Ortober 9. 1928 THE .DAILY NEWS PA'QETBEVEh ii W,SSSPSWSawsasaaassssftllWWasi iiMBiMM , mrir- , - , rH I T . 1- - iimiwwiH 7 i uiMimwiMi ill I mil - r i i n r Til -fiT f lTlT.ftMMiM I SKIDEGATE BRINGING UP FATHER . By George McManus fr Douglas Edenshaw. of the , ,,, Kdimxhaw called; here re , lining on hla way. back , rr after packing for the ,i ; ' JlTwo WOfWS TT . MAdWai'OBE OOTWID' ME,Kt4 BY COMING AOUA 0.UieNTl mMTrlAT ,,!,,,n :rn ry. Fishing Go. at Lagoon ljrJU gasa- .mhou v raJ .a , r B Wilson of the Canadian fi - h ,,tkI ( old torage Co.'s packer l a in paying 50c each for (,, iv. Trolleys ..continue to , ! umund Skidegate bar. ' Ml tin; whole the seining sea- the WiH'en Lnarlotte Is- 1,-1-I;, this season, has been a. I.!)" Finning closed at the I last week. i; v Valentine of Prince Rut i j been here recently, pay . first visit to the Inlet in years. Ha was at one , , Mnitified with the B. G, ,i,n,s oil plant at Aliford r... ixiiary Magistrate A. It if I't Clements and Pro-i unstable Andrew Grant -ftt were recent visitors !: official duties, having I down over the Tlell imp!ovemeaU;have recen- Miule to th4r$ld between and Queejf Charlotte i. h to the smfaetiOn of i iimng sam . f-t;v t PRINCE KUPKltf TIDES Tuesday. October 9 10.&4 a.m. 18.G ftf 22.58 pja 10.1 ft. 4.28 .m. 5.C ft. 16.60 p.m. 8.4 ft Wednesday, October 10 11.37 a.m. 10.C ft 23.44 pan. 19.8 ft 5.16 a.m. 5.2 ft. 17.52 run. Ctf ft. Thursday, Octolwr It 12.18 fun. 20,4. fti 6.01 a.nv 44 ft. 18.34 p4n. 5.4 ft Friday, October 12' -0.fe7 armr'26.8 ft: 12.46 p.m. 21.1 ft. 6.89 a.m. 4.8 ft. 19.10 p.m. 4.8 ft. Saturday, October 13- 1.06 a,m. 20.5 ft. of 13.15 p.m. 21 :C ft in 1 7.18 ajn. 4 ft Hem 19.48 p-m. 8.7 ft. Title UAUm Sunday, October 141 ba 1.4$ a.m. 20.6. ft 18.44 p.m. 21.8 ft. 7.45 a.m. &Jt ft. 9M 20.15 tun. 3J ft Monday, October 15. 2.19 a.m. 20..3 ft. 14.18 iun. 21.8 ft 8.16 a.m. 5.8 ft. 20.47 p.m. 3i. ft. tmt. ui;rmi;nt liquor Act v"ii i: ir APii.uitTioN ior wr.it i.iceScb it ' K IS 11CIIEBY OIVEM that CXI iv oi Nuratar, 1828. ttit un. i iter.di to apply to tbe Liquor weet. ri iar a licence in reepec -n being part of Uie building - Qum ii' Hotel. Uaawrt. Orabtnft "linn. Maaett, Oraham U: n thr landa deacrtbed aa hot a k No H, SubdlvUlon of Lot the '... riott uiandt. Plan No. 846. 'I wnlte. Prince Rupert Land UiMnrt. in the Protlnce of ' "Hirabla. tor the aale of brer ! u by the open bottle loi nn me premuea. ': 11 day of October, 1038 PORTER SINOER. RED'S Transfer :he F ftcen years experience In H'HNITUHE AND' TIAO n MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood In any quantity CEMENT SAND' GHAVBL t Our price, weight and measures are right. So It our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time RAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night I'honei lied. 317.. n i .lhJTOWM H HAONlSvHV StTTLXOl " ' , POT OUT ANEM WAOtO Uj ' RADIO SETe-JUST 'j . OME- ,lu.fltW ffl I DONTBUYr 1 vj-J , . d SET AMD I THOUGHT TOL WMsU, TOPUEAEOO- 1 J p - I rtU THROW ME HAT IN 1 "7 1 LL" ,T l-OOKt At IF "N t LH VHt OVON'T 1 wwwwn.!. C ' ToS.Be2IlJ rA 1 Pi IS? ASl 1 I w throw n fa) CtO IN ir hc thrown (A) I ' 9 ' EShZ "2T r MCHWOUT? I '- " ' ' ' .-' I ' RfCertl(lMt of TIU No IHM4-X to IM 6. Block 8. uMlTlaion or Lot ece, rungt S. Oom DWtrtct. Xtep 1180. WHEREAS oof of Iom o r.x abort OrtlfleaW ml T1U Iwufd In Vh nam CIIARtBB OOROQN. hM bran fitad inn oiiwe. notice n nrroj girmi ttm tMll. at to mpirmtion of on month t ot toe flnt pabUeMloa hrtrtt, (arae a prorUt 1 0Ttl float of in lieu of tbe aaM loit Oertlflcate U tfet BMMtlme raim sojtion mmOt to e In writing. dateu at we una hikiiit wiw Prnce RUnett. B.C.. thU tad day ot October. AD. 1MB. H. P. MACLBOD. ReatattM i Porm Ne. 16 (SttM 88) LAND ACT7 OTirE or INTENTION TO APPLY 1'OR ; ir.sr. or roiti siimiK In tne 9keena Land Hecordlnf D'a and altuate. fronting on Lot 187. Rihee 6. Coaat Oletrlct. fnrerneea Pae- e. TAKE NOTICE that tbe Drttiab Ool- bta rhtng Ccains a. ua, oij hMieiiML int. tbeioiiowihg dewrioed'fihors- rfemmMicint at a Doat oiaated at the northeett ootner of aald Lot lt7: thewc twenty enaina. more or teaa. k Inteneeilon- with tbe ejt boundary ot Lot 187 produced north: tbeoar followine aald production of the et boundary of Lot 127 aouth to men hit- water mar: inenc tij. """-" mean hlfti water mart to point cf commencement, ana oanwinins icrea. more or lee. BRITISH COLUMBIA nflHINO PACK1NO CO.. LTD. t.mM ltnr BuahnU. Arent. ed Aueuat 3S. m. rorm No. 16 (Section M) LAND ACT. NOTirr. OP INTENTION TO APPLY TOU I.KASE OP ItlltlHORE ltr the Bkeena Land Recordlw DU. .rit .itmir and fronting on Lot oi Brltlah OolumbU Plhlnt it PJ-ng of Port Co-a Cannery Site. Townalte Eaalngton. Biteena rover. TAKES- NOT1C8 u t the BrltUh Ool-.. vi.hinir Hi Picklna C. Ltd., oi Vancourer; b6.. occupation Ftahln. and ln.nrf tit DOIT IOT a Vh following derl6ed Commencing at a port K lArtheaat corner of the aald cannery Me? thine? 'northerly. tollowBt oduct.cnof th.e-t:r g" ertT. alx hundred feet; thence wriy. r ...... ihl angiea -.-- to to the aam M firtv rww. (mi. Intersection with more or irw. n n muh. '.tT' Dr?clced LnJL2L?.. h!nJ.' "aoutneriy: lotlowlne "ZX .iriv Boundary produced .atx hundred feet, more or UmM following I l'Lm"lJ..t're''v7., m. k to point oi i SmmencimVnt. and ionUln.ng Aa sews, more or leaa. riSllINO & BKITISII COLUMBIA PACKINO CO.. LTD. i nyi Jame' Hepry nuilwell; Agw. au ' Dated4 Alurult' 27 1PM V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. S 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED MAID WANTED Apply Mr. Besner. tf ,,,.M.pn ANTED maid Apply Blue 691. tf EXPERIENCED Butcher wanted. Apply Mussalrem Groeery. tf WANTED To hear from owner having good British Columbia farm for ale. If bargain, send price and description. F. B. G., Box 495, Olney, 111. 'WANTED Calendar and Special t- SAlesawB. Full or part time. Good contract, highest commis sions, exclusftr; line. Experience preferred. Start immediately. Apply, stating qualifications to Box 520, London, Ont. 241 WANTED h real live man to take over the sale of our pro ducts, supplying hundreds of satisfied customers in Prince Rupert and district. Real opportunity for good man. For further information apply The J R. Watklns Company 8701 IUrnby St, Vancouver, B.C. tf FOR RENT FOR RENT r-urnlshed hout-keeping rooms by the day, week; or month. Phone Red C07. tf FOR RENT House 893 Borden Street. Phone Black 512 after 5 o'clock. tf FOR RENT Pianos, Player. Pianos, Phonographs and Sew-lnc Machines. .Walker's. Music Sture. FOR RENT Furnished steam heated room In private residence; Slose in. Phone Blue 505 237 FOR RENT Furnnished steam heated room in private residence, close in. Phone Blue 505. 287 FOR RENT Four roomed house with bith; convenient to Seal Cove and Dry Dock. Phone Green 286. 287 FOR SALE FOR SALE McClary heater, san-' itary couch, bex couch, beds, i dressers. Garage for rent j Phone Blue 128. 289 I FOR SALE Special. Lots 20, 21, 22, 23, block 7, Section 5,1 fronting on McBride Street I Price $1,000.00; $400 cash; bal- ance $200 yearly al 7 pef cent. , ApniT owner, m. trneu, uau-, ' ' Phin. Man. ' 24t FOR SAL8 or charter Work and Tow Boat "Ogopogo." Atlas II. D. Engine. Cheap. Cruiser 'Vera S. Fry" Atlas H. D. Engine. Sleeps five. Suitable for hunting or survey parties. M, M. Stephens. tf FOR SALE Team of horses about 12 hundred pounds, harness. Or would exchange for horse about 15 or 1G hundred pounds. Apply Valentin Dairy. 238 FOR SALE Two rugs, dining chairs, upholstered chairs, lamp, reed chairs, tables, couch, dresser, beds, Nesco Oil Stove in good condition. Phone- Blue 701 after six. tf AUCTION SALE Auction Sale will be held on Thursday, October '11 at 2.30 p.m. In Federal Block; consisting of Library table, oak buffet, three heaters, show case, two ' desks, three couches, kitchen tables. tjllarge Barrymore carpet 9xlO'G; Weetrie light fixtures, cocoamat hall runner; second hand, beds; man's bicycle; two and three burner oil stove; kitchen cupboard and miscellaneous articles. All must be sold. List your goods, for this sale. G. Ji Dawes, Auctioneer. Phone Black 120. FOR SALE Unprecedented val- ues in used Trucks VJW Fisher Fast Freight ton truck; 1826 Day-Blder Worm Drive 2 ton truck; 1 Vi ton Beo Speed Wagon; IVt ton Minom inee; 1' Patriot and others east terms arrange Send for complete particulars. Hayes Anderson Motor Co., Limited. 12M Granville Street. Vancou ver, B. C. 248 THE SHAMROCK ROOMS 8th Street and Second Avenue Una1" new mansgement Clean " -r r"- - roira .Mrs. John uaiDcrg SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage &- Towing Co. Ltd. BARGAINS IN GAS BOATS Agents for Ersthope Engines, Coolidge Propellers and Texlube Oil Boats of all description for Charier Salt' Lakes Ferry Service Weelf Days on the hours 1 p.m. till S p.m. Sundays and Holidays, 1J asm. till 8 p.m. 564Phone 561 CHIMNEY SWEEP 11. .1. Zumkerh General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned-and Repaired Phone 3 Prince Rupert, B. C. NOW IS THE. TIME Have Your ' FURNACE OVERHAULED and' put in shape fdt winter. WE OAN bo rfV Put-up stoves Clean out Pipes Instal new Furnaces. Everything in SHEET METAL WQRK Satisfaction guaranteed Rowe.s SHEET METAL WORKS 227- Second Avenue Phone 340. CHIROPRACTIC DR. W. C. ASPINALL. Chiropractor and Electro Thera peutist Exchange Block All Diseases Successfully Treated Phone Green 241 or Black 283. Your Nerves Control your Health Your Spine Controls your Nerves- IS YOUR SPINE RIGHT? You can make sure by having it Examined by ' THE ANALYTE The new lamp for visual spinal Analys4s. The ANALYTE unfailingly points to the correct centre for adjustment and is the very latest1 adjunct to CHIROPRACTIC JtJhVm or major ailments 7i CHIRO PRACTIC can help you? It has helped many others on the road back to health. THE ANALYTE, the new lamp affords more help to the Chiro-nractor than the X-rays in locating lesion and nerve pressures. H is the newest aid on the road to health. Try it today and phone for ap-Tttintrmtnt to DR. R. E. EYOLFSON Chiropractor G23 Third Avenue "hone Blue 85. Ree. Red 589 TUITION Av P. WILLIAMS Violinist of Westholme Theatre BALL CLASSES FOR VIOLIN TUITION Studio, 213 Fourth Avenue East Pupils now being enrolled. For terms Phone Blue 489 AUCTIONEERS PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART Federal' Block Furniture of all kinds Bought, Sold or Exchanged Crating and Packing done Goods sold' on Commission G. J. DAWES. Auctioneer Black 120 Form No. 16 i Section at) LAND ACT. .OTK'fc OP INTENTION, TO APPLY TOR LEASE OP FOKL'MIORK In the Skeena Land Sooordtng D!- rlct. altuate and fronting on Lot 11. Stnae S, Oosat Dlitrlct Oxtail River. TAKE NOTICE that tbo Brltlah Col umbU FMttsf & Packing C. Ltd ot vancou Ter, B C. occupation Vtahlng and . acUng. Intend to apply Tor a lease t the following deaortbid torainow: Commencing at a post planted at the narthweat corner ot aald Lot 11; thence weat. tea chain; tbeaoe aouth 1 irty chain, more or leaa, to an intersection with the south boundary of Lot 11 produced wear, thence aaat. following aald production of the aouth boundary ot Lot 11. alx e. alas, mere or leaa. to mean high water aiatk; thence northerly, following the mean hkgh water mark to of oonungneetaeot. and eoatatn-i Glnt thirty acres, more or leaa. BHITTSH COLOMBIA PTSHINO & PAOKTKO CO LTD. By Ja&es Henry Buahnell. Agent. Dated August . 1898 88S Ftorm No. 16 (Section 86) LAND ACT. NOTICE or. INTENTION TO APPLY r In .the Skeena Land Record in Dt- irict. altuate sad fronting on Lot 2, Mag 4, Coast District. Lowe Inlet. TAKE IKmuB that the Brltlah Ool-unbta PUhlBf & Packing C Ltd . of vaneouter. B.C.. occupation yiahlng and Racking, tnteada to apply tor a lease of the toUowinf; described forehore3 - Commenetsg at a post planted at the southeast corner of aald Lot 8: thence south, two chains; thence weat forty caaina. move or leas, to an internee-Ian with the west boundary Jf Let S woducsd south; thence north seven chains, more or leaa. to the eouthfeet onu of Lot 3i thenee easterly, following the mean high water ms-k to the 3oTni of commencement, and containing eighteen acres, more or leas. BRITISH OOLOMBU PISHRCO & PAOKDrO OO , LTD. By Jaaaee Hsary buahnell Agent. Dated AtMUst 88. 18M. 388 norm No. 16 (Section 86) LAND ACT. NOTICB OH INTENTION Tf APrLY l"OK LI) ASE OI' IOUEHIIOKE In the Skeena Land Recording District, and altuate, fronting on part of Lot 86. Range 8. Ccaat DUtr.ct, Tele-graph Pseialije. TAKE NOTICE that the British Columbia Hshlwt ti Packing C. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Planing and Packing. Intends to apply for a lease of the followine desert noeo iorwuwre:- commenaias at a post psanea aouut twenty renty ehata northwesterly from the southwest corner of aald Lot 86; thence Ht. ten chats : thenee ajorthweateriy. parallel to the general run of the shore fine, fifteen ohslnai thetaa et to mean high water mark, ten chain, mote or less; thence aovtheaaterlSi foUowlng mean high water mark to point of commencement, containing fmeea acres, more or lass. BRITISH COLOMBIA KSHINQ PACKINO CO.. LTD. Bj James Henry Buahnell, Agent. Dated August at, 1818 900 Advertise In The News.