tH (riii We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So Is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIRIIT SERVICE Day Phone: 204. Night Phone: Red 317. Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles . Roll Roofing Ruilding Papers and Felts EverjX Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Coltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, RC. DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $150 Double Load $6.50 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Itulkley liny and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. w;-';t !vi.'i:bui' ' r I s Cartage and Storage Phone C8 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize tn Piano and Furniture? Mnvinf. I'UMTY OPPORTUNITY WEEK IS HERE IN CAMPAIGN THIS IS THE IWMiEST WEEK IX THE ENTIKE CAMPAKiN AI AITORlIS OPPOKTl'NITY TO MIX FINE CAK Opportunity Week in The Daily News' subscription campaign means Just that a time to which you may, with a little effort, vain the position In the vott standing you desire. This offer is good only until Saturday. Aug. 11. at 9 pa and will not be repeated, extended or I duplicated at any time during the cam- I paign. If you do not ruuy unoerstana i the tremendous vat advantage of the "OPPORTUNITY WEEK." then It Is your duty to find out. A call at campaign headquarters, a letter, a collect telegram or a phone call win pr.vde you ab8D'.ute ly free with the Information you desire. NO ONE MKH'LIi BELAY NOW With the present BIO first period vote schedule yet in effect and the "OPPOR- WEEK" Mnw effective only until Saturday. August 11. you should sot quick. No one should delay enter ing the big campaign bow with the ex termination and earnestness to win this week. Work done during the "Opportunity Week" will easily bring success to real candidates in this campaign. The lag- nnl nawillin to devote time or tiiwiiM to the blc price, however, will reap no reward This Is a campaign for "live wires." If yew ate ambitious, if you are awake to the opportunity now before you. If you are willing to devote some of your time and energy to a proportion whereby more than (4.000 in prizes is at stake, titan you should be a candidate you should enter thh distribution today. You can secure one of the two beau tiful enclosed automobiles, or a part of the hundreds of dollars In cash prises i in a very few days' earnest appheatton i to the business of helping yourself. There Is one cash priae of $600 and there are two pones of cash containing $100 each. And the basis of the dls-j tttbutssn Is a guaranteed cash com-j mlsfton of 10 per cent of your total sub-sertptton sales if you do not earn one oT the Mg gtft. j PAY MANY TIMES OVER ! Wianlng either one of these two fine icara or one of the three large cash prices iwfll pay you many times over for your ; effort. The opportunity Is here for 1 you, no matter whether you are a pres-; eat candidate W a new entry. It Is what j you do this week between now and lending next Saturday night. August 11 which will largely determine your cam-' patgn sucoess. Dset lag in your campaign: don't 1 hesitate or be timid about your race. Oo ' right to It and keep right at it And ' tt lip Atfmnatllivj) with vmir WIV " " . J ' I - self. 'Be positive, not negative. Do tumethtng. Accomplish something. Make the time between now and nest fcsturday night the most productive you over experienced. You CAN do It. Will youf Olve your vwnpalgn as much at tention during your spare hours as you would any other business proponitton for right here Is, no doubt, one of the greatest opportunities that will ever oome Into your Ufe. Take advantage of "Op portunity Week." The opportunity Coupons" are the key to a golden oppor tunity. They unlock the treasure chest tor you ENTER NOW Campaign headquarters will be open tonight and each week day evening until 8 o'clock. Phone 534. Tou are invited to participate. iined tor M'rriyNo nmnrm UtwnfP Ua fln1 St00. WtUl the option ot three months' Imprisonment. in city police court this morning lor suDnlvlne llauor to "Indians. He pleaded not guilty was found guilty by Magis trate McCtymont. it lleaulme. lournallat from Paris, m i7n i' j; France, 'who la.maStng a tour of Oa- -rta'tW arrlwM'U trip city from Montreal on yeafesyUy oflerncon's train and will be here until ThurHday aiternoon when he wtU proceed to Vancouver, lie la registered at the Savoy Hotel. E. M. Haines, post-office inspector, ar rived in the ctty on the Oatals this morning following a trip to Stewart and other northern points on official duties a. A. Woodland, local agent, ofr the Imperial Oil do- returned to the city en tle Qatala this morning from a brief business trip to Anyox. ft KILLS FLIES MOSQUITOES BED BUGS ANTS ROACHES MOTHS BESNER WALK IS DISCUSSED CITY COl Nni. DECIDES TO CEMENT EAST SIDE OF THIRD STKEET At the personal request of Oiler B farter who was present to auuout hi com, the city council decided last sight to Introduce, a bylaw providing tor the construction of a cement sidewalk on the east side of Third Street between Third Areirae and Second Street passing Mr. Beaner'a new business block. Mr Beener stated that, as he had mdteatsd tn a letter pu ihituly wrtttea to the council, he was willing to pay his share of the cost of the sidewalk but be did not think it was fair that he should be asked to pay more. He asked the coun cil to give further consideration to his request. Particularly In view of the fact that the provincial government was undertaking to bear the cost with a view to having cement sidewalks pot down all around the old Court Bouse square. AM. OoUart felt that both aides of Third Street should have such walks The new Besner building was a credit to the city and he fett that it should nave a cement aid-walk He moved that the necessary steps be taken wttn a view to having the sWewalk construe -ed The motion was seconded by AM Rudderham. AM. Prudhomme referred to the fact that the matter had already been dealt with by the Board of Works. Personally, he wae of the opinion that the traffic would not Justify the city paying sixty percent of the cost of the requested sidewalk. This sidewalk should not be put down at the espenae of other parts 3f the city. Though he appreciated the great Improvement that the Besner Block was to the city, he feared that. If the council were to put In this walk. :t would be in the way of compensat - Tt V y ' By George McMamJ$ BRINGING UP FATHER REDS I i WHAT- VOO THE ) fvE-- 1 I 17 WELL.CET HIM OM THE PHOME ' f THAT- I HAVE I'LL AN 600N IDSATOU FIND ORDERED OOT- WHV, ThS The DEUvanf SOriRV-MUM mistake- iicr mad- TMV " i SWELL PEOPLE- TttB it v ! j X ,F THOSE BUTCHER LEFT MUM-1 TELA. IT C'MEWAjTEU-Y- .- rti Ac-t-eoc kkiFW WE HAD FOR. THE'DEPLAS" J POUN1D& OF COHME.D A DEEFAMD CABBAGE? VULGAR FOOD-WHAT WOOLO HOU6E "WOULD ' 1 V i JhJ I .sW -XJ-Whitl 1 Transfer j; ROlM 03 "SOCIALUT j i if rr t ai i i iVi o j i Fifteen years' experience in hci r invivn BIT Ml l I i m ing Ml. Bfsner for the building. OOI.1AKT NOT PARTIAL Kobody could accuse him of doing anythinjr'm .re for Besner than he would do for aayotnrr cltlsen replied Aid. Col-,art. A far as the traffic was concerned he believed there wnwld h p"1? hen Mr. Tlnsiwu 'i building became occupied. The Walk requested, he fell, would be 'sr thai good of the whole city. It had seen the custom In such cases that the ner of the building should pay the .ntlre eset of the cement aidewalk on he avenue abutilng while the city bore a share of tht cost on tne street Mr snwr had already lived up to this tmdereakxBK and he saw no reason why the ctty should not change Its policy This. aMrwalk was as warranted. Aid ri.illwl sen tended, as a similar wslk on 3ecoad Avenue between Fourth and ?lfth Streets a bylaw for which the Board M Work was introducing at this Baeettnf- Mayor McMsrdie referred to the fact that Ml. Besner and Mr. Wectenhaver both owned 100 feet on the street In nuestlon. If both wished the sidewalk -e felt thv. the council would hae no hestftloB in granting tt but he did not think Mr. Wester haver abouM be ob iged to pay for it If he did not wish It. Aid. tinker took the view that event- -aOy the sldewnlk would have to be put 'n. Been H ft was stretching a point, be felt that the jxmnell might well go ahead and do It now. The new building. r-e felt. Justified tt. Aid. Rudderham also spoke In favor of ootmnicting the sidewalk. On be-in Informed that the putting down of I cement sidewalk on the west Me of Fourth Street between Second A erase and Third Avenue was being recommended by the Board of Works. Aid Bmwn acpaessed the view that both sides of Third Street were equally entitled On the vote being taken, all the aldermen except Aid. Prudhomme war in favor cf the sidewalk. Aid. Orearwas ot pre', r.t. A delight to the 1 connoisseur I q revelation to the 1 sceptic 1 IN SCOTLAND W JjjBK M James Buchanan &.Ccu, Wjgjjmjgjg V 26 Holbora, London, E.CL HP ' I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Cntrol Board or by the Government or British Columbia Vi anted For Sale For Rent (Special to Daily News . KBW YORK. Aug. 7 New York Yan kees and Philadelphia Athletics main tained their status quo for the leader ship of the American League yesterday when both wont down to defeat. The Chicago Sox won another tight game i the Tanks to 4 while Detroit Tigers trimmed the Mack men by to 5 Washington Senators and Cleveland Indians divided honors in a double-header and the St. Louis Browns con solidated thatr hold on third place by defeating lowly Boston. When Willie Kam socked a triple In he fifteenth inning at Chicago yester day scoring Palk with the winning run for the White Boa it marked the champions' tenth loss In fifteen stsrts since they invaded the west. Fortunately for the Yankees. Philadelphia, for some un known reason, lost to Detroit. The only games played yesterday in the National League were Interesting enough sffstrs. the lowly Phillies turn- lni in two victories over the Chicago Cubs which resulted In lbs latter drop- nine to fourth niece behind tne nn- mnatl Reds. Yesterday's scares: NATIONAL LEAOIE Chicago, 7-1: Philadelphia. 8-&. Only games. AMERICAN I.EAOIE New York A: Chicago. 6. Washington. -ll; Cleveland. 7-1. Philadelphia. 6; Detroit. 8. Boston. 4: St. Louis. 9. LEAUl'E KTANIIINOS National W. St. Louis 7 Mew York r 57 Clncrnnatl M Chicago M Pittsburg M Brdoldwai M Boston 39 PhJtadXphta 2fl American New York TJ Philadelphia 68 St. Louts W Cleveland BO Chicago s0 I Washington 48 Detroit 45 Boston 40 L. 17 41 45 47 47 60 70 95 M 84 58 58 61 00 8 SPORT CHAT Pet. league honors or It will tie up the race for the Mobley Cup In a rather tight fashion. But the principal interest tn the match will be by reason of the fact that in the last meeting of these teams the Regiment defeated the Terminals by a score of three to nil for the only victory the soldiers have so far had in the league. Regiment, with Its line-up strengthened since that time, seems confident that It can repeat while the Terminals will go Into the field to show that the other game was but a fluke. The settlement of the argument should prove lntrtittni! to match may mark a turning point In thin season's league affairs. The heavyweight claiming race Is for the purple toga cast aside by Oene Tun-.ney. They come from all comers of the j earth. Short' ones, tst ones, si in and :tatl. and thTr' are all Kiglral ! cham-ptona. Moreover, there Isn't one of the newly crowned contenders that lant 1 willing to defend his diadem against all comers. First to weigh In for the title wan Billy Strlbllng. the OeorRlan Billy 1 has claimed the crown and la willing to defend it agalimt nil cunien,. Jaok Sharkey preferred Thn miineti Tommy 1 Louithrun, llRlit honvy kmc Thomas' ha posted 11 forfeit with u,r Pennsyl- vsnla state uthietir cummiHiiiDii u back hla claim fur the crown jurk Sliarkey not to be outdone; has claimed the world's title in Massachusetts and will DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. B 2c per word in advance, tyo Advertisement taken for less than 50c ATHLETICS AND YANKS BEATEN NO CHANGE IN AMERICAN I K till I. MT1ATION AS UEsl I.T OE YESTERDAY'S OAMES WANTED EXCAVATING wanted. Bock or kind. By day or by contract. E sang. FOR flENT any WANTED. Maid for general housework Phone Red 257 tf SITUATIONS WANTED GIRL with business work in store. Phone Orson 7S1 desires 1IM X5R RENT. OLAPPERTON HOUSE. Ninth Avenue Bast Rent reasonable Apply City Treasurer. City Hall tf OR RENT PIANOS. PLAYER-PIANOS. Phonographs and Sewing Machine Walter's Mule Store. tf TOR RENT. FTJRNISHED FOUR roomed apart&vrnt with bath. Water paid. Phone 547 tf FOR RENT. FOUR ROOM APART- ment. hot water heated. Apply Smith ti Mallett. Ltd. tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms by the dsy.week, or month. Phone Red 807. tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART -menu Apply MueaaUem Orcerry. the claim with a forfeit. Walter Friedman, manager of Knute Hansen, did his challenging through the National boxing Association and Its president Tom Donohue Walter will post any aiae forfeit desired with Donohue and. of oowrse Knute will meet any wormy challenger at once Johnny Rtsho doesn't limit his claims to any territory John Just says he Is the real champion and point to the fact that be was the winner of one of Tex Richard's heavy-welght tourneya. Edmonton's pride, the Commercial Grads. continue to demonstrate to the Europeans Just why they are the world's basketball champions. Recently 44 they defeated a team in Milan. Italy, JU by the score of 68 to 1 and were tvs MM a wonderful recaption by the country 61 men of Mussolini, who ptusled the aaa Itnembers of the .team wrth a net of jjo medals folk) wing trie game. The Milan jaggifhis were she tersest that the Edmes Ml ton girls have ever been up against and phtyed eicehent baakctball, but jen oould not negotiate the stonewall de- .041 fense of the fhrtadtan girh. jiel .48t Tha Saturday soccer clubs of Ocotttsh 4 a hssgnea will open the .440 matches are scheduled in 4to for Satusday. August 11., whUe the fust j8t Bngliah League nxtwea are down for August 36. There wtU be some rater- :S eating preliminary games before the it opening of the Onp campaign. Dun fermline and Botes drop back tn the Scottish League. Ayr United and Third Lanark moving up Into the ptoree va- More than usual Interest will probab- eated by the aforesneotloned clubs. Hot ly be taken in tonigbis league football spurs and Mlddleahoroufh are rtlayatrd game between the Orand Tennlnals and! in the Brat If Ague m KngHad', Man- Regiment tor tt wUl either start the, Chester City and Leeds United step up. Terminals weU on the way to cinching 'Vtniwall comes from the sou there seo- Hen of the Third DlTtoon. and Bradford from the northers section tete the Second Division: Botrtb Shields and Pulham are reited. Insfeetor WUnam SpUlee, nrovtnotej police, aalled ytatsrday after neon on the Prmee Ruriert for Victoria on offsosal business. Me took south Hdley novm- tree, who ha been sentenced to three month' lmnrtsonmeot at O It alia tor drunkenness. L. W. Palmare of this city has leaded the fans and the for fifteen year to the F. W. Waolworth Oo Ld., a 87 by 130 foot lot on Oran- vffi street. Vancouver, upon which a new Bfteen-cent store will be erected at a cost of 11.000. Indigestion FOK SALE StVBW-ROOMKl' Third A ven iu frontage. 14. cash. 13.000 ' Phone Bed 334 FOR SALS FIRS I house; twenty-... nlshed and in . osllent opporti v -Apply T. Mccv... OLD NEW8PAPE1 . stead 0; builcn. ceatb csrpeti. special price Dally News. FOR SALS LA', v Horsepower In complete arid , dttlnn Apply FOR SALE. -Tor:; Cruiser in ex fully equipped sale. Apply Bo FOR SALE. : Boat: 7 hp Friday at Pari 1 sonahte prkf FOR SALS. Offer two-ton Traff:; 1 ton Ford Trui k saont. FOR BALE T' engines in Apply Box i PIANO, dhsing hold rurniturr -50a, mornings SNAP 5WM 011 ii automobile Pi: i FIinVITlTIcK VM' Faweett Range H Bedding encludinc ' tress, Dinlngs R" :i Suites. ChesterlKK: Blinds. Linoleum We sell at very rc. will pay you to kiv. jut Windows. A. MAfKENZII Pimm- Piirnliutw of all low 1 ,iiii,i fMiitrni'n m Til lilL IL t. EVO1IS0N Chlroir,n "it 0M Third ' Telenhune for sppou "1' 88 Residence p' am ssmMa Aeute and Chronir i fully u Establish"! 1 ir'-t Mnliulil'i'l craUng and p Ooods sold on "" Aurtlnneer. . ) .. 1 1 1 a SALVAGE AND TrtVl3 T Prlnre Kupcrt SaKiiRf Co. i t" HAH haroain 1 Agents for Basthri; f IKiats of all de.rl(M ttin It Lakes Ferry the hours 1 pjn ' and Holidays, n Phot"- ... Mi AUCTIOM ' 1S rutsrE Rt'pr.RT mural tl m 1 rin"" hdU.'l"- (i. J. l'"""W(l HESTAlinNTS, 00(l E's Mr. Unaer vll Third Avenue. '" 41 . Oood IloBM Cooked M' ' fiprt lsl tiiirken" IHni Evrnlnf f"1" I'itlNCE HUrKKT TIW, TITMIAT. ' 11 " High '? " 17'4:i . : 11:11 . i:i)NIlAV High e:'-"1 " "' lg:4.'. 1 Low O H ' '