twite CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill Everyone reads the Classified Ad. X ' URGE CABARET Dinners Thursdays and If you lose, advertise for it. Special Saturdays If yo find, locate the owner. Dancing every Saturday nlgbt from 9 to 12. Whatever you need, advertise for It Dance Hall for Hire. PRINCE RUPERT GET THE CLASSIFIED HABIT. Accomodation for Prlrae Parties Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457 jge Vol. XVIII., No. 211. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1928 Price Five Cents CANADA FINAL WEEK OF Premier Mackenzie King the League of Nations How Canada Settles Approves Anti-war Pact and Points to Living Example of Treaty Outlawing War Between U.S. and Canada GENEVA, September 8. The Briand Kellogg pact for the renunciation of war was praised by Premier King of Canada in an address before the assembly of the League of Nations today. The premier pointed out that Canada was particularly concerned because of its association with both France and the United States and because of the undefended frontier between the dominion and the United States which he termed a symbol of the policy of the renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy in achieving racial concord and international peace with its great neighbor. Canada for more than a century had fulfilled the two great fundamental principles of the League of Nations. Today public monies were saved and utilized for purposes of productive industries. The premier referred to the Rush-Bagot treaty following tli war of 1812 which confined each naval force on the Great Lakes to four vessels of 100 tons each. That arrangement, like the treaty signed in Paris, was an embodiment of brevity and simplicity and had provided means of escape from competitive arming for the two countries. The premier also pointed out that every award of the international joint commission so far had been ac cepted, this body having been 'between the two countries by Communist Movement Causes the Return of Harvesters to Britain Activities Being Investigated WINNIPEG, September 8. Communist In Winnipeg are reported to have been active amongst the British miner harvester who dissatisfied with conditions in the grain field and who returned to the city and are now en route to Great Britain. Communists from Motherwell, Scotland, are reported by the Mounted Police authorities to have originated among the workers a movement to discredit the whole movement of harvesters from Britain and are alleged to have been assisted by several local repre-.-.ntatives of the Winnipeg branch of the Communist party in Canada. A meeting of the harvesters who returned is reported to have WILL ENFORCE MARKETING ACT POTATO (IKON Kits WARNED HY AT-TOIlNEt (1FAEHAL POOI.EY THEY MI NT COMPLY VICTORIA. Sept. 8. Sharp warning to rebel" potato (Tow era of Aahcroft ii i id other district that they oannotlg' ii ire the produce marketing act. y to-mimI ynterday by Attorney General PooWy "There will be no leeway In ue enforcement of the act for anyone." lie Haiti. OPPOSE HIGH EXPRESS RATE VICTORIA. Sept. 8-rrwnlcr 8. F. 1 -Imie announced yeaterday that he ) i.d confirmed the arrangement made by tiic MacLean government under which Alberta. Manitoba and Britten Oolum-Mi. would carry a Joint fafht to the t.iiiwsy oommlMion aialnat higher ex- I '" rate with Iuc Pltblado, K.C., Joint (-ounce) for the three, province :.i Vi. t..n,i. set up to settle differences arbitration. been held In the looal Communist Hall three day sgo and following thl pamphlet were distributed Mlllnf upon the men to "stand firm and demand their right and a guaranteed wage." The pamphlet were not signed by the Oommuntot party official or representative but merely "The Harvester Committee." On Friday, following receipt of the mmrta at looal Twwdouarter of the R.C.MP. Investigation we commenced by both the police and Immigration authorities. OTTAWA. Beet. 8 A statement toaued hv the deoartment of immigration and SokmUmUon regarding the return to tb old country of a number of urtttoa bar my 338 of the harvester who left Winnipeg Wednesday and returned tit aid countrr were not returning because of lack of employment but be cause they organised opposition -to accept employment at tour dollar a day and some, of them were, unfitted , for harvest .work. Their return wa brought about in accordance with art ' under standing between the Canadian and Drttlah government reached In connec- i tih the transfer to Oanada re- l IWl 4 ---- cently of several thousand Drltlaber tor harvest work. Oeorse Tsylor. CN R. travelling audl-. n,w. ku hm in tbe olty for a few I d on official dutlea, sailed lat night on the Prince itupert " round trip to nT0 ,nl 8twrt Jld will return south on the same vessel UiIh ovflilnv BIG DAILY NEWS Tells Assembly Differences COURT SEQUEL POLICE PROBE HUNK CASIA TO fiK COMMITTED on c H.tiMiK or reiuntv for HAYINO MAYOIt DRUNK VANCOUVER, Sept. 8. Frank Casta charged by Mayor Taylor with bavin? oommltted perjury at a reoent polc nquuy, wUl be committed tor trial on September ll by Police Magistrate Flndlay. it wa announced today aftei tat hearing of the evidence for the prosecution. The defence wa reserved rot the higher court by Casta' ooun-01. The alleged libel wa bawd on evidence, given at tbe polio Inquiry when It to alleged Casta swore he had taken six bottles of wine to Shaughnewy Height home of Joe Oeiona and saw Mayor Tarter there "paralyzed drunk.' Tbe wtwy testified yesterday 'deny Ing he had ever been Intoxicated In Celona' home. Celona corroborated the Mayor' evidence. EXCURSIONWAS VERYENJOYABLE Though the number making the trip sUghtly over one hundred and fifty persons was not a large a might have been expected, the moonlight cruise to Ogden Channel aboard the palatial C PR steamer Prtnoaa Royal last night was a very enjoyable voyage. The ahlp left the government wharf at 8.16 pjn. returning at 1 am. The weather wa auspicious and. while the moon wa a little late In coating up. there waa a beautiful aurora boreal Is all evening. There wa dancing on deck with tune-aome music furnished by an eight-piece orobeatra led by Bobby Arthur Jr. Refreshment were served In the dining saloon. Comedy stunt by Claire Downle and DaredevU Uindte. both of whom will perform at the Exhibition neat week, provoked much wholesome amusement. Oapt. Albert Rtppon and officer and crew of the Princes Royal did everything in their power to make the trip a pleasant one tor the excursion lU. The oommittee responsible for the i usees of the event, the second of It kind this season, consisted of Bert Morgan. E. C. Bayllw. W E. WtUlaoroft. H. r. Fraser. Eddie Clapp. J. J. Mulligan and A. Donald. SOLICITOR CHOSEN BY THE GOVERNMENT Osrar IU of Victoria lo Art a lie-iwrlmental Advlniir at Salary of IW,7no VICTORIA. 8pt, 8. Owar Bass, veteran Victoria lawyer and former Jour nalist,' ha bren named departmental solloltor and hi duties will be to act aa general advisor to all department. He will come under the deputy attor ney general, a position left vaeant with the resignation a year ago of John W. Dixie, who became regiatrar of the su preme'teouM at . New Westminster. 'The position Carrie a aalsry of 83,730. NEW HOSPITAL CLASS FOR TRAINING NURSES A class of five new probationers will be admitted to the Prince Rupert Oen-eral Hospital training school for nurse on Monday. Mln Jean Harrison, R.N., lady superintendent, announce. The etas consist of Mis Ivy Alger of Uk; !flas Edna CMlker and Mis Katherlne Harvey, Prince Rupert; Mis Mabel Mc-Intyra, Smlthen; and Mis Fanny Mac-l.nrrn, Trrruce, UTILIZATION OF DOCK URGED PRESIDENT Of HOARD Of TRADE take it. Matter with mon- tubal authorities Hwng m , Board at Trade held in th nmiiutil St chamber last tughc, President J. W. N'lcholto told of hi activities on behalf of the board- at Ottawa and Montreal wneie h interviewed official, partieu- iariy in rest to havin, tbe big freight doek re utilised for handling :inned At '.he pntsmt insurance rate are ioo hlzh to make thia Doulble but If a au t f :m instaliail it wjuld be n visible. Mr. NlcbMl4 told of tbe industry that would (levels In labelling can If the big ahed war used fcr that purpose. Mr NlehotlS w '.uthcrlised to eon. :mue to bfa Tbe matter with the -&:iway auttatftte. Terrace Prospector Foind Bear Asleep In Front of Cabin Door Jahbei, Then Shot Him Dead TERRACE, September 8. T. M. Turner Sr. has a real bear story to tell this week and also has the bear to prove its authenticity. Tommy has been prospecting around his claims in the Williams Creek district recently and on arrival near his cabin the other day found articles of clothing and food strewn along the path, presumably the work of a bear. Coming nearer the cabin Tommy got the surprise of his life at finding a huge cinnamon bear asleep in front of the cabin door, and worse luck, his rifle was inside the cabin. Further signs of more depredations on the part of the bear so worked on Tommy's Scotch blood that he immediately went at the huge animal with a club and beat it away from the door. Then he slipped inside, got his rifle, and finished the bear. He says that henceforth his rifle will be a part of his pack on all prospecting trips. STAMPEDE FOR I THEFISHERIESI OLII TIME Kl'MI TO HITCH IIARUOR IN ALASKA Of PEOPLE FROM ! ALL ALASKA SEWARD. Sept. 8. - A stamped? worthy of tht old gold rurh days was reported here yesterday but not tor gold. Tbe unprecedented run of herring at Duteh Harbor la reported to be draw Ing fishermen from the far east a fat a Kodtak and a tar north a Bristol Bay. Oomtm; in every kind of boat men and women UtaraUy swamped the little Unalaska Island village, said the men aboard the Itadondo, which arrived here yerterdity with 800 barrels of fish. Almost overnight Dutch Harbor waa transformed from an unfrequentet shel ter for ships to a crowded city of tent. men on the steamship declared. The old dance hall was turned Into an Improvised bunkhouse to quarter those who otherwise might be aheltarleaa. Report of fishermen making hundred of dollar a day started the rush. More than fifteen thousand barrel of herring are reported to have been packed already while an equal amount of live fish la being heM In net untU It can be barrelled Enthusiast predict that perhaps more than 60,000 barrels valued at more than a mtllmn dollar will be caught by the end of the month. Alaska steamship oompanle have sent vesisels on two special trips with lupplle for -he stampeding fishermen. BURNS LAKE MAN SUCCUMBS HERE The death occurred this morning In the Prince Rupert General Hospital of Eric Derglorf. Burn Lake carpenter, who had been a patient In the institution tor some time. He waa 68 year of age and was a native of Sweden. Surviving relative Include a daughter who ha been hero with Mm since he has been III. Funeral arrangement are In the hnml "f the n.C ITmlortnkerK. TO CAMPAIGN ENDS FRIDAY NEW GRAIN I IS MARKETED; DIG LEAD ALREADY OVER LAST YEAR AT THIS TIME I REPORTED IJY RAILWAY VITTUPEO. Sept. 8. Nearly four ...... . . 1 a half bushel of grain. more than were marketed tn the cor - 1 TLk.. JS.TJ: ' v-Itir.i rtnnm. ir Thursday. The total tor the WM MMj000 M compared with i : l j last year. 1 ' ' Otr loaded totalled 27. The figure it ve-r wa S78. in bushel tut. is ;OM00 and 711,000. Since August 1 four milHoo and a nuarter bushel have been loaded whlrh 1 dcuble the amount of last year, 1 -.arkatchewan marketed the bulk of the sraln. 3J18i0 bushel, and Man- i it. ba cam next with 12&QJXO 1 : 1 . CONDITIONS IN YUKONCOUNTRY I IIIHIIOP STKINUER DESCIIIHKS LAND OF EXTREMES IN WHICH HE HAS LIVED I I CHANGS BROUGHT ABOUT ALMOST ALL NORTHERN PEOPLE ARE NOW Kill CITED AS REsl'LT MISSIONARY EFFORTS I be Oomparlng eondltlona existing today with those he had found In that remote part of the continent thirty-six years ago when he commeoaed hi missionary work there, giving some of hi Idea of the future of the country, describing the way of the people and IllvwtraUng with well drawn mental plot urn the nature and aome of the hardships of the land, Rt. Rev. Isaac O. Stringer. Bishop of tbe Yukon, gave last night before the Women's Canadian Club what he chose to call a rambling talk but which proved to be one of the most Interesting nd Informative addresses the organisation hss had the pleasure of listening to In many a day. The function, taking the form of a banquet, waa held in the Commodore Cafe,' the seating capacity of which was taxed to Its limit, husbands and gentlemen friend of the members being In attendance in large numbers In sddlUon to many ladle. Mr. J. 0. McLennan, president of the club, occupied the chair In her usual capable manner and Rt. Rev, P. T. ed Howe; ttivt Of Alsska, ah unexpected guest, also spoke brienya. INDIANS AND ESKIMOS Blsliop Stringer told his hearers that In that vast and remote country lying between the mouth of the Mackentle River and Herschel Island there were two das of natives the Indian who dwelt ln the interior and te Eskimos who lived on the Arctic coast. He referred brleHy to the weather of the land. Two months of th year the sun never set and for two months (continued on piRe six) Candidates Enter Final Week in Big Campaign Promptly at 9 O'clock Next Friday Night The Daily News' Automobile Campaign Comes to an End Th Print Runert Dallv entere4 the fourth and final period. On the stroke of 9 o'clock next Frid&y niht the campaign will come to a final close forever. When the campaign has been the judges wllUbreak the seals, count. Results will be bulletined ished and the judge's statement showing the winners will be published ln ft,0 0inwino. f Th Dallv V . . ........ me last vote count win oe bably next Wednesday) including to the end of the third period, Vote earned during thl final pe- riod wttl not be inawn unttl the close 3f tbe campaign, because return will not be be made to the campaign de parUrent but will be placed In the reasra oauot am. In thl way, the standings of the caifedMates wtU be ksjpwn to no one, preetuding any poasibtUty of favertUsm and giving everyone an equal opportunity tor the rich prizes. tiET IOR LAST STRETCH The wind-up of t&e third period Fri day night saw all entranta primed tor the dash down th borne streteti. -njJhaWPd ,t4 aptf Jrjm sb. scrlptions and coupons were' earned Sy the candidate and hundred of points 'were chalked up to the credit of the contender in the new 1100 competit ion which closed last Friday night. Full detail and instruction regarding the closing of the campaign wUl be published tn The News next Monday. land It It the duty of every candidate to be familiar with them. While no further subscription or vote will be accepted through tbe campaign department, final report being placed: in the ballot box. campaign hKjuar-1 tan wui oe open eeen ereiuii; ui week up to 8 o'clock to Issue MippUes, give information and cheek up campaign aoscuntt to the end of the third period. MIOILD CHECK RETIRNS Every candidate I expected to check up and compare hi or ber record to the end of tbe third period with those period with those of the management and verify and attest to the correctness of them, both aa regards total vote and points earned and gross alas report!. You must cheek and .-r'.'y your rote and cash totals not later than 8 o'clock Wednesday night. September IS. All remittance wr subscription turned into the ballot box this final j 'week must be In the form of each, money order, bank draft or certified ictteck for tbe full amount to cover. Personal check wUl positively NOT accepted. Thl rule 1 made In fair-ncea to all concerned and will be strictly adhered to. The final period scoedule offer every candidate exactly the same vote making opportunities. There arc no final favors, inducement), or advantage. Th schedule Is the same for every one. It can be Just a profitable for the candidate a hi or her abUtty and industry warrant. CONSOLIDATED IS ASKING FOR ROAD UP THE BEAR RIVER VICTORIA. Sept. 8 Officials of the Oonsolldsted Mining and Smelting Co. Intervtad the provincial Oovemment yesterday asking that work be speeded up on construction and extension of tbe road up Bear Rlvr from Stewart where the conapanyts heaVUy Intereetti in mining properties. p NOTICE TO EXIIIIIITOKS Special Notice to Exhibitor r Robin -... -r.. n.ll. .Jl 111. (M n mn4r th c"tUn Transport Oalearv Alberta, offer one OS-pound aT.n7o oo 'TTSmm1TJ?JZl sack of Robin Hood Flour a. tlr.t sec.;" JU "ff ' compulsory pilotage wouM be advU. ond and third prlxe. respectively tor bread made from Robin Hood Flour. howw' Mh- Contestant, to purchase same from 'policy ' Pooling the earning of the their grocer, attaching aalea tltp to PU to the extent of assuring every rntry form WORLD New' free o-lff. rilatrlhntinn in now declared closed next Friday night, unlock the ballot box and begin to as soon as the count has been fin- pumisnea in an eariy issue (pro- all votes cast for publication up RACING SEASON CLOSES SOON FINAL WEEK WITH PONIES AT COL-WOOD TRACK NEAR VICTORIA VICTORIA. Sef. 8. Tbe British Columbia racing season will close with tM tneewhiehwwU. be kM .at Ooi weod Park, commencing Saturday. For seven day the ponies will be in action on the mile track. Then, with the seventh race on the seventh day. tiie barrier wUl be sprung for tbe (art time this year and flashing colon and the thudding hoove wUl be heard no more untU the Summer of another year 1 here. Tbe last meeting la expected to eellpse anything seen on the Oolwood traek. Owner tn suofa number are demanding table accommodation that trr MalUb, , Is taken, with many horsea stui to be provided for. Numbers will be eared for at the Willow. MANY ATTEND LOCAL SCHOOLS Nl'MP.ER NOW IS AUDIT litO IN-GLIDING ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY There are 1104 pupil in the public and high schools of Prince Rupert tn Mcuuon to inmrmng use isu in sne Catholic school. This is tbe largest school registration Prince Rupert ha ever known and la an Indication of T steady Increase ln the population and the more settled nature of tbe city. At Booth School 86 new pupil bars entered. Borden street 86. Weetvetw 7 and the receiving class at Seel Oove A new teacher, MM Olive' MacAr-thur. ha been appointed to the puMio school staff and 'will probably go to Seal Cove, silo (tig Mies Lamb to take tbe new receiving class at Booth Sohool. Another result of tbe Increase In the number of pupil ln th schools I that manual training and domestic science department art overtaxed with the result that High Sohool student hav to be denied the. privilege of these classes. OPPOSITION TO GOVT. PILOTAGE VANCOUVER, Sept. 8 Because government control of British Columbia pilot would be Inflexible and unsympathetic to changing need It would not t. jui.ul tf ... A lit .1.11 B HllMKloiJ, """ "