LONDON, October 9. A statement issued last night v the League of Loyal Churchmen i n rnnnrwiinn with ticas conspiracy," the statement asserts. Premier Haldwin is called upon to defend the constitution and take measures to bring the offenders to justice, PATROL OF U.S. PLANE TAKES BOUNDARY PLAN INJURED MEN STOP BANDITRY! TO HOSPITAL - A. Oct. 9. Night and) WINNIPEG. Oct. 9. For the M P. patrol of the inter- first time in the history of west-Ic.undary will be com-1 em Canada, probably of the do-i noon today from Man- minion, an airplane was used the Alberta boundary.! yesterday to convey two men in-nl will be armed with ju red in a railway accident to trim, rifleit and small the hospital. I has been authorised toj When the C.N.R. freight engine ,ii powered cars in an ef- was derailed by a broken rail c urtail attempts of U.S. near Brunkild southwest of here in rob Canadian banks Jack Clyton, engineer, and A. M. offices and grain eleva- Hannon, fireman, were seriousiy larger sums of money ; so Med by sacnplag &jmsl TJrtjr carried in the amall . were talten to Sttfoftt, e?Vn i he province. SCHEME FOR IMMIGRATION OF VETERANS . "ic Trained in England for Month Before Coming to Canada l 'UN, Oct. 9. War veter-I their families are to be i in agricultural pursuits l.ritish Legion and sent l;i at the Legion's ex- i- service men. who wish i ite to Canada, will be u training centre for a no month. During this ! man's- family will re-t home and receive rnaln- allowance. If the test is rtry the wife and family :i the husband at the n-ntre and all will be i for five months. At the period the Legion will id to Canada. SHIPWRECKS JAPAN COAST 'h i' Big YcMcM Ashore and 1'ivcnty Fishing Craft Reported Missing aC). Oct. 9. Three Japan '"itfliteca the Oyama Maru, Minn and Ibukiyama Maru, l- -mentioned from Gray's " i were in distress off the oast of JJpan .today fol- ! ' ;i typhoon. The Fukel ' lost two seamen. "ty fishing craft are also '" toiiowing were among who sent flowers to the "it- funeral on Saturday: 'i'1 Mrs. A. II. McLend: Itoi! T T I Ian. Scotland, Mr. nnd Mrs, '"I'-r McDonald nnd D. J. miles distant by auto, pot aboard a plane and brought to the Kirk-field airdrome near here. Ambu lances then rushed them to the hospital. Jack Clayton died this morn ing. ALL AMERICAN FISH AGAIN OFFERED Wk Total of 16.',500 Pound of Hall but Sold at Local Exchange This Morning American boats again brough all the halibut which was offer ed at the local Fish Exchang this morning, there being 166,60' pounds in all. Prices were sti! at a satisfactory level, rangin- from 14.4c and 7c to 16.Sc and 9c Arrivals and sales were as fol lows: Bagle, 28,000 pounds. Root Fisheries, LI .9c and 7c. Hene. 36.000 pounds, Atlln Fish eries, 14.8c and 7c. Senator, 20,000 pounds, an Ivanhoe, 17.000 pounds, Pacifi Fisheries, 14.6c and 7c. Norland. 10.600 pounds, Cana dian Fish & Cold Storage Co. 14.4c and 7c. Rainier. 17,000 pounds, Cana dian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. 14.8c and 7c. Sentinel. 9.000 pounds Root! Fisheries, 16.8c and 8c. Onah. 9,000 pounds. Pacini Fisheries, 15.4c and 9c. Hilda, 4,000 pounds, Canadlar Fish 4 Cold Storage Co.. 15.8 and 9c. Tordenskjold. 7.000 pound, Rooth Fisheries, lG.Itc and 9c. offeIismade for the p.g.e. VICTORIA," Oct. 9. Another v,ua lion made for the r.G.E. It was In the hands of Premier Tolmie over the weekend. It came from London and was for purchase outright. mi., n l- ltrat.Mt that the Government would proceed with a wmpiete mrw- She the policy of the bishops toward the rejected prayer book Np,m Ucai of Ca,e;,0.nla I)ioc rges the bishops with "seditious conspiracy' It dc- ""m " clan s that although the House of Commons twice re- jeeted tlic prayer book, the archbishops and bishops of l iiurch of England officially declared their nolirv in ?.. ioning and promoting the use of the rejected book f 1M. "Thus they committed and inaugurated sedi- STOCK QUOTATIONS iOourtr of 8. O. wobtMon Oo, Ltd. The following quotation w ld and asked. Argenta Rufus 32 V; 8S. Bay view, nil; fi'.fc. B. C. Silver 1.2S; nil. Big Missouri 01; 0SU,. Cork Province 2; 30. Cotton Belt 86; 95. Dunwell 16; 20. Duthie 92; 1.00. George Copper .6.80; 6.40. Georgia River S64; nil. Glacier IV; nil. Glasiar 72; 76. Golconda 79; nil. Grand view Wl; 66 'i. Indeiendenc 114; 1. Kootenay Florence 18V4f Wtt. L. & U 9; m. Lakcview l'i; nil. Lucky Jim nil; 264. Marmot Metals 9: nil. Marmot River Gold 9; 9ft. Mohawk 84; 9. National Silver 15V; 101. N'oranda 4G.25; nil. Pend Oreille 12.75; 12.90. Porter Idaho nil; 70. Premier 2,21; 2.38. Ruth Home G5; G7. Shcrrit-Gordon G.S0; nil. Sliver Crest 12; 18. Silverado 70; 80. Silversmith nil; lift. Slogan King; nil. Sdn!ock'2.25; 8.00. Snowflake 1.05; LOG. Terminus 17; 20. Topley-Rlchfield 58; CO. White Water 1.80; li. Woodbine 16; 1G4. Noble Five 35; 36. , .1- : Oils (, Dalhousle-1.80;. 2.00. Fabj-on 10; nil. Home 2.50; 2.75. YESTERDAY'S WHEAT conferred upon Right Rev. George i YnrV f,iri ... . . i . . miexanoer nut, uisnop ot Cale donia, and Right Rev. Peter Yone-taro Matsul, Bishop of Toklo, Jajwn. Rev. Dr. Cody presented Rishop Rix, and outlined the career of his former c!asma,te. Dr. Cody pointed out that every member of the class of '98 had distinguished himself and that the present Rishop of Caledonia had had a most remarkable and bril liant career. On the conclusion of Dr. Cody's remarks Rishop Rix was given his degree and then nigned the Golden Rook amid the applause of the large audience which filled the hall. Bishop Rix in his reply said he believed the college was of the greatest importance to the wel fare of the church. The college became known through the men who graduated and made a name for themselves throughout the country. In the bishopric of Caledonia, he declared, there were greater opportunities for work than might exist possibly in anj other part of tb$ eoujttry. Ik nrged the young students of tht college to make their careers in western Canada where they wert needed even though they might not find there the advantages ot ither localities. VANCOUVER. Oct. 9. The pflee of wheat at closing jester 1 vfl!k'5ii27.' v circuit court ir. Buffalo seme months ago, giving Canadians the fright to commute across the bortfff daily to transact their business. shins CANADIANS MAY 'DUMPING AND WORK JN STATESj FRUITGROWING Court Gives Them Right Whether; Hon. Dr. Kins Says Dumping They be Horn in Canada or Elsewhere Act Applies to B.C. and 36 Cent Protection WINNIPEG. Oct. 9. "Imnorta- WASHINGTON, Oct. 9. Cana-j Lion of fruit in Canada is being diajis, whether born in Canada or carefully checked and watched elsewhere may live in Canada hvine in mind the B C- fruit !n , . . .. ., ... 0. , dustry, stated the minister of and work in the United States ,' . t ..nt. - ,m.imun tiiiu national jicuiui, ; unhindered byting U.S. im- uon. j. H. King, who is here en! migration laws. Thin la the ef- -.ire to the coast. frft nf tti 'fAiSlllul Vfntarflni' nf ' Tho minister ra av-rarl r uliit .. . - , - . v. j v s in. it t t - a v. a i a w w uai ,., 1 co"voca.uon or!the supreme court of the United j 10 called the ii!eKal use of the ..jcmie uunese, loronio. me ; statc, to revl4rw the judgment of I umping order. Now the "dump" degrees of doctor of divinity were , j,jr Justice Haial of the New! : applied only when dumping aVe pl?.ce. "The B.C. industry as Hip protection of the dumping order and in addition the uMial 36 per coot protection," he aid. Terrible Massacre By Moslems In Kamu Province of China In Wh ch Vict:m Number 200,000 NEW YORK, October 9. Dr. S. Parkcs Cad-man, chairman of the China famine relief jrganiza-tion at New York received information today of the reported massacre of about 100,000 persons by fanatic Moslems in Kansu province of China. Cadman received the letter from Leighton Rand of the China Inland Mission at Lang Chow Fu, Kansu. depicting the rnrrors of the famine situation which was intensified by the Moslem insurrection. The letter says: "From reports already known the number of massacred exceeds 200,000. Villages were .pillaged and Jmrncd." Spectacular Finish To World Series Baseball Today Yanks Winning ST. T.OITIS. Oftnhftr n. Smashing all world series achievements by making their second successive, sweep rn trip rhnmnirmshin. the New York Yankees todav beat the Cardinals for the fourth and deciding game, seven rung to three, witn a record siasning orgy oi nome runs, throe of them by Babe Ruth. Hoyt was battered by the Cardinals but managed to hold tight in the pinches. Sherdel was driven from the box in the seventh under an avalanche from Yankee batters, being relieved by Alexander. The Cardinals started scoring with one in the third but Babe Ruth equnlized in the fourth with the first homer. The slaughter came in the seventh when Ruth and Gehrig connected for homers, four hit netting four runs. In the eighth Durst and Ruth repeated, making the Yankee total of five homers. The score was: New York Runs, 7; hits, 15; errors, 2, St. Louis RunB, 3; hits, 11; errors, 1. sumas lands had battle areveryrich; with storm Vo Need for Model Farms Such a Place Declare Ministers at VICTORIA. Oct 9, Both Premier Tolmie and Hon. William Atkinson announced yesterday that Hon. E, D. Barrow's plans for two model farms at Sumas would not be proceeded with. "It would be a waste of money," the Premier said. "Sumas is rich land where you have only to put stuff in and it grows." Mr. Atkinson declared. Hamburg American Liner Reaches New York with 31 Passengers nd one Member of Crew Jlurt NEW YORK; Oct 9. Battered by a terrific ' grate she bucked to render assistance to another stricken vessel, the Hamburg-American's Co.'s liner Albert Bel-Hn arrived here today with 34 Injured passengers and one hurt member of the crew. All had l recovered sufficiently to be able to walk ashore. CLASSIFIED HABIT T Boston Griu Errrcme adi the Clauiricd Ada, II j u lose, jTrtl for It. LARUE CABARET Special Dinners Thursdays aad II y u find, locate the owner, Saturdays w: tvcr you ned, advertise for Dancing every Saturday nlfht from 9 to U. Dance Hall (or Hire. PRINCE RUPERT GET THE CLASSIFIED IIAIIIT. Accomodation for Prlvae Tarties Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 437 y. XV III , No. 237. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1928 i u;ci i.vue 15 x se UT Trouble In Church Of England i Seditious Conspiracy Charged Against Archbishops and bishops Who Permitted Changes Contrary to Vote of Parliament arliament HONORS FOR BISHOP RiX Salmon Pack Heaviest On Record In District Total Pack is 1,186,734 Cases, Ahead of 1926 Which Held Previous Record for Quantity It is now assured that the canned salmon pack for the 1923 season In District No. 2, of which Prince Rupert is the centre, will be the heaviest on record. On September 22, representing the bulk of the present season's production, the pack stood at 1,186,734 cases as compared with 1,162,785 cases at a similar date 'in 1926 when the heaviest pack ever recorded on the coast was. made. The pack on the entire coast this season up to. September 22 was 1,414,259 cases as compared with 1,537,968 (jaees at the coi responding date in 1926. The sockeye pack in District No , like other districts, was light this season with the heavier packs of pinks, cohoes and chums making up the deficiency- Net fishing in Graham Island and Skidcgate waters was closed for the season about the middle of October. The only net fishing continuing in District No. 2 at that time was gill netting on the Skeena River west of Port Essing- ton. Following are figures for the (continued on par ftvri SHIPS COLLIDE AND ONE SINKS No One Lol When Steamer Han-ley Rammed Thixtlcbcd off New Jersey Coast NEWARK, NJ.. Oct 9. The steamship Hanley, from Everett, Washington, drifted ihto Newark yesterday with a damaged with the story of ramming MORRISSEY NOW COMING TONIGHT Stoll-McCracken Expedition Expected In Reach Prince Ru-pert This Evening from Arctic Regions. Latest word received by am-iteur radio station 5GT from the Auxiliary schooner Effie M. Mor-rissey, Capt. Robert Bartlett, which is bringing the Stoll-Mc- bracken expedition back to civilization after having spent the j summer exploring In the Arctic I Ocean, is to the effect that the vessel will arrive In port some time this evening. After having been anchored off Langara Island almost all day yesterday on account of unfavorable winds, the vessel got under way again last evening and at 10 o'clock re- bow I ported herself as being about 90 and , miles out Depending on her sail. sinking the JhJ.iUebedfca freJgby60001" K&XbtjmJ1 er bound from Cardiff to Calves-, progress. ,k ton. The Thistlebed's crew was ' The dinner to be given the ex-brought here. iplorers has been postponed until ' . I Friday evening. MINISTER TO JAPAN At noon today the Morrissey TORONTO. Oct 9. A Mail I reported her position as off and Empire special from Wash-Triple Island lighthouse, Capt Ington says "Sir Campbell Stuart,! Bartlett communicating that he Canada's representative on thejexpected to arrive late tonight Pacific Cable Board is expected I pr early tomorrow morning. As to be named as the first Canadian j a west wind has sprang up this minister to Japan. BURIED UNDER BUILDING PRAGUE, Oct. 9 Sixty were buried under the debris c f an eight storey building which I collapsed today. The number of j dead ia not determined. 'QUAKE IN MEXICO afternoon, it is believed locally that the vessel may possibly be in by early evening. HOLE SHOT IN MARKETING ACT MEXICO CITY, Oct. 9.- Five! 0n'?;,;ppl!"abt ! ovlnce decides person, were injured and damage done over a wide area by an earthquake which rocked Mexico1 City and nine states In Mexico: VANCOUVER, Oct 9. While last night. ! holding that R. C. Produce Mar PLEASED WITH North Dakota Men Will Under derlake Energetic Development of Marmot River Property Forks. North Dakota, are pas-fcengers going south aboard the steamer Catala today after a visit of inspection to the Gloria property on Bulldog Creek, Just be-.low the Marmot, in which they keting Act ia Intra-vires of the Legislature, the statute is not j applicable to shipments outside the orovince. Mr. Justice W. A. C ADI A MIM17 JI,',on,,, ruled ,n a Judgment as a resuu iuage aiacuonaiu uis-missed the Crown's appeal from acquittal by Magistrate Darling in the Brighouse police court of Wong Kit, a Chinese, who ia charged with shipping two carloads lOaUB OI of potatoes pOUIMJVB to IU VXtlgui; Calgary with- mill- Frank Slaybury, Tom Griffith out ,)ermiMion f the Mainland and Nick Anderson of Grand commliUe of direction. Appeal Entered VANCOUVER. Oct 9. The committee of direction under the Marketing Act today entered an aDreal azainst Mr. Justice are heavily interested, i ne 1 Macdonald s decision noiuing wai owners are well satisfied "with the act did not apply to shipments the work carried on so far by j outside the province. the superintendent. A. Linke, and! M?. Anderson states that an ener-' j gttfc campaign will be tmraedl-I atelv commenced in order to place HAMILTON LADY DIES the mine on a producing basis.; HAMILTON. Oct Q Mrs. WH-1 Efforts will be made to have Ham Ward of Winnipeg, who was 1 completed a trail which has been' seriously injured when the C built by the provincial govern-jN. R, train was sldeswlped by a ment part way to the property. derailed C. 1'. R. freight at Alder-The feasibility of a tramline will shot last week, died last night, also be Investigated , Mr. An-: Her husband and child arc re- ! Hor'mn atnto l t'OVerinff.