A ee Phones, 82 and 200 ORES LIMITED T D P ae a cemen HE A [ | a NEWS a ” pensation Board PRINCE RUPERT AUTO ney anti ms an~ - green onreotoi 707 Second Avenue PHONE 76 . uw. X. NO, 164. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 15, 4 1919. PRICEY FIVE CENT? “a | illions Take Part in Great Victory Celebration at Paris ae Since Crushing Defeat by Germans 1870; Marshal Joffre Marched with Foch in the Procession Through Streets of Paris. the Grand Triumphant March lalf Century’s Bitterness Swept Away by Greatest Doings PRINCE WILL VISIT WEST (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) July 15.—The Wales will visit both Edmon- NEW SCHOOL BYLAW 10 BE SUBMITTED Sum of $160,000 to be Raised for New Building on Acropolis Hill. LABOR COUNCIL REORGANIZATION WAS DISCUSSED Meeting Last Night Decides to Stay With Labor Congress of Canada. Edmonton, of ton Prince and Calgary. Governor Brett has just received advice Duke of Prince will from the that the here the September 12, Devonshire Re ek al . On the recommendation of the Finance Committee the City Coun- cil last night decided to submit arrive on At last night's meeting of union morning of Friday £0 lay, men there was an excellent turn- and will make a stop of two full out of those wishing to retain days, leaving for Calgary on Sat-|a bylaw as soon as possible for|their affiliation with the Trades urday at midnight. a new permanent school building |CGongress of Canada. Representa- on Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs | Paris, July 15.—-Yesterday France swept aside ali traces of | alf a century’s bitterness and woe with the greatest celebration | n her history, the Victory parade. Hundreds of thousands of | people from all parts of the country crowded into Paris and | heered wildly in their five-mile triumphant march through the heart of the city. it was the day France had awaited since he crushing defeat by the Prussians in 1870 and she made the most of it. The city was a riot of color when the 25,000 veterans bega the march. Fiags were flown from every building and the streets tried to out do each other in gala attire. kt was just nine o’clock when Marshal Foch and Marshal Joffre with their staffs rode past the arch of triumph. According to an estimate of the prefect of police 2,000,000 visitors from the suburbs and provinces joined with the 4,000,000 persons living in Paris in the victory celebration which was veel clared unique in many respects. Many quaint provincial costumes |i of country folk were seen in the parade and on the streets. Acropolis Hill. = , tives were present from the local Alderman Kirkpatrick, who is ,Unions including the Carpenters, jalso a school trustee, explained | Steam and Operating Engineers, that there were at present ee l'ypographical, Retail Clerks, Ma- pupils. Owing to the overcrowd- | Chinists, Electrical Workers, Boil- ed condition of the schools a room| er Makers and De ep Se a Fisher- had been opened on Second Ave. ) men. and another room was rented} S. D. Macdonald very capably from the Methodist Church for , ae ted as chairman whilst George manual fraining. At the high’ | Waddell was secretary pro tem. ;school one more room would be| All the speakers spoke of the | needed after the holidays which ;#ood work of the Trades and La- | would crowd out one of the pres- ,bor Council and how important jent classes at Borden St. and at’ a factor it had been in the inter- jthe other schoots several newlests of the laboring wet Among jfooms would be required to ac-/the speakers were W. . Thomp- ‘commodate the increasing popu-| son, J. D. Vieriek, J. ieaneen A. Hlation. There was no doubt as/H, Allison, J. H. Meagher, Imlah, to the need of a new building. The|p, McCorkindale, J. Gillis, A. W. only questions that arose were McLean and others. where the building should be} A resolution was passed that placed and should it be of a per-jthe secretary of the Trades and manent character. Labor Congress of Canada should MINING PARTY HERE 2 The trustees had decided that jit would be best to erect a per- be communicated with and ‘his advice obtained in regard to re- ~ PROHIBITION BRITISH GOVERNMENT IT Y WANTS manent building on Acropolis |taining the Council charter. Each Al ON ITS | H POLICY ‘Yacht ei Asives Bound for iy ir a permanent building/union will hold a meeting in the RIS Aidenen Porte. 1ey could issue forty-year bonds|near future and new delegates ; Which would require annual pay- iments from the city of $9,340 in will be chosen as representatives About ten o'clock this morning order to raise $150,000. to the Trades and Labor Couneil. TIEN TSIN Speciai via G.T.P. Telegrapts.) AT WASHINGTON London, July 16 Pressed in tl team yacht Aquilo arrived in To —_— ; ; en le steau ac ‘ o > | : Tedtloly” Moiese of Caumnene 100,000 for a wooden building ALIEN Pa ae yesterday for a statement of th —pmee — “tered eae on board they would have to issue ten-year oe sking , : party eight who are going as | | bonds, the : oe iovernment's Irish solie ons payments on which ‘ ‘ , ° cession in China. . I } - J i ' ' eis ner Took Full Controi of House and far as Juneau, Anchorage and| lwould amount to $414,524 a year. The four aliens, who are on nti Sw seid the Government . a wae Refused to Permit Repeal Cordova. The expedition whieh |p yiew of this they had decided trial hefore an immigration board —— via O \» . ‘ Vish t post any yar of ts : 5 : oy a : ¥ ee et oliey' bat tid rot : I ti tt | Motion. was organized by D.C. Jackin | hat it would be better for the tax], a ninipes, have boon: refused Paris, July 14.—At the aiter-/?°! oe Boy wees we ero — who owns the spacious yacht} bail by the chairman of the board, ; anything without some chance | ' } : thoy payers to have a good permanent Magistrate Nobl Tei Larne | oan ease ‘| ee oe ee started from Tacoma a few ‘éoye building which would be a credit} “"'**T@'® “ante. Five the Italian request that th: i Washington, July 15.——Pro- jage and came in here to adjustito the city. o anientis aaa Austria ssion at Tien Tsin, | hibition forces took full eontrol|some small mishaps in the en-| Jp connection with the choice o ent, JF. Maguire, Si gloves. wy as a. - oe oan a ” DECORATION DAY f = a . ty _ se neat s}gine a : po ns a na oe Kirkpatrick =< oot, — = ee Was rererre COMMITEE oda ant efused to permit alare a eres : |plained that there was no-other ensleernee j WINNIPEG PARADE vote on the direct motion to re-!are going north to look into the! site available. The medical health ; ° It was decided to send a mes \P veal the war time act. They de- develofment along that line. officer advised against the Ninth For Sale age to the Szechs and Poles de-| feated overwhel: | | Capte Q formerly of the , i i i |} Winnipeg, uly 14.—An im-| elmingly an amend- aptain Quinn, to J Avenue site as most unsuitabie nee ae ngrermneee 2 ‘“lovessive tribute to the heroic |™ent providing for the sale of two fishing boat Idaho is pilot aboard|and as not providing any play- cached regardiug te contiasted). vices of the Wii nipee boys |#nd three quarter per cent beer the Aquilo. The yacht was for-|grounds for the children. With A dandy three-roomed house o val situation within ton) v1, cove their lives in the great}@Md stood solidly against all at-!merly owned by B. T. Rogers of|the school at Acropolis Hill they float at Seal Cove. lays the Couneil will deeite"the war and previous campaigns was jtacks on the general enforcement | Vancouver. could utilize the athletic grounds . 7 tsel! given yesterday in the ann | ' eeepc for playgrounds which would be 22 as Cle eau sent a note to . rreat boon to the youn eople ; decoration day rae Repre T a great Doc young peopte. lay t 0 isner, head of : i . . ‘ul -~~ oa bemitite ary, veteran cimendaaminll Toe | ; 2 rec hr a is re ws al man and allied nations joined in hon- Knights of Pythias Hold Election one | ia wees we 7 ia —s ring.tthe inemory. of the dead of Officers for Fall Term. Pe I { % he as a rf <7 | Fitting commemoration sé a —_—_— i oa ee r1 ~ mgs bie were held on the University of | vast evening in the K. of P. hall 3 2 y eee vad ie Manitoba campus at 2:30. The! ine Knights of Pythias gathered Retail Merchants - emoekage shoul troops and organizations paraded | » elect officers for the fall term. ™ east on Broadway and north on ; th re was a good attendance and 3 wie . ,. |Main street. General H. D. B after the regular routine of busi- ssociation al for Fishermen. Swivels, |i tohen. CB. €.M.G. fook the |Metall Clerks to be Quests of Em-| ness had béen disposed of the ae dozen; hooks 3¢-each. Ful- | a iute‘as the parade passed Port ployers for One Day at following were elected to office:|Seven Labor Organizations Ask|\} ~————— s, Ltd. Phone 45. Lc teeth Site Digby Island. C. C., Walter McLeod; V. C., For Cancellation of Trades SATURDAY JULY 19 seus ed one aig \Geo, Leek; Prelate, Cyril Westa- and Labor Council Being proclaimed a ' ‘ Fountain pens free me lhe retail clerks are to be the | way; M. of W., P. H. Linzey; M. Charter. pom Retail Merchants and Clerks windows. Fuller's. Phone 45. |guests of the merchants on Sat-|at A., W. Burken; K, of R, and 5., . — pe ee Tlurday next at Digby Island at a J. 8. Carmichael; M. of F., Sid (ipesies Rg. ©. 0.9. VengreeaA) “Peace Day : > > . . , . a” > 5 _Wens . eee eee eee ee SEE RE Dig picnic. A program of races Hamblin; M. of E, F. Shaw; I.G.,| Vancouver, July 15.—Twelvels 17 nants have the privilege ‘ : ‘ * ®land all kinds of amusements has J. Rowatt, and 0.G., G, W, John-|Unions are reported to have taken ? aie train inate -a ist eo oat ston a definite stand against the One OF BSSDING Dp nna aS 2 igh . NOTICE *ibeen arranged to take place and n. . . business open on Wednesday * - *leveryone will be out for an en ” ” scape vig Big Union and partial returns in- fter July 16 j \ : | bane er —_— rade 88H Hee CoH BH Ee Bl dicate that seven organizations}, ®)'°"MOON, Yuly 10, also un- To Digby Isiand on All places where liqui joyable time, : , til 10 p.m. on Friday night, ® stefredhineniea are eon « Boats will be plying to that |# #| have signed petitions collected by July 18 > Peace Day * must be closed at 12 mid- */place to earry those who wish * * the Vancouver Pheatrical Feder - i* night until 6 a.m, the fol *igo and many private launches * WANTED */ation asking the American Feder-|¢, JULY 19, 1919. ie Neda eden en tad Olen « arry parties * ceemeeneay @iation of Labor and the Dominion Boats leave the “Old Hazel l* after this date, as per * i te + 50 Muckers. * Tredee sreeetes z —s _ ESTHOLM rw oh $058. oe: ini la City Bylaw No. 330. * J. Olts who was charged with nls 60 CENTS PER HOUR : erate of the Trades an abot q a souncn, Coffee, Sugar and Cream &/* All persons violating *J/assaulting Fred Jugyins of Alic i - oes TONIGHT l® said Bylaw will be subject #|Arm has been set free by the * Apply * A local evening paper says edi- eraen | * to prosecution, *licourt. It could not be proven * J. . MORGAN, LTD. *\torially that in the ranks it i 8 Bic Ree.s! 8 Bic REELS Kverybedy bring a cup * £. DD, JOUNSON, *ithat he was the man who entered ,* At Drydock, * accepted generally that the char- PRIVATE > Acting City Clerk. *|the room and committed the foul ,* @/ter of the Council will be revoked = * : * | deed * @/and that a new council body com- 90d, oe RETR SRR ERE ES . j i » * aro @a o “* “* “* ee “* - “* * a Senate posed of craft unions will be au lncuiee | The mail drivers union is the tf MPRESS RHEE ORO ee! ‘6 OT ee ”? * * latest one to take a stand against Private Peat Tonight * SOLDIER'S HOME SITES * * O jthe One Big Union and to vote in * — . PROCLAMATI N favor of the cancellation of the|f 4 atm oo be om The Biggest Hit of the Year! a renders will be received | Trades and Laber Ceunceil ehar- Two years in hell, and back HERBERT RAWLINSON * for City Property, Section * SATURDAY hh 19th inst having " d iter. RL W ee Z \* ‘Two, for this purpose un * = , the ? , bee e- eto PEAR “KI ” |* til Monday next, July 21st, * lared a Public Holiday by the Dominion Govern- lw, A. Paterson of the Canadian in the 9th Episode of the SS OR KILL i* 2 o'clock * e | Bank of Commerce, accompanied “re: . : ” e . i Soldiers entitled to pro- #|\) ment, in honor of the signing of Peace, 1 herewith by Mrs. Paterson, is leaving by Lightning Raider Charlie Chaplin : visions of are — 7 — a Public Holiday in Prince Rupert on the pe > - es neliaee for the Big Christie Comedy ‘ : are reduestec o make ap id te. 0 » ole oman. = in “One A.M.’ » cat a to Treasurer, at « fal a a a NO ADVANCE IN. PRICES INDUSTRIAL REEL * City, Hall, whare iit and #* T, ah rae | Ladyemith Coal. The best. Prince 2 Shows 7 and 9 \Geniaoton 06 and $0 conte : plan may be seen a ayor. Rupert Coal Company, Phone 16. A dmissi - 15¢ 1 30c * Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. CMM MMM se Cee