tuaoanls'.. Dec. 10 T Hrifart. lUlt"1". 04jo ut;tis :,v. Dm. n rnnm s, Joftv To Blrw4 UWesnU rttH LetlUa Dee. It Also weakly sailings km Nw Tortt and Sostea to Busaoeaa Porta. St Ohssuti cwquta tloa from total sad THfsitenr MS Mr at ly in January. S3; ttaosta-er. GROUND HOG PROJECTIS CONSIDERED Speaking this morning on his return from the south of conversations which C. H. Onne, Fv G Dawson and he had with the provincial government with a vie-w to obtaining aid -for construction of a railway wWteh oulA' cehnect this port with the Ground Hog coal fields, W. E . Fisher stated that the administration promised its careful consideration of the pr ject but would not commit iteelf definitely in any way. No changes in the personnel of the government service at Prince Rupert, were contemplated for the time being at least, stated Mr. Fisher. The appointment of a juvenile court magistrate is being considered by the Attorney General. Mr. Orme and Mr. Dawson also returned this morning. BRAKEMAN WEDS LADY JUST FR0M NORWAY The wedding took place last night at the Lutheran parsonage, Rev. John Hanson officiating, of Hill roar Mora, brake man on the C.N.R. passenger train, and Miss Aaaa Haukaaa, a young ladjr who arrived only last week from Norway. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Petersen were witnesses. Mr. Mork is the nun who three years ago was presented by the King of Spain with a medal for rescuing nine Spanish seamen. Mrs. Mork came out from Molk. Norway with Mrs. Axel Petersen and two children. They will live at 503 Seventh Avenue East. ORANGE LADIES ARE LEADING IN WHIST Orai.i?e Ladies continued to lead the ladies' section of the Fraternal Whist League by defeating the St George's Ladies 6 to 4 last evening. The C. N. R. Ladies retained second place by winning 5 to 4 over Moose Ladies. The standings to date follow: W LPts Orange Ladies 3 0 3 C. N. R. Ladies .... 2 1 2 Moose Ladies 1 2 1 St. George's 0 :i 0 handy (fs&S&ci pocks Here is a treat that can't be beat! Benefit and pleasure in generous measure! Peppermint Flavor