PAGE FOUR The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBU Pub'iihed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. ' H. F. .PU,LE.Y - ljanajring Edifer. 7; a vr, - ; -m jp SUBSCRIPTION RATES n ' City Delivery, by mail or earner, yearly period, paid la advance For lesser period, paid in advance per month -W By mail to all parti of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period W-00 Or four months for I By mail to all other parts t British Columbia, the British Empire and United State, paid in advance per year By mail to all otier countries, per year Transient Diaptt.v Advertising, per inch, per ioaerUCfi Transient fdTertialng on Front Page, per iseh local Reaovs P insertion, per line Classified Advertising, per Insertion, per word Lcfal Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract Rates on Application - Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Ed'lor and Reporters Telephone - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Helpful Bakkikg Service FACILITATING the cKrwnge of money and commodities by the judicious use of credit is one of the primary . functions of the Bank ot Montreal an activity which brings it into dose and helpful contact with the business interest of Canada. The Dank f Montreal because of its resources, organisation, cusperienor and vsaesjaed don , nections, is specially well fitted to give its customers Uie kind of banking service and co-operation which means moat to their bust, neat, whatever its scope. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 Total Assets in rauess of 860,000,000 J6.0U 11M 51.49 $100 ' .? .11 Thursday, November 1, 1928 PINANCING OUIISELVES Nine out of ten people find financing difficult. They would like to spend more than they earn and many do. They run into debt and find it difficult to extricate themselves. Thoe who are always hopelessly involved usually become socialists because they think that under changed conditions they would have a better chance. In order to keep away from the worries of eternal indebtedness, it is a good plan to make a rule of saving a little every month. An account may be opened in any bank and each week or each month it becomes a pleasure to build up a little reserve against the rainy day that is pretty sure to come. A savings account is an insurance fund and it makes greatly for the peace and independence of the individual. No one ean afford to be without a savings account tained no injuries of a nature. serious Local motorists are disappointed that the Beament cut-off oa the new provincial highway will not be ia shaae for traffic this R. 1, Wark, right-of-way agent for the provincial government, j VVftrtfi Km a 1 rawoivawl la Itfawav TIIE DAILY NEWS NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. iEV IIAZKLTOfl Ai;tCff ARM Mrs. Peter' aaphon E. AuhuswaTwt i has ' oa: of Warren Lew, 28. lie I r-je BT' vivd by a young wife, we was formerly Miss Dorothy Devoin, daughter of Louis Devoln. as welt as his father and mother and other relatives here. Workmen are now employed on the aurfey of a pattected new w a. -.1. . WlllTA M T Hd mtt 1 i i i w.. r. Bunerrieia ;nia nis diixt n uiu ub uccu reicnra imt - - - - o-uu.. ...u: .u ..-lk 1.. i . , ... . t . . lhav fnr h. smith after i ow-iieu nuu i t ' e7fS of New Uazelton subdividing the Indian Reserve 'traffic roU(fh the Bf kJ VaP reeentTfeU offered fory alone Railway Avenue and on twenfa feet to which will be E'fieiiS 2 -h. There r,o lot. in the to the main stiwet of the town. Stewart. Fortunately, he an. ! as wel as some acreage. toward recovery. u..i4 t .v and is doing a few day. barnstorming here. Clyde Waaa and John W. Patterson are the pilots. Weather has been cold and unsettled here lately with snow and sleet The lowest tfaarmo-meter reading of the week was 24 above sere. The Borne Oil Go. of Vancouver i haa cosmnleted irnHMmU with the Canadian National Railways for the leasing of land here and construction of tanks and ware- I houses will The local Eagle, have an up-to-date radio in their lodge STBWAKT A relief party consisting of Homer Fkkhn. Frank- Rritmwad.. Paul Suppelaa and F. Scott went! j last week to bring out Jack How-son, well known prospector, who . was shot la the leg by WfBJaa Scott, who mistook him for 'a ibear. M Rev. W. B. Jennings of the Aag-licmn mission heat Northern Cross will take charge of Aug liraa Church work here daring the maths of December, H- juary and February ,it is nnnenn- eed by Bishop C A. Rix. Mm. Jennings will accompany here. A tammlttea oonslsting of L. 8. Davidson, G. P. Helsmfcey and J. V. Clegs was apooiaaed at a public meeting here last weak to proceed with arrangeineatta for the incorporation of Stewart under the Village Act A number of Stewart bachelors are competing strenuously for the hand of a lady, Mary WWHSUe of Barrhead, Scotland. name and address was when a marmalade can ened recently in the Good 'flats cafe. H. C. Marvin of the fuswart News staff ana returned from a holiday trip to Vaaeoiver and Victoria. Keener MeLeod has ef for Seattle on a holiday trip; Mrs. John Mellor. who haa been viaiUnjk in the. south, fwtsjraf fresn f ancouver lajti.weak, r. ia nd Mrs. B. Jackson ot the B. C. Salver, who haws been visiting In the south, retarnad 4aat Mnaaaaar Mr. and Mrs. F. J. left last weak for Vanoonadr att4 ter snenditur several weeks at th Premier Border where Jl. Ci (isKliind. n5 rnnsolting eajln. leer, wax laying uuL Lht diuiuond 'drilling jiroifram. ' after sfter having having apart apart a a week week here here Lake., Lake., this this being being the the surplus' UrTm bZu following Cidr return from the f rm tke 1927 crop in this dis- Vm of ancouver of Mrs. ham Bergman.-. . Creek j; district, have w.v. , r . jL who lived here for years. She is survived by her widower, one wn and two daughters. Eric Larsen snd E. Nelson of New Hazelton are brothers. PRINCE GEQKCB A Yukon Airways piane, bound for Dawson, arrived this week Telegraph trfet A very satisfactory fric left for VajwJOwVrr to spend the waa obtained. winter. SMfiIERS TKKJtACE v- Lire laasHsnaa were business visitors 1mm at the end of tbe wee j. g. Leake of Dorreen was a visitor here oa Monday. Mr. and Mos. CUJl. Miss K. B. JHwsB Gilbert and left Monday s in PflaWe 4 M A. C. Small. Swift's represen tative of Prli Bujmrf was ffl It is not expected that actual i, - , '1.,, fu. . . m . jef mmm .111 nm ' m jwont, ler wnicn uie ooaro "ijp is visiting Trade has pressed hard for some ,. here with hwrsJSn and daughter- tints, will be instituted. in-law, Mr. Stephen. until ' The grchway approaching the Rkhard Hares, Houston far- gardens in front of the Hotel J. A. Aadarso, district supar-'mer, is a patient in the focal W wen urn wwn in prepara-. intendent of the iovincial de-hospital safferiag from severe""" - "rw ' wlf 7, ltJh "ot y beeB partment of wn works, ia i,cuts ami bruises which he .us- will extend from the Hotel to pfroachee ""irtrip to the IfeL VaUey an of- Uincd ia a runaway accident HelLahelse Avenue and thence from! atill to be completed. . ficial a-2 duties. lis !i. ..kis. making satisfactory ttefmetorv nrogress nroeressltlie corner of Kalum street along, Lakelse Avenue East as far as! Ithe Presbyterian hufch. When tni w, wouMmlly be D. D Munro. acting oa behalf . haa X bee. Vh? ZZr here recently' L laoking nor Hufi during ZJ"ZL th W t i r.."" r.mer, uiu haa left of the Cenml British CoiumbU improvement as is a into the matter 01 nf the atwge . IT i . iit . . ... nart of town over which there is across the Bulkley River between Hazelton and New Hazelton. for Vancouvaf wi t re spend the winter! Isold to a Vancouver concern 1M "T awarded the contract for the U r a s Am R..ttUv was Mr. and Mrs. J S. McDoaaJd. Valley ar.d Ootaa and Francois j MMing of the walk. J. Erlandsen f Remo was in town en Mowaay. i Havteg made a fast run from i Vancouver viavtbe aroeen Char- 1 " lotte Islands. C.N.R. steamer Mra Emil Hangland and new . Prince Charlea. Cant Nell Mc- Foliowing an accident at the baby son returned home from Lean, arrived in port at 11.10 Duthie minis as a result of which the Uaselton hospital on Sunday, last night with paaaenKern and it was necessary t amputate his! freight. The vessel will sail left arm near the shoulder, the' D. Mcl). Hunter insurance man firm here for the south over the death oceured suddenly in the of Prince Rupert and A. C. Mac- name route at 10 o'clock Satur-Smithers Hospital hM Saturday Millan of Vancouver, agent for day night. A Friend to Women Lydia E. Plnkhani's Vegetable Compound . LYD1A B. FIMKHAM f.-i Lynr. Mflib and Cotourt t. Milton Gonau!) Classey sailed 1:: Friace Rupert t-trip to Stewart. saw. haV-Wl war mmaai Greatest value in all Canada , "" ii TassT - ii urn mm -fir- i P. CRAVETTO lWNCE HUl'EHT. FOURTH STKBIfr tow 3