. PAGE TWO Son of Canada won the most decisive victory of the evening over the Canadian National Mechanics and are, therefore, the leader on the first standing sheet. Cold Storage, New Empress Athletic Club, Grotto, Knights of Columbus and Canadian Legion also won their games. The scores were as follows: Orange Lodge 18; Cold Storage 14. New Empress A. C. 14; Eagles 13. C. N. Operating 13; Grotto 14. Pr. Rupert Hotel 12; K. of C. 15. C. N. Mechanics 9; N. Sons of Canada 18. Carradian Legion 14; Moose 13. Standings Matches W. L. Pts N. S. of Canada ..18 9 18 n. oi l it IZ Jo Celd Storage 14 13 14 New Empress 14 13 14 Grotto 14 13 14 Can. Legion 14, 13 14 Orange Lodge .... 13 14. 13 Eagles 13 14 13 C. N. Operating . 13 14. 13 Moose 13 14. 13 P. R. Hotel 12- 15 12 C. N. Mechanic .. 9- 18 9 THE DAlIiY' NEWS News and Views In The World o Sport CRIBBAGE PLAY ANOTHER TEAM Details Of Play Shows How NOW COMMENCED! INTERMEDIATE Yankees Won Last Game And Native Sons. Cold Storage. New; Five Aggregations New Entered in Empress Club, Grotto, K. of C. and Canadian Legion Winners. Opening games f the season were played last night in the ( Prince Rupert Cribbage League .1 ii cr. ri..v. x'i;.. This Basketball Division Practices-Starting The entry of another team in the Intermediate League the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve was reported at the ex ecutive meeting of the Prince Ru-I pert Basketball Association last night. This means that there will be five teams in the Intermediate League this season. Big Four, High School, Prince Rupert, Players' Club and Toe H. are al-j ready definitely entered. i j Practices will start on Friday, I night in the Exhibition Hall ana; 'will continue there for two weeks I pending final arrangements for , the securing of the Grand Terminal which is the favored venue; tor tne games. All. players are to be entered: by the coming Saturday evening! when another executive meeting; will be held to further advance the. season's arrangements. CUBSBEATEN BY THE SOX' Two Chicago Big League Teams Now Tied in City Series CHICAGO, Oct. 9. Chicago White Sox defeated the Cubs yesterday tying, the inter-city series at three all. In yesterday's game the score was 7 tol. Cinched World Series Today The New York Yankees went to bat first at St. Louis this morning in the world series game, the batteries being for New York Moyt and Bengough and for St. Louis, Sherdel and Smith. Or-satti played in centre field for St. Louis in place of Douthit. The detail of play follows: First Innings Yankees Paschal up, sent a long foul drive to left field stands. Paschal fouled out to Smith behind the plate. Koenig singled into left. Ruth hit into double play. No runs, one hit, no errors. Cardinalsr-Orsatti struck out taking the third called strike. High sent a long one to Ruth who misjudged in the sun, High reaching second. Frisch fanned swinging at third strike. Bottomley walked. Hoyt threw Ha fey out at first. No runs, one hit, no errors. Second Innings Yankees Gehrig walked. Meus-el fanned swinging at third strike. Lazzeri. flied out to Maranville. Frisch took Dugan's high fly. No runs, no hits, no errors. - Cardinals Harper out at first. Smith singled past Lazzeri. Maranville up. Smith went out stealing. Maranville hit a long drive into right for two bases. Sherdel grounded out to Gehrig. No runs, two hit", no erros. ' Third Innings Yankees, Bengough got long single to left. Hoyt sacrificed, Paschal grounded out at first; Bengough making third. Frisch "Yours to Command" Before Napoleon changed the map of Europe . . . in the days of Louis XIII . . The Three Musketeers adventured over France. Armentieres knew them, Keep it-Handy as an Emergency Measure la cue, of licknm or accident, it ii .wise to keep a bottle Of Hcnnesir, Biandrr hindjr. Bethwie, Nancy, Jolliers . . Their spur , tf.t. clanked on the cobbles of many a street f V ' tHaprang but recently to the tread of our own regiments. For Athos, Porthos and Aramis lived both in fact and. fiction. Dumas drew his famous characters from r life . . . that they might live forever; THREE STAR HENNESSY BRANDY Bottled at' Cognac, France H5 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor' Control Board or by the Government 1 of British Columbia tossed out to Koenig. No runs, one hit, no errors. Cardinal Orsatti up and hit the Texas leaguer for two bases. High bunted safely, Orsatti making third. Orsatti scored on Krisch's sacrifice fly to Paschal. Bottomley fouled out to Bengough. With three balls and fwo strikes Ha fey sent a sizzling, drive which went foul by a foot Hafey walked. Harper fanned swinging on third strike. One run, two hits, no errors. Fourth Innings. Yankees Ruth hit a homer into right field stands. Gehrig walked for second time. . Meusel flied out to Arsatti. Lazzeri singled sharply into left for his first hit of the series. Gehrig made second. Dugan lined out Hafey got Ben-jgough's short fly. One run. two hits, no errors. Cardinals-Smith singled into right for Ms second drive. Maranville forced Smith, Lazzeri to Koenig who threw wildly into the stands, Maranville reaching second. Sherdel filed out to Paschal Maranville scored when Hoyt threw wildly Into centre field trying to catch him off his bag. Orsatti fanned swinging. One run, one hit, two errors. Fifth Innings Yankees Hoyt' singled int right. Paschal singled to lef: Hoyt making second. Koenig poped to Frfach. Ruth grounde out, Hpyt majrfng third and Pas chal second. Gehrig walked fil! ing the bases.. Meusel forcer Gehrig. No runs, two hits, no errors. Cardinals iHgh flied out. Hoyt threw Frisch out at first. Bot- tomley faring with the bat on hi! shoulder. No runs, no hits, m errors. SJxth Innings Yankees Lazzeri singled to th left, one hiCand run play. Duga fouled. Dugan bunted safely, Lai zeri making second. Bengougi I popped out to '.Bottomley. Hoy up. Lazzeri stole third. Hoyi fouled out. Pasfhal flied out. N. runs, two hits, no errors. ' ( Cardinals Hafey fanned o: three pitched balls. Harpe walked. Smith filed out to Laz zeri. Maranville singled int right, Harper making third IMaranvlfle stole second. Sherdc j fanned. No runs, no bits, no er rors Seventh) Innings Yankees Koenig popped out t. Maranville. Ruth up, strike one strike two called. Sherdel pitched and it looked like a third strike and a long argument ensued but the Cardinals claim of a strike was disallowed. After two ballr Ruth connected for a homer over right field stands. It was s terrific smash and landed in the street The- croyd jeered the umpires Gehrig up, ball one, Gehrip got a (homer into the right field stands. Meusel singled shsrply past' Maranville. .The bombard ment was too much for Sberdel who was replaced by Alexander. Lazzeri hit a long fly. into left whieh Orsatti dropped Meusel went to third. Robertson batted for Dugan. Meusel scored when Frisch took RoberUon's grounder lajid threw to Smith. It was fielder's choice. Lazzeri went to third. Combs batted for Ben- i. t , . i , gougn. Lazzeri scoreu on oomo s sacrifice fly. Alexander threw out Hoyt at first Four runs, four hits, one error. Cardinals Robertson played third for the Yanfce Collins catching. Dourocher played second in .place of Laziwri. Durst went to center. OnwtflUup, foui edlout to Collins. High flied out. to Ruth. Frisch fouled out to Gehrig. No runs, no hits, no Eighth Inning : Yankees Durst up with three balls, two strikes. Durst sent a homer Into the right field stand. Koenig out at first. Ruth got ROWNTREE'S mother homer over right field stands, duplicating his record of wo years ago in the world series a me. Alexander threw out at irst. Meusel fanned. Two runs, wo hits, no errors. Cardinals Bottomley fanned .winging. Hafey sent a hot one t Koenig which went for a ingle. Koenig took Harper's ;rounder, touched second and hrew Harper out at first No uns, no hits, no errors. Ninth Innings Yankees Durocher flied out to Harper. Alexander threw Rob ertson out at first Orsatti lost Collins' high fly in the sun. It went for a two-bagger. Hoyt flied out No runs, one hit, no errors. Cardinals Smith up and singled into right Martin ran for Smith. Martin stole second. Maranville popped out. Holm, bat- Jng for Alexander, thrown out at first. Martin, who went to third unmolested, scored. Orsatti ingled over centre. High singled to left, Orsatti, stopping at sec-ons. Ruth made a remarkable one-hand catch of Frisch's long foul. One run, three hits, no errors. BRIDGE POPULAR AT ELKSTOURNAMENTS Mrs. S. K. Alexander nnd W. I). anre Winner of Prize at Int Night' Affair Bridge seems to be gaining jn popularity over wtiiet at the Merles of weekly tournaments which U being held by the Elks' Lodge. There wu h considerable increase in the number of bridge plsyers last night. Prize winners for the evening were Mrs. S. E. Alexander al whist with a score of 207 and W. D. Vance at bridge wtih 2718. not too Bitter, not loo Sweet CONNON AGAIN CATHEDRAL CLUB HEADS PLAYERS AT BADMINTON Mlsw Willa Dyer Elected Secre- Officers for Year Elected and tary at Annual Meeting To Sponsor Basketball Team PLAY NEXT MONTH At the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Players' Club in he I.O.D.E. Hall last night, officers were elected as follows: President A. A. Connon. Vice-president Miss Nora Rivett. Secretary-treasurer Miss Willa Dyer. Business manager-r George Mitchell. Executive D. B. Finn, L. F. .Smith and Mrs. James Psrquhar, The next play will be present-d by the club late in November or early in December in aid of the Gyro Club playground fund. The club decided to support the entry of a basketball team in the Intermediate League as proposed by George Mitchell. After the business session, dancing was engaged in, music being furnished by Al Small and his orchestra. Delicious refreshments were served and about sixty persona in attendance. Committee Appointed to Have Charge There was a large turnout at the annual meeting of the Cathedral Badminton Club in the hall last night, at Wch officers for the year were elected as follow: President-W. E. Fisher. I Court captain II. T. Cross. ' Secretary Miss Blfett. Assistant secretary Mis Frances Cross. Refreshment oommitie MIm Molly Cross, Miss Marjorie Lancaster and. Mies Lucy PilUbury. Tournament committee Carl Brand, J. A. Hinton, and Miss Ellett The fees were set at $4 for the season or $6 for married couples. Juniors are allowed to play for 60c The official opening takes place in ft Cathedral Hall on I Thursday evening. The hope was expressed by the members that inter-club tournaments would be arranged. SPORT GHAT Dido Gurvich. who went south' recently, hung out hi shingle in Bellingham and expects to spend the winter la the Washington town. He has been fighting preliminaries on boxing oards there and expects to get on a semifinal event in the near future. No doubt he will get some experience around Puget Sound which will serve him in good stead if he still intends to follow up the boxing game. Dido has also signed up to play basketball with the Y M. C. A. team dur ing the coming season. COLDTODAY DAWSON CITY Much colder weather prevailed in the Yukon this morning, the thermometer dropping to six degrees above zero. At Carmacks and Whitehorse 20 above was shown while in Atlln it was 26. There is a cooler tendency everywhere. Following la the report: Prince Rupert Part cloudv. calm; tern. 4$. Port Simpson Clear, calm, Ump. 40. Hayaport Part cloudy, calm, temp. 4C. Terrace Cloudy, calm. temn. 38. 83, Anyex mining, talm, temp. 89 Stewart Foggy, calm, temp. 39. 3ilhere Rain, calm temp. 37. Burns Lake Clear, calm. temn. f.cno -axe fintnying. Telegraph Creel Cloudy, calm. temp. 80. Alllh Partly elbudy. north wind, temp. 20 I Whitehome Olbudy, calm.1 temp. 20, i Carmacks Snowing, north wind, temp. 20. i Dawson -Cloudy, temp, C. Around The W r'd With Sport Fans (11 Tlir Trsmpi Lester Patrick is i . have made an attract; George Hainsworth i treal Canadians for i. goal tender to play f Rangers in the Nation., league thin season. This advertisement s llshed or display e Liquor Control H" the Government ColnmMn WHAT IS IT that keeps you "I" ing well and .ni;ii ed? OUH SERVK PHONE (il'i to have your clot in We call for and all pari of the cit For that Suit We have fine I Winter Suitings v coatings on hand, today and let u ' measure. Cutting, workman.-1 nil guarantee! Rest materials ami able price- Ling,, the Ta'lof Phone CIS