October 9, iUUS JMCE TJ!i:Et Local and Personal News In Brief J3H PgflEfsgft BKgi I 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf t Four days to goithen we'll ' gojto l,ri ""if thf Drill team' dan'r-L' V ' Specials! Specials! Ovaltine, regular $1.50, now $1.25 Ovaltinc, regular 90c, now 75c Minty's Shaving Cream, regular 35c, now 25c We have just received another shipment of Vacuum Bottles, settling at 50c me 7fie Piont t r Drttncisls i MIRDAVE e SIXTH ST. TLLtPMONES 8? v 200 Men's Underwear Special Watson s Medium Weight Winter Combinations and 2-piece style. Kxtra special vlu'. i ..tiibinatlons )iri und Drawers. 2 piece for 'inian's Mercury Boys' Combinations, km length and short sleeves. A new line for boys. 60 per cent pure wool. Unshrinkable. Sizes 22 to 32. Per garment $1.10 Fraser & Payne Un I vernal Trading Co. I S. E. PARKER, LIMITED , :rd Ave. East Phone 83 Uominion Hoyal Cord Tire Agency l ord Cars and Trucks Flat Rate Repairs I USED CARS I We huve several excellent bargains in used Cars. ! Easy Terms if dt ired. Canadian National Q7ic Largcfl Railway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AM) TRAIN SERVICE ,n ,i. from rniNTC nirKKT for vAxorvrit. virrnim l,ATTI.K. TIII'KMIAY ami M'MUYK. at II p.m. I r HIKVVAHT. VI.IIMIAY. PJ. I .r ANYOX ad KETC HIKAN. HATI HIHYS. p.m. Ir NOUTII and MHUI (Jt'KBN CHAMLOTIE IMIMM. IVrtnlhtly. rAEN(irK TIIAINH l.KWt HUM'!! MITKKT lll.Y KXCr.lT M'MIAYH U . ' NUNfE OEOROS. E1MIII!1IIK HivMri.ci. all pwtftii aaauea UHJ . idOCT M. ocr.xs nTfMMsiiit tihr. ITY TICKET omcr.; HI TIIIMl fKIM t Blirf.Ht H opirifi n n o i fi L? C : oauings rroiii i riucc nupui 1. krli lilkan. Wrantrll. and Hkafway tplMher l. W. IHohw 10, . ' uiiioiufr. VlrlorU, and KtU nIm1- tt. Mhfr 3. II, II. rillM KM KHYAL . , lor llutedale, Kt Brlla HeM. Mth. Vamu. Alert l. 'aiiii.hrll llhrr and Vimmiw J r,rWT,.,T 'f1, . At'H.r for all xtranmhlp IJnm. I"u" lnfriIWi trorn W. OIII IIAHII. Ornn AtWt. niff ul 4th Htrrtt and 3rd .Wrnue. Prlnet Huprt. 11 C. Hone 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllnri from ITIm Uurt. lor VANCOUVER, VICIimiA, HwaiiMin Ifcljr. Dulnlale, Alfft IMJ. C l'-ir Am7' VKUr' vlrTORI . Ilulrdi.li-. Alert IUv. Mr mdajf wW'jWt. I ur AI.H K AKM. ANYOX. STt.WAIU. WALKS IM.M', l"H ! NAAH It I KIC, Mind)', S i.m. . . '.., , , 1-1 nd Aenue. U, M. HMITII. Arenl. .'LJ "''iJlVi! Tlirou:h llclirta Mid kO Vltlnrla and SMllle. and bttt ttM ihruuKh to dmtlnatlun. City Meat Market (SELVIG BROS.) 3rd Avenue 'honc 7Co MEAT. FISH, VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PROni'Cir at low prices, and Immediate delivery Observe! All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. flVntlst. Dr. J. R. Gos.se. Phone 686. Chiropractor, C. 0. McKay, Phone 134. tf This afternoon's train, due from the easjf at 3.30, waa reported this morning to be on time. Thomas McClymont returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief business trip to Telkwa. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh returned ,to the city on yesterday after inoon'8 train from her smmer home at Terrace. We have jul received 1000 tuns bent domestic Nanaimo-Welllhg- ton Lump Coal. Place your order now. Albert & McCaffery.' tf J. E. Miller of Victoria, in-i spector of cstoma, is a visitor inj the city on official duties, hav-; ling arrived on yesterday after-! .noon's train after a trip to Montreal and Ottawa. I Capt. D. Rea, in charge of Salvation Army work here' uritil shortly over a year ago and since that time In Vancouver, is being transferred from the latter point jto Drumheller, Alberta, in the general shuffle of Army officers which is now taking place. A largely signed petition haa been sent from here to Salvation Army headquarters requesting that Ensign and Mrs. Sidney Joyce, who have been in charge of Army work here for the past three months and are now under orders to proceed to Vernon, be permitted to remain here Instead. Bishop G. A. Itix returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train after an absence of a month In the east attending meetings of the executive of the general synod of Canada. He was accompanied ; home by Mrs. Rix who made a trip to Calgary to attend a women's church meeting. Major Walter L. Carruthers, divisional commander of the Salvation Army with headquarters 1ft Wrangell, will arrive from Alaska on the Princess Alice on Sunday, accompanied by Mrs. Carruthers, and hold farewell services here that day before proceeding the same night on the Prince Georxe to Vancouver to attend the B. C. congress, after whteh they will proceed to Winnipeg where Maior Carruthers will take over his new duties as commandant of the Manitoba division. Ensign and Mrs. Syd ney Jove and family, under or- dtrs Ur'tranaefr from hex to Vernoa, will also go south Sun day night -- -' - ANNOUNCEMENTS .. -- Bridge ana Whist Monday evenings Elks' Home. 23. 8. Hill GO Chapter Hallowe'en October 27. Cemmebelntf Thursday, October 4, a weekly dnnee will bo held In the Boston Hall. Best of music, n till 12. Prince Rupert Olrls Drill team dance, October 12. Gyro Hoedown, October 19, Moose Hall. St Andrew' Concert, Oetober Catholic Baaaar, October 24, 25 Presbyterian Baiaar, November Mcose Bazaar, November 8, 9. Baptist Anniversary Supper, November 15. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar,-No vember 22. Tuxls and Trail Rangers Fourth Annual Minstrel Serenade Nov. 22 and 23. Union steamer Catala, Capt. R. A. Dickson, returned to port at 10.30 this morning from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 3 o'clock this afternoon for the south. A number of members of the staff of Arrandale Cannery at the mouth of Naas River, which fs now closed for the season, are going through to Vancouver on the Catala today. Donald and Roderick MacRae arrived In the city from Anyox on the Catala this morning to attend the funeral of their father the law William MacRae, who died on Saturday night lar prise for luck ticket Dancing I Vancouver. till 2 p.m. Refreshments. Tickets on sale. Gentlemen 75c; Ladies 50c. L. M. Lymbernier, president of ! the Pat Daly Mining Coj, which! is working the Mountain Boy prope.rty on American Creek in' the Bear River valley, and W. D. Cooper, M.E., are passengers aboard the Catala today going th rough t to Vancouver on their return to Montreal after spending a week inspecting the property at Stewart Mrs. Charles Davis, Stewart 'lodwin and Mabel Davis of Greenville arrived in the city on he Catala this morning from the N'aas River. They are witnesses in the case of Simon Calder. Greenville Indian, who is to be ried in County Court by Judge '. McB. Yoiljlg tomorrow on a charge of breaking and entering with intent to commit an indictable offence. Mrs; Joseph Prout pf Premier I StplWMcCracken party banquet iB ya 'passenger abJaFd"tne(..Catala'lJo8tporied to1 Friday j-mng at today 'going through to Vancou-C30 Jh Commbdore. ' " Everybody interested in Radtc verV "VP "- -' Is requested to attend a m'eetingi 1 ; 1 j For first class Shoe Repairing, in the city hall at 8 p.m. Wednes-' Drill Team dance In the see B. M. Simpson, corner of day, October 10. 'Moose Hall Friday, Oct. 12 at 9 Fifth and McBride. 256 : . jp.m. Refreshments. Gentlemen I $1.00, ladies 60c. I Hear the 7 syncopating merry- makers at the Drill Team dance, F. Dodsworth, buyer for the 'Moose Hall, Friday. ' Granby Stores at Anyox, Is a; passenger aboard the Catala to-' The present week, October 7-12, day going through to Vancbuver Is designated as Fire Prevention on business. Week by provincial proclamation. Clay Porter, owner of the Porter-' Fred Stork returned to the city Idaho mine, which Is undergoing on the Catala this morning from extensive development at the a ten day trip to Anyox, Alice hands of the Premier Gold MIn-!Arm and Stewart. ing Co., and Mrs. Porter are pas-! sengers aboard the Catala today going thVough from Stewart to Vancouver. Joe Green, one of the orzan MOTHER OF TWINS HELPED Restored to Health by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham'x Vegetable Compound Mitchell, Ont. "I had little twin babies and for quite a while alter I was pSl so weak I could not do my work because of pains all the way up ray legs at the back. I also had headaches and got very little sleep. I took Lydia fc. nnkham s Vez- etable Compound, ana soon l was able to get up and do my work. I have taken three bottles and I am fine, do my work without irouoie ana am gaining in weight and strength. I will gladly recommend the Yegetable Compound to anyone." -Mrs. F. Stattom, Box 220, Mitchell, Ont. Passengers sailing this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver included C. M. Payne, C. R. Gosse and H. E. Cornwell. izers of the Marmot Consolidated ! Mr"- George Black, wife of Co. which is developing the Fras- George Black, M.P., who has been er and Patricia groups in the th uwt in the city for the PaaV Orange Lodge Whist Drive and Portland Canal district, is a Das- wk ot'Wt. and Mrs. Norman A dance at the Metropole Hall onisenger aboard the Catala today Watt wil1 ""H tomorrow night Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. Usual five dol-going through from Stewart to on the Prin Rupert far Van couver, The regular weekly meeting of the Young People's Legion of the Salvation Army was called off last night because of the death of Brigadier Bramwell Taylor of Winnipeg, territorial secretary for Western Canada. Prince Rupert Salvage and Towing Co.'s big power tug, Salvage Princess, Capt. Frank Tyler, returned to port yesterday afternoon from the Queen Charlotte islands where she has been for the past couple of months on peeking charter to the B.C. Fred Nash, B.C.L.S., who has i been carrying out survey work jat Stewart during the past sum-:mer, arrived in the city from the north on the Catala this morning 1 en route to his horm at Terrace". He was met here by Mrs. Nash who arrived from the interior yesterday afternoon. LIKE A MIRROR! IldsiERY yooa . so. wz7Xwni mji m Corticelli Hosiery REFLECT MANY THINGS the good taste of the wearer, the exquisite beauty of pure, evenly knit silk and the foremost hosiery style of the day. 'The Nobby' Joes Seymour and Alex Dennis, Committed for trial on charges of theft from the 'halibut boat Tramp on the local waterfront, are coming before Judge F. McB. Young in County Court this afternoon for election. G. R. Bancroft. M.E who Is In charge of the development of the Northern Light and other mining properties in the Stewart field, I is a passenger aboard the Catala today going through to Vancouver. He Is accompanied by A. F. Keene, New York capitalist, who has been looking over the Stewart field the past week. Calvary $ 'ancouveF Rcgiua fit. vtii si -s v r- ' a. Ill ALL OVER CANADA oyilHERE in all the Britiih Empire in all the world is OXO more needed than (A! right here in Canada? It might have been made for us alone. On the Prairies and in Ontario and Quebec, how unfailingly welcome is a steaming, nourishing, fragrant cup of OXO In the. Maritimes and on the Pacific Coast, what rare protection OXO gives against chili and damp how bracing the concentrated goodness of the prime, lean bceTwhich it contains I in 6-oz. Flasks and Tins of 4 and 10 Cubes v v it