I lember 8, 1928 dklet on Home Contraction Containing valuable suggestions on home planning with Oyproc, Rocboard and Inaulex, Writejor it. CANADA OYPSUM AND ALABASTINE LIMITED, VANCOUVER, D.C .Suumori la Driliih Columbia C.vfoum C mfmny, UmiUj EMPIRE" 41BC Fireproof Waflboard For Sale By Mbert & McCaffery, Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. EVERY POLICY with The Sun Life Awuirnnce Co. of Canada Gives you PROTECTION AND INVESTMENT durance in for $1,500,000,000 cis , $ 400.000,000 For particulars, call C15 or 180 S. J. JAROUH, Northern II. C. Representative Arcadian Hose A New Shipment just Arrived of this Popular Hose J expressly for ourselves, every pair guaranteed. , irom the finest pure thread silk, reinforced art silk, i ioneU double soles, toes and heels. Seamless, sise 84 i i hade of Blush, Oajc Buff, Sand, Grain, French Nude, . I'c ;i rl Champagne, Black, Woodland Rose. Q()C Eraser So Payne Universal Trading Co. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OperatlnK (i.T.I. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry lck . Engineers, Machinist Boilermakers, Blacksmith. Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers Ete. ELECTIUC AND ACETYLENE WHMHM.. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 City Meat Market (SELVIG BROS.) "rJ Atenue Phone G5 MEAT' FISH, VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and Immediate delivery ?ere ! AIJ articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. HEALTH FOLLOWS C'DOPMCTK CMttCTf rsrsiumoK srmi avuwpOlAWlOf t:;i 10LU5WINOOIWUQI '' , trit 1 -TMOAf - IUNCJ S; uvtn . . Jauwu 1 (WWII UNU GIVE THE L AD A CHANCE Does your boy's work at school compare favorably with his classmates? Can he learn T Many backward children owe their success to Chiropractic. Call or write for pamphlet. W. C. ASPINALL Chiropractor Green 211 Phones Black 283 6 and 7 Exchange Block, Open Evenings THE DAllY NEW3 ?AGE iWR T3 & FaSktai GO. (Kew Uaaeett), South Bar, Lagoon Bay, Allfortl Bay and A CONSISTENT WINNER Waterfront Whiffs Lockeport. ffaa River Arrandale. pkeena River Inverness and Claxton. Central Division Lowe Inlet, Bute daje. Klemtu and Walker Lqke, BeUa Coola Nimu and Tallheo. ejneboat Horseshoe Sink Near Lowe Inlet Bill Shrubsall All canneries in Riven Inlet and! Leaving orth Kelpie Goes Down jn Cow Bay Snob's Inlet are now closed tor the Win. . -. .... - I The seineboat Horseshoe, which dragged her anohor in Met-' lakatla rasauue about a year ago and went aghore, an Indian, . Cl.aiiie Auckland, being drowned-as he attempted to go to the rescue of ine vessel in a skiff at that time, again came to grief on i utsuay oi tnis week when, overladen with fish she was delivering i u cannery, she started to fill and finally sank in rather deep wi.'.er wiiiit an attempt was being made to beach her. This second accident to the Horseshoe occurred at Seven Mile Point, a short distance south of Lowe Inlet. The vessej, which, $ owned by R. G. ; .ounalon, manager of Inverness Cannery, was uninsured. There is ' some delay in getting salvage operations launched. The vessel is .")0 ieet iong and is equipped with a 20 h.p. gas engine. While outtound on her last trip to 1 ih fishing ground, the Prince Rupert 61tna Rlvr w ter having ..mn u:at veraa. uapt. -ei nomp-!bpen engu.d in cannery charter mot. fon. raiiunea the Canadian Fish & Cold (jUrln. the summer pipnttos. jt..r.f(i' Go's fish packer Fredalla near , arcon Id The Varna suffered a broken - Um but was. otherwise, in sound conditio.! so finished be; trip and, after landing her catch tbl week, warn re-po;..j at the MeLaan Way as Seal Cc i little time being lost before she proceeded on another trip. 1 roiler are stUl active In the Prince Rupert district and are meeting with fair aucceas in cobo flahlng. At Warke Oanal, many boats are atUl engaged in this fishing, gaabosts around the mouth of the canal and hand trotjera In the canal Newton Burdick. president of the Vancouver Dry Dock St Sal vase Co. and other iSSportant coast marine concern, which paid her first call In Prince Rupert en Tuesday, being on her way to Stewart wrtb her owner for 'an Inspection of ftorUand Canal mining properties in WbJoA he is Interested Including the Oerrgia River Oold Mine Ltd. of which he la a director. Seventy-five fees long and having been completely recondi tioned last winter, tbe Helena B. Is about the lat word in appointments and modern fittings including shower bath, fireplace, dining saloon and stater room aocoanmodauon for ten persona. be was built to Hons Kong and la of teakwood tbraughout. The wasee! Is equipped with a 11 h p. Hell-Scott en gine with reduction gear which gives her a cruising speed of about ten miles per hour. She hat been spending two days at Oeorgla River and two days at Hydsr and Is due to touch bore again tomorrow southbound, Alex. Saint, formerly idenUfbal with tbe Prince Rupert Boat Rouse here. Is engineer on the Helens B. which bee a crew of four men. The Helena B. arrived here at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, it having been the Intention of the owner to spend tbe afternoon In Prince Rupert, bu, when an urgent ntseasge came in frorp Port Simpson to rush fire fighting equip mens there an account of the cotiQsfra-tlon raging tbe village, tbe owtter offered his boat tor the purpone and, she was soon away, continuing through to Stewart. Indian Agent W. E. Ooillsoh, Dominion Constable A. J. Watkineon. Hugh Smith of the city fire department and Special Provincial Constable WUllam Robb, who went out to Port Simpson on the Helena B- returned to town later In the evening on the Pachena which was sent out to get them. to lumntv KiMinoM V. Bugs, well known Prince Rupert boatbuUder, left at tbe end of last week for Vancouver enroute to Japan where, acoompanled by Mrs. Suga, he will apend tbe next three or four months viaiung his native land. One of the lli winter days are almost upon usl Prim p Rupert 8alvae As Towing Oo.'s The trolling boat Royal IJl., belonging to the eatate of the late E. Lindseth, who loat bla Hie a couple of montrm ago In a logging accident dewn the comat, has been returned to the floats of the Prince Rupert Salvage Si Towing Co. by J. Llndaeth, cousin of the deceased, who had bean negotiating with the official administrator for the purchase of the vessel. Norman Freeman, local representative of the International Fisheries Conuais-ilun. left this moraine on the Princess Tromng will .till be going on'Loulse for Ketchikan where he will be to coneioermoie enent ir aouer engaged for the few days on old-month yet. i cta, dutla William ShrubasU. since sue early days identified with 'the fish curing bust- The neat few days wttl are the usual l Influx of native boats bttnslnc Indians ness in Prince Rupert and more recently . lPOm v.rtoU4 m dtstrlct to at-establlshed In Ketchikan, has decked to und tbe mb fMtlvltlea. While make another move. He Is afx two ,t to np)set vUl not be a or three weeks In Prince Rupert before,,,,,, m mUv to thU time as proceeding to the Middle Wet states m i douM to take up an attractive ntvaMaltlon te qulte , !fW Iof w Uwaya a that hM been offered him. Mr. Shrub-, nmtM, t. mt .h sail Is srrotnpanawl b Ms wife. I(.tli SKVtltE COI-ll Harry Oaggatt. vharnager of the government wharf. Is about Sflsla after bavins been confined to bis koine for a day or so at tbe first f this week with a severe cold. smatacow Bobolink. Cmpt. J. D. Watson, arrived In poet TbutaSay sStemocn tram the Skeena River tar coal mod ejtaer suppUea, (olng out again the next mora lng. of the most handsome and pala tlal yachts that has been seen here thai season was the Helena B.. property of aboriginal cltlaens to lawn for the occasion,, a. S matter of fact, tbe Prince Rupert Exhibition would not seem the same without mar of tnem and they mac as valuable visitors as any the Fair brings. HOUK O.N fcMllSLS Oapt. Peter lighten of Metiakatla has had bla aelsebeas Dieky Boy in port this week for altesatloas' to tbe winch and minor engine work at the Star Weaning Worms. The sotneboat Mote C. has also been in lor iimHhr work. The Star Welding this week has beest engaged in re welding of one of the cylinders on Qaat. Claude Ketcbum's tow boat Wigwam, a hole having been sprung in tbe one lung- while tbe vessel won engaged In Sainton packing In Mancint inlet. Tne work oompleted, the W4g warn leu on Thursday for the Hivtr to bring down a boom of Alex. McDonald of the Hre Hall has chartered his seineboat Hector to A. Steppoce who is fishing with tbe vessel in tbe Warke banal region. SI Swanaon of the Star Welding staff the early part of the week at Big FaUs Cress, up the BastaU River. getting in commission a gasoline don key engine which will be used by the flat ions 1 Airplane Sprues Co. in hauling logs out of tbe bush. When BUI Sshslun. who Is out a-trol: i ling. rtums to port a sorry eight will greet b)s eyes. Over the end of last week, part of tbe old McLean Waya In I Cow Bay upon which his south aeaj sailing bgst Kelpie was resting oollspsarl ! end the ancient and well known vassal j listed over on her starboard aloe Into! the vaster with the long mast barely! missing going through the roof of one sf the netgnaonng buildings. The Kettle Ues si more than a 4 degree Ult and tbe tide flows In and out of the aid huU. it Is questionable ft salving of the vessel win ee worth the trouble end the cost. MfLEAN YAKII IH'SY The McLean shipyard at Seal Cove keeps busy with repair and painting work and Mac Is already beginning to bemoan the fast that he has not even more room than his commodious eatab- llahgaent nrorWes. Though so new boat building is definitely in sight as yet, Mac expects to keep busy throughout the winter on work of a ture. Due to tbe heavy run of pinks, it now terms cents In that the 196 salmon pack in District No. 8. of which Prince Rupert is tbe centre, win be the fourth largest on record. Figures have been mounting up every week and, at the end of August, the pack steed at principal factors actuating Mr. Suga In proximately 990,000 cases as osnaBared making the trip at mis time was In j with a total of 6&5.913 cases In 1917. order to attend tbe coronation of the ' The only three years exceeding 148 new Imperor of Japan which will take j were 1934, 1934 and 194 In each of place op November u m Toklo. which season the pack was in excess . I - of one million eases which this season "Only one more' wik before the hunt- an hardly ow reach. lng season" la heard at all hands alone Weather has been so dry and creeks he waterfront, referring to the open- low ( h bn d neees lng of the deer sbootlnar season on ry to close a large number of tbe September It. exactly one week from Sflninf areas recently in erder to eon- today. As usual, a number of parties wve the fish and addition! areas are are being planned for the first week- being dosed. The oiuy varieties now end of the season although hunting oon- w" packed are chums and eohoes and dltions are not usually at their best all mainland canneries are expected to around that time. The season for ae-Iose by the end of September with ti-liy of the nlmroda wUl get In full wm Queen Charlotte Mend plants con-swing when shooting of geese and ducks Mnulng operations tiU October, the legal on October 15. Burely " being later there canneries remaining open ror fan rin are as follows: Queen Charlotte blnnds Massett power lug Paohena Is again on the Canneri (Old Maasctti. Langara Fishing Halibut landings at prince Rupert for the present season up to September 7 stobd at 19437A0O pounds as compared' with a total of 19,160,050 pounds at a suntlar date last year. Canadian land-' lng for (bis aoespn, standing at 8,120,-1 iOQ pounds, are dose to a million, pound In Meets of 1928's 5,373,600. pounds at s similar date while American landings were down from 13,798,300 pounds to 13,207,200 pounds. This year's total landings to date are down, about 600,000 pounds from the record! year r 1926. During tbe week of September 1-7 . inclusive s total of 646,000 pounds of' halbut was landed here consisting of 493,000 pounds American and 172,000 j pounds Oanadjen. Prices remained at a fairly good level, the high bid of the wtck for Ajnerlcan fish being 143c and 8c which the Ignore reoeived for 15,000 1 pounds while the hlg.i Canadian price was 12.9c and 7c received by the M. M. Christopher for 11,000 pounds. Tbe low price of the week for American flsb was 11.2c and Sc and for Canadian. 11.3c and 7c. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES : High Low High Low High Low High Low SATIUDAV, SEPT. 8.49 am. 30.40 pjn. 348 an. 14.15 pan. ilOVplV, SEPT 10 High , 11.16 ant. , ? Low 4.4t am. VIM High Low 130S pxa, 3S37 pjn. f .41 am. 1848 pjn. tVEIIXBMD.W, KEPT. High lt.4J pjn. Low 649 ajn. l40 pjn. TIII KSIIAY, KEPT, 0.48 Sju. 14.17 pjn. 749 1441 rHf If 13 FRIDAY EPT. 11 148 S-m. 14.50 pjai. 7.44 am. 304)8 pjn. SATI'HDAY, SEPT. 15 44 am. 1443 pjn. 8.17 am., 30.44 pjn. Advertise in th Dally News. 154 ft. 18.7 " 84 " 10.0 " 17.7 tt. m u 4.8 " 8.7 " 164 ft. 30.7 M 17 " 74 M 194 ft. 8.1 " 54 " 314 ft. 48.6 " 2.7 " 44 " 41.4 ft 41.1 ft 3.7 " 44 " 314 ft. 214 " 3.1 " 3.6 " MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock, Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Sillier, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Kupert, D.C. Dr. Alexander rnov: S7S llESNRIt 11I.OCK DENTIST COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Ilulklcy liny and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 53 Prince Rupert Feed Co. r If there is anything In a name "Victor," the prize horse of the Canadian National Express, at. Winnipeg, has proved it. Entered at a number of horse shows an.l fairs in Western Canada, "Victor" hag ssored an impressive list of triumphs in competition with the best horses of his type in the west, His record is as follows: 1626 The silver cup at the Winnipeg Horse ghow. JojSS-r-Three" firsts at Carman Fair, June 39 -July 2: Livery, mare or gelding in harness elssi; road class; trotters or pacers. Portage Industrial Exhibition, July 9-11: 1st in roadster class; 1st in single delivery class; 2nd in heavy harness class; 2nd in best harness horse class. In these events he beat a horse which cost over fvVWQ. Saskatoon: 1st, best equipped road horse; 2nd, light delivery; 2nd, heavy delivery; 3rd, best road horse; 4th, heavy harness hone. mm On next Friday, September 14, the Prince Rupert Daily News' automobile and subscription campaign will come to a final end. As announced at the beginning (in No. 19 of the rules and relations) the last period will be under a sealed ballot box. Tim system insures absolute fairness to all concerned as no one, not even the Campaign Manager or the Publishers, will know what the individual candidates are doing this last period. Full details and instructions governing the last week will be printed in next Monday's News. It is the duty of each candidate to study these instructions carefully. If any feature is not perfectly clew to you, you should confor with the Campiiign Next Tuesday and Wednesday have been set aside as days in which candidates are to come to this office and check and verify their vote, cash and point totals with those of the Campaign Manager. Get your totals ready now, and come in either Tuesday or Wednesday to check with the records this office has for you. Please be very areful in filling out the subscription stubs, always write or print the name, address and amount plainly to there can be no mistake in crediting the subscription. Be sure your name is signed to each stub or coupon you turn in. There can be no more stalling or taking promises now, as the campaign ends forever on next Friday. It Is Now or Never S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave, East. Phone 83 Dominion IJoyal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Rate Repairs USED CARS W have several excellent bargains in used t"ar. Easy Terms if desired. s.