PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS News and Views In The World of Sport RADIO PROGRAM TWO HORSES FOR THE WEEK IN BIG RACE Thursdny 7.30 p.m. Standard Symphony Hour. KIHJ. KOMO, Ki.W, KGO. KFL 8.:t0 p.m.- -flrund Opera Album KHQ, KGW. KCO. 9.00 p.m.--I...iij'iii"- Corrv? Tiim-. KHQ, KOMO. KiV, KGO KI'O. 9.30 p.m. Maxw-ll House Program, KHQ, KOMO. KGW, KGO, KPO. KFI. lo.ito p.m. The Tr itderan.-.. KFI. U.00 p.nx. The Trt. a.l.-rar.-. KPO. rMr fi.oo ) Wrigiey Transcontinental Program, KHW, KOMO. Kt;W K(iO. KFI. 8.(p0 rju General Independ- ent. K1IQ, KOMO, KGW, KGO. ' KPO, KFI. h.:w p.m. nair nour wun aiar Doiin and Chas. II. Gabriel, Jr. KHQ. KFI. 9.00 p.m. Longines Correct Time. KHQ. KOMO. KGW, KGO, KPO. 9.30 p.m. Moon Magic, KHQ, KOMO. KGW, KGO. 10.00 p.m NBC System, The Trocaderans, KOMO, KFI, 10.00 to 11.00, KPO-KGO 11.00 to 12.00. Sfiturday 7.00 p.m. Lucky Strike Hour, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KGO, KPO, KFI. 8.00 p.m. Philco. KHQ, KGW, KOMO, KGO, KPO. KFI. 9.00 .p.m. Longines Correct Time, KHQ, KOMO. KGW, KGO. KPO. 9.00 . p.m. Golden legends. KHQ, KOMO, KGV.;KG(L KPO. HMW p.m.-l he "tug Bhow, KHQ, KGW, KGO, KOMO 10.00 to 11.00, KPO 10.30 to 12.00. SCOTTISH FOOTBALL TEAM BEAT IRISH GLASGOW, Nov. 1. A team re-presenting ,Um Scottish soccer league defeated the Irish League te.m eight to two. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by tlu Government of British Columbia ''"u" LADIES' HOf KEY MAT" II s see the English tourinjr tram f" Ergland&t Merton Abbr. Around The World With Sport Fans (117 Tbe Tramp) Jimmy McLarnin, Vancouver, will nule hit firU appearnze in the junior welterweight boxing division In Detroit on November 23, against Tom Grogan, accord ing to announcement made by his manager, Charlie 'Pop' Foster. Foster received a wire from Man - ager Dick Dunn, of the Olympic, Detroit, clinching the match on. November 2 Senior League, terms which are described as Native Sons of Canada vs Kin-very satisfactory to McLarnin. eolith; Intermediate, C. N. R. vs If MoLarnin is successful in stop- Naval Reserve; Ladies,' Maple ping he Oklahoma boy, he is to Leafs vs Prill Team ; Junior, Jg si hance' against Mushy Cal- High School vs Colts. lahan for the world's junior November 6 Senior, Players welterweight title in December, Club vs Port Simpson; Intermed- it is said. The venue of this jate. Toe II. v Eagles, nig Four bout has not been named. Mc- V8 jijj,n School Porter 'have left Van- J-rainand nlsenior. j Nowrabw Native couver for Detroit jgong of Canada w Port Simp9on. .... , Intermediate, C. N. It., vs High i t, .i. i 4 "Babe- Ruth, king of mt,1Sehoo, j, . M.'Lf, V8 pinch hitting a. a s ump speaker DH11 T Junf , h g, for Governor Alfred Smith at a Cq rnmiini In T .AtiiavlUa lv aniiilrv ' with Jh w' ..! ceived a lusty welcome from the whan k nlMitml th B' Four' cause of the Democratic nomi-jv" leu! November 1G Senior, Native nee. but tbe throng wu no uproarious a few minutes later Is' of Canada vs Playera Club; when a flimiy chair, in which Intermediate, C. N. It. v Toe H.; he was seated on the rostrum, i La".' Maple Leafs vs Drill creaked and then collapsed. TheTam; Junior. High School vs "Babe- intently listening to the Colts. remarks of Mr. Davis, discovered November 20 Senior, Kinco-his plight too late. Newspaper- Hth vs Port impon; Intermed-men sitting at a table beneath j iate, Big Four vs Naval Reserve, the rotrum scrambled in ever' High School vs Eagles, direction as the home-run-king November 28 Senior, Native hurtled forward, but the player Sons of Canada vs Kincolith; In-averted a complete fall by clutch- termed iate, C. N. R. vs Eagles; ing steadfastly to a nearby rail- Ladle,' Maple Leafs vs Drill ing. Grinning sheepishly. Ruth ! Tea re ;Ju trior. High School vs righted himself. .Colts. . Xoember 27 Senior. Players IiTTtlfVi1 P A fiflP iciob vs Pert Simpson; Intermed- WHIS I LEAGUE j j- xrzv PPIiriMTI V AITT' Novhr SO Senior, Native jLHtUULL UJHUUJUU UUl UUl Son CMU v" I,ort Simpaon. lBtenB-totl m Four Vi c. N. R.;Udie.' Maple Leafs vs Drill Games Will Commence Thursday Team; Junior. High School vs Night of This Week ,Colt. ! December 4 Senior, Players The following schedule of fixtures for first half of season is issued by the PHwre Rupert Fraternal Whist League. November 1 New Empress A. C vs. 8t, Geirge's Society Knights of Pythias vs. Grotto. Seal Cove vs Moose 11 f Erikson Society a tjye. November 8 Lelf Erikson Society vs. New Empress A. C. Moose vs. Knights of Pythias. St. George's Society vs. Grotto. Seal Cove a bye. November 15 Seal Cove vs. Grotto. Knights of Pythias vs. New Empress A. C. Moose vs. Lelf Erikson Society. St. George's Society a bye t tators who braved the rain to a trial mat. b with the Ilest of BASKETBALL TIMETABLE Schedule for First Half of Season Is Set by Local Assoc iation The following schedule for the first half of the basketball league season Is issued by R. S. Woods, secretary of the Prince Rupert Basketball Association: November IS Senior, Players ft" Intermediate, wrrTC Toe i II., Eagles Clab vs Kincolith: Intermediate, Eagles vs Naval Reserve, High School vs Tor H. Deceasber 7 Staler, Native jSoas of Canada vs Haver Club; j Intermediate. C. If. K. vs Naval 'Reserve; I aal (,' Ms Die Leafs vs Drill Team; Junior. Hissb School ;vs Colts. i December 11 Samler, Kinco lith vs Port Siwpsoa; Intermed late. Tec H. vs Eatries. Big Pour vs High Rrw)l. . MANAGING TEAMS Ralph Smith Is manager and coach of the High School Intermediate League basketball team this season while the destinies of Big Four are being guided by Eddie Smith. . "And you can tell them that we are going to knock the stuffing out of them nil," states Eddie. Jockey Club (up Won at New-market Today by Invershin From Appledore NEWMARKET, Nov. 1 Keid Walker's Invjershln won the Jockey Club cup over a two and a quarter mile course today from the only other starter. Lord Glaneley'ti Appledore. ENGLAND HAS YOUNG PLAYERS That Country Probably May Take Lead in Championship Tennis Again TORONTO. Nov. 1. Five years from now will see England back in her former position on top of the lawn tennis world, in the opinion of Karel Koteluh of Czechoslovakia, the unofficial world's professional champion. After tbe natch in which he defeated Vincent Richards in straight sets st the Toronto Lawn Tennis Club, the Caech granted an interview. "What has been holding back England's men players in recent vears?" Koieluh was 'asked. "Their atyle."he explained. "It is cramped and unnatural, like Johnston's, not free like LacosteV Richards. Tiiden's or my own." He then proceeded to demonstrate how the English play thefc ground stroHes. with the arm. stiffened and' drawn close to thi body. "However," the champion went on to explain, "they are cot recting that defect now, and they have a crep;of young players coming along who are as good as the young United States stars Doeg, Lett and the others. I believe that in five or six years England will again be the leading lawn tennis nation of the world.". He singled out H. W. Austin, wro toured the States this year, for special mention, Kozeluh has been employed by the British Lawn Tennis Association to develop its young players. BILLIARD GAME i PARTLY PLAYED' Fixture Between Canadian Leglort and Grand-Terminal to be Finished Today Only two games were played last night in, the first division billiard fixture MWJ the Canadian Legion "and Grind Teim inals. James Hamilton, for the Terminals, won ZW to 210 over Marcus Andrews while Aid. G. P. Tinker, for the Canadian Ig ion, won 250 to 210 over William Mitchell. The remaining games to be played today are as follows! Col. S. I'. McMordlo (Canadian Legion) vs W. H.-Long (Grand Terminals). Alex Murray vs C. P. Balngno. James Andrews vs W. J. Nelson. SCHEDULE FOR LADIES' WHIST OCTOIIKIl SO St. Oeorjea Ladle vs. Xim UdlM. Orange Ladias vs. OanedWn 'Nattl National Ladiea. MIVaMIIBIt 6- Moom Ladiea va. Oanadlan National Ladle. Orange Ladiea v. Bt. Oeerge'a Ladiea. 30 at. Oeorgc'a Ladiea va. Oanadlan National Lad, Orange Ladiea VS. Moon LadlM. ni:AiMiu:it 4- Moose Ladle va. S. Oeorg Ladlee. CanadlHti National Ladiea va." Oranga Ladiea. 18 Canadian National Ladlei VI. Mooa Udlea. m. Oeorga'a wdlea va. Orange LadlM. Thursday, Kovemtlff , Vsh --J " . INTERNATIONAL POLO: Harriman, United JOCKEY'S DISDAIN IS FOLLOWED BY RETORT PARIS, Nov. 1. Gene Tunney's dislike of cameramen, as evidenced by a recent incident in Paris, is fully shared by Matt MncGree, premier American jockey now riding in France. Cartoonists are Matt's pet aversion. MacGree while preparing to ride the favorite in one of the big fixtures of the autumn meet, noted one of France's best known cartoonists following him around and sketching away. The horse was fidgety, the paddock choked with gaping onlookers and Matt's earnest warnings to the pencil pusher failed to deter him, when suddenly the jockey leaned over and taking a good, long look at the cartoon, sneeringly said: "Is that the best you can do?" Badly beaten on the two to five people's choice after a gruelling drive through the stretch. Matt. TONE UP YOUR SYSTEM H 99sVsKTsslslaV KII I 1 rmil lAaar " Write for Free - Exercise Booklet I I -r A valuable booklet, con- A taining a complete let of 22 Ptnmani healih eter- yv I - citei, mtf he yoon for the J ' ailing. Write for it today S Ss, THH lungi, liver, kidneyi and tomith need exercise juit much as the arm and legs and here's the movement that gives it one of the best drills in the new Ptnmani exercise book. NOTICE TO PENMANS DEALERS The nation wide interest In Penmans Health Diercitei prttents a big opporrunlir for Penmans dealers. Write for at many booklets at you requirt alto for Penman tirrd window and counter display cards. .'i i M Lewis Lacey of the Argentine team hitting bark-hand Mi..t. u States, tries to block it. Argentine beaten 18 -7 SCHEDULE FOR PRINCE RUPERT CRIB. LEAGUE .soY:Hiw:a S Cm. Nt. Opmtiof vs. Prtnc Rupert MoUt. Can. Hat. MccbaalM a. Baft, Moom . Knlakta of Ootuibw. Cold atorsa Orotto. Canadian Ugion . bejrtl Otmg Lodfe. Native Son of Canada vs. New Em-prM A O. IS Loyal Orangt Los vs. On. Nat OpsraMni. dejected and nersDirinsr from his Krtnee Ruptrt Hou-l efforts, had barely touched the ' 0,fl NI1,'"41 Oeorfe'i Ladles, ground after dismounting, when he heard the cartoonist's voice over hin shoulder, asking sweetly: "If that the best you can do-.'" Send for manual today. Penmans 95 made in men, women, PENMANS LIMITED Paris Canada Can. Nat. Mhini' - t . Native Bona of Cinnd v, j,., Orotte v, Koifhu ot Coii . Oaitadlajt Legion v New En,.,-V u S New Bmpreaa A.C v Pr nctfm Hotel. Can. Nat. Operating vi. f ,:, t,- av ebantoa. Mooaa . Cold stoi..g Oretta va. Loval Or-nne i nij,, OaMMtaa Uflou vii i,tit Oaoada. M--tiOl Ortftfe Lode t K...:u CWvmoua. NatJv Sent of Canuda t r h Operating. FflM nujtt Hotel TS Uou. oaa. in. airrnanic v- ( ? urotta va. tttm Bmpmu si' CtnadlaH Uka 4l tHV- i?j Uooae Ladle Omn -e Lien 9- Bt aeor'i Lvirj .3 Hcc Ont Ladln vi. C n 1:, F Udka Health ExcroM No. 22 Stand1 met. Up far apart, irmi thruu kon'MA-tallf ttraight fram akeuU-art. Touch riskt tee with left hand. The ottitr trm ahould be ivung up with the aame metlen mt the bodr. Return la. orisiiul potition and reeerie statement. Do thii with (, not too tapidljr. this free physical culture Then try all the drills in Canada's finest underwear, two-piece and union suits, for and children. HEALTH UNDERWEAR IJ7