f AGE SIX PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon tatsd by SANTAL MIDY Bswars of ImlUtlom Look for the word "MIDV Sold by HI (lrutrutJ Relieved bv New aekefs OF course, we do not actually trade new blankets for the soiled ones you send us. . .but one would almost believe them new when they are returned to you. Soft and fluffy. . . and clean! No home equipment can possibly finish woollen blankets, nor in fact, any woollen garments, in the superlative manner of the modern laundry. And our prices are moderate for this invaluable service. The LAUNDRY Docs it best Canadian Lauedry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Fishermen Before buying your next engine, come and see us about The Gardner Semi-Diesel Engine the most satisfactory on the market. Governor has control at all speeds, making it most suitable for halibut boats. Sites 12 li.p. to 300 h.p. The Acadia Gas Engine the most modern designed and bent built 4 cycle engine in Canada. Sites from C-8 h.p. to 40 h.p. medium and OUR GKEAT s heavy duty. ; Ward Electric I AND MARINE SUPPLY CO. I Phone G80 Cow Bay Prince Rupert, B.C. CLOSING out SALE of MENANI) BOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. 11. Miller, Proprietor ONLY TWO OF GRAIN SHIPS FOR ORIENT Vancouver Shipment for. Week are Mostly, to European , iji .'i PortM. I not)'1 . VANCOUVER.' 1J, jtt JR griln ' shipments or the week are as' usfial , this season mostly for European ports, only two clearing for Japan. Following are the clearing: ; Theodore Roosevelt, for Hull, 18.667 1 bushels; for Bergi, 18.667 bushels; for j London, 121,333 bushels. Analdo San Giorgio Terse, to Falmouth for orders, 259.400 bushels. Innerton. for UJC.-Oontlnent. 271.894 bushels. Lules, for Landikron, 57.400 bushels. Arkansas, for continental ports, 74,-666 bushels. Oreat City, to Colon for orders. 337,-678 bushels. Klnderdyk. for Hamburg, 74,667 bushels; for Rotterdam, 37,333 bushel) Eufana. for Avonmouth. &6,6o(f bushels: for Liverpool, 78.006 bushels. Axel Johnson, for Swedish ports, 123.-199 bushel. Slam, for Scandinavian ports, 248.371 Cash and Carry Grocery FULTON AND SIXTH AVE. We are Selling Smoked Meats Cheaper Today Than Ever He-fore. Just Think Swift's Bacon in the piece or half slab, per lb iW( Burn,'s Shamrock Hams, whole or Half one, per lb iKi? Swift's Circle (S) Picnic Harm,; per lb 210! Capitol Butter Bricks !." , 14's !i0.i7: ' E.C.I). Butter Bricks 4J)p 14's S.7 Canned Milk has advanced and we are forced to raise ours one cent per tin. Our price now . . i'2( Granulated Sugar, 10 lb. for 7:t Flour, any kind, 49 lb. sack $'2f) Pastry Flour, 10 lb. sack, 57 China Oats, package tWf B. &. K. Oats, 7's ":$ We are saving you many a cent. Give us your whole support. $3.00 orders delivered Q Phone 304 A few uestions for you 1 Is there anything wrong with your eyes, ears, nose or throat? If you have been blind ov deaf for years, have lost voice entirely, don't give up hope, but investigate Chiropractic. 2 Have you so-called Rheumatism, Pleurisy, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Tonsi litis. Goiter, Paralysis, Locomotor-Ataxia, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, Cdnstip a t i o n, Piles, Insanity, Appendicitis oi a Constant Headache? Chiropractic will adjust the cause and permit nature to liring about a cure. :i Have you stomach, lung, heart, liver, kidney, bowel or bladder trouble? 4 Have you Sciatica, Gallstones or Diabetes? The it-suit are wonderful. Try Chiropractic. 5 Perhaps you have stiff joints in the arms or legs that you cannot ue naturally. This system brings forth a transformation. 6 Our methods not only stimulate, but eliminate the cause, thus permitting nature to perform her work. Health is the greatest blessing we can have. NO DRUGS OR SURGERY USED NATURAL METHODS ' 'ONLY i W.CAspinall CHIROPRACTOR Rooms G and 7 Exchange Block Phone Green 241 Ijidy Attendant Don't call the plumber PURE FLAKE ALD.DIBB FINDS HIS PORTRAIT His Surprise Party Friends Were a Little Ahead of the Times Hut Hopeful Just the Same Last Thursday night a group of friends formed a surprise party on Aid. . and Ura. Frank Dibb. 1833 Oraham ' Avenue, to help them celebrate Mr (P TO EDROl'JE MAKE RESERVATION'S XOW "j FROM SAINT JOHN To HHfat, IJirrMx,l Jan. 87 Huinedosa Feb. 10 . . Metagsaaa Mar. 3 Mootclam Mar is Montesla To (ilaagow, Liverpool Teb. 3 Montclare eb. 17 MeUta Feb. 34 Mlnnedosa Mar. D Montrose To ('hprbourg-sauehsinptn-.Rtuerp Mar. 1 Montnalrn Mar. is Mstagama Mar. 33 Marloch H Apply lo AgeiM rtrrtnitr or ffl IB J. J. FORSTBK, W TjA . L. General Pt Agent, fn V C.P.R. Station, Vsacoum. Ajf w,. Telephone jy Seymour ZHQ JBr Scientific Inspection With the I -at est Instruments of Precision That's the kind of eye service you can get here now. We give you a conscientious and careful test. Jack Bulger two years ago passed the B.C. government exams, for Optometrists and during the last six months along with most of the leading op tometrists in Vancouver at tended a course of post grad uate lectures. We do not supply or ad vise glasses if not of benefit. Our testa are not uncom fortable and our prices are -bur and reasonable. I 1 JOHNgiUJHL- THE STORE WITH THE CL0Ci the; daily, news when the kitchen or bathroom drain is choked up at least, don't call him until you have done this: Dissolve 6 tea-spoonfuls of Gillett's Lye in a pint of water. Pour thisslowly down the sink. Chances are that the pipes will be cleared. Prevent disease and avoid plumber's bills by keeping all drain pipes free from germs, grease and other accumulations, with Gillett's Lye. T LYE EATS DIRT Get the genuine article refuse all substitutes bushels. Dlbba victory at tlw municipal poll. Benvcrllck. for Glasgow. 104.000 bush-! When the rejoicing was over and the els; for Hamburg. 164,800 bushels. guests had departed. It was lound that Leme. for Genoa. 101.149 bushels: for the hof big framed portrait was also Naples, 134 749 bushels. ! gone. Frank was worried as Mrs. Dtbb j Dorlngton Court, for U.K.-Contlnent, searched high and low from basement 1 183475 Bushels. , to garret. Finally, Frank discovered Arabia Mara, tor Osaka. 166,667 for Yokohama.. 119.673 bushels. Hsssu Maru, for Tsurlml. 191,167 . the picture this morning and It had travelled rather far. In the council chamber, It was hung next to the portrait of Fred Stork, Prince Rupert's first mayor. Apparently, friends were a little ahead of the times though hopeful, Just the some. Market. Prices Today'a proe on the local are as follows: LAUD market Pure J5c Compound , 30c KUC1S B.C. freah pullets 50c B.C. fresh, firsts 60c B.C. fresh, extras 68c local new laid 70c B.C. storage, firsts 50c IISII Smoked kippers,. lb lie Kippered salmon, lb 35a Smoked blsck cod, lb 20c Finnan baddies, lb 34c, MEATS Fowl. No. 1, lb. 30c and 40c Roasting chicken, lb 4a.' I Ham. tUeed, fust grade 00c , Ham, who, first grade 58c I Ham. picnic lb. lVtcj Cottage rolls, lb Mc Bacon, back, sliced SOC Bacon, aide Me to 60c Pork, dry salt 35c Ayrshire baoon. lb. 3Jc Veal, shoulder 25c Vest loin r ton Veal, log 3Sr Pork, shoulder 26c Pork, loin 4Uc Pork, leg 35c Beef, pot roast 15c to 30c Beef, boiling lac to 18c Beef, steak 80c to 45c Beef, .doast, prime rib 83c Lamb, chops soc Umb. shoulder 35c if'itton. teg 40c Iamb, leg 48c Mutton, chops 40c Mutton shoulder 80s BUTTCIt Brook field. Shamrock and Woodland. lb 5Se E.C.D.. lb 54c Capitol. 2nd grade, lb 45c Frsser Valley, lb 55c BUILD WORDS OUT OF hamrock Hams" $170.00 in prizes given as follows 1st $100.00 2nd $.10.00 3rd $i").00 . In addition we will give a 5 lb. liox of Chocolated to the winner if. the ham label is secured' from us. SPECIAL PRICE SHAMROCK Per lb ON WHOLE HAMS :wt $1.50 China Tea'Det for ... . (SOf With two pkgs; "Jlf." See our window Sunkist Oranges new stock, 3 dos. tor DSf Have you seen the new Chinaware in Robin Hood Quick Oats. It's pretty nifty B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phone 45 and !7 1 OLD COUNTRY DOLE SYSTEM Some Young Men Mnrry in Order to Increase Their Allowance From State DECREASE OF LATE. , Coal Mine Stoppage Increases. Wis employment but This Dwindles to l,210,3.-0 LONDON, Jan 13. That a considerable number of young men In the United Kingdom who are receiving relief from the Poor Law Quardiana marry and thiu add to the amount of money they receive In Po.r Law relief Is pointed out lr. the annual report of the Ministry of Ileal th for 1926-27. The report state : "It Is commonly supposed that Poor Law relief Is available only to meet the existing necessities of persons who have become destitute, and it is not generally realized that during the past six years numbers of young men without employment and maintained on Poor Law relief have married, securing thereby an increase in their Income from relief, and have had families, escb addition bringing Its addition to the family Income In this report It may be doubted whether the present position can be paralleled since 1834." The report gives s number of selected from a larger list Identified In one union. One was: Laborer, born 1808; relief begun, 1933: married. 194: children, two. The total cost of poor relief in England and Wales during the year under review waa, according to the returns furnished by the clerks to the guardians, 138.578.- 330. aa compared with SlSjnt.H2 tot the year 1J28-S6. USATejee in 1934-38. and 1464.803 In 1930-3 4. The great increase Is attributed largely to the effect of the Industrial disputes. The estimated total expenditure on race Law relief during the year under review was 43,400.000. aa com pared with a total expenditure of I40M8.4M In 1930-24. The dominant feature of the year under review was the increase of pauperism resulting from the coal mining stoppage and the general strike. During the whole year the weekly number of persona in receipt of relief averaged 1.980,841. equivalent to 498 per 10,000 of the population of the country, as compared with 1.307 JOS, or 313 per 10.000 of the population in 1935-34. From August 14 the numbers steadily declined, until on December 11 the total feU below 3.000.000 for the first time since May 8 and afterwards the num bers continued to decrease each week to March 34. 1937, when the figure was 1.-340.850, s net Increase of only 480 compered with the numbers on the corresponding date in 1933-38. PROTESTS AT IMPROVED INN Opponents of Carlisle System Say it is Unfair and Leads to Socialism LONDON. Eng.. Jan. IS. The srstecn of state liquor oontrol, which has been In force in the Carl isle area (or some years, to being threatened. Protests against its continuance have been received by the Home Seeretery. Mr William Joynaon-Hlcks. from the Carlisle Conservative Association, which Is seek ing the support of similar SMociaUona in making thla protest. Briefly, the system In operation in Carlisle consists of the substitution of the "Unproved'' type of Inn for the old time "pub." The chief features are that good food at reasonable priots to as svsilable aa is mere liquor, and the licensee "s Interest in the sales effected Is confined to the eatable. The local Conservative Association maintains that the ocetUnnence of the scheme to a font of nationalisation which la contrary to OonservaUve principles, and source of dangar to the trading community throughout the whole country, since In the event of a Social 1st Oovernment being returned to power it Is reared the scheme would bo extended to the whole otmntry. and that auch extension would entail the Inauguration of factories lor manufacture by the state, as wall as the dual liquor itself. "As It exists in the Carliale area today," the protest states, "it hsu already entered Into unfair and unequal competition private In terests outside te liquor trade, whom it undercuts in price. Further. It competes with manufacturers of temperance beverages, some of whom it has already forced out of business. very section of the trading community haa suffered serious toes through the profits arising from the undertaking having bean transferred to the national exchequer, and thus taken out of circulation in the district Thene profit to date are esurnated at approximately 11.000.000. There la no attempt to deny that the scheme is deemed by It supporjm to hsve proved completely successful.' The present Heme teeretary is a poavlnced temperance reformer, so whether tfc. protest above Indicated will receive much of hla personal sympathy is EIGHTEEN BODIES HAVE WASHED ASHORE TOKIO. Jsn is A despatch from Rnpporo ay the learner Tosei Uaru iik off Hokkaido Ulauds. The bodies jf IB miii have washeo ashore. iSELLING AT COT j RICES AND LESS prourn foe our t new Spring Stock many of thc,e 4nm SWIre prliVd away below cost for a speedy clearance i m hi in aim - 100 Gingham House Drexses, assorted sines and p .t , ,, nicely made und linlsned. n Sale Price, each 20 oniy, Pure Spun Silk Dresses, sizes liura 30 to i; , sorted shades and styles. Some siighuy Moiled. Win. to $10.50. A Ki Sale Price 15 Smartly Tailored Dresses, not two alike, in Flat i ;., Satin Canton, Georgette, and Heavy Crepe-de-Cnn,. . sleeve styles. Values up to $25. UO. Ji-J.M Sale Price 12 only, Knitted Suits, assorted styles and shade-., ;! , made and. finished. Popular inodgls. We are sacriii vh-lot for a speedy clearance. Regular values to $15.50. f"ft VitM Sale Price 15 Pieces of English Figured Rayon Moroenin, a-shades and designs. 36" wide, an ideal fabric for alb and street diesHes. Guaranteed to wash. Regular i $1.75 per yard. Q'Tp Sale Price, per yard UMBRELLA SPECIAL HG only, Gloria Silk Umbrellas, substandurd.n. TU , brellas have been picked from the $4.06 quulity owin slight imperfection in the cover which will not intert' r. the wearing qualities. They have a 10 rib 'English r. . . frame in colors of Red. Green, Navy and Tan (; d Sale Price A- Bargain in Dreitsing Gown Material 2 yards wide, heavy Eiderdown fabric in 4 di.k- splendid quality. Q-4 HE Sale Price, per yard ?ieIU SHEETING SPECIAL 250 yards strong durable Sheeting, bleached pun linen finished. 70". This is excellent buying at Sale Price, per yard Round Thread Linen Finished Pillow Cotton The best quality procurable, 42" wide. Regular pi i per yard. CCTp Sale Price, per yard oox' Our Sale of Household LJneaa. Sheetings, Towel, Blanket-. CONTINUES TILL THE END OF JANUARY Fraser 8c Payne The Universal Trading Co, WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 Clara nmm mmmmmam in CL1VB BROOK, ARNOLD KENT. ALBERT GRAN, AGOSTIV BORCATO, ARLBTTE MARCIIAL. A I A U 1 ) E TRUE X and many others ' COMEDY - "HOT PAPA." PATHE REVIEW IcANADIAnf Admission 50c and 25c Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings frpm Prince Rupert To Krtrhlkan. Mraniffll. Juneau and kata,l)WfHI,w sl ,anutty 1 1 . To tanrvuvrr. Victoria and Seattle 4anur 4, fg. .. rillNCESS IIK.tTRICK. lor Rulrdsle, Can Helta llella. Ocean fall m au,i h.. Cam,,leii llher. and Vancooter e.ery 7 SatuVdsi u . Aee, for an sU.m.hM, Unea, "ln'fi,ilis. fr. w' c,- OIU.IIABD, (leneral A tent. rm.. Corner of a.u 4th Street and Srd Avenoe. I'rlnce Knert, ilc. fbuns "