-da.v, July 24, 192S THE DAILY NEW? PAGE FIVE Ten Years Ago 'No ire Question 1 ho lowest prices I The In Prince July 24. Rupert 1B18. state of Honduras ha declared and CASH i our hintory. was upon Germany. i WOOL INDIGO ! Hon. John - Minister or "Inanoe. SHUGK n practlMlii impleted arrangements $6S; now for. the -ren if the OmlnfA ifnuMm rjre, rap. BP r -.,.. JjW7 lit WrnPWJTfT w Hazeltou to Smith! , vi . ; er ttie more oentrul lo- Serge, f"ep. $C0, now OjpTO'ofjgspi rtter town. "gaEBSsg7jgpsiBaaBi mrvsmxt ' mum I'PM gajlanianasaaig $."( -Vrjre. reg. $50, now The new-3Beal Dove bua 1 on th SIO street and aJng business from Orme's i f ine Worsted!!, Super id, Foxhound Tweed h or Scotch Tweeds, MI finest quality ma-,.i astonishingly re- : rices. in today and let us . Mir mi-usure. Best i .iii.-hip aiid fit guar- finer thpTaimr r.-ond Ave. Phone 619 lurpet our steam md cleaning ser-called for and I " any part of the (i K US TODAY WALLACE CO. LTD. LADIES' lathing Suits in JANTZBN UNIVERSAL' and I 'EN MAN makes i:TIIINC. HELTS H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd. Phone 9 i (! venue and Fulton City Meat Market Solvit llros. (J Vte. Phone 7G5 "T K "NSAKK Mirier nnrsk ost i.e fiKekncrvcr i i sukkerkavringer hvefc-konpkker ' f rupkonmkker -Kn knekki-hrnd ke flnltirod . v 'A' Mrr O.s.V. ' fcv. nrer. Hilllge prlscr. Hiirtitr onthringclse Bathing Suits with Skirts 1 r IioyK, Girl nnd Children I UK JERSEY WOOL Ui-gular 2.50 S1.U1I Montreal Importers y H. Miller. Proprietor, "Wd venue. Prince Rupert, COAL Your choice H'-.N ( ASSIDY W'EL-Kt LIMJTON TKLKW'A " ' o liulkley Hny nnd Crnln. ' 1 " Uohin Hootl Flour. Phone G8 p::pel Fact! Co. oorner. The German Army la tfU In re-toeat and the Crown Prince hu called jtor help from Ruppreeht of Bavarlu. British, French and Americana all re-pott advance. Queen Mary Chapter I.OJ3JS. realiz ed T7.80 at 1U sale Ut Friday. The Trade and Labor Council an notated 8. V. Oox, Geo. Hudderhain and 8. D. MaodonaM a oonunittee to nuke pretiaalnary arrangement for Labor Day port. TERRACE Mima Bather Moore arrived from Van couver on Friday to spend a hoit holiday with her parent Mr. and Mm E J. Moore. She waa accompanied from Prince Rupert by Maa. Hugh 8m. th rnd two children who are also ? uesu at the Moore home. C. R. OUbert returned on Friday fol- K-wlng a abort buaineea trip to Haz- etton. Mra. H. C. Creelman and children of !Uek spent a few daya in town during then past week. Mr. Creelman. who waa fonaterly C.NJt. station agent here ha bean transferred to Topley. where Mrs Creelman and children will join turn rater Before leaving for his new porltloo Mr. Creelman purchased a new ear here. Mr. Henderecn. who wns station agent at Uek before Mr Creelman, Is returning, to take over the work at that point again. Mam. Lamb and two children of Prince Rupert, who have spent the past few wewka a Uie guests of Mrs. W 8. aatbnaon. left tar bonne on Saturday. I I The asm oal picnic of the United Church Sundny-acbool waa held on Friday afternoon on the picnic grounds on Little's Island. A large number of kiddtea were in attendance and there was also a good turn out of Sunday school teachers and other sdults to heap la making it a very enjoyable j aSair. A awed program of aporu was carried out after which a picnic .-up j per waa theriwsghly enjoyed The puny I returned to town about etx o'clock tie- j lighted with the Oafs outing , ' Mia. Bmmmltt cf Vancouver. arr:v-; ed on Friday on a visit at the home of her son Dr. Brummltt. of Terrace, j 0b waa am in Prlnee Rupert by Mm j Brummltt, Jr. who aeeompanled her to Terraee. Mn. Perrawtt of Copper City, formerly of Terraee. waa taken to the Har-elton boapltal on Saturday for medical i treatment. Sr. and Mn. Brummi't accompanies) her and returned home on under. Mra. Robert Blaace and daughter of Prince Rupert arrived on Saturday to ; spend a holiday at the home of Mrs W. A. King. Mm. Marry King left on Friday on s vMt to bar slater Mra. Donaldson of Tatkwa. Mra. King's father ho reentry arrived frstn KvighuMl and la also visiting with Mra. Donaldson Member of the leeal Canadian U- gkm with their families enjoyed s picnic on Sunday at Lakalae Lake. A jfcara eppwd participated in the outing -srieaiker of ears and traeka were Employed to take (be crowd to tlie 'li.ae what kablea weae laid and lunch-r. n psreaVHI'of program of "porta was carried out and boating and uath-! enjoyed. Following supper the party ifturncd to town. ALICE ARM A big dance waa held at the Alice Arm Motel on Saturday evening ! H. F. Kergln, M.LA., returned home on ThuraeJay after spending election day In Anyax. w. A. Talbot, aaaVrtant dlatrlot engineer for the provincial department of public woraa, has bean here from Any-os far the past few day on official duties. Mra. L. O'Connor and family have i to AHre Arm after an extended ITlalt In Rd Vea. Alberta. They were accompanied by Mra. Dale. Mr O Con- Inor'a mother, who will be here until nett eprmg. $ Peteiwou. ooaaulMng engineer tof tbe Tlaar JfUm. vlalted the pro perty during oe weea. Mim MePariane baa arrived from Port lummend to vult with ner aum. n. J. A. Anderson. w . sootaman and though he -..um. believer In the we nituww" .. . Ar mMiioal science he roarvess-o. ....h lbd lost Ms rt.arwcieri.... - 'trait Of eannlncaa for on going Eu-lee-fV :r,tmeht for re-,)wn..lnr V r ,. bv i-!.ih he bough, a one way twrat- " '"T travel for hal ttut journey he would Nomination Illank in The Prince Hupert Daily News "Everybody Wins" Campaign Good for 5,000 Votes I hereby enter and east 5,000 votes for Miss, Mr. and Mrs. as a candidate In The Prince If u port Dally News "Rverybody Wins Prtre Distribution. Address Phone Nole Only one nomination blank will lie credited to eaeh candidate nominated. fo nothing to request full details or to enter the Campaign. And it may mean a great aeai lq you. man or uring n coupon at once. It may be your passport to "better times' the means of getting more enjayment out of to get in on this GREAT OFFER takes only astamp or a trip to headquarters and it doesn't obligate you in or bring in the coupon. The opportunity of owning one of these cars is certainly worth that little trouble. Send or Bring This Coupon in Today for Yourself or a Friend You Are Invited to Participate Questions and Answers QUESTION Is 4 hare a feparate list of awards for each of the two districts? ? ''fSSESt ANSWMit Yav Bergs of the districts it assured one of the two big enclosed automobiles and just as many eaih award as their are active eaa- Q UESTI ON I Iw t iheterrttory divided? ANSWER The territory covered by The' Daily News has been divided into two eeparate districts in order to Insure an es)nitabie distrrbntlon of the many big? irifta. One of these districts is in the city of Prince Rupert and the other district comprises oniy the territory outaWe ifiee Bopert city limits. The candidates in one district are NOT in competition with the candidates in the other district for the district prises. y QUESTION How many active candidates are now entered in the campaign? ANSWER At the present time there are not as many active candidates as there are big prim. I. Question May I secure subscriptions outside of ray own district? ANSWER Yes. You may secure subscriptions and votes anywhere. QUESTION Since I am allowed to secure subscriptions anywhere, why are the prises set aside for different districts? ANSWER The prises are set aside in different districts to make Ism cam petition for the resfwethr) candidates. In order to win one of the big eaclosed cars you do not have to have more votes than the ether other candidates throughout the entire territory covered by The Daily News. Yon only have to have more votes than the few contenders in your own district QUESTION How are votes obtained? ANSWER A certain number of votes are given for subscription payments, as shown in the vote schedule,. and by the coupons which appear in the paper. QUESTION May subscriptions be taken from persons now subscribing to The Daily News as well as from new subscribers? ANSWER All subscriptions, whether new or renewal, count a certain number of votes m shewn by the vote schedule. QUESTION May I take subscriptions to be started at some future dste? ANSWER Yea. Simnty make a notation oi the stab in your receipt book to that effect. QUESTION How ean I enter the Gift Distrfbetion? ANSWER Simply by filling oat the noamlasMiblsmlLaiaring on this page. Semi or bring it to this of flee, ""Sm, ' : v QUWQIsjP. tMK aaything to esAtrt5- ... . ' V. .;tftj!itWB tost you one cent to Mitianwin everfWS&e , 4 . . ' " ' " ' '$jtP$' 1 ,. ..' : "QUaBTlDNw-Wbe is the best Ume to enter? - , 1 ANSWEll Now, while subscriptions count the most votes. More vstos. .srejriveo iiurincJh fi r?t .Turtthe eftmiAlpn than will be given later. QUESTION Will subscriptions be wortli more to -r.e later in the campaign than they are now? . ANSWER Subscriptions are positively worth many !raes more votes durring the early part of the campaign than they will be at any other later date fn the campaign. QUESTION Is there any danger of the campaign being extended or called off? ANSWER Positively no changes will be made in the campaign. The full details and particulars as published will be strictly adhered to and not altered in the least QUESTION Am I assured any compensation for my time? ANSWER Every active participant who fails to win one of the big prliea Is GUARANTEED a cash award equal to 10 per cent (one-tenth) of every dollar they turn in for subscriptions. x , QUESTION Who will win the two big eaclosed automobiles? ANSWER The two people who realize that the good things of life have te be gone after. Nothing worth having was ever gotten without some effort. If you have the determination to enter and sajf to yourself, "I am going to win," your battle Is half won. QUE8TI0N Where and how can I secure any further Information or assistance regarding the campaign? ANSWER The Dally News hss secured the services of a Circulation Campaign Manager who is thorosKbly experienced in this line of work. He can be found at The Dally News office eurh day from 9 a. m. until 8 p.m. and is hire tor the sole jwrpose of wmtsUBg eaeh proon who desires Informs-tlon and assistance on the canjalin. Phone i til B M anevrroys y . " .:V::':'H' - 1; S. ".. For full and complctcinformation rcallfbn, telephone or write GAAII AIiiN iMAMAUPJK, inc rrrince icupert uaiiy Campaign Headquarters located on the second floor of The Daily News Ruilding, 213 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, are open each evening until 8 o'clock. PHONE 531. ACT NOW! Everybody Wins ACT NOW!