THE DAILY NEWS TAGE SIX PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eased by SANTAL MIDY Be surf to set the Genuine Look tor tie word "Mil)" Fresh shipment of Peek Frean's Biscuits just Arrived Price per lb 05r all varieties Prices per lb. .Vc in full tin lots 5 lbs. to 9 lbs. We have the following varieties in stock. Cheese, assorted Ginger Nut Assorted Creams Bonnie Scot Water, High Baked Cream Horn P. F. Assorted Digestive Butter Puff Special Afternoon Imperial Tea, per tin 1 lbs. 80f? MEAT DEIT. SPECIAL Rolled Pot Roast (young beef) ir Shoulder Roast, (young beef) 180 Small Keg Herring, per keg $1.00 fasallem Grocery CO. LTD. 417-123 5th Ave. East HAVE YOU TRIED? Our $ Leader in Silk f Hose "33 A wonderful Hose in a nice range of colors. H.S Wallace Co. Lid. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. & Fulton For A DAINTY FROCK pretty Floral Voiles in soft shades and 38 inches wide will make a neat little Frock. Per yard 65c AND 75c "The Nobby" LADIES' DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue OPTOMETRIST AT M'CUTCHEON DRUGSTORE xi;w hepakt.mext at popular l'HAKMACV IS SCENE OF JHUCI ACTIVITY Many people have taken advantage of the opportunity ol having their eyes examined at McCutcheon's Drug Store new Optical Department, without the obligation to purchase glasses. To accomodate ouc of town people, many of whom have written for appointments. Harry Pickering. OX)., will remain In this city for a few more days, Mr. Picker i? Is an Optometrist of wide experience and persons requiring optical attention would be well advised in consulting him. . ' Remember, there to pesltlvely no obligation whatever to purchase glasses. Mr. Pickering la here to open my Optical. Department, and owing to rush of business, will be with me for a few days mere. Phone for evening appointments, to McCutcheon's Drug Store. advt. 185 . Subscribe tor the Dslly News. Form No. 13. tjectlon 39) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO riKCHASE LAND In Prince Rupert Land Recording District and situate about 5 miles from the mouth of Khutr-e River. TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Mining Company. In-, tends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted one foot distant, from the Witness post on the West side of Lot 173; thence wesWr-ly CO chains; thence southerly 20 chains; thence easterly 60 chains; thence northerly 10 chains, and containing 100 acres, more or less. F. PARDOE WILSON. Agent for Detroit Western Mining Co. Doted Ifith April. 1928 City Meat Market Selvig Ilros. Third Ave. Phone 7C5 KJOT FISK GRONSAKR Alle norler norsk ost Nornke fiskckon.scrver Norske sukkerkavrlnger . Norskc hvelesskonrokker Norske rugskonrokkcr Norske knekkebrod Norskc flatbrod Mutter o.s.v. 1st ky. varer. RilliRe priscr. Ilurtig ombringelse Bete Opt-CHtluK (j.T.l. Knuint-erit, Lndy Assistant AND MACDONALDS Elite Git tx perfect blend for fhose who "roll their ounn CIGARETTE PAPERS attached DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL HKTIIKIt IIKTAILS keceiyeh Ol TKAOKUY WHICH TOOK STEPHEN MIDDLKTOVS LIFE LAST WEEK J. s. Wilson returned to the cltj on yesterday afternoons train from the (interior where he was called on account of the death of Stephen Middleton. section foreman at Knockholt and oouslt of Mrs. Wilson, who was kUled In a railway accident near Houston last Tuesday night. The coroner s Jury at Smlthers before Coroner Stephen H. Hosklns returned a verdict of accidental death. It was late in Use evening of last Tuesday when deceased and three companions set out from Houston aboard a speeder on their return to Knoekholt after having registered some mineral claims. On the curve of the railway Just east of Houston, they saw a freight locomotive approaching them on "the track about 150 fret distant. While assisting In remov LAND ACT , NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LHASK LAMI In Prince Rupert Land Rccordlne District and situate adjacent to Alllfora I Bay. Mi.resby Island. Skldegate inlet. uuven unarioiw uiamu. TAKE NO ICE that Pacific Mills Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Pulp and Paper Manuiacturera, inienas to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Hnmmenelne at a nosl Disnted on IK high water mark of an island; thene following the high water ma.ra arouna the inland to notnt of commencement. and containing one acre, more or leas. PACIFIC MILLS. L1M1IE.1J. Applicant. Donald Wilbur Hodsdon. Agent for Pacific Mills. Limited Dated Mav 3. 1923. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION T( APPLY TO I.KASC UIMI In Smlthers Land Recording District tnd situate adjoining loi aitsu on &ai side of Skeena River. , TAKE NOTICE that Christina Corley. of pacific. B.C.. married woman, intends to apply ior a lease oi vue iumuwiub scrlbed lands:. Commenclne at a host planted at ,t the nutheast ccrner of Lot 6 ISO, Range a. Oust District; thence north 80 chains, thence east 30 chains; thence south 80 oh. .Ins; thence west 20 chains, snd containing 160 acres, more or less. CHRISTINA CORLEY. Applicant Dated Mky 28 1028 Dentistry PLATES that gfve you a natural appearance and. lend beauty to the contour of the face. . Dr. Mapire Over Ormcs rhone 525 Canadian National Steamships Co. L'mited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ship-yk&Dl; 20.000 Ton Floatlnu Dry Dock Machinists. RoilermakerH, Blacksmilhtt. rllern n a kern, FnundcrH, Woodworkers. Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of ' MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 ' HlSOin 'AlB tin 80) ing the speeder from the track. Mladle-ton was struck by the locomotive and death was Instantaneous, his htad be- .ng smashed with two broken Jaws and i fracture of the skull wmie a mow der bone and leg above the knee were also broken. The funeralof the unfortunate man took place at ;Houston last Saturday afternoon. Rev,1. B. Olbson. Anglican Church rector at Smith rs. officiated and practically all the people In the district were In attendance to pay their ast respects. nmon in nnm mil & diu urur OLD POWER MACHINES One (lenerator I riHii Former Cow ltay Steam Plant Sold To Stewart Company On recommendation of the utilities sorcjnlttee, the city council aecwea last night to tit i price of S3.000 on two old engine and generators which are lying unused near Cow Bay. having formerly formed a part of the equip ment of the old steam plant. Aid. Brown i plained that an oiler had been made for this madamey but bad been con sidered too low. It was deemed advis able to put & price on a now in w urchasers should offer. Also on recommendation of the util ities committee. . the councu acoepiea an offer from the International Electric Co. of Stewart of 500 for a 100 kilo. watt generate; which was formerly used '.n the Cow Bay plant. Aid. Brown pressed the opinion that this was a fair price for this particular piece of xiulDraent which was not Included in the previous $3,000. CINDER WALK ON BQRDEN STREET TO BE CUT DOWN A recommendation of the Board of Works that a el)J0er path be built along thi. mirth aide 9t Bofden Street, which . being graded, to connect with theoMi4. . RegWtrar of the Land Registration Dis trict or prince Ruoert at mnce nuper. B. O.. a description of the site and the plans of the wharf and dolphins proposed to be built on the foreshore mar the moutn oi trie Marmot iuvwt, rwi- land Canal, in front Of Lot NUmDaf Pour Hundred Sixty-seven (457). waster District. British Columbia: and take NOTICE that after the ex- nlratlon of one III month from t itate of the first DUbltoatton Of Notice, porter Idaho Mining Company limitMt wlU. under Section 7 Of the said Act. spply to the Minister of Public Works at his office in tne uy nttaws. for sDDroval of the said tte afid plans and and for leave to construct the said wharf and dolphins. Dated at Vancouver. British Columbia, this 30th dsy of July, 1928. PORTER IDAHO MININO COMPANY UMITED. LAND ACT NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.KAM5 LAM In Prince Rupert Land recording DU .it mnA itnaLP utikcent to Alltlora Bsy. Moresby Island. Bktdegate Inlet. Queen Cbarlott Ulsnds. TAKE NOTICE that -Pacific Mills Limited, of Vancouver. 8 0, occupation Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, intend! to spply for a lease of the following de- Commencing st a post planted on the high water mark of an island: following the high water mark around the island to point oi conmrcumHiTu-and contatnlni; 0.23 acre, more or less. PACiriO MILLS. LIMITED, Applicant. DonaVd Wilbur jioasaon, tin ENGINEER TO BE GIVEN ORDERS Lack of Co-0ieralUii With Medlml Health Offirvr Alleged Hy AW. Tinker Difficulties having been reported by Aid. Tinker, the city council deckled last night that there would have to be better co-operation by the engineers department with the medleal health officer In the matter of making sanitary Inspections. Aid. Tinker stated that, under an ar-langement with the city engineer the medical health officers was supposed to have a certain man to make inspections when necessary. However, the doctor had been unable to get this man on oc casions when he was required. Aid Tin ker feH that the Inspections should be carried out regularly, say once or twice a week. Some of the lanes were getting in bad shape and there was a swarm of rats around the city dump. Aid. Prudhomme stated that the city engineer had been instructed to give the health officer this man when he was needed. Those Instructions were not being carried out, replied AM. Tin ker. Aid. Oollsrt felt that It should be made plain to the city engineer that this man was first at the disposal of the medical health officer. He would iO move. ' AM. Prudhomme feared that such a motion might be the thin edge of the wedge toward the creation of another official. He advised that the matter be left with -this department and felt sure that there would be no further com plaint. The mayor felt that the medical health officer should make any com-plaihta he bad to the Board of Works. He would see the city engineer, however, and give him to understand that the man In question must be avallaWe whenever the medical health officer required him. LOCAL NEWS NOTES walk to Borden Street School was ad- jxnus Mantel arrived In the city from opted by the city; council last night. The ( stewart on the Catala tfcli morning. putting down oil1 the walk was urged by the school board and the recommen-1 D B McOmigall wUl sail by the Ca-datlon of the Board of Works followed. , .,la tnU afternoon on a trip to Van-Aid. CoUartmtfd that he had been COUver. approached by' number of citizens who , had asked for walk on the south slds A Betudln. Alice Ann hotel man. was of street. Now they were willing to tn arrlV8 n the city on the Cstals have the sidewalk but they were ntjluU morning from the north, willing to pay for It. The contour of the ground, he said, would lend itself n i 0 E. Murphy and Iter daughter to a cinder walk If a walk on the south side 'of the street were asked tot UVer, it could be put In. "NAVIGABLE WATERS I'RO TECTION ACT." R. S. C. 140 Porter Idaho Mining Oomptay ma iled hereby gives notice that rt naa. under Section 1 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister 6f Puhtlc Walks t Ottws. and in the office of the District Mtrie left this morning lor .a holiday trip to Edmonton and Oalry. The Dutdale cannery tender Oape Na- tfea esUed in port from 1 to 8:4S this morning to load salt for the cannery. Frank Moore returned to the city at 'J first of the week from a hottdsy trip to Prince George where Mrs. Moore and family are spending the summer. Aldermen were called Into confer ence In too mayor office last evening after the regular ixmncll uuetlng ses sion. Matters pertaining to power de voloprnent were discussed. Southbound from the Nee lUver to this 1 Vancouver, Union freighter CaUtoot. Oapt. 3. Mulr, arrived In port at li no this morning and made a brief stay. 0. N. S3, freighter Canadian Rover, Oapt. Joseph Flood, which naa been at Mte dry dock for the past few day hav ing eight dsn -oil carrying tanks lasts! led, Is expected to sail tomorrow on her return south. Sergeant T. Van Dyk, Oame Act en foreement officer In Uu district for the provincial police And Mr. Van Djk and family will sail by the Oatala thi ator- noon for Vancouver on a two weeks' holiday trip. Mr. and Mrs. 3. L. Nortoey, Miss Madge Northey, -Umes Northey, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lucas, Mis Lucas and Dal ton Black are expected to arrive in the city soon In the course of s cruise up the coast In Mr. Northey's yacht P. E. Peterson, consulting engineer for AffMitfnr Psclflc Mill. Limited, i the Silver Orest Mines Ltd., which Dated Msy 3. 1928. Fresh Pasteurized 5111k and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTINDAIRY Telephone 657. carrying extensive developments on the twiddle orpprty at HastliunvAi, is turiVfP iBfcavAnjjmertfiJrtrip of ' rirTHLLINB.t'PS The line-up for the Grand Terminals In tonight's league football match aga lost the Regiment will be as follow aunrich; iiawe and Skinner: Ourrle, Chenoekl and-Warren: Strachso. Harrl son, Hill, llacdonald and Dickens: re serve, Donald and Bardelt. wove and nnngern played to a six all dra in an intereHtliig Junior lerrnaaf Leagu' match lut evening. Removal Third Avenue This Stock of The Pioneer Jeweller Tuesday, nm 7, 1S2I HIGH CLASS JEWELLERY, SILVER, SILVERWARE, CHINA, CUT GLASS etc., Will be Sold at Cost or Less until we move. Hero are only a few examples of price. You an- i.i,. invited to come In and look the stock ovor and you will ,0 that jt comprises the newest goods on the market. Coffee Set, 3 pieces find tray. Regular $35 00. Now ... $' Very Heavy Cut Class Water Set. Regular $30.00. Now !Ml.5o ltoll Trnys--A large selection to cnooso irom Regular $4.25. Now Regular $7.00. Now ) Men's Strap Watches. Regular $14.00. Now Ladies' Watches, 15 jewel Uuren, regular $15.00. Now A large selection of different makes and shapes t from. R. W. Cameron $2JK si.:, I'rince Rupert, Ik I WESTHOLME THEATRE TON Hi 1 IT ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. CLARA BOW in - "RED HAIR" All adaptation of Elinor Glyn'n tory with the vivat imi star as the gold-digging manicurist. Lovely oathin beach scenery. LANK CHANDLER, IWRENCE (iRANT, CLAUDE KIN(i. WILLIAM AUSTIN, JAC()UELINE (JADSON and olhm COMEDY "CAMPUS CUTIKS, PARAMOUNT NEWS Admission Hoc and 10c Canadian National Qfo Largcft Kailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SKHVICE SsUthgs from PRINCE llt'PKRT for VANCOUVER. VKrTOHIA, hTAIXU MONDAYS, TIII'KSOAYS, 4.00 prr , SAII KDAV. 0.00 pm For AN VOX and STEWAItT, MONIltVN. I It IDA VS. 40 pm For MAKSKTT INLET. MOMIAYS, 4.00 pm. For SOUTH (JltKN CHARLOTTE ILA.Ml. FurtnlgnUy. For SKAHIVAY, WtKNEhO.VYS. 4.00 pm. PASSENflKR TRAINS I.UVC PKINCE ItllPEIIT DAILY I:X( I:IT SUNDAY at 11 JO ajn. for PltlNCE (JKOItOi; I.HMONTOV IVINMPIG. all points Intern Canada. I'nKed btalrs. AOENCY AIJ. OCEAN STEAMSIIir LINES. CITY TICKET OmCE. t Tlllllb h E- PKINCr RUIr.llT. rt f FREE VOTINR COUPON Good for 100 Votes In the Dally News ' "Everybody Wins" (Irnnd Prize Campaign Thereby cait 100 FREE VOTES to the credit of Miss, Mr. or Mrs Address This coupon, NEATLY CLIPPED OUT, nanw and address of the candidate filled In, and mailed or dollvwed u the Campaign Department of the Prince Rupert Dally New, ' count aa 100 Fit KB VOTES. It doea not cost anything to cast these coupons for your favorite candidate, and " rf not restricted in any sonic In voting them. Got all yu can and send them In they all count. Do not roll or fold; deliver in flat package. NOTE This coupon must bo voted on or before i,m August 15, 1028. . i niMnni a t t r i TT? t 1 ' 1 tlCftk. 4 ' I . HLACK iWeriKSSh SATIN Swiss Make, JG inches wide, per yard 1.75 Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co.