"THE NEWS PAGE SIX DAILY News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Stewart Field Has Made Tremendous Strides This Summer Silver Cup Should be Big Payer- - , Consolidated Active on Legate Creek. From a mining standpoint it can be asserted that tremendous strides have been made during the past sea son in all sections of this district due to the so-called stock boom of last January and February which enabled a large number of the smaller operations to secure substantial sums for develoDment and the encouragement thus given was reflected throughout the entire mining fratern ity days the Stewart News in discussing the situation to day in the Portland Canal district. This has resulted in much extensive and Intensive prospecting on the part of the jof satisfactory results, has also 1 ...11L L .. .... 14 tU.i I I 1 . - - 1 J( ! 1 pi unjicviuio wiiii me icaun niai iiau us surprises unu uisuppuiui1 the territory being explored and prospected was increased in area very materially, possibly thirty pwvent. and a Iarge number of new prospects located. The area nuw under examination for mineral deposits can now be viewed as a triangle with its apex thirty miles south of Stewart out to a bh.se 50 miles long, thirty-five miles north of Stewart As a result of developments during' the past few years, geol-ojry of the district and ore occurrences therein are commencing to be better understood, resulting in the simplifying of the search for ore bodies. It must not be overlooked, however, that nearly every section of the district differs from the other and there is still a tremendous amount to be learned by the technical men. This will only be, made possible by time, study and observation. There is not a question but that, as each year suc ceeds aRother, technical men are predicting a great mineral future for the district. Speaking of actual development, the most spectacular at the moment possibly is the tremendous work being carried on by the Premier Gold Mining Co. preliminary to the development of the Silverado, Porter-Idaho and Proaperity and it is reasonable to assume that the Marmot hill will be one of the greatest metal-producing hills possibly In British Columbia. Another salient feature of development is the operation of the Consolidated on the George Copper and Big Missouri properties and their persistent watchfulness to the end of securing still further holdings. There are grounds for accrediting rumors circulated locally that Consolidated may possibly take over low grade discoveries recently made by Tim Williams and Charles Knipple somewhere in the Bowser Lake district on the eaat side of the mineral belt. This would be the greatest Btride imaginable in extending the pros-pecting and exploration of the mineral belt along its strike northward toward the Stiklne, The theory that little could be expected on the Upper Bear River section in the way of high-grade ore has been exploded by the spectacular discovery on the Moun tain Boy, which discoveries have given a tremendous filip to thi whole American Creek and upper . T. . mi rint - - Keur section, ine unier v,reen section is also coming into favor with the discoveries on the Mnyou, Lucky Strike and others, The Georgia River section, long noted for gold values, seems at last to come into the limelight by the activities of the Georgia Hiver Gold Mines Ltd. The sea son, while having been productive MINING STOCKS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE W are prepared to take orders on the Vancouver "Stock Exchange ,jur len years experience' .criiilie floor of the Brussels Stoqi Exchange is at your Hervice. Prompt dealing wjth any orders large or small. Representing Nanaon Rqth-well & Co. Ltd.Vancouver, II C. Morning and afternoon closing prices daily. Theo Collart Ltd. Capilol Theatre Building VhdneTfluu 128 P.O. box GC ments such as Woodbine and Bay view but neither of these, however, may prove decisive and the percentage of disappointments if exceedingly small. No particular section of the district under exploration has any monopoly on ore bodies but each section must almost be looked upon and studied as a seperate entity. Aside from mining the rai!roa. situation is pregnant with inter tt and the town of Stewart itself is taking on an air of per man'ence and solidity. Judging from the consisten. shoots of ore from the surface U the 500 foot level, the Silver Cup at New Hazelton is a propert which should pay dividends ovei a long term of years. The on. will run $30 to ihe ton and tht cost of mining and treating is estimated at about $13 a ton. i lie modern flotation mill, which is being installed on the property should be in operation by November 15. Encouraging reports are beiny received from the M. & K. grout of claims on Legate Creek whici. is under development by the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. Good ore has been opened up both in No. 1 and No. 2 tunnels whici. are 500 feet apart, so the ore body is of some considerable extent. Work will be continuueu on the property as long as weather will permit. So favorable art: the prospects for the M. &. K. that Consolidated has now takei. an option on the adjoining M. & M. group from Roy Moore anv. some work is also being done of. it this fall. J. D. Sweeney ha been working all season at iht head of Legate Creek on the Nabob and Allen groups and is well satisfied with the way they art showing up. Scotty Reid oi Prince Rupert has been doinn assessment work on the Lindy II group of Legate Creek. JUDGE YOUNG ENTERS UPON THIRD DECADE OF HIS SERYICE HERE The Vancouver Province in its "Twenty Years Ago" column oi. Monday recalled the arrival in Prince Rupert from-Atlin of Judge F. McB. Young and his family. ills H6no.r . hidd hU first- court here In a tent on Centre Street His two decades of judicial servict nere has been marked with im partiality and fair dealing to al' who have come before him. He i one of most respected members of the British Columbia bench. ROGERS HORNSBY IS SAID TO BE SOLD TO THE CUBS OF CHICAGO The New York Sun, in a copyrighted story says Rogers Horns-by, manager of the Boston Braves, has been bought by the Chicago Cubs for $200,000 plus three players, Webb, Heathcote and Maguirc The story says Hornsby received a bonus of $25,000 for signing a contract to play second base for the Cubs for the next three seasons at a salary of $40,000 a year. DULY CAUTIONED The master of the house went Into the Kitchen nnd informed the cook that his wife's aunt was coming on an Indefinite visit. "I've made out a list of all her favorite dishes for you," he said. "Yes, sir," replied the cook. "And," he added, "the first .time you serve any one of them you're fired." -A llliR r II 110 iV kFT im i mm mm Mm x mm n ?a mL mm mia a u MOCInJII JORS at ' matchless Value giving Prices Never before such tremendous reductions! Never before have we offered such unusual styles, such smart Coats and Dresses at such ridiculouysl low prices. The reason is that we must make way for new incoming merchandise. We're preparing our new stock for Xmas selling, we need all the space we can make I In order to do this we are taking unusual losses on every garment in our fine stocks, Printed Transparent Velvet Frocks from Printed, figured and plain transparent Velvet Frocks in a glorious array of wonderful new colors!. Finest quality, lustrous Transparent Velvets in the style hits of the season. Every one distinctive, new and different. 7 Beautiful Fur Trimmed sflij-S.i'.. ni- in t n I - Hi A- -fr ; CLOTH COATS from $22.50 These wonderful Winter Coats represent the pick of our high grade stock. They include fashions, fabrics and fur trimmings never offered before at $22.50. There are hundreds of styles all Paris inspired, newest materials and fine colors. HATS THE SEASON'S VOGUE ! $2.95 and $3.95 Hats in a host of finest materials. Felts, Satins, .Velvets, Soliels in a varied array of beautiful gay colors and trimmings. Small and large shapes in headsizes for Misses and Matron. FROCKS For Holiday Parties With the advent of Xmas, fashion first women are planning on what to wear for their Holiday party occasion. Our comprehensive collection, is more than a fashion exhibit. It is a value exhibit as well. Every new material,, color and . delightful trimming. At prices ranging from $15.50 i ') ' RICHMOND'S LOUV