PAGE SIX More Time for Vital Things More time for mothering more time for your pleasant household tasks more time .for .happy living.. All these we Rive you in addition to doing your washing and ironing. Decide to-day to exchange your family bundle for these better things that we can offer you! Arrange nnw to hate our roulcman call so that you can add two days of leisure to next week's calendar. THE IiAUNUKY DOBS rr REST CAm AN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 For Those Odd Moments A comiikle range of Fancy Work Doudoir Seta, Aprons, Centres, Runners, Cushions, etc. Boil - proof Embroidery Cottons, D.M.C., Cortkelli, and Wildspur in all shades. For up-to-date Embroidery Work come to "The Nobby" Deraers For your Smart Wool Phone 27 Suit P.O. 327 MILK MILK Fresh Pustcurizcd Milk and - Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone C57. Dr. Alexander Smith Mock Phone 675 DENTIST Jams New pack of Strawberry JdnyMthft) market npV,jtfhy u'se'yoMjroWri make yetywheh you can buy fresh stock? Pure Strawberry Jam, 4 lb. '"Ins 75c Pure Raspberry Jam, 4 lb. tins 700 Red Currant Jam, 4 lb. tins IBM 00 Black Currant Jam, 4 lb. tins 7."0 Apricot, Gooseberry and Loganberry Jam, 4 lb. tins 05 c Plum Jam, 4 lb. tins . . . (100 Crab Apple Jelly, 4 lb. tins. 500 (While they last) New Potatoes, 9 lb. for 250 New Potatoes, per sack Fresh Beets, 4 bunches i!50 New Carrots, G lbs !I5c Fresh Peas, 3 lb. for. U50 Lettuce, 3 for 25 f Green Onions, per dozen Jl5c Green Onions, 3 bunches lOf Vegetable Marrow, each 100 Spinach, 3 lb. for 250 Radishes, 3 bunches ... 100 Tomatoes, Hothouse, per lb. 25? Tomatoes, Hothouse, icr basket '. 000 Plums, per basket 750 Lambert Black Cherries for preserving or eating, per lb 250 We believe this will be the last of the cherry season. Order them now! Red Currant, Black Currant, Raspberry and Gooseberries are in good condition. Order them from Hussaliem Grocery CO. LTD. 417-123 5th Ave. East LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitun Moving. JTILL ROOM IN NEWS' CAMPAIGN OFFERS OPPORTUNITY OF MAKING MUCH MONEY IX FEW WEEKS' TIME Have YOU considered TneiDallv News' iBVfcrilSdy Wl&lcWnpafcfi ior Mursllf? -og you opportunity. toitnake more money lii Jut a few weeks of your ipafe'taomentt.'thsn you will probably ever have again? Do YOU know tbat the five .biggest prizes in this campaign are a $1,200 Fontlac Sedan; an I860 Fcrd Tudor Sedan; one prize of 1500 In cash and two prizes of 1100 each In cash? Do YOU know that you nave the jpportunlty of winning any of the above prizes without one cent of expense to yourself? Do YOU know that If you qo not win one -of b big prizes you are uuAitAN itiiu a cosn prize equal to 10 per cent of all money you turn In for subscriptions? Do YOU realize that you can reotlve full details of this mammoth offer without obligating yourself at all? Do YOU understand that by entering this campaign NOW you are getting off to an even start as, at the present time there are not as many active candidates as there are big prices? The News' "Everybody Wins" Campaign Is a meritorious plan from beginning to end. Every precaution has been taken to safeguard the Interest of the participants, and everyone Is absolutely assured of fair and Impartial treatment. It Is a -plan which ultimately works to the best Interests of all. fa candidates profit. The News profits. And the local "merchants who use The News' advertising columns profit, in that the success of the enterprise will place The News In more homes. Considering the liberal dlstrloutlon ol prteea and the My way in which even the biggest of the prizes can be won in just spare hours, it Is very puzzling to I we campaign management wny were has not been more response to this generous effer. There should be at leant ae many active candidates as there are big prises. Consider this opportunity for yourself and receive the full details at once. INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE In order to give every one wbo participates In this big campaign the greatest possible . assistance and to properly handle the circulation so that each new subscriber will get hlr paper promptly and so avoid confusion. The Dally News has secured the services of a Circulation Campaign Manager. He lr thoroughly experienced In this line of work. He wttl give his entire time and attention to those who desire to take part in this gift distribution. If theft la anything you want to know about this campaign, anything jtdu do not under stand, call and ree him or telephone him. The Dally News campaign office (located on the second floor of The News building. 243 Third Avenue. Prince Ru pert) will be open from 9 m. to 8 pin. each day. You will always find the Campaign Manager here. Put him to work for you. He v.111 be glad to help Telephone him If you wish. Telephone 634. If you prefer a representative will call and explain just how to go about Canadian National Steamships Co. L'tnited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ms (Ml AMS flK-UinOS AMI SHIPYARD Operating (i.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists. Roilermakers, HlHcksmilhii. Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINC. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 HEALTH FOLLOWS OtlROMKTKCMRKTJ PR1SSURC ON SPINAL tVU IN DISUSES OP TncrouowiNOOituuci Phone Green 241 or Hlack 283 W. C. ASPINALL fltf Iftrtltlt a Wfra.Xlt Hives uuiuuriuusiuu (stomach V lOWElt jtMnttSii G Mnd 7 Echane Mock, Prince Rupert, IJ.C. Washes and Dries Without a Wringer. THE NEW SAVM 59 per cent Faster From hamper to line in 14 minutes- . Washed, Plued, Rinsed and Dried. Sold on easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 THE DAILY NEWS arc turning their cars in on GAR-OWNERS new Chcvrolcts faster than ever, with the result that wo ore getting finer cars than ever in trade. Wo know that thero is a Used Car in our stock that you will bo proud to own . . the right car for you. And wo can assure you that it is marked at the lowest possible price. Satisfied customers are our greatest assets . . that is why you are sure of a square deal and fair value in a good used car here. Come in and inspect the "right cars at the right prices". Easy terms arranged. cu.icie Price) current an as follow: LARD WALKER & ROSS, Print Rupert, R.C. . IS rffX winning .the gift of your choice, if you request It. Market Prices Purs 96c Compound 30c EtJHS DC. frah pullets 40c 11.0. free fusts 46c B.C. treah extras fiOc Local hw laid tOe nsu Smoked kippers, lb. 16o Kippered salmon, lb. 34c Smoked black cod. lb. 30c Flouan haddles, lb. 3Sc MliATB fowl, Ma 1. lb Mo and 40c Boastiag chicken. lt. . . 4o- BroUera 46c Man. siloed, first grade Mc Hun, wkwle. first grade Mc Ham. pfeate, lb taVtc Cottage foils, lb. , Uaon. back. sIleM Soc Baoon. aide ..s 45c to 56c Pork, dry salt 36c Ayrshire bacon, lb. 35c Veal, shoulder 36c Veal, lain 40c Veal, leg 3c Pork, shoulder 98 Pork, loin ; 40e Pork, leg 31c TIM HER SALK XD237 Bealed Tenders will be redelved by the Minister of Lands at Victoria. B.C., not later than noon on the 6th day of August. 1VU8. for the purchase- uf Licence X0237 to cut 3,016.000 r.B.M of Spruce, Hcmiuck, and Oedar on an area adjoining Lot 1817. Ttclnlty of Ssndepit. North end of Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Island Lands District. Thirty 30 years will be allowed for n-moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Vic tor in, BC or District Forester, ter. Prince Buperti P.O. IN PRORATE IS TIIU SI l'KKMK f'OI ItT OP IIKJTISII I'OI.IIMIIIA In the ilatter of In the Ufa uto r ot McDonald. Deri take KoTiavimHr mr Honor. P lcB YdWTBrTthe 11th day Julv. A.D. 192 A I was aonolnted Ad mlnlttrator of the estate of Petr McDonald, decessed, and U parties hav ing claims against trie aeld estate are hereby reaulred to furnish same, pro perly verified, to roe on or before the 13th day of August, AD 1038. and all partlee Indebted to the estate are- re quired to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Dated the 12tn dav of Julv. A.D. 1038 Princs Rupert, B.C. DEAL BR lleef, pot roast 15a to 300 Beef, boiling 13fce to IDC Beef, steak 30o to 4 Jeef, roast, prime rib 39r isU). chops 60C Lamb, shoulder SS Mutton, leg 40c imb. leg 48c Mutton, chops 40c Mutton etaouMer SOc IIUTItR Bruok field. Sbasaroclc sod Woodland lb '....SOc K.CI.. 3 lbs. for Mb Oapltol. Sad grade, lb 45c Mo. 3 grade. S lb. bricks 61.40 Freier Valley, a lbs for 95c Alberta Creamery 4Sc Mew Zealand, in bulk 4c prints, a lbs for Mr ravima OI illauunrh oBm ClltDHK Camembert eheeat, 8 oc. pkg 6V ut 11110 wrpf, m m h unwio aouas sec Hew Zealand solids SOc gtllton, ib 40r Kraft 46c Norwegian Ooat 65c MapolsoTi Ltebeeger 70c Roquefort 7in wltts- BmfcfMd. lb 4tr Oergorawla. lb. 75c McLaren's Oream, Jart ... 4S and 86e Braokftald Swiss oMeee. lb. pkg. 39c Qruyere , 4tc Brook field Canadian vheese, H lb. pkg. Oarllc, Imported, per lb New Cabbage, lb New green onions, per bunch turnips, 3 lbs. for tV?'' 36c Ooldtn Luttf, 16 46c Jack, lb 60s Romano BerU lb. . . f 76c Uaounelost, lb 300 BUfiAR White, per 100 $7.6 Yellow, per 100 67.00 txouu Flour, 40's, No. l hard wheat .... tSM Pastry flour, 10's 06c Piatry flour, 40 tJ0 i;(H:r,tni.i;H New boets, 3 ltw. for 36c Beets, suck 63.76 Carrots. New California, lb 10c Old potatoes, 8 lbs 36c Back , 12.36 .New potatoes. 8 lb. 36c Buck ISM Parsley, bunch 06c 36c 10c 6c 36c 36c bo 36o ts.ofr age Bunch beets, 3 for ac Hunch white turnips io Fresh mint go Long English seedless cukes 36e White apine eukea 35c Vancouver local lettuce, 8 for 36c Bpinach, new crop, 3 lbs. - 35c California celery 30c and 35c Armstrong celery, 3 lbs 380 Oreen peppers, lb 40c New r.uiuaitr csullUower .. 2ie sud iioc s eason 91 The Acme Importers' Backward ! . '' Ends on Tuesd y Night If you have not yet visited the Acim ; - during their Backward Season Sale, there i ; i,. ;, opportunity to fill your requirements of Real ty;;.1 itv Goods at Ileal Sale Prices before Tuesday m . THE ACME IMPORTERS Third Avenue Good Values in Belfast Linens IRISH KMIIKOIDEREI) PILLOW ( ASKS Artistic uYaiKH.", Scalloped eugeH, lar- i,- 52.25 jml S3.75 pa,r HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASKS Made from llorricks' Cottons. The Rest you can . 51.75 r Pair PURE LINEN LUNCHEON SETO Pretty colored borderts of Rose. Green, Blue and Yellow A SET 52.95 EXTRA HEAVY IRISH LINEN TRA TOWLLLIMU Cream Only. 75c yrd LINEN TEA TOWELLINC Checks and stripes, splendid colored quulitv. 3 YARDS FOK gJ OO "THE NOBBY" WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY. 7 and J p.m. Milton Sills and Doris Kenyon in "The Hawk's Nest" A Sen.itionul Drama of the Underworld. MONTAGUE LOVE, MITCHELL LEWIS, STUART HOLMLS SOJIN AND OTHERS Admission COMEDY "SAY AIM" PARAMOUNT NEWS 35c and 10c Canadian National c7ht Largeft, Railway Syflem in America MONUAVM. TlieitMliAVfl. 4 00 p.m . H.VTl'llDAYK, 0.00 p.... for ANVOX and HTEWAHT, MONDAYS, IIUIMVS. 4.00 p.m For MAMKUTT INLKT, MONDAYS, 4 00 pjn For smiTII (JUKKN CIIAHHITTE IXLAMw. Fortnightly. For SK.UHVAY. WKD.NESDAYS. 4.00 pan. I'ANSEMIEII TRAINS I.EAVB PRINCE RIU'ERT DAILY EXCEI'T SUNDAY at J1.30 a.m. for TUINCB OKDIMIE, flMNT0N. WINNIPEG, all poind Eastern Canada. United States. AdENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 628 TIIIHl) AVEH PHINCB It U PERT. Wool '