. mber 9, 1028 r FISH PACKING IIQUSKS Ruoert Northern Pacific Terminus of the Canadian National Railways Prince Hupcrt has three of the greatest things in the world The Largest Fish Cold Storage Plant The Largest Fresh Halibut Market The Largest Undeveloped Hinterland The City of Prince Kupcrt has a payroll of considerate importance, derived from: RAILWAY SHOPS KAIMVAY OFFICES DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARDS GRAIN ELEVATOR PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OFFIQES COLD STORAGE . FIH MARKET v ": ' SALMON AND HALIHUT FISHEIOIEN SALMON CANNERIES LUMHER MILLS MINING TRAPPING AND FURS The grain export husiness of Prince Rupert is steadily developing. Last year about eight million bushels of grain was shipped through the terminal elevator and this year promises to greatly exceed that mark. The City owns its Power, Light, Water. Supply and Tele-phones. The schools arc excellent. Roads arc paved and concrete sidewalks arc being laid. PRINCE RUPERT IS ONE OF THE COMING COMMERCIAL CENTRES OF THE PACIFIC COAST, THE PRO-HAULE OUTLET OF THE GREAT PEACE RIVER COUNTRY, AND SURROUNDED BY A RAPIDLY DEVELOPING TERRITORY Prince Rupert is the logical site of a customs smelter which wculd serve the mines of Portlan d Canal, the Hulkley and Skeena Valleys and coast points. THE DAILY NEWS is Prince Rupert's recognized Daily Newspaper ilia u aili i wawa E Local News Nates j Chief Engineer Beattie of the steamer Catala is confined to his bed aboard ship today suffering from a severe cold. H Cm IWnrvIn wtin in fntaraaf- ed in mining at Stewart, is a passenger aboard the Catala today going through to Vancouver. H. P. Gibson, proprietor of the Stewart News Co. at Stewart, arrived in the city from the north on the Catala this morning, being here on a brief business visit. Morris Benschiskf, prominently identified with mining affairs at Alice Arm, is a passenger aboard the Catala today going through from Stewart to Vancouver. Aid. V. J. Greer, J. L Lauren-sen and A. C. Beattie returned to the city on the Catala this morning from Anyox where they have been engaged for the past several weeks in the building of a new gymnasium for the Community League. No further grain for the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator has been received from the prairies since Sunday night Some 150 carlods are reported to be on the railway west of Edmonton bound here. Newton T. Burdick, head of the Vancouver Dry Dock and Salvage Co. and a number of other Im portant Vancouver marine concerns; Major Cobitt of Vancouver, a member of the firm of Whittier, Haig & Co. Ltd., J. C. Hogg, well known Vancouver I bond dealer, and Gordon Strickland of Seattle were passengers aboard the Catala today return- Injr. sotrth, after a trip to Stewart to fnspect'the GeorglaRiver Gold Mines Ltd. and other properties in which they are interested. Salvation Army ( headauarters here are advised that ten officers from Alaska, en route to attend congress at Vancouver, will ar rive here Sunday afternoon on the steamer Princess Alice from the north and sail south that evening on the Prince George. P. W. Bates of Vancouver, travelling passenger representative of the White Star and Royal Mail Steam Packet lines, who has been in the city for the past few days on business, left on this morning's train for Montreal and will stop off at Prince George and other, intervening -points en route. Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod, who were married In Anyox yesterday, the bride having been formerly Miss Ruth Gordon, are passen gers aboard the Catala today go-ilng through to Vancouver on a honeymoon trip which will take them as far south as California. Mrs. M. McLeod, the groom's mother, came as far as this city on the same vessel. Passengers arriving in the city from the north on the Catala this morning included: Fred Nash, J. Miller. J. Nyhol. H. P. Gibson, L, Forsia, J. M. Hockin, Fred Stork, Matt Gardner, and J. Dawson, from Stewart; Tony JNucich and G. W. Nozey, from ! Alice Arm; Frank Taaffee, H. Clark, C. E. Imeson, W. E. Trump, C. H. Fogg, Roderick Mac-Rae, Donald MacRae, H. Roy, W. 'J. Greer, C. Swansberg, A. C. 'Beattie, John Laurensen, Mrs. McLeod, F. W. Hawe and N. A. Smith, from Aanyox; Mrs. Chas. .Dacis, Mies Mabel Dads, Charles Davis and Stewart Godwin, from Arrandale. SALMON PACK HEAVIEST ON RECORD IN DISTRICT (continued from page 1) pack in the various divisions of; District No. 2 up to September Naas River Sockeye 5,218 Springs 1,546 Steelheads Cohoes , 9,473 Pinks 79.289 Chums 3,193 Totals 98,709 Rivers Inlet Sockeye 58,972 Springs 548 Steelheads 7 Cohoes 809 Pinks 16,341 Chums 3,460 1 isonoes . . I Pinks ... Chains .. 28,017 296 7 227 248 26 Totals 28,821 Central Sockeye .. Springs ... Steelheads Cohoes ... Pinks Division 23,076 1,208 761 34.151 228,436 14,711 5,647 309 3,727 49,234 14,671 88,299 54,489 586 9 7.120 12,362' 9,022! PAGE FIV1 FIRESIDE ttl$ 22 with those of 1926 for purposes gj ;' oi tiuijmrisuii ; .'' , Skeena Oliver 1928 Soclceye' 31.977 Springs G.134 Steelheads 186 Cohoes 27,781 Pinks 190,038 Chums 16,329 192 74,016 19,123 552 21,232 184,432 38,491 Totals 272,444 337,895 i REORGANIZES Members of the Baptist Fire- in good numbers last evening for the purpose of re-organizing the work for the ensuing fall and winter season. Rev. W. F. price was in the chair. Various officers and committees were appointed, and a number of suggestions for a program of subjects for theAneeting were re ceived and considered. These in dicate that a very interesting and helpful session will result debates, lectures, literary evenings, stunt night and social gatherings figure in the plans that are in contemplation. One meeting per month is to be definitely devotional in character. It was decided to commence the regular meetings- with a social on Monday next. OCTOGENARIAN LADY DIES ON MOUNTAIN AT CITY OF NELSON NELSON. Oct. 9. The body of Mrs. John Eichner, 84 years of age, missing from her home here Totals 80,137 83,597 'since asU TuefCay, was Round Sockeye . Springs . Steelheads r. 1 Smith's Inlet yesterday by Eli Sibert arid hi dogs half a mile up the mountain. 17,513) It is thought she succumbed to 180 heart failure while on an errand. 143 i Chums 201,883 131,555 277 24 j Totals 492,515 353.268 18 137 Queen Charlotte Islands ; Sockeye 33 i Springs 626 43,715 Cohoes 6,251 1,797 Pinks 161,631 905 Chums 42,517 $3,361 14984 Total 214,108 D U R A B I L I T Y CxdUUe Naturally, you would expect a Body by Fisher to be stronger, staunchcr, more durable and it is. For Fisher has always led. :thc way in building greater stamina andvlong lite into an. "automobile body and, more than ever; Fisher excels today. " , - ' G EN.ERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED Ml 706 659 1,721 196,660 76,913 275,589 I.mSmIU McLtiug'Hn Ilur'ci 04 Ponluc Chtmlit