Page 4 raf DAILY NPWS i ash cenennslenesneteesinninlaiatiiecnmenaiaai We have for sale a new House and Lot on Beach Place, Lot 27, Block 7, Sec- tion 1. It has five rooms and bath; beautiful marine view; price $2000.00 on terms of $700.00 cash and balance to be arranged. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Real Estate Bonds Insurance “| Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering a, Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel! small repair boats can te docked together on one making light. Large materisls is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Mills and Cannet Several section, fees stock of Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. | in! oille | g*° : fT) pt | MiSteplens AUCTION FOR SALE j 6-Roomed modern house and \° SALE ‘ee wt uit Sagem Hill, $2,625, a "a 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4th Ave., East, built in buffet, itty fireplace, etc., $3,500 ! OF pee terms. 8-Roomed house 5th Ave., 3) W., modern, $3,250 terms. Household Double Corner Sixth Avenue . and Tatlow St. $1,750. | ° One nice lot near Drydock 3 urniture $200. | will be continued at the Residence «f Mr. Burritt 435 4th Ave. W. at 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 15 M. M. Stephens LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE FOR A four-room lots, good view, dock SALE Houee, near $1900.00 Five-room house, fireplace and heating plant, harbor view, 3 blocks from drydock $2500.00 McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Insurance Rea! Ectaté Prince Rupert, B. C. two dry- age EY STHOLME WwW ESTH) MONDAY & TUESDAY . Private , Harold Peat “Private Peat” Two years in hell and back with! a smile, PEARL WHITE TORK’ SELL TOVE Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 1843. Still in in the Niath Episode the same line of business of the 1919.. Hundreds in use in lene 4 ’ Prince Rupert. ‘Lightning Raider and a humdinger of a Christie Comedy Admission ; On SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 30c and 15¢ Two Shows, 7 and 9.15. Advertise in the Daily News. PTA APOE er SE kaa time POA eS I Ee BA RTS PORES PTET LAs ee | {| Local News Notes | SEMI - - ™ ‘ ie. +1 . - . 4 Just ara a car of Beaver L A Board. . Rdge Co., distribu- , us “| ANNUAL | J. FB. Budden, the well known , cigar man, left on Saturday on a cel pol epntmmietl Spi gone fot LNG A MYOt APPA ANAL AP AACA CG rel ns business trip to Stewart, Another big dance at the Rink . re a on Circus Night, Wednesday, July renene nee” Our Semi Annual poeeen, 5 "e o serve 45 2 ; 16. Refreshih nts served. ( FOR SEVEN Clearing Sale made FOR SEVEN Morley Shire, the agent for the . . . } Giant Powder Company, who ar- DAYS ONLY quite a hit with the DAYS ONLY ; rived here recently, has gone to . . Stewart for a few days. PROC POLE EPPO E OEE I OLE EOE E A AEVEE buying public on | J. Rankin and J. Jamison were Saturday. passengers from Anyox on th Pe he iy through to Vancouver by the 7 nce last night | yy Rupert ear? was Pes Celebration Dance unde the auspices of the.G. W. V.A.i the Rink 9 p.m. Friday, July 18 Gents, $1.00 Ladies 50c. Refresh ie 5 167 |" ments. A spécial meeting of the Ladi TAuxiliary of the G. W. V. A be held in the rooms on Monda night at 8 o'clock A large tendance 16 is requested. turned soldiers, widows i nden obtain dra and specifications for hon ealtly reduced rates from Wil ihe an dle pe is can ving iam Bruee, Architect, Smith Bik Phone 127. tf . . Among those who crossed th Atlantic on the Olympic which at rived on this side on the 8th « D. Monroe of Prine who is July was Pte. Rupert via Vancouver. now headed west . Oentral Labor Council of the 0. B. U. meets in Carpenters’ hall fuesday, July 15, at 8 p.m. Busi ness; to receive report of by-lavy mmittee and election of pro visional officers. Geo, Rudder ham, Secretary pro tem, 161 Provincial Government FEniploy nent Bureau and Soldiers’ Civ}! te-Establishment, temporary of lfice 621 Second Avenue, Prince | tupert. Returned soldiers, men nd women requiring employ nent of any kind should register vith the above. No fees charged Phone 553. P. O. drawer 1674. . . . Seal Cove Sunday School and W. A. will hold a pienie to Digby on Tuesday 15th inst. Boats will leave the cold storage dock at 9930 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The child- ren will go on the first boat. If the weather is unfavorable the picnic will be postponed to Thurs- day, boats leaving at the same hours. it \ general meeting of Retail Merchants will be *held in the council chamber of the city hall on Thursday, July 17, at 8 p.m to discuss the proposed closing of stores at 6 p. m., Saturdays in- cluded, and the changing of the weekly half-holiday from Wed- nesday to Thursday afternoon. It is essential that all Retail Mer- chants of Prince Rupert attend this meeting. 166 Provincial sloyment Government Em- Bureav and Soldiers’ livil Re-establishment; tempor- ry office 621 Second Avenue, *rince Rupert. vacancies for men and women in ‘lerical, factory, domestic or ither work should apply to above Phone 553. tf Tents. Pack sacks; Camp outfits. Agent J. F. Maguire, Smith Block. eee ee ee eee = SPECIAL NOTICE o |* \* | — * | * Lynch Bros. & MicMeekin * * are sole agents for L.F. * * Solly’s eggs. No other * \* Store in town carries this * * brand. * \* a [PRS e eens ee wes enee Terrace Strawberries Beefs Dole ooh role Boole Bele heeds Arriving Every Train LOWEST PRICES Augen Table Suny Co. PHONES 211, 212 Employers having | lable i j Hundreds of old customers and many new ones were on haud aud every o.e secured a good bargain. Many got a complete new. outfit, while others only re- quired a new suit of clothes or perhaps a few furnishings, but | all went away thoroughly satis. | fied that they had saved mousey. | | | | i Many of these customers wi! come again and brixg their friends. Come along with them. You need a suit or some fur- nishings. You want to save mozeys You want to buy the very best at the very lowest possible price. Then get in line with the crowd. Come tomorrow. ‘ e Men's Light adeteem Shirts and Drawers Sizes 34 to 38. To clear at $1.00 One line Mer Union Suits All Sizes to $3. 25 Men’s Biue Serge Suit viot fir A few odd $40.00 Men’s Tweed or Worsted Suits) Odd lines to clear $25.00 he ’ en per garment Sale ends Sale ends Saturday Morning artin Reilly's =~ Saturday Mornin; July 19th July 19th ALICE ARM Preston Locke NEW ARRIVALS IN and Bert Smith Mining engineers from Seattle e 9 have been examining properties in the distriet during the p adi week, . . . N. GC. Pickett, of Galistoga, Cal Now showing at the FAMILY SHOE STORE Specia! Values in Children’s Shoes who has been visiting his son, Ic, Pickett, left for his home Fi day night. A pack train which recently took supplies up the Iliance trail to the United Metals property could not bring out ore as plan- ned on account of the very bad condition of the trail. Consider- work eight mile is Inecessary to allowing the mines) lin this distriet to t out.ore this The district engineer has jadvised that this wor above Come and be fitted by Expert Shoemen GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 ) season. an appropriation for ‘ has been requested . . . 0 crew of Granby Company en thal companys timber holdings in this vicinity during the week past and it is rumored that | tions may be near future. . vel gineers was looking “ging opera In today’s mail the secretary of | kree Miners’ League found | applications for membership from | ' \John Couture; Terrace; T. b.,' started in the Line , The ! a neimses me . ha Laird, Remo; John M, Harrington OOKINE over i@ mnachinery a ie Legate Creek; R. K. Neill, man-| iMolybdenum plant with the view 3 . ‘is Oe a ugel Empire Mines, Stewart: > . Ws a - ale Me Major D, D. Young, general man. | Beat oly arade - prop wey. ager and M; jor a Ww. Davis, au Rapid progress 1s being made er ee " Dolly Varden | with the extension work on the! “ines and Railway, and J. E. Sta K| of Alice Ari, Dolly Varden Railroad line | trains will soon be | to the mine and | run through Several locations have been re Se ae leently staked in the Vicinity of It is reported that an assay the Dolly Varden group and north oflice will be op ned here within ‘of there, Leaves the skin— no matter how tender — soft ~- white -arouat- ized. Perfect for nursery ond toilet. i Albert Soaps Limited, a short time. ' Bee the classified ads, pave. Choose your own materials and! tyle when you have corsets mace; iby Mrs. Direetor. Phone Blue 92.) ‘ on page Siesaneab