PAOE TWO Price of Daily News Cut to 50 Cents a Month When Delivered in Prince Rupert Commencing with the beginning of 1928 the price of the Daily News is as follow: Delivred'Tn Prince Rupert, 50c a month in advance, or $5.00 a year. Ou.t-if-town in Northern or Central B.C., $3.00 a year or four rnerjiha for $1.00. Othr Canadian or U.S. points, $6.00 a year!. The Wry way to keep in touch with the North is to read at iivi iiici II mjCIe b ii 'in ' ' 'acs --. 1 - ...I .in ii I. a . nm . i ,, . . i, , . . -Ji The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. l'ULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 60 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid irt advance for yearly eriod $3.00 Or four months for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year $6.00 By mall fo all. other countries. iter year $7.50 Transient Display Adverti.-iiijr. per iiu-h. p.i ni.-r;i,,M Transient Aleriiir.jj on j-Y,,r; i'...-.-. p.-i im-h Local Reader.. h- insertion, pt-r Hm-Classifieil Adv,-r;i siiiir. pt!' i ! . r! : 1 1 ii , pi-;' word Legal Notices, each in.-vti,ii, per a irate li::e C'Hilract iiate- on Appiii at:,.n Member of Audi! Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION INARTISTIC ARTISTS Sat unlay. Feb. (1,,V $1.4.' $2 xo PRICE Or minim; stocks Those who have been :..! ,:.' ,:;t Hu. i v in mining Stocks in Inush Cohirr.liia and ,N,r,, i,- uill have nott., that a?i-vances in price have had v.-.-y iiitl, to !-, u;th a, Ma! values. The'. hve been rV.r.-ed from ,,,;iicl.- ,,, ,-,., j,1M,i,. A!1 lnji, h;, been necessary wa- to had :h, -ubiic :,. i,eliev,- that u as the lowest price at which they i.,itlil i,u and that th.- i, k was likely to go higher. Then t.uyiiiK woni.l an.! the price would advance Some stocks doubled ii, price tni!e o-n,.,, n,;.(,. fractional ad.ance-but most of them a- a ve-nlt ot , ,x ,-i -nuy i ng or whis pers of loihie adance. Whether the prie. - now , pi., ted i; c. vt,,, ks are liKely to be maintained ,.r n.,; i n..t ir u- ..1V Tn.. niav g higher. Some of 'them undoubted!;. u:'I n,. ,- u: ard but other- will iV, uuw uecunir it:on wnat ;n-- are .t!.,! The ottier day th. tv wa ,i I.-, t.ins JHn.-r.-d in a it. arSy i ity warning muoiV teacher at';, in. turni-' ..n; .i;:ni.t- hut i.,,; musicians. In Other worcU tht war. Minx a- agaitisl pro(iUl iii master-of mechanics in.-tfad of arti---. The arti-i ..- ilu- In-ati iftsl i: ..T.v!hin.' am) sometimes, owing to his natural ai.ilitx. a.-. '"'! ai.-d apj : icat ion has learned to reproduce the art that ho -,- Sort!..-.,,,, - I:, , - it just as ..:her people do and now and then he gem au wrijs.uai i, n ,,f thinv- whii h he transfers to canvas. Take the case of Maxfield Parrish. He saw things differently from most artists and learned to reproduce on canvas the pictures he had in hi mind. The difficulty with artists is that they are not all-round artists. If they see the art in pictures they possibly miss the artis-io in sqqgd, which we call music. If they chance to have appreciation of both of these they possibly are Inappreclative of art in literature. Many an artist sees the beautiful on a canvas but leaves the hotTM untidy, dirty, disreputable, a contravention of all rules of art. It i not uncommon to meet a musician in a home that is the very opposite to artistic or to see a musician rigged out in clothes that offend the senses and indicate a total disregard to art. The artist may not be a great musician, a great painter, a greater writer. The artist is the person who appreciates the beautiful whether it be a beautiful picture, a beautiful person, beautiful music, beautiful literature, beautiful scenery, a beautiful garden, or even a beautiful pose. .The few learn to express one or more of these but they often do so at the expense of everything except the peculiar art in which they are interested. THE REAL WEST In Ontario and Queliec they often speak of Winning as out West and when a western policy is discussed it is the policy of the prairie farmers that is referred to. Yet Winnipeg is practically the halfway house to the West. Britlnh Columbia is the real West, so far as Canada Is concerned. We look eastward and sometimes think of the prairie people as living in the East. Our western province Is not so small that It can be ignored. It has cities rivalling the cities of the East which are likely to surpass many of them. It is only of recent years that British Columbia has been recognized as of any importance. This importance is increasing and will increase. Each year will see the fur West tending to dominate the far East and giving them lead in production in natural wealth and in increase of population. Teachers ! Take a Summer vacation trip .to Niagara Falls in July see .the scenic and industrial.,, wonder of the world at our, expense give one of your pupils the thrill of a lifetime. The conditions are easy let us tell you about it. Write for particulars to THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, Ltd. Niagara Falls, Ontario CLERGYMAN VISITS ! QUEEN CHARLOTTES l!rv. S. S. MHioMn. Hector o St. Satloiirv Yum outer. Knler-tuinrd hy Chief Itiist 8KIDEOATK. Feb 24. -Rev 8. 8 Mc-OolBn. recto, of St. Saviour Angllcar. CbWta 6iTladale 'tyftcburfr. Mae been, tVitt .rtjje Queen CriaVloUir' ' I-lauds He" left Uie boat at MaWtt. walked arrows from Pert Clements to Hell, factored to 8kldgate. where he was a guest of Mr. and Mm. E. C. Stevens Wblle there he made a trip ail round Sklcletate Inlet by mctorboat and was surprised at the amount of game he saw. Hla description of the Inlet was "a sportsman's paradise, the most beautiful piece of water scenery he had ever seen, tie was so impressed with It that he plans to visit here again In November. On Sunday Rev. Mr. McOofBn was invited to Skldegate mlawos to a dinner at the home of Chief A. Buss and xas Interested to know it waa Chief Run who first invited the late Archdeacon Colllson to visit 8kldegate. the first missionary on Queen Charlotte Islands. After lunch sir McOornn visited several of the homes and said he could hardly bel:'e the spltvirlld advance therr He left on the Prince J. hn and wat. ar.en a hca.-'.v senljff. .' :i:: SMITIIERS On a charge of Issuing a cbrck for 1 243 JO upon which .the name of A. B. Mclnnes. his former employee at North Bulkier was forged, a warrant has ::! :t-:..j (.' W.. M--I -:. ', ... .: :-:"., .. h.-rt .. ,-, '.- a :. b :.:, -. 'A .' :'. r. -A 1 . -1.1 ' 'c. .( - .. M M I a.. (i- : vi.. : . 11 il - . . ,. . .. -f H ( ' W .;" , .. , , . .. :. . ... H.-.f : l!:.-.-i.iv !. :i. 11 .,. .-. .. I, M - Margaret MrDonell was hostess at bridge on Monday night In th? Catholic Hall There were eight tables and the prints were won by ftflss Ash- well. Mrs Champion and Mrs. Duff. A large number ol Sanithera people were awarded prlaes in a recent contest conducted by the drain Orowers' Oulde. Two weeks of warm weather gave way this week to colder temperature with toe thermometer registering around the awro mark during the night The days have been clear and bright. Owing to the softening of the wealhrr. it has been possible to use tne skating rinks only at night. I. O Strlmbold. Topkvjr: A. B. Mc lnnes. North Bulkier, und Charles Reddlrk. Houton. hive been recent dis trict vetttoj .In town. H M. Matthews, manager of the R. 8. Sargent store here. Is around again after having been confined to hla home for a ek with Inllenaa. Mrs J P. Downey entertained at bridge at her home Tuesday night, print winners being Mrs -D D. Munro Mis J N. carr and Mrs. Ludgate. Mrs V. Schelderup of Burns Lake waa a visitor lu town for several days this week. R. T. Clarke of Fores tdaie. with his :ster, Mrs Mitchell, hsve been visiting with friends In 8ml ther this week. SKIDEGATE Miss Edna Stevens entertained about JO of her young friends at a valentine party at her home at Skldegate Brlrtee and dancing wore enjoyed by all up to tne small hours of the morning. Amongst th guest from Quean Charlotte City ware O. D. Beattte. Miss Dorothy Barge, Capt. O. Newborn. C MlUer. Oorduo JaUfe. M Newman 4nfst thoaa from sWOrgjite were Mia MlteheU. Uias Kefta. Mlaa O. Haan. Mrs. R. O. Bmmerson. Capt E Wiggins snd Mr. sntl Mrs. B. P Roberts J P Dover hss been in town for a Miort visit from Tlell The mission boat Thomas Crosby re turned Saturday night from the mainland where It has been for the past three weeks Rev R c 8-ntt. who Is in i-harye vlfcited nil ;m!m.s from Bella BHla to Prime Rupert J THE DAILY NrTWS SPRING BREAKING AT QUEEN CHARLOTTES SAYS CORRESPONDENT SKIDHOATK. Feb 35. Everything lore points to .m extra early spring on the Ouaert Chailotte Islands this year Wild dat.o .ire In bloom, robins have arrived six weeks ahead ol the Ufual urn and -ie weather baa .been .ry warm for r.:e time of year. The Fijp!e here have hi on getting out their i rut.; t.xis in jirt-.u.ratlon fcr work. Cap: K. E. W:. i.a repoits aeelnff a humming bird at his rsnch at Tlell K V. Ml. NEW HAZELTON Samples recently assayed from the Columarla Gold Mines Ltd. at Usk ran 12.12 ounces in ,;.:1 and 48 ounces in silver or a total value of elusive of copper showings. Tbe FelUt. aV:d?e Olub met this week at the home of Mrs 3. J Wineby. Prut winners last ueek at Mrs Walton 8harpe's were Mr- Cbappell atid Mrs .,?.mes Turnbull Mr. and Mrs D B Boden. who have b?en residents of Ha-elt?r. for many years, will le.c . xiut the firs; of March for Vatir-Jtivc- where they plan on locating. T . lu.e been particu larly ar;:ve in church work. William Meiir.r .cho has been in charge of mini- ; interests here of W. B. Dornberg. ;e.': yesterday for his borne in Belllntham. travelling by way cl Prince Rupert H wa. who has been on the 811- -"nine t.tfl here, has left for -i a.aie In Manitoba " r spent a coupie of . .Mting in Smithera, "t - and daughter. Helen. c ing were visitors here Prince Rupert has vuctor here and at the Ime daring the' few days at Prince ler Coccla rrtumed T Lake. ft yesterday for Ptoe-.1 rejoin th suivey mcial highway. v ly formerly of Haatl-Burns lake, is mak-m In the Vancouver where she has been a past few w-eks. ac-received here Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert tF.HHI AKY .'V I9IH. The use of steam vessels In fishing on the Pacific Coast is being gradually abandoned sssollne power and other means havnu been found to be both more effective and elBclent. Owing to the rough and stormy weather prevailing on the coast, the Union steamer Chelohaln and th "PR steamer Princess Sophia ar not rxperted to reach port until late this tvetflrg from tne south. Corp. Edvtrd Orant who formerly drove s team In Prince Rupert, ha been killsd in action at th front. !j In The Letter Box llUtMIM) AT Him. SkldKt, B.C. February is Editor. Dally New. Prince Rupert. B.C. Sir We have read with Interest the suggestion of our Fisheries Department to put a 48 hour closed MiMn on trcllcra. I ihmk this a rank Injustice to the trailers on th Q.C.I. Three years ago the t rollers at Hippo trolled only eight days out of 81 In July. To be able to troll every day out of toe ceek. has never been known. The troller can only get out when the weather permit hint. If a pity that some of our fatbery For Six Years PIMPLES Covered Her Face Mr. Albert gtabb, NrnWr. Out, wriUs: 'Ut face was novered with pimple and was so bad I was ashamed to be seen. differed in thia way for six voara, ntitil ose day a friend told me to una Hid sf-r T in tWd bottles th pirr.filf iti--f ... jnne and rnv tkia wu a clean at -1 r .uuta a trer. " Put up li ;iy i,y xh T Unborn Co., United, Toronto, Oat. RITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end o( December, 192G. - Ilai nrodueed Minerals as folrownti riacer Silver. $80,787,001: Lead.,$106,976.442; Copper.. ANT old Jaok will lift a ear but it take a lot of Jack to ksp oo run nlng well. DO you remember "way back when (Bay thirty, forty years) You never aaw your vwtwthcarta lags. ' But Judged bar by bar ears? The kid were waatod each Saturday night. Their daddy cut tnatr hair. Their suits were mad front toair uncle' pant ' And they tsar no undo war. Ik woman padded but did not paint. Nor smoke, nor drink, nor vot. The man won boot and llttl stiff hat , And amlaawTs Ilk a goat. Mot a soul bad appendicitis. Nor thought of barring gland; Th butcher gave hi liver away. I But charged you for hla haaaa. You never had a bank account. ' Tcur beer gav six par cant. Th hired girls got three buck a , And twelve bona paid th rant jYou could stand aaah night whan the work waa or Witb an. asnt as am ail And your hip uppord riot thing Except your own shirt tall. Dismal Patient "Tea, doctor, my head is like a lump of lead, my neck's as stiff a a drainpipe, my chaafa like s furnaea, and my muscles contract like nande of Iron.' Doctor- "I'm not awre you shouldn't have gone to a hardware dealer " Oood ' Hardware. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT' NOTICK OF AITf.lCATIllV If I It IJKKR Notice is hereby lven that on thei 16th day of March n v .he underalgned Intends to apply to tl t.iouor Contra! ooaru i or a licence In r. ect to prt-mlT helng part of th bu known as "Hotel Maasetf ' situate on Lot Bight vi. Drue ruui ubiiii ia Kian it i -r I Masstt Townslte Town of Masse tt Queen Chsrlotte Ii;nd. Prince Rupert I-snd RegUtrat:;,n n. strict in the Province of Brltleh Columbia, for the aalc of beer by tiie glass or by the open bottle for consumption on -the n v remises DATED st Prince rtupert. BC this 16th dsy of February. IBM. OORDON B DAVIE8. .. . Applicant. "KOVKUXAiENTLlQUOR ACT." NOTICE la hereby given that on the l fli .lay of March next, the undersigned :v.N,(, to apply to the Liquor Control Board for license in respect of the :ie:nles belnt; prt of trie buildlni k:iown aa Port Clements Hotel. .It us ted P'.rt Clenientu B.C.. Upon th lands 'i Tlbed m lot No. 5. Block 44 8ub-'I vision of !," 74fl Quen Charlotte U-: ,nd Distrlr: Map No. 1078. Prince Ru-jxrt l.aitrl r.eglstratlon Dlntrlct. In the l': vi;ire of British Columbls. for the ,","'lM ''V " ?! "r hy the open 'Mile f nsumption on the premise ruTF:. -hla 1.1th dsy of Prbn.Vfy. I . HftYDONE I.ORNE TINOl.BT Appllctnt. 1 I I I I I' ! Gold, $73.0l8aUk Cold 209,! 09,967,068 f Zi. Cok9, $24.699,188; Structural Materials nnd Mlueellaneoda Miners!-, fjidj- its mineral production to the end of 1926 show au AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,470. I'KODUCTION yOU VEAIl ENDING DECBMUBK, 1926, $67.1 s The Minlnj; lm of this Province are more liberal and the feea lower any other Province In the Dominion, or ani co.ony In the British Empire Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. ' Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security guaranteed by Crown grants. Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be oit addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of Mines. Those considering mining investment-" should refer to such reports ! able without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, i: the Geological Survey of Canada. Winch Building, Vancouver, are recomm.-sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are publish! -a available on application. officials do not try to go out to Hippo and see conditions and try the trolling i there for themselves I wlU guarantee ibey would took real funny out there trclllng. or trying It. in a northwester Which Is th prevailing wind In the rummer Toe conditions and element! for the trailer on Use Q CJ are hard enough, wi trout these who know nothing whatever about fishing or conditions here, trying to make It harder for them. . I. c. sinun. Man in the Moon GOOD morning mining stock? FOR a government Job One hundred applied I On get it. Use rest ! War all aaAlatatd. for to have you sold yoar A CROOK la a aaan wt from trying to avoid work. gets beat A lot of aiosii are sick who would new have known tt If It had net been Cotton Crepe H2 SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND S.MI;i Good quality Cotton Crepe, suitable ' in the following shades: Grey, Coral, (in, dew, Brown, WhiU. Red. Pink. Blue, Mam. sell till Saturday niicht for 19c T 1 TTfe . 1 J a Dour oros., Ltd, Phnne 645 3rd Av DEMAND "Rupert Brand' ippers "THE DAINTIEST HRRAKFAST H'Mi Smoked Daily by Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co W Prince Rupert. R C. All Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers REDUCED U PER CENT RUIlRERa sizes 6 and 7, regular $2.25, now Shoe Sole Continue. Every pair mu-i " THOR JOHNSON I ItXmtrTVItXiIir " ' sawassata msr ITU A ny .M. a Best ProcwaWe (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch WliisW RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Csttk4 mJ runniM' k WJIian Cnst a Smt Iii..lt4. CMimid (Uirm-CttiZ OmShnm. Dull ImiUHpM, Scsilsss. This ndvirtisement is not published or dip Liquor Control Board or ly the flovt n Rrltish Columbia