CLASSIFIED HABIT Everyone radi th Classified Ad. If you lose, advertise lor It. It ru f'nd, locate the owner. Whatever you need, advertise for It (JET TUB CLASSIFIED HABIT. XVIII. No. 184 ! IK'irt: IMl STEEL C.tlJLE ATTACH- Ell IO HILL IIY REM.TE WOKKEItS HOMR Aug. -t twfn--wHwf law 11 in airpis andasMl caMe to the hull 1 a Italian submarine r 14 unk ny In thm ASriAtlr w In MflU. 1 T .u, rrulser with II men aboatd. r--' h in eonuaunMattan with " ie but It It not known If all 150 PASSENGERS ARE RESCUED FROM HURONIC in ARTHUR, Aug 7 One HALIBUT ARRIVALS TODAY 115,400 LBS. "'ir Aiurrlean and Two OanadUu IVtMts 'in Their (alrhra at E.clian-r Tills 1'ornlng 11 t landings bare todty totalled : 4 ,1 pounds, four Am er loan vels "K of rr.64 pounds at the nan 1 " 1 at frost Its tad 0c to U3c and ' ,l :l' two OttMdlans sold 18,400 tha. I'' and Sc tag UM and ft . 1.' V. 1:. Hi 1 1 J. kllll 1; I l;l'y paaasngera on the r- sate after being 1 ship which I aground KUr.d In Lake Superior ') Storeeje Ob., lie and . " Bwuadt, Dago nshertra ' .WO pounds, AUfci rtshertee. C. .ill 11 "k" vOWisoudatir'Bi8, fisheries u,m 8c. (UNAIHAX ' pl. It.090 paunds, Patitle Fish-'"e and S, and k MO, rtsftl Tlah Ooh lUie J M aacaitatttn was appointed sec. ""' " the lootl branch of the 1,111 Region at an executive meeting I'lKht, suoteeslag A. R. Sinclair ' been oompelled to reHaquieh M 11 " owing to Illness. A. -w.,,.., , i - .. - vv VA TION Xt'R.E Kll.l.i:i AH CAR I'LI XdfcH OVER nii.ciriti; KtMMMirs KAM10OPS. Aug. T Beaurtee Latramouille of Kamtoops, nurse la training at 8t. Paul's haagiltal Maauunin. was inttanUy unaf wtten'aa autetMMIe went over t precipice Jut out of Tramrullle Oorby. who was driving. Is dangerously dangerously Injured Injured once had or. throunh more Intimate as-eoolsUon with the lorcea which sur round him. Mr. King conciuocu he might as well take up the time-worn and somewhat discordant instrument handed hun by MMitinu to hart) upo hi, predecessors su l I VANCOUVER. Aug. 7ameahtng the hun- combination dial frrm the door ( the safe, robber escaped with M70 cash Set In checks from the Sincere Oro- loary on Robaon Street over the week leud. Premier Mackenzie King Gives Address at Brandon Fair and Deals With Important Issues HI; AN DON, Mn Aug. 7. Having regard to the present industrial tli',i-li,,ment of Canada and the position of the country in regard t" tli. r o u lr I (X, the Liberal party holds the view that the greatest I to the greatest number could never be effected by going to ex-ii' i,,, in tha-matter of the tariff. Premier Mackeniie King declared 11 addretw before a large gathering at the fair grounds yesterday iit '1 in-Kin. Tariff for revende afforded the necessary means of ''"nig part of the revenues required to carry on the Government i; 1 'he "happiest means of avoiding extremes," he continued. Th. Premier dealt with tariff, lmml- 11 grauon. transportation, return of tural resourcea. national unity niiahmrnU In the Intriesta af returned soldiers and the efforts of the Oovern-atent on behalf of the mart time pro vinces The Premier said what he had bean struck by most In Hon. a B. Dennett's apserhea In Ontario, viueixw. ana Marl times was that he nao appeaweu w have plunged bead mremost into the protecttonlit camp and the care with which he singled out for his earliest pronouncement the localities tn which he had been led to onw" w higher protection would not be unvel oome. . . tn a eerv lit . I tm nrnwi wii. iae winip-n several resolatlona Introduced by the owe during laat aesaton Mr. Bennett the word permitted never once He ventured to Moteotlon" to appear aty when Mr Bennett came again visit the west he would be equally silent in the use or the word unless he hiul wholly lost the perspective he the old strings f population, -lost or reeource. markets snd loss of employment as a cure for all. tl "'J aMtr Pro' taction. Ibre revolver snd then turned the weapon on herself, dying instantly. McLeud was snot three times ui the and heart. The coroner's 4! inquest decided that MaLeod kras shot 4. while in bad and staggered out only efeund MeLeod was a manias! man with ' threu children. His wife was In denote ! hospital at the tune of the tragedy. f-j having given birth to a son six day t4t4tttt4vt f .'go The man came front Nova Scotia SMASHED COMBINATION ! SAFE AND TOOK CASH ix years ago and was well liked. FILES SUIT FOR DIVORCE Doris Dean in Action Against Itoscoe Arbuckle Tells of Wild Party LOS ANGELES, Aug. 7. Doris Dean, screen actress, yesterday filed a suit for divorce against Knscoe Arbuckle, one time famous comedian, in which she described the alleged "wild parly" In Hollywood at which Arbuckle became intoxicated and nought to "forcibly make love" to women guests- The complaint charged that Arbuckle was "vicious, morose and nagging." " SEWER PIPE WHaL ARRIVE TOMORROW Tender-, will be requested by the city engineer and city treasurer from local trnnafer men for the delivery from the wharf of sewer pipe for the Bee-lion Six trunk system which wUI arrive from the south tomorrow. The city council so decided last night at the suggestion of Mayor MeMordte who staled that the pipe would weigh some three hundred or four hundred tons. The engineer and treasurer wtu receive the tenders snd award the contract. LIGHT AND 'PHONE FINANCIAL REPORT One Itrpartiiirnt Showed Surplus of fit During June and Other, S19I.3H. Tbc following reports on the opera-tteu ef utilities during the month of June were presented H JtejJJBOun-ell last night by J. J. tittle, supertn-tetftnt''r USttesi1 ' " ' ELECTRIC LIOHr f.i-Battmatod revenue'' . :!'.". . . ." t8.41t.08 Expenditure 8.433.08 Burplus 11.00 TELEPHONES Estimated revenue 13,430,10 Expenditure 3,639.72 Surplus 794 39 Alex Msckenale. furniture dealer, will anil this afternoon by the Oatala on a business trip to Vancouver. tin PRiNCb RWEft'r, lit c Tuesday, august 7, 1028 M 'III 1 Af Ui VLli arrtbern Sakatehwa and northern Al- SABKAI OON. Aug. T Witnessed by by August 18. miv a fowr-raar au rhiui who hunt ' Virtually act oee ntaoe in the uralrKw ahoU and returned to bed thinking they repdVu any serious damage from rust, were artworks, a double tragedy occur- la there la almost complete fre-red In the school house at Mikado. aom this plagJfe and as fbe crop Suk.. aarly Saturday, according to ad-, h" now-readied thescint where rust rk received here yesterday, which a ,ltle teerro. itanger from thta coat fee Uvea of Norman MeLeod. tea-1 wuree can a' meat be dtsmiaeed. as a Cher, aged 40. and has alstcc-tn-law. possibility. There, has been no damage lrMed AzuUe Fylawka. 31. from frost at any point, but several PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OLYMPIC IRISH ME'fflWnS RELEASED BY 0AKL4ND OAKLAND. Aug. 7 -EmU ( Irish) Uetl-el, oaMleldv tor Jimmy Cevaaey. Ottrd ! -n)n snd cne of the former iaaor league tata, was unconditionally re- by Oakland today. The girl shot the man with a 25 eal-' POO have suffered severely from ball. Mrv Hugh KUlln aaUs tonight on the These are located mostly in Saskatche- Oatala for a visit la Vancouver and wan and Alberta. vr p-tnt In the south. Great Ovation. Given All British. AthletesiWhen They Returned to London from Amsterdam Olympiad LONDON, Aug. 7. The Hriiish OljTnpic competitors received a great ovation in London last night when they returned from Amsterdam. A great crowd gathered at the station and when the athletes stepped from the train there was such a rush and shouting of admirers that the whole saltan staff had to be mobilized to Protect them. The party included all the Empire athletes who will compete at Stamford Saturday with the Americans. WILL GIVE HIM IMPERIALISM CIVIC GREETING: PREMIER KING EXTERTA1X.MEXT' l"OR HT. HOX. RAMSAY MACDON.U.D DISCISS- ED AT CITY COI XCIL i MEETING I The mayor and aldermen in a body I wUI meet Rt. Han. Ramsay MacDonald. i formtr Premier of Great Britain, when 1 he arrives here on August 31. and such I bis three daughters wno are travelling with him on a tour of Canada. The matter was brought up at last night's council meeting by Aid. Brown who Inquired what was being done about It. Mayor MeMordte stated that Mr. Mac-Donald would be here only an hour between train and boat. It had been his Intention to meet htm with members of the council and extend the welcome of the elly. He would be glad to carry out any further Instructions of the council In the matter. Aid. CbUart Inquired U It might not be possible to have the ex -Premier atay over here for a day. It waa pointed out In reply that his Itinerary was already made up. Aid. Rudderham urged that every 'courtesy should be shown by the city to this man who was one of the Empire ' leading statesmen. The mayor further stated that the preatdent of the Trades tt .Labor Council had consulted with him on the matter and the suggestion had been made thaV greetings be wirelessed .to Mt, Mao-Donald "with the request, that cltieena fheludlhf "labor leaders.' permitted, to be presented hun. during ihis siaj. His Worship felt that 'dtirena general ly should be giver the opportunity of meeting Mr. MacDonald. Further arrangements for the reception were left in the hands of the mayor. If possible, the former Premier of Great Britain will be taken for a motor drive about the elty. HISHOP RESIGNS LONDON, Aug 7 George Rodney Eden, bishop of Wakefield since 1897, resigned because of advancing years. DAVIDSON, Sask, Aug. 7. Addressing a big gathering here today. Premier Mackenzie King laid stress upon the steady and consistent purpose of his Government to force stronger the links of the Hritish Empire wih Canada equal to and subordinate to none other in the chain. mtertaiament as time win permit wUI ' m ... v .......Mt be given the distinguished visitor and I UAlill I MlLLIuAll WAS KNOCKED OUT BY FRANKIE MOODY GLASGOW. Augg 7 Tommy MUllgan. middleweight champion of Europe, was knocked out by Fraukte Moody of Wales In the first round of s bout here. CRICKET WINNERS IN WESTERN TOURNAMENT WINNIPEG. Aug. 7. In the Western Canada Cricket tournament yesterday Baskstchcwan defeated Alberta 77 to 53. British Columbia defeated Manitoba. 134 to BX MRS. DOLMR DIES VANCOUVER. Aug. 7 Mrs. Christine A. Dollar, widow of William Dollar, bro ther of Robert Dollar, died here today. fI ,W, H. Tobey. CN R. divisional superintendent, left on, vbifj nTtnlM't train for the New England States where he will spend a three weeks holiday, accompanied by his son William. Jr Mm. Tbbey Is going as far as Edmonton and will visit tn that elty and In Prince George. Union steamer Catala Capt. E. A. Dickson, returned to port at 11:35 this morning from Anyox. Stewart snd other northern points of call and will sail at 6 o'clock this afternoon for nd wayporta. Boston Grill LARGE CABARET Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing every Saturday night from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire. Accomodation for Prlvae Parties Phone 457 Price Five Cents WINNERS MA CKENZ1E KING DELIVERS ADDRESS ON WESTERN TOUR n I ... T n . n i i tanaaian learn Beats England Nine to Five Today in Lacrosse Canadian eight qualify for semi-finals in rowing and Toronto boxer beats an Austrian in welterweight boxing AMSTERDAM, Aug 7. A curious situation has arisen in Olym-lacrosse. In the first game John Hopkins University defeated N. w W estminster. ThcYi the English team beat John Hopkins. Toil,:) !(,. Canadians beat the English team nine goals to five. 'I' in- Uritish eight defeated Germany by a length- 1 1. i owing the Toronto Argonauts qualified for the semi-final eights, ii.-.i'.mjr Poland by a length. I'" Wright of Toronto was eliminated from the singles by David i ! i f England by two lengths. ' . Wright and Jack Quest defeated ITALIAN UNDER WATER VESSEL SANK MONDAY : France by (our lengths In double. ItOXIMI In the aoaxag tournament. Smniie of Toronto, welterweight, defeated Freber-ate -of Austria. TEACHER SHOT BY YOUNG GIRL REVOLVER II RED THREE CROP OOTlttOK KOOU AS li VEK . HARHLY A XV Ht'ST AXI XO FROST SO I'All AXI CITTING NT ARTS VERY OOX WINNIPEG, Aug. 1 Cutting of rye and barley In MaastSfca and some ecc-tlons of Southern Saskatchewan has al- 'Ity CouncCI rlrldr ( Make Improve ment U, or lVlikh- Is Estimated at J2WI. A cost of 1360 be log estimated by the ' city ciirfUteor on the work, the council 1 ' ec:Sed last night t proceed with the widening of the roud from Summit Avenue to too Exhibition Building. The lnprovement of thlv narrow stretch of EAMI TAKINK EIIECT AXI) I'HOt. ' Tbttlwan. No wfeeat .euttiiur Mi Wn ti .-i. .. .,., -rw ! Capt. Courtenay Tells How Airplane Dropped to Water in 30 Seconds NEW YORK, Aug. 7. Captain Frank Courtenay and three corn- ready commenced and win be general toad has tons' bt clamored for by pa nj ores who cheated death alter their seaplane Whale crashed in over the whole of the west within ten .-. eratots sf motor vehicles i mid-ocean, reached New York on the liner -which picked them up off ' dan. secardlne to the Ih.rUwnUi wlr. t-Ka u . ik.i it k n , TIMES. , T . "... i. V. .. . ' r - - noatiriK wrecitage. Their air craft, Courtenay told, was forced to land. There were hour8 of driftJn following a fire in the engine room and final I'ATAl. jrepwtcd as yet. escegt from one point v, as made oa motion of Aid. CoUart and - I in central vunitob were some oamet Aid. Brown. j rescue by the steamer Minnewaska. "We were up 1500 feet when the TAKES HER OWN LIFE wheat has been cut, but wheat cutting it w exueetcd the work win im ear- fire broke out and it took usonly thirty seconds to drop to the water. ; wui dc genersi m jaamoa 07 we ena M out btfore the Exhibition next nuMiae imiows ana no one to Witness or this week. In Stskstcbewan and month. Tragedy Hut lour-Year Old Child I southern Alberta early next week and In While Mechanic Pierce stopped the gasoline feed cocks we veered jver 30 degreea and came down smak ona an Incline of an ccean swell with the; aid of a flare made by our cwn ship. , The flight was a failure but Uie re- ' suits demonatrated that a plane like ours , forced down la mtd-joean can be aaved with the aid of good radio. t ORIENTAL LEPER WAS DEPORTED LAST MONTH IS REPORTED NANAIMO. Aug. 7 Sanitary Inspector M unlock reported to the city councJ mat an Oriental tuHertng from leprosy "bad been deported in July. Ilia department la is awaiting awauaag tnatrucUona nuniT'i'TW tinm isem TRAFFIC BYLAW TO BE PRINTED ALSO SOLD AT 15C COPY The city council decided last night tn call for tenders for the printing of , 600 copies of the recently revised street ' afflc bylaw and also to. sell copies of the bylaw at 15c. each. In supporting the recommendation af the finance committee to this effect. Aid. Oallart stated that the chief af police had said that he could not put the bylaw into force untfl the people affected bad bad opportunity of getting acquainted with It. He urged that a rr-arg- of 14c. per copy be made for copies or the bylaw in order that the coat. might thus be defrayed. The sag-fieetton was put into effect on motion of Aid. Collau and AM. Brown. In declaring the motion carried, the mayor remarked that It was "an ex cellent thing to see such Scottish thrift on the part of the aldermen.' MISS MOLLY JACKSON APPOINTED KITSILANO Oris Tan (iood Pinltlons Hut Accepts The One In Vsnrouvrr City Miss Molly Jackson, last year a member of the Prince Rupert High School staff, has accepted a position on the staff of the KltsUano High School, Vancouver. Miss Jackson wss also appointed to Chuilweck In competition with one EXPLOSION OF POWDER VESSEL 1IRE STARTED OX HOARD AND CREW 1-tHOHT IT AN THEN TOOK TO WATER TACOVIA, Aug 7 .The V explosion of twelve tons of powder aboard 1ft steamer La Blanea In the o&rrowa lust west of here last night shattered the windows in the city, disrupted the tele- 4, . phone service and atarted a fire In the weeds. steamer es-lMi4 swim- 4. r 1 1 The avw crew of iu the wc Ckvarnnsat k destroy the ous T ivnaaag overboard and aat&aj aaunaj quarnra quarCnf Ih la CTrmaflhHT mtat ubrxTbtttt letC ' U al JHU Jim 1 iarmcrly oocupled by the Orien- Ul. tofr-of ,e. Spectators on Shtre saw the saHors 'fighting the flames on the ship previous to the explosion but what started the fire was not ascertained. Debris was thrown on the Baby Island ahere more than mile away tram scene of explosion. The cabin of the vessel was blows 63 feet into the air and landed on a bluff labcve the crew who had reached the f beach The La Blanca was bound from Dupont for Kenneydale near Seattle. CANADIANS IN ONLY PLACE SHCl'RED WAS IX 4000 METRES PCRSl IT RACE AT AMSTERDAM AMSTERDAM. Aug. 7. Oanadltn cyclists were eliminated tn four events and only one remains on the program. Ui the road race James Da ties of Vancouver was eliminated in sprint trials by the Oerman entrant. In the 4,000 mertea pursuit race the Oanadlana qualified for the-semi-finals, by pacing second to Oermaay but were defeated by the French In the semifinals. The Canadians were composed of Torehy Peden of Victoria, James iDavlea of Vancouver. Lew Elder of To ronto and Andrew Hon ting of Toronto. VOLUME OF BUSINESS IS HIGHER THAN EVER OTTAWA. Aug. 7 The physical volume of business for Canada during the first six months of the present year at at a higher level than nt any period of like duration. The bureau of statistics hundred other applicants but decided 1 Index ahows an Increase of 14 per cent It would be more advantageous to over the corresponding period of last teach In tha city. year. Scholarship to be Provided for Percy Williams by People of Vancouver and Trust Fund VANtjOVVKH. Aug. 7 A c'holarshir. p will bo UEpvided for Percy Williams of Vi in the university or it. u Vancouver, winner for Canada of the 200 metres Olympic sprint championship by citizens of Van couver and British Columbia, it was decided at a meeting of a special committee yesterday. In addition a plan was adopted to establish a memorial fund which will bear his name. The first objective of the fund is set at $25,000. It will be for the purpose of starting Williams on a career of business ownership upon completion of his university course, should he so desire It. Money will be drawn from the fund which la to be raised by public Vancouver I subscription. It will be in the nature st a later date. The fund Itself ultimately will be used for the promotion of amateur athletics, I ot a loan to b paid back Into the trust i particularly track aod. fieid