CLASSIFIED HABIT reads tb Classified Ada. Svc-yone Job. advertise for It. If y;:u jf - ;u 1 . tid. locate the owner. W;.3io rcr you need, advertise for It OUT THE CLASSIFIED IIAUIT. V ;vV .NO. in. uk before retiring from of- iiut Premier MacLean. thoufb and lapaed :.' aeat by running in Victoria. Mayor J. titlnue to land the Liberate la ur Llberala allowed the new ministers to be return by ii. the OonMirvatlvea would not .'. return of Dr. Maoliaati ! acoapt tbe offer of a mw by ue Llberala who baa been re- i ii Haouean ataiea uu h na w -ui . i )y mem ben of the party la j. AIR SERVICES FORVANCOUVER TWO 1V fONCtRNN HT.UTi:i III -INEss 1MO HOITIII.KN CITY YliHTF.IID.VY Ncfn viui, July Two new air - wi-re maugurated here yeater-by the Brit tab Columbia Aid-' ' ui . tuing a trt-inotcired monoplane carrying twenty-three pae-ix'tween aeatDe. Victoria. Van- "im ine other oy the ooauner- : TrHtiiiport Oo , of Kveratt. Wtah-ctween Bveeett. Seattle and 'iw'i uaing a flw-paMena-r mono- FOOTBALL IN. EAST PLAYED WNTKKAL CANADIAN NATIONALS s WIXTMINHTKIt I.OYAM WIN-M R IN KKf'TIONAL I'LAY-rtFI'S heeded the crtea Deaa Lak.e 8 of the crowd la tame. The mayor fell unconactoua with a deep cut acroas icadara of both ConaerraUwe lbe q ntl Qad. H reconerad for i partita erprew their wUl- , brM tnetnant n route to the boast Lai Curl Peadray of Victoria and a reprewtntatlwa of the tty of Br m , attle re alto on the flight. Mayor Taylor Is resting eaally and oaaaoloua and there la evaty chsnos of his twoaeecy, phyalctana aald at today. : l'lttlli:i( KIKO AT liailLK OF NATION'! OTTAWA, July 14 It la officially announced that Bt. Hon. William Lyoa Maciiatla King. Pretnler of Canada, will attend the meeting at Oenm in September of the League of Ma-Uona Council when Panada for the flrat time takea ita eeat on the eounolt. He wlU be tbe first British premier to participate In the Oeneea Oanferanec. Senator Raoul Dandurand and Hon. C. A. Dunning, minister of railway, will also attend FISH ARRIVALS Undliii Uliler Hut I'rtrea llrllrr At 4 MAYOR Moult 2 6 ."-It NEGROES GIVE MUCH TROUBLE 3 Machine Guns and Pistols Produced in Harlem Section of New York by Police , NEW YORK, July 24There was turmoil in the negro Hi trict of Harlem when the police' tried to arrest a negro charged with heating up a negrens. It took a npecia! squad of police diHnlaying machine guns and firing pistols in the air, to clear the treeH which were filled with flat Irons book, dixheK, brick and every possible mi.sHile an the negroes har-rassed the pojjce. $V men were arrested. FLYWEIGHT CHAMP AND TORONTO BOY FIGHT FOR DRAW TORONTO. July 34. -Prankle Oenaro. world'a flyweight champion, and Bteve Mocoo of Toronto, fought a draw here last night. Enrliante Tliln Miriiliig -e- Miss Doae OTJetll of the Prince Ru- Hallbut landing were light this pert Oeneral Hospital student hurelag mornlng when only M.T00 lbs. of rlab 'stall returned to the city on the Oa-wrre oHered on the Flan Baehanje. 1 tala this afternoon from Anyos where price ruled higher with two Amertean 'she apent a holiday at her home. She buals getting 15.90 tor firsts and 8c. 'was aooompanled by Mlas Olafleon, also fur seconds. Thrwc Canadian boau got of the local hospital staff, 13.20C far firsts and 6c. tor Arrivals and sale Passengers arriving on the Catala PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE BUPEItT, B. C, TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1923. I BoStoitGrlif LAROE CABARET Special Dinner Thursdays and Saturdayi Dancing evrry Saturday nlfbt from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire. The latest and beat for the lcat. I'lione 457 Price Five Cent ALBERTA YOUTH ADMITS SLAYING MOTHER AND BROTHER Louis D. Taylor Struck by Propellor of Plane and Severely Injured rmtl lata I ml Pmtttrnm rrnm A llln mAlr? Chief Magistrate of Southern City Was Participating in Inaugura- in provincial election vutmg. with but tion of Iew Service May Recover. i ,ew poHe remainin? to be heatd from free H. F. Kergln. MIA, a lead or OUVEIt, July 24. The celebration here veaterdav afternoon "t' over h Oontmwiu opponent , ,,lK 4U ... . .. iL ,. T. W. fialoorer. Mid It u believed to be br "VH nnu U1V UIU UI a IICW MCriBI BOTVICC Vf IOC U. . OLD CABINET HAS MEETING KERGIN HAS LEAD OF 34 (oi(i:kti;h nut ki:s ikhm atli IIIDIKU CIIAM1E COMPLEXION OF ELECTION C ONTENT THERE ) 1A KOt TIM; III H.STnh DICI hm k tnootn critically injutwd. be may move. Ker I lIIMItlt MA1J.UN IH:iNU A It waa the aoclcmit threw a pall over Anyox Mine 36 " maD'lnU hlch P to be Atlln M I K.l.i Tl) COVTIM E AS atnat entbuaUatlc. , reenter 67 OHIT l lllf.F Mayor Taylor raed a fractured Orease Harbor s 'akuU and concuaalon tf the brain wnn Alloc Arm SO " IA 4 The flrat July mMtlng (leipag mto whblUai propaaaw Bat Mlauurl J ...,ni. loilowlog ti provincial rtgnt wttat M the tn uanturad Marmot n wot"' " teld ineeeraay aMMaiMm tt -at a at iha nMM ftwttar ek ... 4i .ndoienoM the defeat T raoovary n be aunrivea the Met twenty- Stewart ' ..." 107 m ! t thP 01 . tmtT ttoun Ht m atanalni lorward Twic 3 ...... to meet the retrUo ceavmlttrc wtwn Telegraph Owek . 86 IB the ' nat H inwui v --r the accident ooourr-d. Aid. Denn m- j,v-v,n h , a wui lmwiiiw no n-w new i.lmi whan Fal 30 21 33 7 63 a 7 I i,l I...,.... -J4.. ! j t . ... . """ """J tnt mere win a - i..u., ""ii tn,, iiwn hiiu oeawe II8Q an unumeiy any cha.igc in the reoult Aroordlm mi nt when Mayor Louis I). Taylor all but loat his life while & return lar vaiiabi. the vote :.' in the reception at Lulu Island field to the fourteen pas- etano Kergtn. oou. iMconer. 4sc I ;m making the trip from Seattle. It was 4 o'clock in the Mouit- 2J I-,sled of 8v'x majorm -i, and a bright sun was shining when Ilia Worship disetn- rertu-, m the p.ane upon which be had trave.led to Victoria and TlT "ST TJ 1 housands of people in attendance were as spectators, ma,ray f ...xieen vo reiograp. ewild shriek of warning went tip when -reok, ofiuet an adver majority I the mayor, apparently blinded by the Kergtn in tl.e southern portion ol the sua, went too near the machine and waa riding Sprue Creek ui a!ao reported struck on the back of the bead by the to hew given Kergln a majontj tnoug final whirl of the proptdler as '.he definite r.gurcs arc not yet availau: plane came to nat. He waa rendered and are not included In the furagoiug UMCMsloua and waa finally eatricatat) mult. om the taclted and mUIlng crowd and P.Uc report i rK to date u correcteo tftm to hoapttal where It la atatod, weiw: Anirrli-un 1 this aftarnean from the north Included Sentinel 80.000 lbs. to Booth nan- Warn saott, T. a. Oarett, j. c. Alger, erles at 18A0 and 6c. M. S. WatHter and Mr. and Mrs. Orad- Panama. 80,000 lbs. to Canadian Pish jdoek trsm Strwart; L. W. Patmore. Mlas ,n"T WIUJAM, July 84. Montreal Cold Storage at 13.40 and Sc. lOlafeon, W. H. Talbot, from Anyox ' Nationals defeated Port WU- Banler. 8.800 lb, to AUIn Plsberlee - ' '"W m sis to two it, u. rvtminion Ut 16.90 and Be. M. Whlttler, United States customs ' 11 rls here last hmIiw 1 utclaAi4bnVe ' " u' "ie in ttfi' rlalon footbftU ' ":' l"'"' " l"t nlgnt. I'lKD IIKIM IXKI UITE VANCOUVER. July J4-Dlttet In the k '' dog week ago, J. II. SmKh. ' ' " 7'' died today from Infection. 1'. "Kers from atewrt nn tK. Ostala ;'"''' included J. A. Dray. Boot. Mc- . '' Mr. and Mm. Pennlman and M. "', A: tt. Mars. 8,000 lbs. to AUIn Fisheries at : collector at juneau. returned to tne city isan Ac on sjpe Oaaala tat afternoon from nuiilun ibrtaf trb to Jtjaite and will proceed to outhend. 7.000 lbs. to AUin Piabarles ! te Alaesaja atntl tolaorrww'. at 18 80 and 6c. Imperieue. 7.800 lb, to Canadian Tlsh It Cold Storage at 18.50 and 6c. Morris H 7,000 lbs. to Canadian Plah tc Oold Storage at 18.10 and 6c. YANTOrVEK WHEAT W TOUVEK. July H- Wheat quott on Uie Vancouver Stock change on the oloniiut yesterday 134 V W. A. Talbot. asstoUnt district en gineer for the provincial department of public works, arrived from Anyox on I the Ostala this afternoon. L. W. Patmore returned to the city :on the ostala this afternoon from a was trip to Stewart on legal business. at I j Prince Rupert Clear, calm; QUEEN MAliY WKH'oMnl) P.Y LoKD LAMBiUJtNE: Her majesty's arrival at Daly's theatre, London, where she and the king attended a matinee in aid of the League of Mercy. Prince Rupert Boys Band Due Home Tomorrow After Spending Pleasant and Successful Week in Edmonton Steve DeBlock, arriving in the city last night from Edmonton, tells of a busy week which the Prince Rupert Boys' Band had in tbe Alberta capital during its recent tour. On the band's first day in Edmonton (Monday) tbey were the guests of the Swift-Canadian Co. which showed them around its plant and served refreshments. In the afternoon, the local boys had luncheon in the Macdonald Hotel as guests of the Royal Air force Band, the director of that organisation passing very. coteV-plimentary remarks as to their playing. On Tuesday afternoon, the local band broadcasted and on Wednesday thiy were the guests of the Edmonton City Dairy Co., being served ice cream and milk to their heart's content. On Thursday they had luncheon as the personal guests of Mayor Bury of Edmonton, this being followed by a drive about the city. On Friday they played at the Canadian Legion War Memorial Hall and that evealng were the guests of the Empress Theatre and heard the Etagliaa Boys' Choir. On Saturday they went for a forty-mile drive as the guests of the Woodland Dairy Co. and were expecting to participate in a church parade on Sunday. The boys were given free entry to the Exhibition and were allowed in the swimming pool twice a day. Through F. W. Doherty, president of the Rotary Club and formerly of this city, they were provided with sleeping accommodations in the park. The band is due home by tomorrow afternoon's train. FIRST SESSION UNDER NEW GOVERNMENT WILL OPEN ON JANUARY 8 January 8 he state set, , under tdtanetlon i.sueu by the , eyjttttiuj 'govaraiMfrt,' tor u.aam.aaastoanOX.e legislature By that,.- time. Premier Tolmle and the new caWtnst win be well In tbe saddle and Um Liberal Opposition will have u affairs arranged JOCKEY fc'lLt.Kll VANCOUVER July 84 illckev Moore. apprentice Jockry was thrown while exercising a horw at a race track and tem. 00. died of a fractured skuU. PATTl'Ll.Or MAJORITY 08 Returning Officer E. H. Mortimer 1 this morning gave the figures for the 1 provincial election ln Prince Rupert r.dlng. including absentee ballot re-1 crlved to dstr. as Pattulko 1.888. Thomnson. ll42. giving Mr. Pattullo! a majority 9' 08. ' There 'are sttll eight ?mall polla ' Ui 'nW ' Trote anil reports !from these will not be on hand till the' urrlval of the first boat from the Queen Charlotte Islands. CKISHED IIETWEEN CARS VANCOUVER. July 84 Bert Dean Of Vancouver, aged 40. was fatally Injured yesterday when he was crushed be- meen two mreet car at the Carrall 'Street station Nagging of Parent Incited Him to Take Her Life Says ' Young Farmer in Confession EDMONTON, July 24 Vernon Booher, aged 20, farmer's son, of Manviile, Alberta, is said by the police to have confessed to shooting hit mothed, his brother and two hired men on his father's farm on the evening of July 9 while his father and two sisters were absent. Booher in said to have ascribed his act to constant nagging by his mother and brother about a girl he "was crazy about" The police say that Dooher, who gave them no clue in constant investigations since the shooting, suddenly decided on Monday the he "wanted to end it all and I lon't care if I hang tomorrow. I don't want my l ather and sisters to have to go to court" 4- 4'W TT RAMSAY MAfllONAU) COMING HERE SOON TORONTO, July 24 The Itln-cn.ry of Rt. Hon. Ramsay Mac-donald, former Premier of Great Britain, who will arrive at Quebec on August 4 for a tour of Canada, will uke ham to Prince Rupert on Auguat 31. TraveUtag over Canadian National Railways, the former premier will visit Vancouver and will pass through Prince Rupert on hhf way East. ! LAST OF RED RIVER VOYAGEURS IS DEAD ' IXitlli CUimi. Ell Ca'rrirre Mho Par-tlriMtrd In Expedition Tn Relief Of Orarral Gordon rINE 'FRISCO YACHT HERE 4, AUXILIARY SCHOONMt, THE ELOISE, WITH NOTED YACHTMAN O.N ItOA 111), PITS I.N HERE 4. , The auxiliary schooner Elolse of Sen 4. Francisco arrived tn port this forenoon 4. for water, supplies and charts and at-4, tractad considerable attention as she 4, berthed. Owned by Oommander Plver, 4 ; president of the San Francisco Yacht 44,4,4.4,,4.4,4,4,4. club, who is aboard with his two sons '" - 'and a couple of friends, the yacht has smack a leisurly trip from San Francisco. Calling at Vancouver two weeks ago she continued to Powell Rivet where Pilot Robot Uoyd. well katwa along the. coast, was packed up. Since then the EiMee has pcft'f IT Xftrt Bay. Squirrel Oore. Otter Core. Mary Cere, Khutax Inlet and Stewart's Anchorage. Alter leaving Prince Rupert, the voyage WINNIPEO, July 24 The last of the ''U be contluued north to Ketchikan. Bed River vbyageurs. Eli Csrriere. is Powered with an Imperial 8-45 Diesel 6ead here, aoad 88. He took part in the ngice the Elolse makes 1 knou. but ! expedition which floated supplies to the "lt ail sail, makes 16 knots and Is one 'relief of General Gordon and was a of tbe fastest yachts on the coast. In I well known Hudson's Bsy voyageur. length she is 86 feet, with 18 feet beam and 7 feet 6 inches depth. Last year mih 1 inniniir niiTrtp t0 pn ln lt "am san llLHILLrilU 1 ILLL rUttUJ !rr.nci to rapirt. ARE NOW $2,0000 SHORT: 1 Itebrrt .Newman. .Former .Municipal Clerk Out On Hill. Charged With Defalcation MAILLARimiXE, July 24 A short age ln municipal funds first estimated at tSAOO has now reached 810JO0. Reeve Macdonald report Robert Newman, former municipal clerk, is out on ball, chnrged with defalcation. STOCK QUOTATIONS Noun CJolnj Prlre Today on Vancouver Etxhantr (Courtesy of S. D. Johfison Co.. Ltd. The following quotations were bid and asked: Argenta Rufus. lc t8c. Bayvicw, 1C, 7c. B. C Stiver. II 80. tlM. Big Missouri. &c , fTHe. Cork Prsvuwe. 88c.. 8tc. Dunwell. Mc.. 84c. Duthie. Mc., 41 06. Oeorge Copper. 84.S8. 84.78. Oeorgla River. 84c., 84 c. Oolooada. 84ViC. MVc. v Orandvlew, 84c.. c. Irtdependenee, !(.. 18e. Indian, Sc., 7c Kootney Plorence. 16 He, 38c. I A L.. 8c. 10c. iJikevlew, nil. 4c. Lucky Jim. 82c. . 88Vc. Marmot Metals. lOMc 10c. Mormot River Oold. Oftc. 10c. National Sliver. 18c nil. Noranda, 887.W. ft60. Pend-OreUle. 814.10, 6I4J0. Porter Idaho. 74e.. 78c. Richmond, nil, 4Vtc Ruth Hope. S6c.. 88c. Sliver Crest, lie. llfto. SUverado, 87c. u. ' Premier. HJ8. 81. incan King, 'ftHMI.' Strearaauli" Ut., ' a:-Terminus. Sc.. 10c. Topley RlehfMd. Tc, S7c Toric. 83.60. ttM. Whitewater. 636. $3M. Woodbine, STHc. 28c. JAPANESE AND CHINESE CLASH RELATIONS STRAINED FOLLOW1NO CANCELLATION OF TREATY .NATIONALISTS AND lNSt'R-' . UENT.J I1UHT TOKIO. July 34. Japan has refused to accept the Nationalist Ctd&ese government's cancellation of the Calneae-Jap-anese commercial treaty Snd notified Nanking that it ecAstdere China took an Illegal step In the oaaottleUoa. Relations are further streaned between the two eountrle. OHK POO. July 34. Fighting between Nationalists and lnaurfeats lasted for several boun. An American sailor, patrolling the diplomatic quarter. "was In the hand. FIVE SEATTLE JAPSDROWNED CAR I'LCNUEK TllltOl (111 FEHRYIIOAT INTO WATERS OF LAKE WASH-INOTON LAST NlCHIT MATTLE, July 84. Five Japanese T. skida, lus wife, two chUdten and s neighber lad were drowned last night waen the Suda ear plunged from a ferryseat at Leschi Para late Uke Wah-lngton. Suda. in baste to board the ferry, last control of the Machine which ran through the boat and plunged through the gates at the bow. Three persons in the car were rescued. CHIEF FORESTER IS OFF TO AUSTRALIA r. Z. CairrhMl Will Heprnmtt HrltUh Columbia at llrlllnh Umpire (VnferenT union steamer Oatala. Cant a. John-1 VICTORIA, July : P. Z. Caverhlll. tone, returned to port at 1 :46 tnU af- chief forester for British Columbia, teraoon from Anyox. Stewart and other leaves for Aastralla oa Wednesday to northern ports of call and will sail at represent the province at the Drltlau 8 p.m for the south. Empire Forestry Confer kt.