fr day, August 1, 1928 TtfE DAItY NEWS Specials ! 'Tim k UK, (T Si. 1 i- 1 littT AY suits S10NtTS V own t specials i Vacuum Battles 50c Hair Clippers y 75c Modcss 50c, 3 for $1.10 Face Powder 25c A fresh shipment . . .... PACE & SHAW'S CHOCOLATES Just in Qrmes JM.' ' Jfie Pioneer Druyrisls THIRD SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES fit,200 MILEAGE IS BUILT into every part of Dominion Heavy Service Tires. Ribbed wall construction is designed to minimize the wear and aide- Hcutl'iiiK of the tire-walls where they '-onie in io;itact with curb or rut. Wp hiivo added to our staff of trained mechanics and are now in h better position to (rive motorists prompt and efficient service. See Us For New and Used Cnra S. E. PARKER, LIMITED DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - -lUE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD Smoked Daily by Canadian psh & Cold Storage C . W Prince Rupert B.C. (JOOD FOR 10,000 EXTRA VOTES First SubcriB4len Coupon Accompanied by the nomination blank and your first sub-'riptinn, this coupon will start yu in the race for the mag-tiiiM-.-nt Daily News gifts with the jrrand total of more than s,.mt) votes. This coupon inny be used only once and in valid iily when accompanied by a subscription remittance. Name of Subscriber 1 'andidata'a Name mount Enclosed ThiH coupon will count 10.WH) extra votes when refined to the Campaign Manager at the campaign office of Prince Rupert Dally News, together with the first sub-ription you obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash, "t! the subscription must be for a period of one year or ni'er. The 10,000 free votes are IN ADDITION to the num- ! given on the subacription as per the regular vote schedule. HEALTH FOUMS tMIROWAOKtWIttCIl MBJURltmSPlMl VtllM OtSUIHOf introuowiKJOMAio: i'hone Green all or Mack 283 W. C. ASPINALL chiropractor A 6 and 7 Exchange Rlock, Prime Rupert, R.C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED I... . Hailing from ITInir Huert. r JUNfoUVKU. VIUTOKIA. HWttKMin IWy. Iluleiliile. Tiiesilnv. s ii.nt, !! .M.M' Villi. VICTOItlA. nnlrdale. Alert llaf. Alert Itay. rte. Hal unlay. 1 a.m. iw ""H'MON and NAAN mvr.U POINTS. fTinay. -,,.-! Inr SIMIMIN. AUH. ANVOX. HTKWAKT, WAIJiH IW.AKH. IHIUT Humlav, g ii.m. J Ayniie. It M. HMITII. Arent. Wim U"l. ...J'''"'" tlrkels sold lit Vlrturla and wallle. and lIIHK i net sea liHIlLl" 1eMlimtlitp CEMENT WALKS SECOND AVENUE city mofiu.ui kxti:mi:i to in- rttllK MHTII SlllB OF THIS ktki:et i iiom rot ktii to ' i M:VrtNTII KTRtT.TB ' Estp irf thcUS.' cement sM-wsTr. progrsft; tft Baoorid Avenue km decided vpoa by tbc council last night !n accepting a romnOtlon from the Board of Works that iHc&l improve -mailt tytan M tntrouca tor nch walk.-; to be laid on the aoutn side ol t)i at avenue frnm Fourth to Seventh Street and also am Sixth Btreet from Wayne Place to Seennd Avwroe. Already bylaw have ben introduced for further cement sidewalks on both sides of Third Avenue and on certain sts striate. In the matter of cement sidewalks, there waa also a oommuntcatlon froai Hon. T. D. Pattulla, minister of lands, announcing that he bad arranged with the finance department that the government should pay for oement sidewalk surrounding the old Court Rouse square and that it would be Ml right for the olty to cotnakata this work on he cuth side of Second ASemie sad he west side of Third Street. At the 'UKgestlon of the mayor, a motion wat made by Aid. Prudhomme and Aid. :;uddernam trim the city engineer be Instructed to proreed with thin work. A. C. GARDE GOES TO CALIFORNIA TO TAKE CHARGE OF OPERATIONS A. C. Osrde. we'I-Knoyn In British Columbia for his knowledge ot placer deposits, haa been conunlaskwed by the eymcm Plaoer OoM Mines Ltd. of this city to take charge ot their operation in the Trinity County field In Califor nia, aays the Vancouver Star. He toft for the property Tuesday and will be itatlcnad there as consulting engineer, :r charge of operations With Mr. Oarde win be his own crew of assistant angina is and work wlB proceed without delay to open up the property on a large scale.. Plumes will be erected at osoe and definite results mry be expected this tan. The Seymour properties, controlled by t Vancouver syndicate, aw situs tad on Ooftec Creek eojnnrialng the famous Holland Mine and the Trinity clalraa covering aU ana a -quarter miles ol rich plaoar ground. In the heart of an area that has a production on record of over a quarter of a button dollars in gold inoe the Bonanaa days of "87. During his recent Inspection of the Holland Mine. Mr. Oarde proved the ex istence of Important platinum value on the property but as yet these hav not been conn: tared from a recovery standpoint. MANY SMALLER CITIES HAVE MORE FIRE LOSS THAN PRINCE RUPERT According to the annual report of the provincial are snafshej. Prince Rupert's Are taaa-dwtng the year latT was but 6 .996 The cltias of CoUllwaek, Crasi-trcok. Pernle. Kami oops. Kelowna Kew WusmilaHsi. Maetti Vaneouver. Port Moody. Prlnoe Osovge. aevelstote land. Vanusawet and Victoria, many of them ase aCaaUer. all li fire loss than Ptttste Rapert. LOCAL Ineaector WWlam sjpiasr. Ales McNeUl and OetMtakiee T. A Oamm. Q. . A Wvman and Robert Olb--na were all reooeatnended IB general orders far eaaeflrrrf work In oonneottoa with the mveathjattoa rno the murder )pt year of the school teacher at Port Bswington. the annual resort af tlx supertntandent ot provincial polio whleh has fmt came to hand, states. Man in the Moon If then la no woman In the moon how do you account for the sunt Never let the thundertngs of despair bsoottte so loud as to eliminate the whlaperlnga ot Maps. Borne people bury thekr noses so deep in the bouquets that they think Chem- -elves safe from brickbats. Other dodge briokbaU so carefully that the) never van see the bouquets. An huetjand but (allure. man is all right t a a lover he la a dead The reason people speak of the good old days la because bj those days that? were no instalments to meet. Borne people move house boeue they do not batng pofbeted by&ie nctghboH, etio;,,ote besausa, She XaM- Urd bothers.. fhem, There on thing aMtn bridge par par ties and afternoon teas, It a woman la there aha la not trying out new re nins. Who said the New Westminster is-orosss team erruM play the ganteT Atfer this I bet on John Hopkins. Some people seem to think that in the grtHt hereafter when the foil la called It will be the bank-roll tjhst will answer. I! f AGE FIVE is "Opportunity Week" QPPORTUNITY COUPON liow to Jump Ihlb First Place Extra Special Individual Offer mi 300,000 EXTRA VOTES Will be piven to any candidate turning in just one C-year subscription (eiiher new or old) to The Prince Rupert Dally Newg, before Saturday night, August 11th, at 9 o'clock. , Only four 300,000 coupons will be. credited to any candidate on this individual offer. This is an unparalleled opportunity afforded entirely new candldaies and the candidates of lower vote standing to jtiihp into Xfrst place. Name of Candidate &Triher Name Thfc 300,000"' ceupon Is fn addition to all oth? r votes.guch' as the 3K0.000 regular votes, etub votes and bonus during the ftrst period. OPPORTUNITY COUPON Good For 100,000 EXTRA VOTES Candidate's Name Snbaeriiiers: 1. This coupon, if accompanied ly four f4) Renewal one- year (or longer) subscriptions to The Prince Rupert Daily News, will entitle any candidate to 100,090 extra votes in addition to all other votes, such as the regular and dub votes as per the regular vote schedule. The four names of fmbseribers must be plainly written on coupon together with the candidate's nsjtne. Qfjsdtively only one coupon accepted for etery four Renewal subscribers. You 'may use as many 100,000 coupons as you like. This asrupoa must be used before 0 pjru, Satardsy, August llttf, llitS. OPPORTUNITY COUPON' Good For 200,000 EXTRA VOTES This Coupon, accompanied by four (4) NEW one-year (or longer) subscriptions to The Prince Rupert Daily News, will entitle any candidate to 200,000 extra votes in addition to all other votes such as the regular and club votes as pet the regular vote schedule. The fsur names of new subscribers must be plainly written on coupon, together with the candidates ' name. Positively only one ceupon accepted for every four (4) NEW subscriber. Yen may use at many 200,000 coupons as you like. This oeirpon must be used before Saturday night, August 11th, afcfi o'clock. Candidate's Name Subscribers: 4 - - ' at... : 1 4;. , For fuM-and complete information call on, telephone or write CAMPAIGN MANAGER, The Prince Rupert Daily News. Campaign headquarters located on the second floor of The Daijy News Building, 243 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, are open each ovening until 8 o'clock. PHONE 684, Nomination Wank in The Prince Rupert Dally News "Everybody Wins" Campaign. Good for 5,000 Votes I hereby entejandruat 5,000 jwesr for .1. MUat-Mr. ortMrS.l 0:UTT )H i asVi andklaWliTOie Prince' Ruiert Daily News' "Everybody Wins Prixe Distribution. Address Phone Note Only one nomination blank will be credited to each cnndldalc Nominated. ' in The Daily News GarripaTgn j Read Each Coupon on This' Page Carefully-AJbe Your Head Use Yom Pencil Nominations' . Open HOW SUBSCRIPTIONS COUNT IN VOTES If turned in during the present big vote offer of "Opportunity Week" which ends at 9 p. m. Saturday, August 11th. One G-ytar subscription counts 3f0,000 votes This constitutes two "clubs", so add 200,000 votes EXTRA voles for "Opportunity Week" 500,000 votes Total for above 8C0.000 votes If from a hew subsciber you would add 180,000 votes Total this week for 1 new C-year subscription I,0i0,0000..voles (NOTE The Extra "Opportunity Week" votes will not be allowed oil more than four of the above' to any one candidate OR-I -Four new l-ycar subscriptions, count 168,000 votes This constitutes one "club," so add . . 100,000 votes EXTRA vote for "Opportunity Week" 200,000 votes Total for above 468,000 votes (NOTE There are no restrictions on the above. You will receive the above number of votes for EVERY four new 1-year subscriptions you turn in 4uring "OPPORTUNITY WEEK.H) .. . . OR Four renewal 1-year subscriptions, count ,48,000 votes This constitutes one "club o add... 100,000 votes EXTRA votes for "Opportunity Week" 100,000 votes . Total for above 218,000 votes (NOTE There are no restrictions on the above. You will receive the above number of votes for EVERY four renewal 1-year subscriptions you turn in during "OPPORTUNITY WEEK.") ' THE LIST OF CANDIDATES DISTRICT NO. 1 .District No. 1 includes only those participants residing within the city limits of Prince Rupert. One of the prize cars and as many cash awards as there are active participants will be awarded to candidates living in this district. 1 The names of those entered in District No. 1 up to the present time, together with all votes cast for publication up until yesterday noon, are as follows: Railcy, Miss Jean M 282,300 Husscy, Mrs. Wm, 7,200 Collison, Mrs. J. M 279,000 Dominato, A 275,900 Erickson, John E 5,300 Field, Mrs. J 204,800 Frizzcll, Miss Laura 271,300 Gilkcr, Miss Edna L 274,900 Herman, Miss May 5,000 Jones, Miss Marparct 106,400 Krikcvsky, Miss Victoria 207,800 Larsen, Miss Agnes 202,500 Macdonald, Mrs. A 5,000 McAulcy, Miss Helen 5,000 McCrca, Miss Alice K 288,300 McKinlay, Mrs. Robert L. . . .'. . ? 5,000 Morgan, Miss Connie 24,900 Nickcrson, Mrs. Chas. M 2i4,400 Postolu, Spcro 70,500 Pritchard, Mrs. J. II 271,800 Rood, John 5,000 Shea, Lloyd 5,000 Smith, Mrs. Hugh M. 287,500 Stevens, John R 39,000 Stuart, Miss Sheila 211,200 Thompson, Miss May 103,500 Wcrmig, Mrs. F. 227,900 Ungcr, Miss Edna 254,200 ZareJli, Miss Ermy 289,500 DISTRICT No. 2 District No. 2 includes only those participants residing outside the city limits of the City of Prince Rupert One of the prize cars and as many cash awards as there are active participants will be awarded to candidates living in this district The names of those entered in District No. 2, up to the present time, together with all votos cast for publication up until veitorday noon, are as forows: Heaven, H. R. Queen Charlotte City 5,000 ISirnic, Arthur E., "Pete," Smithcrs 82.500 Ciccone, C Port Clements . ...a.. 5,000 Dover, Mrs. tipIerag , IJonfe. Mrs. ICwrJ,oofTO? 27100 Mcintosh, Miss MnrgSret.'Massol ' 5,000 Mriwnzif R. G Oueen Charlotte City -5.000 Ryan, Miss Kate, Stewart 5,000 Snnsum. John L Ccdarvalc 5,000 Tnvlor, Mrs. G. A., Port Essington 01,500 Wilson, Mrs. L. C, Ilazdton .... 57.900 Wilson, Miss Nancy. Anyox 5,000