SITE DAILY NEWS PAGE TWO The Daily News 'PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIi Published livery Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. - rL V. PULLEN - - Managing Edi.or. SUDSCRIPT10N RATES ... , i Citv Delivery. ty mail jSfiairier. yearly vS-Attkrit iS For lesser period, paidjin advance, ier morvEj" By mail to all parts of Nfrtneni and CenJjtfHJrititfb Columbia, v paid in advance for yearly period j?jCz. $3.00 Or four months for f. :.. $1.00 By mail to all other parta of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance per year .... $G.OO By mail to all other countries, per year $0 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION t fell on her back. supurb heights. : Tuesday, July 24, 1928 NORTH IN OPPOSITION Prince Rupert and, indeed, four out of the fire ridings In Northern British Columbia, find themselves on the Opposition side of the Legislature now. There they will be for the next four years. There need be no great trepidation over the fact. The north is at least represented by men of presents and fighters such as the Opposition should have, Pattullo, Manson, Wrinch and Kergin all have made good on the Government side. They all possess talents which should lend to similar success in their new status. How they act under changed conditions, none of them have ever sat in Opposition before, will be followed with interest. We expect of them not to be mere political obstructionists but to support the Government where they find the Government is doirig well and rightly by the country and particularly by these ridings. On the other hand, they will be expected to exercise all their powers of opposition when the government might propose to do something that it waa not for the welfare of the province or of these ridings. That is the duty of the Opposition a duty which if it fulfills will be recognised by the privince as the whale and the districts its members individually represent. With one of iheir number probably In the role of lead of the Opposition, the Liberal group from Northern British Columbia should still be in a strong position and capable of giving effective representation on behalf of these ridings. . ILVME ELLEN TERRY Probably no family in the history of the modern stage can count so many men and wotqen possessing a high order of histronie ability among its members than that of the late Ellen Terry. Kate Terry, Ellen's eldest sister, was one of the Ieadug emotional actresses of thej Victorian era. Ellen was the second daughter. Her next slate Til Marion Terry, madi jer debut in 1878 -and became a noted English actress. ' Florence Terry, youngest of the foufStsters, went oh the stage in 1870 In Charles Readea version of Moliere's "Le Maladie Imasfnaire." She died in 1896. There were two brothers. Charles i Terry became a prominent theatrical manager and had a daughter,! MiAnie who became prominent in juvenile role. Fred Terry also met Avith success on the stage. Elron made tier first appearance a sa child on April 28, 1856, playing with Charles Kean in "The Winters Tale" at the old Princess's Theatre of London. Queen Victoria, Prince Albert and the Princes Royal were in the audience and Ellen Terry reajly began and ended her stage career in the sunshine of royal patronage. She wore a little red and white coat and a row of tight, sausage curls clustered atoundl, hw hiead. 'Her'duQT was to run about the stage with a small go-eari and carrjr?nj?3tit Fer instructions with mere vigor than discretion she tipped over the go-cart handle and "A titter ran through the house arid I felt that my pareer as an actress was ruined for ever," she said afterwards. "Bitter and copious were the -tears I shed but I am sure that the incident did not mater ially alter Hie ourse of my life." Soon afterwards she was engaged to play MPuek" in Charles Kean's revival of "A Midsummer Night's Dream.' Her jsrster Kate played Titania. Ellen appeared through a trap door in tie stage at the end of the second art for a final speech. Ah impetuous stage hand closed the door too quickly, crushing her foftt. "I screamed," Miss Terry raid, "and Kate rushed over to me and banged her foot on 'the stage. But the stagehand, mistaking the signal, closed the door tighter. "Mrs. Kean rushed off the stage and made him release the door. then she whispered to Ellen: "Finish the play, dear, and I'll double your salary." Miss Terry spoke her piece and then fainted. When she was re vived she saw a strange young man leaning over and assuring her that she "would get on." It was "a new actor" of whom no one seem to know anything except that his name was Henry Irving. She found in Irving a companion spirit. The type of drama in which Irving yearned to succeed was precisely teat which Ellen Terry found most to her taste. She cared nothing for the plays im pregnated with the sordid actualities of life. Her Onhella was distinguished with the wonderful charm, that made her Portia famous... She was careful to anatce it dear that JI IXX OIUtl.OTTt: INXTITI TE -MIXV HONATIOXS CtVtm CBABLOTTS CITY. July St Onhelia wai a giVTthslhiOi aB. liar arLrxied ihe. conyl -TV encm Plete innocence of the mosf RtfJiVfiMVhitim6V andega Reviewing her life on the stage sometime before her death. Miss Terry said that it seemed "in some way to have passed as a dream. Is it not too bad that w emust leave life when we are best fitted to enjoy it? If I had devised creation I would have had everybody born old and year by year grow younger, finally to pass away in innocent infancy." CITY TO PUT IN MAIN FOR C. N. R. 1 tn( should be done (ill the pUM of the (property holders bad been submitted The mayor stated that tentative plans had already bran submitted i AMcrman crown asm wai una mv- ! ter had been discusses) previously but . . . t aft the request had cone no close to the nU 01 the yaw it was felt better r.triUTV WHICH mi Oil M II. 111.- ITKVU IS TO HE on!' IIV Tills ' postpone the matter. Vi;.H'N lioitV ! Alderman Rudder ham pointed out 1 - - that the main would net be be oon- Ooinlc!rrl)lr dlsousakm took plaoc at Ktructed on private property, last u1tf' council meeting rejcardins a I On a vote, tbe reoemmendauou was Board of Works recommendation that agreed to. Alderman C&llart voting the water pipe connection on Sixth against tte motion. Aid. Oollart won-Btreet be extended to conc?rt with the dered werr the snaney for extension CN R water main at Wayue I'lace ; which would cost $700 -would oome Alrtrrmsn Oollart thoueht that notli- from. V - FLIT KILLS FUES MOSQUITOES BED BUGS ANTS ROACHES MOTHS end drive an be- tc let Hospital was held recently at Queen Ohaetotts City sad srored one of tbe meet suc cessful events ever held in the history of tbe Hospital. The arrangement were la tbe bands of the Queen Charlotte Board of Trade. A general holiday waa dared sad settlers from ail points of Skttfegate Inlet sad many miles along the east coast arrived In oars and launches to participate In aports for botb old and young. The picnic grounds, stores and dwelling bouses were all gaily decorated with bunting and flags and a regular holiday sptrlt prevailed. The Utiles of Queen Char lotte aaslated by others from outside points served a splendid lunch on the grounds, which helped considerably to well tbe takings of tbe day. Tbe lo cal CXJXT. Olrls' stall and bran tub also netted ntae little sums A dance n the evening brougnt to s close a moa,t ssjooeesful dsy. Below Is s list of tbe wholesale mer chants and friends who responded to an appeal for funds to help equip the hospital which will shortly be opened In charge of PK-3 A. Ot JJobrrts. who Us now en "from Toroni w . v . . a. t - . Aav Charlotte A. P. AlUaodXj llEtMrpe Bros.. 126: OiUeple,ftr'lfWii S35; Pacific Ooyle Nsv. Co., tea: X- O. PattuUo. t3S: Vivian Oes Bnafiie Works, taS; Spencer Ltd.. !; Rev. R. C. Scott 118; E. Hendrlkson. tit: H. T. Oolllson. 110: Cast and Mrs J. B. OUlatt. 110, Ilaan. tlO: Hudson's Bay Co., tlO; Mr. and Mrs. J McLellan, NO: J. Ma thers tlO: J H Matthews, t: Capt. and Mrs. W Oliver, 110; Ormes Ltd, - 110: Mr and Mrs. F M Ryder ,tlO: P- Size. tlO: W W Trotter. 110; Crew of "Prince Juhu". 15.80; 11 a Alessn- der, 'St; C. Ault, U: J. L. Bexae. i; :..!, l; Urs. C Korkle. 1; Pete Mu-O. D. Bewttle. SSt H. R. Barrem. W. F.j ..U, tl: Mr. Makal. 11: Robert Oliver. Benton. St; W. H. OampbeU. IS; Q. O. .i: Mrs. C. Oaawa. SI; X. Paulson. SI: Chaateney. SS: A. Cooke,: M. Costal- J Karkle, II 00: O. Osawa. S1.00: lo, S8: D. Dempsey. SS; 3. P. Dover, IS; O. Persaon. tl; W. O. Relnhart. SI: a Dtuuap. SS: Urn. O. R. Xburne, (S: Mrs. W. Rudge. $1; A. Rogers. SI; J. B M. M. English, at; W. H. ran-batrn. t5;,Eoott. 1; W. Simpson, tl: J. Sutton. A. J. O arson, tt; O. H. JoUlffe, tt;tl; Ooldle Ward, tl: Mrs. W. W Mrs. uwrenre SS; 3. A. Hanson, ;(Wrtght. tl; A. N. Other, tl. Tota! T. O. MrSrlde. SS; B. MeetsrUne, t; Mr. and Mrs. C MeKese, M.e3: Mr. tad ktra. 3 A MW0sgit, .UlbO; R. 3. McKeade. 5: H H. MbCML til Oeo t3S3.7. Proceeds of picnic, etc. $771 13. Orand total. tessi. OtAds were reeelvsd from the foi- Id wing firms: Vancouver Milling MeRae. M; C Millar, tt: B. Mttitro, sjK klrAn Oo.. Ltd.; Lake of tbe Wood) A. Nell. SS; Oeo. Neubauer, St; 8. K iBa OS, 1. LsctUe A; Co., MoLen-Farker Ltd ,SS; Mr. and Msg,' J. Roth- ran. llelVriep i-iCo.; A. MJeOMStld ti ery ss; Mr and Mr. J ferenner, f lOM .Lftf.; Marsbsil-Wetl B. Q Co Stmtmore Mfp on.. St: nsse 1 1 rb, lOTmpsjSn Hardware Co.. Prince Ru- SS; Bnchsrdsons (Tl-etl). tt; Mrs. N, Bchafer. SS; E C Stevens, St; K. Steele; SS; Iks Thorn pon. SI; OiJ" .Turner t; ano St Hakasui. St; h. KsbayaeM, tr. H. A. Wllkie SI; x. OaMer. S3: P. Chrtstensra. S3: O. Bde. tl: Sam Fook, S3: Mrs. Front, S2; O. A3 B.. SS: Jean Haan. 19; Y Hamaaakl. SS) Mrs. L Higgina, SS: F Humphrey, tl; Thos. W. Ritson, 2; K Undwes, H: I. Martin, tl: O. E Moore. M: Rene Morri son, tl; W. J Muokte, tl; M. K. Rich ardson. t3; C M. Stevsnsen. M: Ern-est rjnwln. a E. J. Woodward, t2: J. Robsrtoon. 178: Mrs. J. Anderson. 1.B0; R. E. Allan, tl; P. Csrmlohael, tl: Mrs. A Chrletensen. II; Mrs. P Chnstensen. tl; CXT., II: Mrs. A A. Duval, tl: A Friend, tl; M. Ftaeer, tl: C & B. tl: i. tJafdlner. SI: Jock OUlatt tl: Mrs. HellswSll. 11. C. Ks- j A reo'qmiendatton from the Board Mrs. Wakefield. SB: WllUsra Woods, tl; St Works to the cfty oouncU at tbe T. H. Whiting. SS; Woodwards Ltd.. tt; Mfulsr meeting last evening that tbe W. W. Wright. I ft: C. HeBaVeC K: Am HA on Blggar Place be eompleted to width of IS feet was carried LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AITLY TO In Prince Rupert Land Reeerdlng District and situate adjaoc it to Alltford Bay, Moresby Island.. BILOcgate Inlet. Queen ChsrMtte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Pulp and Paper Manttfarrurm, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Oommenelag at a post plsnted on the hlih water mark of an Isrand; thene ff41owlng tbe high water mark around the Island to point of commencement and containing one sere, more or less PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, Aimlteant Donald Wilbur HoQadoa. Ant tor PaMtlc MltH, Limited Dated MslW,19a8. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APNA TO l.KHK ..NI In Bmlthers Land Recording District and sltuste adjoining Lot J180 on Bast Id" of Skeena River. TAKE NOTICE that Christina Corley of Pacific, B.C . married woman, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post nlanted at the southeast errner of Lot 1180, Range I Coast District; thence north 80 chains' thence cast 20 chains: thenae south an chains: t-'-ice west 20 chains, and containing 100 acres, more or lew. CHHIBTINA COKLEY. ' Dated May 38, 1828. DEMAND Tut-3la 77n -vV: - l M INK and Belter Cigarette to Win and H dr&i 1 wAntA w sty I- xna I J ETll ASM Fi E CI W H U d III IP. S SU El T,l RH Kf SPORT DRIVE FOR H0SP4TAL si rrosrn in h of the x$k m m fRk w jriKrkftifa m A BLENDED CIGARETTE OF SUPER MILDNESS 20 for 21 4 "Rupert Brand" Kippers HIE DAINT1RST IIItKAKI'AST Voilll.-SmoLed Dally by ranarli;m I7ich X, CM Qinm,fn I I.I W " 1 ion V UIU JIUI UC jM., L,w Prince Itupert. B.C. 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