PAOE TWO ens Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Saturday. Jan. 14. 1928 PERSISTENT EFFORTS Persistent efforts are being made by Vancouver people to let the world know of the development of the Peace River country by way of that port. Only recently the Vancouver Sun published a full page advertisement in the Toronto Globe calling attention to the mailer Which brourht forth an editorial artirip f rnra that namr auw. I " - ---., - -- r gesting the need of developing the Peace River district and men-tiwwJif only Vancouver in connection therewith. The Sun is the most insistent booster Vancouver has. It is out for Vancouver and Vancouver only. It spends money in connection with the campaign but it often forgets that there are other part of British Columbia besides that in which it is published. That makes it le popular outside especially in Prince Rupert. AUSTRALIAN TRADE The Financial Pout whicn u ually is Conservative in its views recently the Au::a:i;,n trade treaty, the most pungent paragraphs from which are: The minute number of people in Canada who do not find the Australian Trade Treaty ben-.-t ic:;tl are articulate out of all t por tion to their numbers. But nei. ;ro.ganda mac nine is extraordinarily well. However, it will have to operate a great deal more efficiently to commie the people of Canada that the treaty, which has already benefitted such basic and fundamental indu.-tiie-as salmon-packing and pulp arci paper manufacturing, will not ( favored by business met. a.- a whole. To augment further the trade between the two countries, he Australian Minister of Trade and Customs has decided to appoint a trade agent iu this country with het.diju.iiters. probably, in Toronto As the Dominion has its representative in Australia, the Australian appointment should tend to cement more firmly the improved and increasingly satistactor giowth in trade between these tw.. nations of the British Commonwealth. HOW DO THEY KNOW? Saranac. report that wi;d g.-e.e on their southward migration hive taker, to .-..;!;..? i .! on .1 eight trains, say.- a writer 11. The Time cSew York 1 . Tin- show - genuiiy worthy of -jruc t.f the domesticated animals that inhabit th.- tamus ? Vinted. I'mm. The birds have he. n s.,... ;, ai.ght in such numbers that the tops of the cars so tht- Herald Triiiune assures us uere "literallv covered" with geese Alter r::i.g thmM-le. fr a while, they rise up and resume their sw ifter way uy w ing. Students erf bird migration will promptly see in this an analog fo the cases ot hirOs which take passage on a steamer. Others more incuneci to cynicism win remind truin ;hat Hying lish show uar wisdom, and frequently tump out of the water into a order to obtain a free ride. To the simple city nature lover the question promptly How do the wild geese know rection? if the tram is boutid in the a sim- boat in ariiies. right di- SENDING OIT IIADIO C ALLS The government allows young boys and others to have radio sending stations which can send messages for long distances. They are often powerful. Jack llarnsley when here was able to communicate with the Arctic and the smaller sets can send long distances. To be allowed to use these sets is a privilege which will not likely continue for long as they may become a nuisance. The ieople who send out distress calls or other . fooHwh messages ... which are likely to f a, a. a interrupt ousiacwa or navigation are si reply cutting shorter the time during which amateur broadcasting will be allowed. SIDE-TKACKLNTe EDMONTON CwtTiatitoa people are ratfcer worried over a suggestion that perhaa tke C.P.&. may buy the Alberta Government Railways and sidetrack that city by a cutoifr taking all the grain from the Peace Hirer east. The matter hartac .diacasaed by the Board of Trade SktlA Ik mirnr ankl MMSkik- nf nC miiIwI tt: t. formed into a conpntttee to watch evenU. to call citiaen's meetimra 1 mmmm.m. n 4.1,. .... lV .-41 J . 41 4 mmm f vi w i.4iiv t muji uincr avuva tss gJ ' wVW, V PlttHPl the interests of Edmonton. The meeting came out flat as favoring ine saie 01 tae c.u. u.r. Hallway to tne Canadian National. si uuietc ST JOHN HA urajl V fOOOMTO An Ally o Commerce COOPERATING with every phase of Canadian enterprise Through the Urg-t nussbsr S brandmJA Qaftada For the greater prosperity of Canadian business. .A. mm BCOINA VMM EDMONTON VAMCOJVCR The Royal BatiK of Canada ' ftina Rupert Branch F E. Robeitson, Managei HMt IssUe 1 Mrs. H H. Long: 2. Un K Rod. Men- 1. J. J. Mulligan: a. Mrs a Arthur. A dance followed to the strain of Arthur"! Orchestra. RE-OPENING SERVICES The pii a;-i:t C.' - Co T!s, AT BAPTIST CHURCH The Auditorium of the Baptist Church baa been renovated and new pews, a new organ, and new hearing systesn lo- ' stalled. The following special music wiU be j rendered at the evening service an ! Sunday. January IS: 7:14- Organ recital "InflammatUB." iRoaaatnl). "Berceuse In G ' Gounod 7 JO Worship. Vocal solas 'He Shall Need 81 Flock i Handel). Idas Z. H Dsvtss. Recessional iKovenl. Xmaat aaalth. The New Jerusalem. I Gabriel). R W Howard. Anthem " Be Joyful In the Lord." (Emerson). Choir. Offertory Voluntary "In Garden."' . isnist W. Vswghan Davtes. T.. p-ibUe cordlany invited SMITHERS :dif5 AUX.1..4IV tor- - . W.-vu Lake tU. IV : Ci..:d e: -.)icn vh to the Bulhley Has elected of- :..-r to: -he rt: w, i0;;..a: pcssMeat. H:- A E Cunpt.. . arestdeat. Mrs J A Uardiuaid e. r..: Mrs. H. Welch. Treauier Mr R C B:i.f3S)B. txecut;-. Mrs OWiw R.iujik1 nd Mrs N P ll.r:,:, C ,:i.m.::e. ;-:ia utile s:.ou.. craiitho iurzn ":ie yra: r.e p- nien .a .ia.- -'...rtoti :t)ii t:.. :.uu:.i:. Fi-n- 8iXi ;he . ii luiin ou: .-. ..- A::-r me:.:ii xl! old 0::., i ::! E. K :et-:, ax A F.;. J H .i:.c. 1 The Sn..-.:- Dv:r: 6m:-: j! Tt .... !ioa e- :ei -rli.i-. : .. .,. ioa .1. noia: prejle:;: Di. H C. Wr:nci. ML A ii:.jra: T lee-president Jl. H..:-. iueaident. J. H Oroat; .i-presldcnt. J. O. Stephens: council. Charles Head. W 8. Henry. E at Bales. H. F. Nosi. L. B Warner. L 8. UcOUI. H. It. Uattbews. S. H. Hosklns sad Oeorge Oulton. The eacreisxy. H. M. astthes. reporu a balance of cash on band of s00 Tht women's Auxiliary to St J AnaWtan Cbwreh in Smlthsts has elect -o omcera rr tne war as iauows tf Mrs- K -tniabuu, Mr. H O Wlndt; treasurer. Un Iu K. Klrby; Dorcaa secretsry. Vtra A Oreenbalgh: thank offering secretsry. Mrs. 8 H. Hosklns: leaflet secretary, Mrs. J O. Stephens. The annual meeting of the Bulkley Valley Cow Testing Association is being held this afternoon in Telkwa. bus. laess including the election of otneen for the year. The following students of St. Joaanh'b Church Sunday School have won priest: aaaldulty snd punctuality. Dick Me. Donald. Pat Csrr. Cecilia McDonald and Joe Watson: knqwladge. Agnes "TMn FTsncea Beaton. Margaret Dunkm. WU. tnd Watson. June Carr. Raymond 8a- lemoler. Bylrla Mayer snd Jack Uc-Donetl. Lorena Curr obtalnad the nrtee1 for the Bible clam As s result of rains which fell almost continuously during the early part of the week much of the snow la Smith nt has now dlsanpearal The Bmltners team la among a aeries I pictures being enclosed In It wares F a Winnipeg confectionery concern. The annual ocmgregatlooal meetlns of St. Jamas' Pariah was held in th. w.i AngUoau Church on Thursday night. A. BUIott of Hsaelton snd W. S. gent of New Haw) ton have been nets visitor here recently t P. i Street for Ura. D C. 8snter. Downey has started week on a Menee to be built on amaiw sad after I hi: lied rwo bottles tie pimpies were ail lie and my akin u u aleaa and saKiota u CTer. " Pst op ealr by Tb T. MUbcra Co., Limited, Tomato, OaL HOX. C. A. DUNNING AND SIUi HEXRY THORNTON TALK OFi KAILWAY BUSINESS AND i TELL OF MANY PROBLEMS s tosntinued froui page one) siartad tor everybody e:eH job Certain Individuals with more unattmation .han j Intelligence hare even toot u In at : served ondar any minister of raUvaya who gave as much support as Mr. niianlne. and I take advantaee of the c I.cini.ib ukvwi: s rd .hat be was the knowledge thst ' placed him at the .army as those that ' - (ic'al rank and tile of n . . Railway system "We - -:. our railway grow from a doubtful pr position, viewed striie- .iaes with contempt at other time . .. ridicule and generally with no nfldence We have wen u grw Horn lia- l;e to an orgaa-zatlon u earning annually In the neighbjrh od o: jaiaXMOMO ue: ai.a whlrh Is performing I a fine and rervice in ;1k- ad- vinrement of th? prosperity ol our Dominion Time wiu when the deficit of the Canadian National Railway was an actual menace the tmanclal security of this Dminioo and tne tune has now come when that asenaoa has disappeared sad our NaMonal Railway system is rwgsresd as an asset and not a ltabtl-Uy. That is a fine achievement mi I tKirli mm v. 1 1 ... . . . j tjuwuraj and m- f dlvMnailv nm,i,' Turaing to the future air Henry aaiaV .. .. urumrma and snd it: . utldenrw th L-t of the past they must not ignore the promems wht-h presented tbematlves for the future Day by day and month by month c?tnjiet!Uon becomes mure severe If we are to maintain our position m the future tt will only be sn a result at unite ec-ooeratii M. Opportunity to say to all of you who MIMHTEtt (11 RULWAV( are here and to the public of Canada. ; The Hen. C. A. Ouonlng that the affairs of the Canadian Na- -ny remarks he might ttonal Bail wars insofar as the eovern- tended to be eucb friendly post )set C's:;.idi Suturduy, Yttt OAict Nr.Wii . .i- The Daily News si ROYAL PURPLE AS For Six Years AM'aaaafffBrtMajf jaaaMa PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ENTERTAINERS AT PIMPLES Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert CARDS AND DANCING Covered Ker Face Daily New, Limited. Third Avenue, n. F. PULLEN - - - Mana-in Editor. A very enjoyable whist drive and Mrs. Albert Stubba, Xewbsir. OaL, dance was held last night id the Kiss' writes: "Mr fare iu coveres with DISTRICT READERS SURSC'HIITION Hal! under the auspice of the Ladies of piaiple and was so bad I was askamed RATES the Royal Purple. the committee In U be sees. I suffered ia this war far charge being Uesdames Murray Puller. lit years, natil one day a friend told City Delivery, by wail or carrier, faariy porta! paid in advaac $5.00 J O. Lawrence and A. Ackeroerg. with me to use Fbr lesser period, paid in advance, per jbb$ ;i7, io Wuirsy Fuller at th.; door. ty nail to all part of Northern and Central ibjfow 0jnfria ' , ' During the eoune ol the craning several paid in advance for yearly period .777!:73!v w&OQ Brags re sang ay 8 A. asePbemon Or four months for f $f.00 Prise winners were; By mail to all other part of British Columbia, the 'British ledtes 1. kin. llrMge Geo. FrtsaaU: 2. Miss The Da ily News Empire and United State, paid in advance per year . . . . fS.OO Palmira Astoria. By mail to all other countries, jr year $7.50 iUz. -S. J Howe: i J Jacx. i Advert isinz and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keqp you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of it! to consign me to ibe land of the hot ' achievements of the past and Uiat wawt. waen i came oacs iron nesico . cnarij muxu uuoi .u hiiw .u v I found Ute not tamale was right hers aaea and the knowledge thst from toe MB vJMMMawaU : iiiaai w. iu jjjaii nwa "How I want to put aside all this ; upon criticism with can look a friendly eye and discard tha: to say to this great family of ours that I which to abnatvs and vladlcttee. This lgr. Dunning ana i are on perfectly i is an anay dedicated to the welfare of friendly tersna. Furthermore. 1 never the people of Canada, dedicated u the advancement of our Deealnlon an army which faces the future with courage an coaxwiusO ate in safe . and ilder ought be expected tj make at a uMki with him in his present gathering of the officials of the organise we both of us have but one ob- "on 01 wnicn he was s saaseooader and that to to advance the wel-, if true that this organisation of our Mattoml Railway aystem ' tiuate enough to be (nmnrlled I ' at all of you when ; r respective homes. r.:r a' td from length snd ' ( from the Atlantic !. lo what you can to Idle rumors which . .... j s desire not to tall ways system but j.v-.'.-.u:. and trouble and ' it all of us and Mr that ln- ahare- It is unfor- to oe ' and in our reaasetlve posiuons to faith- alliance with a poUUctan and In ' fully, cocecientloaaiy and loyally aerve alliance with a psUUcUa you must ez-people of Qsnada. Mow after this pict that some of the grime and mud .-nsn'. I hops that the buiybodies i politics thrown at the politician j : :i 'rt to a warmer elimsie and 'll. on IU way. stick to you It la - .a- rXiBOing and I. with the aa- 1 true Sir Henry and I haw a task, which ... of you. will be permitted , "ry few people reaily appreciate the .1 - -..1 nea which we regard as I -cMousnass of. the unique tasc of bar- - n- -i HI ire of toe national , ooniring the schedule buainessllke :?rtdt!ct of a publU:.; owuei enterprise lth the necessities of thst thing we 11 responsible government and that at ..iuch harder to dj than mt men - allae On the one hand the people i: Canada aspect tuts tnstltutawa to :s conducted In accordance with the ieat principles of basinaai saw without Ute laleniaSkMi of these eras which are described as poUtloal patronage They xpect at the same time the mainten nee of responsible government In sala- . wu wis insiiiution l only need to 1 tste the problem for you to appreciate he difficulty tWIOKeHI MK HENUV "I can in every respect endorse all that Car Henry has said with respect to my arlsUons with htm. Under the law this system la manned in ail Its orsncbea and operating enterprise with-i out refetwnot to ase snd properly so. Vhenercr the unsasmanl desires to In-rresse (he sapltal load of thla eufrrr' prise, in other words the lnveatanent y the ahareholdavs. it must come to the hsreholdea for the necessary psrmsi-ion to do so. These if the relationship pressed la a lew words an I tblak I an say that Sir Henry has never hast vo coaae to me without havusg on my -r careful study of whatever proDossl ss made which I believe my duty com. ,-ela to give. Two little attention has seen given, ; y the Canadian public up to now to the peculiar nakUre of this great, this i jaiqua saeruoent which we am earry-: ing out on such a lane and way in this TVwainlon of Cansda. May say wlwev sawpewt id fer-yeaT which hss just closed that they do appreciate to the full the services which have been rendered to them by your president your board of directors, by your fleers and by your emolovesa In van y ol- ous wsys un snd down the munin k. pride in this system Is manifest. Tour pride la the tustlflsble Druie of man thustastic effort on the part of each snd n,d ,n mslt hls enter. every one of yi Them i. only a cer- n,ncuon tain smount of traffic snd we .t ' WK.U fltllltlSM much of the traffic ss we 10 COQcJu,lon th mlhl'ter saw can set We h.v. . .... ' nA no th.- - jui mQ. ltatlon. hone in w. iuAim . "Tou mnormonger worry has been a.. l fortune or ' '" fortune to have . spei. .wtlve years Men your iFood 44 4 un, iniaxswunii vests which I nave to some extent hardeucd me with respect to criticism I frankly say I not yet ieiroed to like the poav Dna Had of cnttcum which does not attach a meas policies or kla sdmlnis- irsuon owl instead devotes itself personalities, wamonstrsting him bv nuendo as a traitor to the interest he la supposed to aerve Thst kind of Csjsada i poison m our na-taasaliife. h is one of the thinea waih nsaws iv most ainicult to secure pumic lire the services of nave Business ability, bassuae they dint have to put up with ihat sort of thing in ordinary hustnsw life, cut-iclam Is a fme thing, it la s good thing, it yaw don't have it progress atops. Ws dont object n (sir critic Ism of the Canadian National aystem. because we lrf 10 analyse the criticism and see If there Is anything in it which can he turned lo the advantage of this great organism, n So far as the other kins concerned )uat e it." to in- tor hit it wherever you I os. fflaguire DENTIST Has Returned treat Ma vswit uoih ana ii bom referring patU-ni- Over Ormes Drug Store Phone 525 Lady AtwisUnt OUR SALE Continues Till further notice and yeu can't afford to !oe the !pc -s I IUrain we have to offer Resides those already advertised, we have the f..!i. at greatly reduced prices: Ladies' House Slippers, to clear at Coys' Rubber Boots, sites 1 to 5. to clear at Youths' Rubber Boots, sisea 11 to IS. to clear at Men's Felt Slippers, to -clear at Men's Felt Slippers, to clear at Mea'a Knee Rubber Boots, irood qualitv. to clear avt 8 skeins Shetland Flosa for Children's Sleepers, for sale St White Flannelette, on sale st 6 yards for . . . . . .". .. Kitchen TowsJHng. on sal at 7 yards for Pillow ToWtiit. to clear at per yard ... JABOOR BROS., LTD. Phone 645 :rcl Avenue and 7th K I. (Ml K:t T" SI.V) XI 10 SIM'' si mi SUM) SI.-" SUM) . I Or JANUARY Clearance SALE Special Bargain Tables 25c 50c 95c DRESSES AT COST pJUCB IkrgHliM in all ynw H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. 4tswwnssww.. Phone9 " fr Ave. ana Fult.m UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED awswaewsw- . At ..til.... as-a a 3-- W-SeK an I